First Appearance: August 11, 1976
Last Appearance: December 17, 1979
Portrayer: Dan Hamilton, August 11, 1976 - July 20, 1977; July 11, 1979 - December 17, 1979.
Arrival: (1976) Hired by John Randolph to replace Barbara Weaver.
(1979) Returned as his new boss, Kirk Laverty had set up operations in Bay City.
Departure: (1977) His new employer Elena DePoulignac sent him to Milwaukee on business.
Introduction Scenes: (1976) To Jim Matthews about John Randolph, "They still at the courthouse?"
(Reintro, 1979) To Iris Wheeler in front of Kirk Laverty's suite, "Iris..."
Exit Scenes: (1977) To Vera Findley, "I'm off the hook, Vera. Find another gigolo."
(1979) To Vivien Gorrow in Iris Wheeler's suite, "Okay, Vivien, I've had enough interference from you--"
Birthplace: Chicago (probably).
Date of Death: December 19, 1979.
Cause of Death: Shot by Larry Ewing.
Place of Death: A hospital room.

Lovers: June Laverty (* and 1979) and Clarice Ewing (1976).
Flirtations: Marianne Randolph (1976) and Elena DePoulignac (1977).
Legal History: Killed Kirk Laverty (1979). Held Iris Wheeler and Vivien Gorrow hostage.
Former Occupation: Lawyer. Executive assistant for Kirk Laverty.