Classic Photos
- Mary and Jim
- Alice, Granny, Janet, and Pat
- Liz and Bill
- Tom and Pat
- Bill and Missy
- Pat, John, and Alice
- Jim and Mary
- Bill and Liz
- Bill and Liz
- Lee, John, and Pat
- Lee, John, and Pat
- Jim and Mary
- Bill and Michael
- Missy, Bill, and Pat
- Susan, Fred, Lenore, Walter, and Peggy
- Jim and Mary
- Jim, Mary, and Russ
- Steve, Rachel, Russ, and Alice
- Missy, Jim, and Mary
- Jim, Liz, and Mary
- Russ and Rachel
- Lenore and Walter
- Charlie and Madge
- Missy and Bill
- Ada and Russ
- Missy and Pat
- Steve
- Alice
- Steve and Alice
- Steve and Alice
- Russ, Rachel, and Alice
- Sam and Lahoma
- Missy
- Ernie and Ada
- Cast photo, Christmas 1969
- Announcer Bill Wolff
- Emily Mason and Michael Thayer
- Rachel and Ted
- Ted and Rachel
- Pat and Alice
- Walter and Steve
- Alice and Steve
- Steve and Alice
- Steve, ?, and Alice
- Steve and Alice
- Steve and Alice
- 2,000th episode, summer 1972 (Mary, Gerald,
Ted, Rauch, Peggy, Rothenberger, Jim, Ada, Rachel, Michael, Marianne)
- Cast photo, fall 1972
- Set, possibly Eliot's NYC apartment
- Lenore
- Peggy and Lahoma
- Lenore and Helen
- Lenore, Helen, and Pat
- Alice and Eliot
- Mary, Jim, and Liz
- Alice and Mary
- Vic and Lenore
- Rachel and Liz
- Steve and Rachel
- Cast photo commemorating first ongoing 60-minute episode
(Legend to photo)
- Mac and Rachel
- Mac and Rachel
- Mac and Rachel
- Rachel and Judge Merrill
- Willis
- Linda
- Cast photo, 1976
- Angie and director Ira Cirker
- Hair and makeup
- Sharlene and wardrobe mistress
- Vic and Willis
- Molly
- Robert, Iris, Mac, and Rachel
- Mac and Beatrice
- Louise
- Emma, Ken, and Pam
- Barbara and Willis
- Mac and Scott
- Vic and Barbara
- Dennis, Marianne, and Molly
- Angie and Willis
- Glenda, Marianne, Pat, and Michael
- Gil and Ada
- Alice and Russ
- Alice and Sally
- Jim and Beatrice
- Beatrice and Raymond
- Beatrice and Raymond
- Matthews House
- Dennis and Molly
- Glenda, Michael, Darryl, and Marianne
- Ken and Mac
- Willis and Darryl
- Rachel and Dave
- Iris and Russ
- Molly and Emma
- Iris's mansion
- Iris's mansion
- Iris's mansion
- Iris's patio
- Olive and John
- Gwen and Russ
- Burt and Ada
- Burt and Clarice
- Alice and Ray
- Group Shot (1977)
- John
- Willis
- Michael and Pat
- Clarice and Charley
- Brian and Iris
- Iris
- Iris and Mac
- Iris and Vivien
- Janice and Mac
- Janice and Mac
- Douglass Watson at the Emmys
- Russ and Olivia
- Philip and Cecile
- Gwen and Willis
- Philip, Cecile, and Pat
- Sandy and Pat
- Blaine and Jerry
- Blaine and Jerry
- Sandy and Blaine
- Larry and Bob
- Henry and Louis
- Cass and Mac
- Felicia and Cass
- 19th Anniversary
- Felicia and Carl
- Royal, Jamie, Peter, Cass, and Mark
- Catlin and Sally
- Ada and Rachel
- Jake, Vicky, and Marley
- Josie, Billy Porter, and other singers
- Ken and Rachel
Screen Captures
- Mitch, Ada, and Russ
- Rose, Paul, Kit, and Joey
- Mitch and Brian
- Kit and Joey
- Rick, Marianne, Cecile, and Jamie
- Larry and Blaine
- Nicole and Perry
- Larry, Blaine, and Catlin
- Marley and Donna
- Sally and Alice
- Grant II and Dee
- Carl
- Henrietta, Larry, Clarice, and Quinn
- Amanda, Nancy, and Matthew
- Cecile, Peter, and Donna
- M.J. and Kathleen
- Maisie, Rocco, and Tony
- Zane, Felicia, Daphne, Michaud, Sally, Cass,
Kathleen, and Daniel during the Night of Gold
- Zack, Julie Ann, and Al Edwards
- Vince, Cheryl, and Mary
- Vicky, Nicole, Donna, and Michael
- Vicky and Marley (photos)
- Cass and Mickey the Puppet
- M.J. and Chad
- Jamie and Peter
- Vicky and Lisa (first meeting), and Jamie
- Chad, Scott, Jamie, and Dawn
- Cecile and Reginald
- Scott and Dawn
- Iris
- Donna and Iris
- Sharlene and John
- Matthew and Josie
- The Red Swan (incognito) and Lucas
- Vicky and Evan
- Cass and Jamie
- Matthew
- Lucas
- Frankie
- Frankie and Sharlene
- Rachel, Ken, and Paulina
- Ryan and Jake
- Evan
- The reading of Mac's will
- Cass and Frankie
- Felicia, Mitch, and Lucas
- Laurence Lau and Anne Heche at the 1989 Emmy's
- Amanda, Rachel, and Jake
- Brava/Sophisticate
- Rachel, Carl, Jake, Amanda, and Iris (freeze frame)
- Cass A. Nova
- Josie and Gary on World's Funniest
- Evan and Iris
- Carl, Rachel, and Iris
- Charlie and Morgan
- Felicia, Iris, and Paulina
- Jake
- Donna, Steven, and Kirkland
- Chris, Gary, and Jake
- Loretta and Rachel
- Cindy, Ryan, and Grant
- Paulina
- Joe, Sofia, Nick, and Cass
- Vicky and Jake
- Marley, Vicky, and Jake