First Appearance: December 6, 1972
Last Appearance: March 29, 1974
Portrayers: Joe Hannaham, December 6, 1972 - December 14, 1972.
James Douglas, December 20, 1972 - March 29, 1974.
Departure: Accepted a job as foreign correspondent at the London Sentinel.
Introduction Scenes: (Joe Hannaham) In the Carrington Study, to Louise Goddard Brooks, "I have to rush right out again to interview Senator Morrison."
(James Douglas) In Dennis Wheeler's bedroom, to Alice Matthews Frame and Dennis Wheeler, "Good evening, you two."
Exit Scenes: (Joe Hannaham) To Louise Goddard Brooks about Alice Matthews Frame, "Give her a chance. You may even end up liking her as much as Dennis and I do."
(James Douglas) At the Nurses' Station of the hospital to Alice Matthews Frame, "Goodbye."
Other Whereabouts: New York City (-1973). London (1974-1981), Switzerland (1979).
Spouses: Iris Wheeler (divorced by May 1974).
Lovers: Paige Marshall (1981).
Flirtations: Alice Matthews Frame (1972-1973).
Medical History: Suffered mental breakdown.
Legal History: Former POW in Cambodia. Shot Alex Wheeler (RIP).
Current and Former Occupations: Newspaper journalist for Cory Publishing. Television journalist (KVIK, Texas). Author of A Journalist's Diary of Eastern Europe.