First Appearance: January 11, 1980
Last Appearance: December 6, 1982
Portrayer: Warren Burton, January 11, 1980 - December 6, 1982.
Arrival: Came to promote Tracy DeWitt's singing career.
Introduction Scene: In Houston, as guest of honor of a band's promotional party at the Bellman residence.
Exit Scene: Lying in Steve Frame's arms, "She's the only woman I ever loved. Tracy. Tracy."
Date of Death: December 6, 1982.
Cause of Death: Shot by Ilsa Fredericks (RIP).
Place of Death: The Connection.
Lovers: Tracy DeWitt (RIP) (1980-1981) and Melissa Needham (fiance) (1981).
Dates: Olivia Delaney (1980) and Julia Shearer (RIP) (1982).
Occupation: Crook. Music promoter.