Birthplace: Boston (?).
Date of Death: December 5, 1995.
Cause of Death: Stabbed by Carl Hutchins with a letter opener.
Place of Death: The Cory mansion living room.
Other Aliases: Justine Kirkland (maiden name). Contesse Duvalier.
Other Whereabouts: Nice, France.
Relatives: Grant Harrison, son. Ryan Harrison (RIP), son. Anna
Callahan, sister. Kirkland Harrison, grandson. Fiona Merriman, niece.
Spouses: Spencer Harrison (married about the late 1950s. Dissolved about 1966).
A Count (RIP).
Lovers: Carl Hutchins (late 1960s, 1995).
Medical History: Presumed dead from about 1966 to 1995. Suffered from severe psychological
problems. Hit by a train and suffered damage to the right side of her face and the loss of her right
hand (1995).
Legal History: Kidnaped Rachel Cory (1995). Poisoned Spencer Harrison and Lorna Devon
(1995). Imprisoned Vicky Hudson (1995).