First Appearance: June 27, 1966
Last Appearance: October 3, 1967
Portrayer: Ralph Oliver, June 27, 1966 - October 3, 1967.
Departure: Returned to Chicago once Flo Murray had been pardoned for Danny Fargo's murder.
Introduction Scenes: (June 27) At The Alley, taking the order of Danny Fargo, Flo Murray, Ed Blake, and Sally Chance.
(June 28) Outside the Alley to Danny Fargo, "Danny, I would if I could, honest."
Exit Scene: In the hospital waiting room, "Yeah. take care of yourself Madge, you hear me?"
Occupation: Waiter at The Alley.
Notes: In 1967, Charlie's last name alternated between Rushinberger and Rachenberger within scripts. Actor Ralph Oliver worked as a waiter in real-life while appearing on AW.