MAY 4, 1964 (EP. #1)
Mary noted to Jim that Granny had remained silent since Will's funeral and questioned whether Jim should have insisted that Russ attend it. Jim and Mary were curious when Tom unexpectedly stopped by to briefly speak to their daughter, Pat. Pat dodged answering Jim and Mary's inquiry into the reason for Tom's visit. Mary preferred to remain home when Jim went to comfort Liz over the death of her husband Will, who was Jim's brother. Granny gently chided Mary for not accompanying Jim to see Liz. Granny sadly reflected to Mary that she has little in common with Janet, who may feel that Granny favored Will and Jim over Janet during their childhoods. Mary was touched when Granny stated that she thought of Mary as a daughter instead of just a daughter-in-law who married her son, Jim. Granny decided not to elaborate on her remark about Susan's closeness to Will or her initial reservations towards Liz when she and Pa first met Liz. Jim tried to encourage Liz to lean on the love and support of Bill and Susan as they cope with Will's death. Liz reminded Jim that she had inherited the family business from Will and expects that Bill would take his rightful place at the accounting firm in the future, though Jim emphasized that Bill wishes to be a criminal attorney instead. A glum Susan noted the estrangement that she has with Liz as they failed to talk about Will's death and disagreed on the ways in which his absence had affected them. Liz was relieved when Bill arrived home from the university campus to visit his mother and sister, Susan.

Notes: First and only appearance of Sarah Cunningham as Liz Matthews.

MAY 5, 1964 (EP. #2)
Ann Fuller noted that Missy was treating her like any other social worker wearing a uniform instead of her close friend. Missy told Ann that Bill is nice to her at the Kopper Kettle, walks with her around the college campus, then sadly admitted to Ann that she cannot relate to Bill's father dying because she never knew her own parents. Ann theorized to Missy that the sudden death of Bill's father has forced her to face the reality that she may need to step outside of the world that she has created for herself. Bill, home from campus because he felt he was needed, spent the time trying to reconcile Susan and their mother, Liz. Susan grew despondent remembering how she had been at her father's side when he died. Susan told Bill she has felt lonely since their father's funeral on Saturday because she and her father had been very close. Bill tried to console Susan when she groaned that Liz never needed her. Susan said Liz was too possessive, but Bill said it was "just competition" between a mother and a daughter. Pat was irked at Alice for being suspicious that their father, Jim, was spending a lot of time at Liz's house that evening. Alice needled Pat that because she bought a car, she could not afford to live on campus and so was forced to share a room with Alice at home. Pat called Alice "youngster" every time Alice ruffled her feathers. Alice reminded Pat that Bill dislikes her new boyfriend, Tom Baxter. Alice worried about Russ's reaction to Will's death. Mary thought Pat was being insensitive when she said it is time for the family to start living again.

Ann: (Introduction Line) "Missy?"
Ann: "You know how long I've been here?"
Missy: "No. Don't stay if you don't want to."
Ann: "You asked me to come here tonight. And for the first time in over three years, that's how long I've known you, you don't want to talk to me."

Pat: "Oh stop saying 'Aunt Elizabeth.' Everyone calls her 'Aunt Liz.'"
Alice: "But she doesn't like that. Anyway, I didn't go because - I didn't know what to say."
Pat: "About what?"
Alice: "That's a stupid question - about Uncle Will's death. You know, Pat, I never thought much about death. Oh, I remember when Grandpa died, and Grandma came here to live with us. But I was only 12 then, and Grandpa's dying didn't make much of an impression on me. Besides I used to think when you got old you died. But Uncle Will was only - 48 years old."
Pat: "Alice, ever since the funeral Saturday we've talked about nothing but Uncle Will."

Notes: First appearance of Olga Bellin as Ann Fuller. Ann is described as 24 or 25 years old who is "not pretty, but there's a serenity, a calmness about her that might prompt one to say, 'You know, at times that woman is almost beautiful.'" For an unknown reason, Alice is renamed Frances (Fran) in this episode only. She is listed as "Alice" in the above script excerpts to maintain consistency on the AWHP.

MAY 6, 1964 (EP. #3)
Jim told Mary that he took a walk after visiting with Liz. Mary joked that Alice was Jim's favorite child. Mary disapproved of Pat dating Tom, but Jim warned Mary that it would be a disaster should they try to dictate whom Pat could or could not date. Mary insisted that she and Liz never got along because they do not have anything in common, despite that Jim suspected that Liz and Mary had been estranged since Jim and Will entered into partnership. Granny told Jim that she was upset that Mary did not accompany Jim to see Liz. Jim was sympathetic when Granny confessed that it has been harder to cope with the death of one of her children than losing her husband. Granny assured Jim that the family would come to terms with Will's death. Jim remarked to Granny that Janet has never been close to the family. Granny fretted to Jim that Janet does not have a life outside of work, but Jim opined that Janet prefers to concentrate on her career. Ken, an executive at Janet's agency, was shaken when Janet was brusque with him during an intimate evening at her apartment, but chalked it up to Will's death. Ken told Janet that his family was a closed subject. Janet told Ken that she has kept her family at a distance. Janet cited the fact that Granny never cried when Pa died or when Jim went to war to justify her remarks about Granny's "steely quality." Janet revealed to Granny that Will had financed her college education, which she had paid off once she had started working. Granny felt certain that Janet would settle down and enter a "woman's world" once she finds the right man.

Granny: (About Janet) "She kind of lives in... I guess you might say another world."

Granny: "You'll change, child. Someday a man will come along, and I mean a real man, and when he does, you'll change. You'll stop fooling around with a lot of men, and there'll be - just one man. And then - then, Janet, you'll be a woman."
Janet: "I don't want that world, that so-called woman's world. I've chosen another world to live in."
Granny: "Just don't stay there too long. Don't stay there too long, child."

MAY 7, 1964 (EP. #4)
Janet was melancholy while musing to Jim that it seemed impossible that her nieces and nephews were growing up so fast, that she felt old, and had not accomplished anything of value. Jim and Janet discussed Will's death. Janet told Jim that she does not feel like a member of the family despite being fond of Mary and her children. Jim urged Janet to be optimistic that she would find happiness someday. Jim and Mary hoped that neither Pat nor Alice would become unfulfilled career women like Janet. Jim and Mary thought of Liz being lonely as they noticed that the weather had changed from rainy to a beautiful, starry, balmy summer night. Liz sadly gazed at Will's belongings and their wedding picture. Liz emphasized to Bill that Will had built a substantial clientele as an established accountant and was capable of running the business alone despite accepting Jim as a partner. Liz advised Bill to take the necessary coursework to become a CPA so that he could meet the responsibilities of marriage since life was uncertain and Bill would always have a place at Will's accounting firm. Ken pointed out to Janet that she has financial security, success, and recognition in her field to quell Janet's regrets over never being in love. Janet broached the topic of marriage, prompting Ken to emphasize that his wife and son are off limits. Liz made acerbic remarks to Susan about Janet's lifestyle despite Susan's admiration for her. Susan rebuked Liz's efforts to keep her from moving out of the house and doubted that Liz would truly care whether she remained at home or found her own place.

Jim: "Come here for a minute." (SHE GOES OVER TO THE WINDOW AND HE PUTS HIS ARM AROUND HER) "Look out and tell me what you see."
Mary: "Why don't we open the window." (WHICH HE DOES) "It's been raining since Saturday, Will's funeral. And tonight -- I can't believe it. All of a sudden --"
Jim: Yes. All of a sudden - no more rain."
Mary: "It's a beautiful May night."
Jim: (John Beal, Exit Line) "And all the stars are out..."
Liz: (Audra Lindley, Introduction Line) "That was - Will's..."

Notes: Last appearance of John Beal as Jim Matthews. First appearance of Audra Lindley as Liz Matthews. Janet and Jim state that Bill is about six months older than Pat in this episode.

MAY 8, 1964 (EP. #5)
Bill ran into Missy on the college campus, which was next to an old bridge that led to the law library, and was the place that Bill and Missy first met. Legend had it that a female student jumped off the bridge and drowned because of a failed love affair. Missy gave Bill condolences upon learning that he had not been at the Kopper Kettle where she waitresses since Will had died. Missy told Bill that she enjoys working at the Kopper Kettle and hopes to attend college. Bill was unaware that Missy had fabricated a story about her deceased parents after Bill mentioned that he worries about Liz. Liz believed Bill's claim that he would be home for dinner for the next few weeks. Liz told Bill that Susan had requested money so that she could get an apartment of her own. Bill comforted Liz and reassured Liz that her life would continue without Will. Liz was reminded of Will while gazing at Bill and listening to him talk. Granny calmed Alice's fears and satisfied her curiosity about death, which had been active since Granny had moved into the Matthews' house after her husband died five years ago. Granny advised Susan not to leave home despite the fact that she dislikes Liz as a person and disapproves of Liz's actions. Susan told Bill that she prefers visiting Jim and Mary instead of remaining at home. Bill admitted to Susan that he wants to get to know Missy better, but was evasive when Susan probed him for details on Missy. Susan hinted to Bill that she could recount a story that would make Bill understand her issues with Liz and refused to promise Bill that she would not move away.


Bill: "Oh it's you, I didn't recognize you. I just wondered who it was who threw something into the creek."
Missy: "Yes, it's me. Did you think I was-- one of the students?"

Susan: (Fran Sharon, Exit Line) (about leaving home) "You're a sweet guy, Bill, but I can't promise you anything."

Alice: "Mom and Dad and Russ drove to Oakdale."
Granny: "Don't they have some friends who live in Oakdale?"
Alice: "They know people there but not friends, Granny."

Notes: Last appearance of Fran Sharon as Susan Matthews.

MAY 11, 1964 (EP. #6)
Alice joked to Jim about the "Keep Out" sign that used to hang in his den when Pat, Alice, and Russ were children. Jim agreed to plead Alice's case to Mary once Alice had convinced Jim that she was perfectly capable of being a junior counselor at camp that summer. Tom informed Pat that he planned to pursue an M.A. and possibly a Ph.D. in psychology, but was undecided on enrolling for a stint in the army in the future. Pat admitted to Tom that she tends to play it safe when she tried to resist Tom's passionate embrace and kisses. Mary complained to Jim that she had to accompany Granny to visit Liz because their stroll led them near Liz's house. Mary opined to Jim that Russ needs more attention than Pat and Alice because he has been moody and was not doing well in his classes. Jim told Mary that they make decisions concerning their children as a team. Mary agreed to consider allowing Alice to be a junior counselor at summer camp. Jim advised Mary that he has learned to tread lightly each time that he mentions Tom to Pat. Jim concluded that it was the right time to question Pat about Tom when Pat arrived home from a date with Tom floating on cloud 9. Pat acknowledged to Jim that Tom is popular with girls, but countered that Tom is a good student, athlete, and nice person. Jim suggested to Pat that Bill's unfavorable opinion of Tom may be something to consider carefully. Pat asked Jim to have faith in her judgement and lessons that she was taught growing up when Jim expressed concern that Tom and Pat's relationship might be progressing too quickly.

Jim: (PUTS PAPER DOWN, SMILES AT HIS YOUNGER DAUGHTER) (Leon Janney, Introduction Line) "No signs."

Pat: (About Janet) "Someday she'll find another world, a special world where they'll be a man."

Notes: First appearance of Leon Janney as Jim Matthews.

MAY 12, 1964 (EP. #7)
Pat and Tom greeted Missy near the bridge as they went to sit down on a bench that was in front of shrubbery. Tom told Pat that he has dinner once a month with his father, Ken. Pat refused to join Tom in speculating whether Bill and Missy were "making out," but was intrigued as Tom mentioned that Missy keeps male admirers who frequent the Kopper Kettle at a distance. Tom told Pat that he would like to host a small party consisting of them and two other couples at his parents' lake house during Memorial Day weekend so that they could swim, go boating, and play tennis. Pat worried about her parents' reaction to Tom's plans since it would be an unchaperoned party at a lake house out of town. Bill accused Missy of leading him on when Missy adamantly refused to have dinner with him, but Missy stated that she was used to eating alone at the Kopper Kettle because she gets free meals for working there as a waitress. Bill was somewhat mollified when Missy agreed to accompany him to the law library. Janet invited Ken to have cocktails, dinner, and an evening at her apartment alone. Ken tried unsuccessfully to placate Janet by revealing that it was the evening of his monthly dinner with his son, Tom. Janet sarcastically remarked that Ken had mentioned his son despite that Ken avoids discussing such matters with her. Tom assured Ken that he had no intention of marrying the girl that he has been seeing for the last several months. Ken agreed that Tom could have guests at the lake house should Ken and his wife decide against using it during Memorial Day weekend.

Ken: "I'd like you to know that once every month I have dinner at the club with my son."
Janet: "Well bully for you."
Ken: "It's important to me. And I'd like to think it's important to my son."
Janet: "Mr. Baxter, you just opened that book titled 'My Family' - the book you wanted kept close between us. Now let's keep it closed. Have a nice evening..."

MAY 13, 1964 (EP. #8)
Missy smiled while gazing around her bedroom and briefly clutched a stuffed teddy bear until Ann came in response to the telephone message Missy had left for Ann at her office. Ann gently chided Missy for disliking Tom because she does not know him personally. Missy confided to Ann that she enjoyed spending time with Bill at the campus bridge, but grew flustered when Bill asked her out to dinner and would happily trade places with Pat whom Missy considers a real lady with a loving family instead of being an illegitimate girl and orphan without a birth name. Mary was amused when Pat complained about Alice's youthful exuberance and insistence on helping Mary to keep the house clean. A lonely Liz came to see Granny since Susan had an appointment and Bill was at the law library catching up on some reading. Granny tried in vain to convince Liz that she would grow accustomed to being alone and stressed that Susan misses Will. Liz griped to Granny that Susan never confides in her and seemed anxious to leave home. Granny advised Liz to talk to Susan directly instead of attempting to probe her on the conversation she had with Susan about Will's death and leaving home. Mary was short with Pat when she inquired into the reason that Mary chose not to join Liz in visiting Granny. Pat informed Mary that Russ resents Alice for being an honors student while Russ must attend summer school in hopes of passing his sophomore year of high school. Pat was sketchy with the details of her plans for Memorial Day to Mary, who suspected that Pat's plans involved Tom.

Pat: (about Russ) "Why is he always alone?"
Mary: "Oh he's going through a phase."
Pat: "A part of that phase includes his very brilliant sister, Alice in Wonderland."

MAY 14, 1964 (EP. #9)
Russ griped to Mary that he lacks Pat and Alice's intelligence. Jim and Mary got Russ to admit that he failed mathematics and science and that his teachers predict that he would not pass his sophomore year. Russ balked at the idea of attending summer school and insisted to Jim and Mary that he wants to quit school and get a job. Jim and Mary convinced Russ that the three of them should discuss the matter further before he makes a rash decision. Mary opined to Jim that she thought Pat was being devious over formulating her plans to spend Memorial Day with Tom and a few other couples. Jim reassured Mary that he would put the screws to Tom should he and Pat's relationship become serious. Liz was disappointed that Susan had not stopped at Jim and Mary's house and was not coming home for dinner. Bill and Liz cleared the air about Susan's animosity towards her and Bill hypothesized that Susan feels Liz does not believe anyone misses Will as much as she does. Bill protested to Liz that he could never fill Will's shoes, but agreed to make an effort to talk Susan out of moving into an apartment. Bill was perplexed when Liz rejected his suggestion that they visit the college campus since she was a graduate. Liz was intrigued when Bill mentioned the time he has spent with Missy, her peculiar reaction to his dinner invitation, and Bill's description of Missy being a unique and unusual girl. Alone in her small boarding room, Missy spoke to herself at length about her feelings for Bill and fears about telling him that she came from an orphanage and lived in foster homes.

MAY 15, 1964 (EP. #10)
Pat reamed Bill out for interfering in her business by blabbing to Jim that Tom has a reputation as a ladies' man, which caused Jim to question Pat about Tom. Bill warned Pat that she had blinders on concerning Tom and expressed hopes that Tom does not disappoint Pat. Tom defended his interest in girls to Pat. Tom asked Pat to the senior prom, then reminded her that he would be pursuing his master's degree while she completes her final year as an undergraduate. Tom happily told Pat that he secured his parents' lake house to use during Memorial weekend for the two of them and two other couples. Pat maintained to Tom that she wants to clear their Memorial Day weekend plans with Jim and Mary instead of just packing a suitcase and leaving without giving her family notice. Alice was noncommittal when Pat begged her to dip into her savings accounts to loan Pat money to buy a new bathing suit. Alice asked Pat whether or not it would be a good idea for her to invite Janet to her high school graduation and open house celebration in June. Ken impulsively came to Janet's apartment to explain his relationship with Tom, but Janet got defensive when Ken opined that she could not understand the bond between a parent and a child. Janet reflected to Ken that Will understood her as a woman and a working professional, that she has nieces and nephews that she loves, and questioned Ken's reasons for distancing himself from his life in the suburbs with his wife. Ken suggested to Janet they quit talking about their emotions since he came to spend the evening with her.


Ken: "...It's amazing."
Janet: "What is?"
Ken: "How the efficient, business-like, almost unfeminine commercial artist I see in an office can be so completely transformed into --"
Janet: "A woman?"
Ken: "I was going to say someone as feminine as you look tonight."

MAY 18, 1964 (EP. #11)
Missy was ecstatic when Ann surprised her with an icebox that she had installed in her small boarding room. Ann reacted with slight amusement and wonder that Missy insisted on getting two bottles of soda to put in her new icebox in case she entertains company since she was not afforded housekeeping privileges at the boarding house like cooking. Missy expressed gratitude to Ann for being in her life, but could not help but lament that she was an orphan and an illegitimate young girl. Ann told Missy that there are some things that she must accept, but predicted that Missy would meet a young man someday who would make her feel special and loved. A hapless Bill botched his visit with Missy at the Kopper Kettle when she was evasive about her reasons for declining his dinner invitation the other day and for not celebrating her birthday. Bill chastised Tom for treating Missy rudely as his waitress at the Kopper Kettle. Missy saw through Tom's feigned politeness and made herself scarce. Tom lambasted Bill for badmouthing him to Jim, but Bill pointed out that Tom brags to his fellow fraternity brothers about his conquests, had pride in his reputation, and warned Tom to be careful with Pat. Alice reminded Mary that she was becoming an adult and that they had previously discussed her plans to be a junior counselor at camp during part of the summer. Mary urged Alice to consider her future carefully in response to Alice's statement that she may not attend college in the fall. Bill maintained that Tom was Pat's business when Mary tried to pump Bill for information on their relationship.

Bill: "Hi, youngster."
Alice: "Will you stop sounding like my sister? Both of you are forever calling me youngster..."

MAY 19, 1964 (EP. #12)
Liz told Bill that she would not give Susan the money to get her own apartment because it would cause Susan to falsely believe that Liz does not want her to live at home. Bill tried unsuccessfully to press Liz for details on her rift with Susan that may have centered around Susan being hospitalized at Memorial Hospital for three months when she was seventeen or eighteen years old due to contracting a severe case of mononucleosis. Liz told Bill that Dr. John Bradford had called earlier and asked to come to the house to visit the family. John told Liz that Susan was an excellent technician at Memorial Hospital. Liz stopped to regain her composure after she and John reminisced about Will being well-liked, kind, and altruistic. Bill grew uncomfortable when John supported Liz's assertion that it would be preferable for him to follow in Will's footsteps by becoming an accountant instead of a criminal attorney. John and Liz were puzzled by Bill's concerns over whether Missy would go out on a date with him. Liz failed to stop Bill from impulsively leaving the house to visit Missy and to check out her new icebox. Janet introduced herself to John when he arrived for their scheduled meeting to discuss Will since John had been his doctor. John told Janet that Will had suffered from a cardiac condition for the past five years that he had concealed from his family. Janet was mortified when Ken used the apartment key that she had given him during her conversation with John. Ken was forced to return the key to Janet, who remonstrated him for coming to her place without providing any notice.

John Bradford: (Introduction Line) "How are you, Bill?"
Bill: "I'm fine, Dr. Bradford."
Liz: (SHE'S UP AT THIS POINT) "John, how nice of you to come." (BILL LOOKS FROM ONE TO THE OTHER)

Janet: "I'm sometimes referred to as the very odd one in the Matthews family."

Notes: First appearance of John Crawford as Dr. John Bradford.

MAY 20, 1964 (EP. #13)
Bill surprised Missy by coming to her boarding room to see her icebox. Missy awkwardly talked to Bill about wanting an icebox and attending night school. Bill was puzzled when Missy evasively declined his invitation to take her on a drive and stated that there were several things wrong with being a girl like her. Missy opined to Bill that Pat was too nice for Tom whose reputation she had heard other students gossip about frequently. Missy was touched when Bill left to buy a bottle opener because he realized it meant a lot to Missy for the two of them to drink a soda together. Susan was close-lipped when Pat inquired into the reason that Susan never went to college, but Susan maintained that Will would not have been bothered by her chosen profession. Susan listened intently as Pat described Tom, his family, and admitted that she was serious about him. Pat decided to accept Tom's Memorial Day plans for them after Susan remarked that she echoed Liz's sentiments that Jim and Mary seemed to keep their children on tight reins. Susan told Bill that John was about forty years old and had lived with his mother until she died a couple years ago. Bill hinted to Susan that they should spend time with Liz because she was a widow who did not have many friends. The "inner" Missy reminder her that she was a nobody and must protect herself from becoming an unwed mother by getting trapped by a man. Pat tried to convince Mary that the world had changed since she was Pat's age. Mary voiced her disapproval once Pat revealed that she would be keeping her Memorial Day plans.

Bill: (About Liz) "She's going to have to make another world for herself. She's going to have to find some escape. We all do, Susan."

Pat: "Sue, we haven't seen very much of you since -- well since your father passed away." (HOLD PAT DOWN AS WELL AS SUE)
Susan: (Roni Dengel, Introduction Line) "I haven't been anywhere, Pat, I haven't seen anyone really. But I did want to see your father tonight. I thought surely, he'd be home."
Pat: "I don't expect the family home until late. They met Dad downtown, had dinner and went to a movie."

Notes: First appearance of Roni Dengel as Susan Matthews.

MAY 21, 1964 (EP. #14)
Missy remarked that she wished that she had a mother like Mary when Pat complained that Mary was too overprotective and conservative. Pat was moved as Missy revealed that her parents are deceased, praised Bill for being a nice person, and called Pat a lady. Missy was intrigued as Pat told her about Alice and Russ. Pat joked that Tom was used to being popular with girls when Tom acknowledged that Missy does not seem to like him. Russ confided in Pat that he was afraid of being a disappointment to Jim and Mary and that he would not amount to anything in life. Pat told Russ that she was unsure of becoming a teacher once she graduates even though she was getting a degree in education. Russ fretted to Pat that he could only confide his feelings to Pat, Bill, and occasionally Mary. Pat told Russ that she has considered getting married to Tom once she graduates from college. Mary felt sympathy for Russ, who reiterated his intentions to quit school and get a job. Mary decided against joining Jim in talking to Russ about his failing grades since she surmised that Russ might be more comfortable having a man-to-man conversation with Jim. Jim convinced Russ that he had not found himself yet, that getting a job without a high school diploma would not serve him well in the future, and that he should attend summer school. Jim was disappointed when Pat chalked up their disagreement over her Memorial Day plans to a misunderstanding between generations. Pat told Jim that she was keeping her Memorial Day weekend plans with Tom despite Jim's disapproval.

MAY 22, 1964 (EP. #15)
Janet hinted to Ken that she might find employment elsewhere unless she gets a raise because Janet had been loyal to the firm and two other agencies were interested in recruiting her. Janet spoke philosophically about the two Ken Baxters: one who is a married man living in the suburbs with his wife; and the other who was a commercial artist with a personal association to Janet. Janet and Ken considered that it might be to their mutual benefit if they ended their affair. Susan told Liz that she had dinner with Dave Wilson to inquire about the terms of Will's will as she was hoping an inheritance would fund a new place to live, but Liz maintained that Will bequeathed everything to her. Susan told Liz that they could come to like each other once she had a place of her own and could meet on a different basis. Liz refused Susan's request to borrow $1,000.00 because Liz was certain that it would confirm Susan's suspicions that Liz did not want her to stay at home. Liz told Bill that she suspected that Susan was always jealous of her, but Bill contended that there must be an unknown reason for Liz and Susan's estrangement that Susan seemed willing to divulge to Bill at some point. Bill promised to tell Liz about the conversation should Susan reveal the details of her animosity towards Liz. Janet and Susan debated on the causes of distance between a parent and child as they discussed the family. Janet agreed to loan Susan $2,000.00 under the condition that Susan retain close ties to the family, unlike Janet who regretted keeping the family at a distance for many years.

Susan: "Well I think of Elizabeth Matthews as a wife, it's been a long time since I've thought of her as a mother."
Janet: "Oh, so that's the way it is between you."
Susan: "That's the way it's been since I was a small girl. If it hadn't been for Dad I'd have -- Please, Aunt Janet, don't think I'm being disloyal --"
Janet: "That word again. No, I won't think anything of the kind."
Susan: "Since Dad is gone, I don't feel there's anything left for me at home..."

MAY 25, 1964 (EP. #16)
Jim conceded to Mary that Russ blindly obeyed his suggestion to attend summer school and that Pat's insistence on keeping her Memorial Day plans with Tom proved that she was going through a rebellious phase. Jim admitted to Mary that he may be slightly jealous and protective of Pat because she seemed to be falling in love with Tom, a boy that Jim barely knows personally. Jim cautioned Mary not to forbid Pat from attending an unchaperoned party during Memorial Day weekend or risk Pat doing something else that would cause them to lose Pat. Mary vowed to Jim that she would reiterate her disapproval of Pat's plans to her again. Laura was delighted that her "two men" (son Tom and husband Ken) were both home for dinner. Tom praised Ken and Laura for respecting his need for independence. Tom laughed when Laura mentioned that the mothers of his many girlfriends had been talking to Laura about him. Tom was evasive with Ken and Laura about the girl he would be spending time with during Memorial Day weekend. Laura recalled that Ken was very popular with girls in school, that they got married quite young, and were happy during the first few years of their marriage. Laura fretted that Ken was unhappy living in the suburbs and would prefer an apartment in the city. Ken urged Laura to get interested in the "real world" instead of dwelling on the past and the death of their daughter, Judy, who died of polio at the age of 10 ten years ago. Pat accused Jim and Mary of fussing over her. Mary pleaded with Pat to get a chaperone for her weekend with Tom to no avail.

Laura: (Introduction Line) (on the Baxter residence patio) "Oh, Tom, it was rather nice having my two men at home for dinner tonight."

Notes: First appearance of Augusta Dabney as Laura Baxter.

MAY 26, 1964 (EP. #17)
Missy told Ann that she would like a restaurant to choose should someone invite her to dinner, that Bill was nice, and wished that she had the courage to warn Pat to be careful of Tom. Missy talked to Ann about Bill's unexpected visit. Ann tried to ease Missy's regrets about being without parents by relating that she clashes with her own parents and the people in her neighborhood because they come from Europe and retained old world values. Missy grew teary-eyed while telling Ann that she tries to forget unpleasant facts about herself and life in general. Bill told Susan that Missy was unbelievably naive yet keenly aware of her surroundings. Susan expressed amazement for Bill, who fervently defended Pat's Memorial Day weekend plans with Tom. Bill tried to intercede when Liz and Susan got into an argument because Susan had taken out suitcases to pack for when she moves into her own apartment. Susan revealed to Bill that she was engaged at the age of eighteen to George Bowman until she was hospitalized for three months because of contracting mononucleosis. While Susan was in the hospital, she realized that Liz was pushing her and George to get married, which made her feel like Liz was trying to get rid of her. Bill told Susan that she was not making sense and defended Liz, who maintained that she was acting as any other mother who wished to see her daughter happy. Missy was engrossed as Bill talked about his family. Missy ordered Bill not to call her Melissa, and panicked and bade a hasty retreat when Bill placed his arm around her in a friendly fashion.

MAY 27, 1964 (EP. #18)
Mary was skeptical towards Liz's assertion that she and Will had wanted Granny to live with them when Granny's husband died five years ago. Liz told Mary that no one can understand the way it feels for her to suddenly become a widow and noted that Granny thinks of Mary like a daughter who had almost replaced Janet in Granny's life. Mary warned Liz that young people refuse to take the advice of the older generation to justify Mary's doubts that Jim would be any more successful than Liz at convincing Susan not to leave home. Mary stirred Liz's ire by remaining impartial towards Liz's conflicts with Susan and pointed out that Liz rarely sought her advice concerning personal problems. Mary thought of feeling non-existent to Liz for the past fifteen years. Liz found Janet's address with the intention of confronting her about writing Susan a check, though Liz had claimed to Mary that she wanted to express gratitude to Janet for sending her sympathy flowers. Liz was intrigued when Bill recounted Missy's strange reaction to him innocently placing his arm around her. Bill insisted to Liz that neither Susan nor Missy harbor any thoughts of getting married. Liz told Bill that Susan misinterpreted her intentions for encouraging George and Susan's engagement and groused that Susan was always her "father's daughter." Ken and Janet flirted while relaxing over cocktails after work. Ken spoke wistfully to Janet about remaining in a marriage for convenience despite that it lacked communication. Janet resisted Ken's concerted efforts to convince her to return his key to her apartment.

MAY 28, 1964 (EP. #19)
Tom begrudgingly agreed to Pat's request that he pick her up at the Matthews' house when they go on their trip to the Baxter's lake house. When Alice noticed that Pat seemed to be in a blue funk while she prepared to go away with Tom, she tried to raise Pat's spirits by telling her that she was fond of Pat. Alice told Mary that Pat seemed subdued and quiet as Alice helped Mary sew name tags into t-shirts for Alice to use during summer camp. Pat tried to ease Mary's objections towards her holidays plans with Tom by insisting that Mary must abandon her old-fashioned mentality and adapt to the present. Mary stood firm on her stance of right and wrong despite that Pat was desperate to get Mary's approval towards attending an unchaperoned house party with Tom. Alice informed Pat that she had been accepted at Sarah Lawrence College, but revealed that she wants to leave her mark on the world before she gets married. While daydreaming about Tom, Pat told Alice that she was more concerned with marriage than having a career and warned Alice against emulating Janet's lifestyle. Janet refused to apologize to Liz for not visiting her after Will had died since Janet had never visited the family while Will was alive. Liz pointedly remarked to Janet that Will never talked about her to refute Janet's claims that she and Will enjoyed a close relationship. Janet got defensive when Liz accused her of interfering in Susan's life by giving her a $2,000.00 loan to get her own apartment. Liz stormed out of Janet's place after vowing that she would return the money Janet had loaned to Susan.

Janet: "Liz, this is proving to be a most disagreeable visit."

Liz: "Please don't see Susan again."
Janet: "That's up to Susan. Just let me tell you one thing, Liz. If at any time any one of my nieces or my nephews wants to see me, I have every intention of seeing them. I said - if they want to see me. Do we understand each other?"
Liz: "Oh yes, I understand you, I understand you very well..."

MAY 29, 1964 (EP. #20)
Jim told Mary that he hoped that Bill would take his father's place at the family's accounting firm since he has been overworked since losing Will. Jim and Mary stayed awake until midnight discussing Russ taking Granny and Alice to the movies, debating the merits of Jim talking to Susan about not leaving home, and Pat's ruminations over "keeping up with the times" by not retaining old-fashioned ways. Jim reminded Mary that her objections towards Pat's Memorial Day plans are inadmissible, but Mary maintained that she wants Pat and Alice to know the security of marriage and having children. In the morning, Mary laid awake consumed by her own thoughts while Jim slept and Alice played Pat's record, "The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" on her record player. Pat learned from her friend Rita that she and Phil are getting married and that Phil would be going into his father's business once he graduates from college in June. Tom, Pat, Phil, and Rita discussed outdoor activities while they enjoyed the breakfast that Pat had cooked at the Baxter's lake house. Mary joked that she acquiesced to Jim's request to invite Liz, Bill, and Susan to dinner even though Mary did not want to spend time with Liz. Jim and Mary enjoyed spending Memorial Day evening alone, despite that Mary felt pangs of loneliness over Pat being out of town. Tom opined to Pat that Phil and Rita were out of their minds for wanting to get married as they stargazed. Tom and Pat became intimate as they talked about their relationship and gushed about the wonderful, unforgettable weekend they have had at the lake house.

Mary: "We're doing a lot of talking about nothing, aren't we?"

JUNE 1, 1964 (EP. #21)
Missy groused to Ann that she may not have enough money to attend night school during the summer and doubted that she could get into college. Ann lectured Missy for overreacting to Bill's friendly gesture of placing his arm around her. Ann tried unsuccessfully to convince Missy to seek counseling so that she could understand the reasons that she was afraid of boys. Missy insisted that a therapist would not help her cope with being illegitimate and an orphan. Missy begrudgingly agreed with Ann's contention that Bill got her to leave her boarding room and face a personal problem that she had avoided for years. Missy expressed fears to Ann that Bill may not want anything to do with her now. Jim tried to calm Russ's fears when he confessed that he does not feel intelligent enough to succeed in school like Pat and Alice. Russ deemed the conversation pointless once Jim flatly declined Russ's idea that he enlists in the military. Pat consoled Russ by promising that he would appreciate the hard work that he devoted to things once Russ becomes an adult. Mary was interested as Pat described the Baxter's lake house and the outdoor activities that she, Tom, Phil, and Rita enjoyed. Pat deflected to talking about seeing Missy and Bill on campus instead of telling Mary about the time she spent alone with Tom. Jim was oblivious to the change in Pat, despite that Mary sensed that Pat was in love with Tom and had returned home a "changed woman." Mary told Jim that she fears that Tom would hurt Pat, who thought of being intimate with Tom while listening to the radio in her bedroom.

JUNE 2, 1964 (EP. #22)
Pat failed to satisfy Liz's curiosity over the reasons that Bill considers Missy a different kind of girl. Pat told Liz that Tom invited her to the senior prom, that she enjoyed Memorial Day weekend at the Baxter's lake house, and that she would be getting a degree in education next year. A lonely Liz felt rejected when Susan insisted on talking to Pat in her bedroom instead of the two of them remaining with Liz downstairs. Susan noted that Pat revealed impersonal things about her weekend, then cleverly changed the subject each time Susan tried to quiz Pat for details on Tom and their relationship. Susan mused to Pat that she would title her autobiography, "All My Yesterdays" after she talked to Pat about her dating history and choice not to attend college. Pat heeded Susan's advice to be cautious about expressing her feelings to Tom. Granny was upset that someone was uprooting her vegetable garden and that Mary did not take the situation seriously. Mary advised Granny that Alice needed help hemming a dress to stop Granny from interrogating Tom. Mary entertained Tom while he waited for Pat to return home. Pat decided against taking a ride with Tom so that she could discuss sharing an apartment with her friend, Eileen, next year with Mary. Tom and Pat made plans to meet at the Kopper Kettle tomorrow. Mary groused that she heard about Pat's apartment search from Tom instead of Pat broaching the topic to her parents. Pat opined that Jim and Mary make it nearly impossible for her to talk to them candidly when Mary refused to consider letting her live on campus.

Granny: (Exit Line) (to Tom, before heading upstairs) "You'll excuse me, Mr. Baxter."

Notes: Last appearance of Vera Allen as Granny Matthews. Pat mentions that 27,000 students attend the nearby college and that the Baxter's lake house was located about one-hundred miles out of town.

JUNE 3, 1964 (EP. #23)
Liz told Bill that she wants nothing more than for him and Susan to be happy, but acquiesced to Bill's assertion that neither of them would be able to change Susan's mind about moving into her own apartment. Liz informed Bill that Pat mentioned seeing Missy at the Kopper Kettle once she returned from a house party Pat attended at the Baxter's lake house. Bill admitted to Liz that he could not articulate his interest in Missy. Missy told herself that she could not change the past after she recalled running away from Bill in anger in response to his friendly gesture. Bill confessed to Missy that he was reluctant to go to the Kopper Kettle because he suspected that Missy had been frightened from hearing about other students' experiences on the campus and thought Bill was getting "fresh with her" by impulsively placing his arm around Missy. Missy told Bill that he inadvertently caused her fears over dating boys to surface. Bill promised Missy that she need not be afraid of him and vowed that he would never hurt her. Bill made it a point to memorize the phone number in which he could contact Missy in the future. Susan called John because Liz looked pale, had a slightly raised pulse, and complained of chest pains. Bill understood Susan's concerns that Liz may be showing symptoms of a cardiac condition because of Will's death from a heart attack. John advised Bill and Susan that Liz's complexion and pulse had returned to normal and promised that he would conduct a follow-up appointment on Liz. John reassured Bill and Susan that he did not feel that Liz's condition was serious.

JUNE 4, 1964 (EP. #24)
Liz praised Dr. John Bradford's bedside manner and reassuring nature. John informed Liz that the episode she experienced last night was caused by anxiety and loneliness since Liz's test results showed her to be in perfect health. Liz echoed John's sentiments that she was having difficulty adjusting to becoming a widow and felt that Bill and Susan owed her a certain consideration, though John was loathe to interfere in family matters. John admonished Bill for not spending enough time with Liz. Bill told Susan that John was being cautious with Liz despite the fact that John did not find anything medically wrong with Liz. Susan adamantly refused when Bill tried to convince her that they needed to spend more time with Liz. Susan worried that Liz, unconscious or otherwise, was using her health scare to retain her possessive grip on her children, and hoped that Bill was smart enough to stay out of her trap. Mary agreed to give Janet's phone number to Alice so that Janet could be invited to Alice's open house graduation party. Liz, Bill, and Susan dropped in and visited with Mary, Pat, and Alice. Susan related to Pat's struggles to assert her independence from Jim and Mary because of Susan's conflict with Liz over leaving home. Alice made a pest of herself trying to worm her way into Pat and Susan's conversation. Alice broke the "family taboo" by mentioning Janet when she speculated about joining an art school and wanting Janet to critique her art portfolio. Bill refused to admit the possibility when Susan suggested Liz was exaggerating her condition as a sympathy ploy.

JUNE 5, 1964 (EP. #25)
Jim was surprised by Mary's objections towards contacting John about Liz's health. Jim tried unsuccessfully to get Mary to tell him the source of Liz and Mary's animosity towards each other fifteen years ago, but Mary simply stated that the two women simply dislike each other. Mary acquiesced when Jim stressed that he feels an obligation to Liz because Will had done a great deal for them and Pat, Alice, and Russ. Jim opined that Alice should be free to pursue her own interests at the college of her choice when Mary was adamant that Alice does not forfeit the opportunity to get a college education. Janet contemplated Ken's marriage to Laura and relationship with Tom while she watched Ken read the book, "The American Tragedy." Ken was surprised when Janet abruptly declined his idea that she meets Laura and Tom someday. Alice phoned Janet to invite her to her graduation ceremony and open house party in June and asked Janet to critique her art portfolio tomorrow evening. Janet hedged on answering Ken's question about the reasons that she never got married and theorized that Janet was using her relationship with Alice to substitute the absence of children in her life. Pat and Alice talked about Janet being distant from the family. Jim and Pat concluded that they do not share the same set of values and standards. Jim opined to Pat that she was "experimenting too much with life" and may not have good judgement. Alice updated Janet on the rest of the family. Alice decided to enroll in the Institute of Art after being buoyed by Janet's praise of her art portfolio.

Janet: (RECORDED THOUGHTS) "Would it be like this if Ken and I were married? Comfortable - touching without touching. I wonder what his wife's like, he's never said - and his son. Are they very close? I don't think so - dinner at the club once a month with your son - what does he really have except -- except me."

JUNE 8, 1964 (EP. #26)
Pat told Mary that she was enjoying the warm, lazy evening after playing tennis with Tom for most of the afternoon. Pat complained to Mary that she and Jim do not accept their children as they are, but Mary maintained that she and Jim never had cause to be concerned about Pat until she started dating Tom. Mary was speechless when Pat revealed that she was fond of Tom and hinted that he could be Jim and Mary's future son-in-law. Mary was laid low when Alice confessed that she visited Janet without telling her parents and that Janet had encouraged Alice to enroll at the Institute. Janet admitted to Ken that she may have been too quick to advise Alice to attend the Institute of Art. Ken opined to Janet that Jim and Mary should appreciate Alice's talent. Ken and Janet discussed career women who rebel against the domestic world that had been set aside for women because they are unsatisfied with taking care of a home and a family. Mary told Jim that she was upset that Alice chose not to tell them that she was visiting Janet and not the fact that Janet praised Alice's talent in art. Jim and Mary agreed that they should not try to prevent Alice from developing her talent at the Institute of Art. Jim and Mary realized that Pat would never listen to their warnings about Tom. Pat agreed with Alice's contention that she and Tom had not done anything to alleviate Jim and Mary's reservations about their romance because they have not spent much time with Tom. Pat confessed to Alice that she was getting serious about Tom and has thought about getting married to him someday.

Alice: "Aunt Liz can leave a lot to your imagination."

JUNE 9, 1964 (EP. #27)
Ann graciously declined Missy's offer to introduce her to Bill since Ann did not want to encroach on Bill and Missy's time together. Missy told Ann that she was thrilled to receive her first phone call from a boy and sheepishly admitted that she likes Bill very much. When Missy asked Ann when her own birthday was, Ann speculated that it was in December since Missy had been a few months old when she was left at the orphanage in February. Missy chose Valentine's Day as her new birthday. Missy revealed that she was anxious for Ann to meet Bill so that Ann could determine whether Bill might accept that Missy was illegitimate. Bill was stunned when Susan vowed to candidly discuss a few things with Liz and John once they had arrived at the house. Liz tried to assure Susan that she had contacted John because he wanted to be kept abreast of her health. Susan refused when Liz asked her to return Janet's money since Susan had already rented her own apartment. Liz told Susan that she would not force Susan to stay home. Missy tried to explain to Ann about the two people she was, Missy and Melissa. Missy was the normal one who interacts with students at the Kopper Kettle, and Melissa was the poor, illegitimate girl who was unwanted. Ann was shocked when Missy confessed that she dislikes Tom and would be devastated should she ever be trapped into getting married like Phil and Rita. Ann insisted to Missy that she did not need her approval of Bill. Bill resolved to introduce Missy to Liz and Susan after Bill realized that Ann was an important person in Missy's life.

Susan: "There are so many people you don't like, aren't there - Aunt Janet, Aunt Mary, even Granny."
Liz: "It isn't a matter of liking or disliking your Aunt Janet. I disapprove of her. So did your father."
Susan: "I don't believe that. But I know you, Mother, once you've made up your mind about anything or anyone, there's no changing it, is there."
Liz: "Let's say I have the courage of my convictions..."

JUNE 10, 1964 (EP. #28)
Bill pried it out of Missy that Ann was a social welfare worker who sees poor families and was a sensitive, empathetic person in her field. Missy's concerns about Bill's reaction towards Ann's vocation were soothed because Bill failed to make the connection that Ann had been handling Missy's case for years. Bill told Missy that he considers himself a sensitive man in some ways. Bill acquiesced when Missy convinced him to take her to the Green Gables Restaurant instead of the Pink Poodle because she had once "practiced" going there for dinner with Ann. Tom joked that Pat had more thoughts in her mind than she would permit poor males to know, but Pat confessed that Tom made her feel somewhat sophisticated. Tom invited Pat to spend time with him at the Baxter's lake house after the senior prom. Tom told Pat that he was best man at Phil and Rita's civil ceremony at City Hall. Pat grew thoughtful as Tom explained that Phil and Rita's marriage may end in a divorce because they got married due to Rita's pregnancy. Bill and Missy and Tom and Pat noticed each other at The Green Gables Restaurant, prompting Missy to reiterate her dislike of Tom to Bill and Pat to note that Missy had accepted Bill's dinner invitation after rejecting the invitations of many guys who had expressed interest in Missy. Pat resisted responding to Tom's compliments and sexual advances. Mary tried to make Pat understand that she possessed a mother's natural curiosity over her daughter's romances. Pat was unsure of answering Mary's question on whether or not she was in love with Tom.

JUNE 11, 1964 (EP. #29)
Ken admitted to Janet that her boss, Mr. Clark, had asked him to discuss the rumors floating around the office that Janet intended to leave the agency, despite the fact that Janet had received the raise that she had requested. Janet hypothesized that it might be best that she found employment with another agency considering it was no longer a secret among their co-workers that Ken and Janet were an item and that Janet felt that she was coming between Ken, Laura, and their son. Tom commented to Ken that his co-worker was quite attractive when he ran into Janet as she was coming out of Ken's office. Tom mentioned to Ken that he was attending the senior prom with a junior who intended to teach after getting a degree in education. Ken tried to assuage Tom's fears that he was a disappointment because Tom might pursue getting a Ph.D. in psychology instead of going into the advertising industry like Ken. Ken wrote a check to Tom to pay for tuition for summer school, clothes, and other odds and ends. Tom decided to drop his line of questioning about Ken's discontent towards living in the suburbs and the state of his and Laura's marriage due to the increased amount of time that Ken spends out of the house. Ken gleaned that Tom was aware that Ken was seeing another woman. Ken tried to explain to Janet that he and Laura have separate interests and mentioned Tom's patronizing remark that the differences between Ken and Laura would not matter in a few years. Pat recalled her and Tom making love under the stars as Pat tried on her dress for the senior prom.

Notes: Janet mentions that she has worked at the Young, Thompson, and Ross advertising agency for five years.

JUNE 12, 1964 (EP. #30)
Pat's orchid corsage was delivered. Jim and Mary decided not to rain on Pat's parade since it was the night of senior prom, though they mused about times in a relationship when a man and a woman are unwilling to confide their true feelings to anyone. Jim and Mary noticed that Pat chose not to read the card that Tom had written to her and included with the orchid corsage. Bill informed Jim and Mary that Susan had moved out of the house and took a small apartment with the $2,000.00 that Janet loaned to her. Bill questioned whether Jim could convince Susan to return home, prompting Mary to insist that Jim should not interfere in the matter. Jim was about to emphasize that he had the right to try to mend fences between Liz and Susan when Pat made a grand entrance while slowly walking downstairs in her prom dress, which caused Jim to beam with pride and Mary to grow misty-eyed. Bill made acerbic remarks about Tom going to several senior proms over the years. Tom's eyes lit up as Pat descended the stairs in her virginal white prom dress. Tom described Pat as the girl of his dreams as they danced to "The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" at the prom. Tom was happy to oblige upon realizing that Pat wanted him to invite her to attend his graduation ceremony. Pat wished to stay at the prom longer, but acquiesced when Tom hustled her out so that they could start the long drive to the Baxter's lake house as quickly as possible. Pat remarked that the lake house was close to the town of Oakdale. Pat asked Tom to take her home after she resisted Tom's amorous advances.

JUNE 15, 1964 (EP. #31)
Ken was dubious towards Laura's belief that Tom was getting serious about the girl he was escorting to the prom. Laura mused to Ken that life had been comfortable for the both of them. Ken failed to weasel out of Laura's upcoming dinner party in honor of Tom's graduation and was unenthusiastic about socializing with friends Laura had made since they moved to the suburbs. Laura ignored Ken's protests that Tom was not really keen on the idea of spending the night of his college graduation with his parents and their friends. Ken grew uncomfortable when Laura mentioned that she had been unable to reach him over the phone to tell Ken that her bank account was low on funds. Laura reflected to Ken that she may be living in blissful ignorance while they have lived in the suburbs and was suspicious when Ken claimed that he was having dinner with a client the night that she was unable to reach him. Jim tried to assuage Mary's fears of Alice joining the Institute because the students' lax lifestyle would be a negative influence on Alice. Jim suggested that Mary confront Janet about encouraging Alice to attend art school, though Jim maintained that he was upset with Mary for her narrow-minded attitude towards Janet. Mary was certain that something had soured Pat's evening with Tom when Pat returned home earlier than expected. Pat doubted that Mary would understand her reasons for not following "the crowd" to the Baxter's lake house after they left the senior prom. Tom was defiant when Ken revealed that Laura intends to find out the identity of his new girlfriend.

Ken: "Well if you want to drink to prom night --"
Laura: "Let's say not to this prom night, but to a senior prom many, many years ago."
Ken: "You can eliminate the one 'many.'"
Laura: "Oh you men amuse me."
Ken: "Amuse you?"
Laura: "You're just afraid of age, aren't you?"
Ken: "I, afraid of age? What about you, Laura?"

Jim: "How often do we have to go over the same thing?"

JUNE 16, 1964 (EP. #32)
Missy told Ann that she was pleased to have her company as they ate ice cream together. Ann recalled that she found Missy somewhat impossible three years ago until Missy showed a drive to leave the orphanages, quit living in foster homes, and make a life for herself. Ann opined to Missy that a man would improve her self-esteem since she was like any other girl who wanted to love and be loved unconditionally by someone. Missy spoke wistfully to Ann about the students who came into the Kopper Kettle after the prom, hearing the music from a distance, and marveled at the way the girls looked elegant in their dresses. When Missy lamented that she would never attend a prom, Ann predicted that she would be going to her first prom with Bill next year. Bill told Missy that she was wrong to assume that he had attended the prom and insisted that Missy may be wrong to dislike Tom. Missy was impressed when Bill showed her the sketch Alice drew of him. Bill told a fascinated Missy that Alice was a talented artist like his Aunt Janet. Janet insisted to Ken that it was more challenging to gauge the success of an advertising campaign by its art because she did not have figures and statistics to review like Ken in the research department. Ken and Janet found it tough to unwind after a long day at the office. Janet was unconvinced when Ken maintained that his life was with her and not living in the suburbs with Laura. Janet tried to reassure Mary that Alice was talented and could likely be successful as a commercial artist, but swore to Mary that she would not interfere in Alice's life.

JUNE 17, 1964 (EP. #33)
Tom noted that it was uncharacteristic of Laura to dwell on the past as she spoke of time passing by quickly, Tom becoming a man, and graduating from college. Tom was flip with Laura about completing four years of schooling and evaded Laura's inquiry into the reason that he went to the Baxter's lake house without his prom date. Ken and Laura refused to let Tom cut down his time at Laura's graduation party for him. Laura was touched when Tom thanked her for never forcing him to be tied to her apron strings. Ken and Laura shared a private toast that Tom would make his future worthwhile. Pat tried to ease Missy's sadness over never being able to experience a graduation by insisting that the world was not wrapped up in a degree, diploma, ribbon, and a cap and gown and that marriage and a family were far more important. Pat defended Tom as a nice guy who was misunderstood when Missy tried to warn Pat about getting serious about Tom. Tom did not share Pat's interest in getting to know Missy better. Pat was relieved that Tom was not angry with her for refusing to go to the Baxter's lake house after the senior prom. Pat declined Tom's invitation to the graduation party that Laura was throwing for him. Alice surmised to Pat that Mary talked to Janet because she wanted to ensure that Janet's praise of Alice's art portfolio was sincere. Pat and Alice debated on the reasons that Janet kept the family at a distance. Pat hinted to Alice that they may not be sharing a bedroom in the near future. Alice noticed that Pat seemed to be daydreaming until she received a call from Tom.

Pat: "Alice, you get to be a little pesty, you know?"

JUNE 18, 1964 (EP. #34)
Mary advised Alice that it was important for Jim and Russ to spend time together. Alice was pleased that Jim and Mary had accepted her choice to attend art school. Mary tried to explain to Alice that Janet lived in the world of a career woman, but was relieved that Alice hoped to get married someday. Alice hypothesized that Pat was getting serious about Tom, that a noticeable change had happened to Pat recently, and that Mary was hoping that another boy could make Pat forget all about Tom. Mary was stunned when Alice asserted that Pat was truly in love with Tom and thinks she is going to marry him. Bill recalled for Liz that Will had been disappointed that Granny chose to live with Jim and Mary when Pat died five years ago. Liz tried to probe Bill on Missy and the reasons that he dislikes Tom. Bill tried to discourage Liz from visiting Janet and returning her loan to Susan since it was Susan's financial obligation. Janet told Ken that there were many uncertainties on finding employment once she received her diploma from art school years ago. Ken commented that Janet's affection for Alice was contradictory to Janet's claims that she was not interested in children. Janet warned Ken not to count on her in maintaining a professional and personal relationship in the future. Janet refused to introduce Ken to Liz. Liz discerned that Ken was a married man as he bade a hasty retreat out of Janet's apartment. Janet tore up Liz's check, denounced her for emasculating the men in her life, hoped that Bill would escape Liz's influence, then slumped in a chair and broke down in tears once Liz left.

Alice: "Sometimes, Mom, I get a little confused about this family."

Janet: "And as for your check - the loan I made was to your daughter and not to you. When, and if Susan can repay the loan, she'll repay it. Your money, Liz -- well I'm not interested in it." (AND SHE TEARS UP THE CHECK) "How my brother ever put up with you, I wouldn't know. Except that I don't believe he ever really knew you, Liz."
Liz: "You're the odd one in this family, the odd one out."
Janet: "You know, I don't really mind hearing that from you. Goodnight, Liz. And as for married men - I've never taken away from any of them what you took away from my brother. I have permitted men to remain men, not you. I only hope that your son has the sense to get out from under before it's too late."

JUNE 19, 1964 (EP. #35)
Mary joked to Pat that mothers have a "built-in alarm clock," which helps them to hear the whimpering of a baby in a quiet house or when their children return home at night. Pat opined to Mary that she and Jim would not be concerned about her romance with Tom if Bill had not mentioned his reputation with girls to Jim. Pat told Mary that she was the right kind of woman for Tom and suggested that Jim and Mary get to know Tom as an intelligent, interesting man who was fond of Pat instead of judging him based on the hearsay of other students at the university. Mary tried to convince Pat that she and Jim simply want her to be happy, but warned Pat to make sure that Tom reciprocates her feelings and that they want the same things in their relationship. Pat and Missy talked about Frank Sinatra and the Beatles while she waited for Tom at the Kopper Kettle. Missy took time off work to be able to accompany Pat home when she felt unwell. Mary invited Missy to dinner to show her gratitude to Missy for being so nice to Pat. Missy complimented Alice on the sketch she drew of Bill, but declined Alice's idea of doing a sketch of her. Missy broke bread with Jim, Mary, Alice, and Russ, and could barely hold back her tears of joy at watching them all interact. Pat was well enough to join the rest of the family, but could barely bring herself to pick at her food. Russ appreciated Jim's contention that he was free to choose his own vocation instead of being obligated to pursue accounting like Jim and Will. Missy looked around uncomfortably when everyone bowed their heads while Jim said grace.

Jim: "If Russell wants to be an accountant, that's what he'll be. If he wants to be something else, he'll be something else."
Russ: (Joey Trent, Exit Line) "Thanks, Dad."

Notes: Last "regular" appearance of Joey Trent as Russ Matthews. The character would make sporadic appearances until June 24, 1965, for John and Pat's wedding. Russ's absence was explained on July 21, 1965 as attending private school out of town.

JUNE 22, 1964 (EP. #36)
Missy met Ann on the bench near the campus bridge and talked about bringing Pat home from the Kopper Kettle because she felt ill and gushed about having dinner with the Matthews last night, but lamented that she did not have the right to spend time with a wonderful family like the Matthews because she was a nobody. Ann was shocked when Missy proclaimed that, should she ever meet her mother, she would want to kill her for abandoning her. Missy wailed to Ann that she hates that she was an illegitimate orphan. When Jim questioned Granny's reason for not sticking around for Alice's graduation, Mary reminded Jim that Granny's niece Jane was having her first baby. Mary told Jim that she was flattered that Missy made her feel like the most wonderful mother in the world. Mary questioned whether she had been too protective of Pat while contemplating the nature of Tom and Pat's relationship. Tom was not impressed when Pat related that Missy helped her get home because she was feeling sick. Tom pressured Pat into going for a ride by harping on the fact that Jim and Mary were too protective. Mary emphasized to Jim that Liz wanted nothing to do with them while Will was alive. Jim reiterated to Mary that he was showing Liz some kindness because Will brought him into the accounting firm as a full partner when Jim was going through a difficult time, but Mary countered that Jim was downplaying his own contributions to the success of the firm. Pat suggested to Mary that they invited Tom to have dinner with the family so that Jim and Mary could get to know him better.

JUNE 23, 1964 (EP. #37)
Bill advised Liz not to count on Susan returning home for some time and suggested that she find things to occupy her time outside of the house. Liz did not object to Bill accepting Susan's dinner invitation at her new apartment. Liz made vague remarks to Bill about society disagreeing with the ways in which Janet lives her life instead of providing the specific reasons that she disapproves of Janet. Bill decided to visit Missy after Jim had mentioned that Missy had dinner with the Matthews family last night. Liz's attempts to poison Jim's mind against Janet fell on deaf ears when Liz harped on Janet's proclivity for dating married men and her harmful influence on Alice. Jim got the impression that Liz despised Janet and did not appreciate Liz's advice that he should warn Mary about the consequences of Janet developing a relationship with Alice. Bill vehemently denied the possibility when Missy expressed fears that he would not approve of certain things about her. Missy shuddered at the idea of meeting Liz after Bill explained that she lives by the rules of society. Janet fretted to Ken that Alice was the only member of the family that truly wanted her to attend Alice's open house graduation celebration. Ken suggested that Janet get married and have children so that it would ease Mary's concerns towards Janet's influence on Alice. Ken told Janet that he doubts that Laura would willingly move out of the suburbs for the sake of their marriage and doubted that Tom needed him for anything other than financial support. Janet insisted to a skeptical Ken that she was hurt by life and not by a man.

Missy: "Where did you come from?"
Bill: "Out of the nowhere into the here."

Missy: (To Bill) "I don't think I want to meet your mother."

JUNE 24, 1964 (EP. #38)
Pat asked Tom to drive into the city so that they could talk about something that was important to her. Alice joked that Pat disproved her theory that she would be seeing less of Tom once the school year had ended. Alice told Pat that she was worried that Janet might not come to her open house party, then gushed about receiving Janet's praise after she reviewed Alice's artwork. Pat criticized Mary for helping Alice to select a dress for the graduation that was too juvenile. Pat reflected to Mary that she would like to have more than one child once she gets married. Mary was shocked when Pat found something to criticize about Tom by describing him as a spoiled, only child. Pat predicted that Mary might change her mind about wanting her to teach for a year before she seriously considers marriage. Tom immediately regretted it when he accepted Pat's invitation to have dinner with her family soon. Alice warned Mary that Russ will hate attending summer school. Alice told Mary that she wanted to take art courses during the summer instead of being a junior counselor at camp. Mary suggested that Alice take summer classes at the university, but stirred Alice's ire by questioning whether or not Janet had talked her into going to art school because of Janet's praise of Alice's art portfolio. Janet told Ken that she had gifted Alice with a raincoat and matching umbrella for her graduation. Ken was touched by Janet's resolve to attend Alice's party despite having tight deadlines at work. Janet mused to Ken that Alice made her realize that she has been unconventional with her family.

Alice: "As the saying goes, my dear Patricia, you and Tom are as thick as thieves."

Alice: "That was my first love, acting."

Mary: "Just wait until you have daughters of your own."
Pat: "There'll be no daughters, all boys."

JUNE 25, 1964 (EP. #39)
Bill sympathized with Liz, who recalled that the last time the whole family was together was for Will's funeral. Liz lamented to Bill about Susan not extending an invitation to see her new apartment. Bill suggested that they stay at Alice's graduation party until Susan arrives so that the three of them could spend time together. Alice admitted to Pat that she did not mention being class valedictorian so that Russ would not feel shame and to surprise Jim and Mary. Pat deemed it pointless when Alice thought asking for their parents' true opinion of Janet might reveal the reason Janet seems estranged from the family. Mary promised Jim that she would not cry over Alice graduating from high school. Jim discussed Russ hiding his feelings at the graduation ceremony with Alice, who felt it unfair she was more capable than her brother. Jim urged Mary and Alice not to let Russ's feelings of inadequacy spoil the day as they prepared for the Open House. Liz and Bill expressed pride in Alice for being valedictorian and delivering a good speech at the ceremony. Mary and Jim advised Liz that she would be as unsuccessful as they were in trying to persuade Alice to attend university instead of art school next fall. Bill supported Alice's plans to take art courses during the summer rather than be a junior counselor while Liz kept pushing her objections. Janet was dumbfounded to learn second hand that Granny had left town to help her niece Jane prepare for having a baby. Janet made a hasty retreat when she felt pressured to take sides in the discussion of Alice pursuing art as a profession.

Bill: "Hi, youngster."
Alice: "Today, my dear cousin, I have graduated from youngster to young lady."
Bill: "You're still a little 17-year old punk to me."
Alice: "If you weren't so good-looking Bill, I might take exception to that remark."

Janet: "Alice, there are all kinds of success. I'm a success in my field, I suppose. But I'm sure there are some who would say that I was not so successful in -- in other things."

Notes: It is revealed that Granny's niece Jane is the daughter of Jim, Will, and Janet's Uncle George.

JUNE 26, 1964 (EP. #40)
Ken and Laura had a strained conversation about her once being an avid reader and both of them enjoying summer vacations before he became successful at the agency and they moved to the suburbs. Ken told Tom that they were a close knit family and that he and Laura are content when Tom questioned the state of his parents' marriage. Tom regretted asking Ken for help in breaking a dinner date with Pat and her family because Ken refused to be dragged into a fake previous engagement. Pat advised Alice that she and Russ should be on their best behavior when Tom arrives to have dinner with the family. Pat told Alice that she was using her imagination when Alice tried to confirm her suspicions that Pat loves Tom, despite that Pat resented Alice's inquiry into her personal life. Jim and Mary talked about Janet's estrangement to the family, closeness to Alice, and worried that Janet's influence might cause Alice to become distant from them and to lead an unhappy life like Janet. Alice expressed gratitude to Jim and Mary for throwing her a graduation party and felt satisfied by Jim and Mary's assertion that they like Janet when she broached the topic. Tom feigned regret when he called Pat to break their date and claimed that he had forgotten about having to attend a dinner party Laura was hosting for some friends. Pat was disappointed despite Tom's efforts to ease the blow by stating that he would rather spend time with her and confirmed their Fourth of July date. Pat sadly told Mary about Tom's cancellation, then thought of making love with him on Memorial Day.

Notes: Bill Wolff's closing on Fridays, "Be sure to join us again on Monday for another half hour of drama -- ANOTHER WORLD."

JUNE 29, 1964 (EP. #41)
Mary admitted to Jim that she had hoped that Alice would change her mind about art school once she assumed the responsibility of being a junior counselor at camp. Jim reminded Mary that it had been Alice's decision to attend art school when Mary wanted to blame Janet's influence. Jim and Mary agreed they wish that they could give Janet understanding. Ken warned Janet against stifling her emotions when she would not let herself feel hurt over Granny leaving town without telling her. Janet told Ken she was fond of Alice but dislikes being put on a pedestal and feeling pressured to maintain Alice's favor. Ken described Tom to Janet as handsome, intelligent, but representative of young men his age who do not treat women with respect. Ken embraced and kissed Janet after she thanked him for treating her like a lady. Pat abruptly changed the subject when Alice noted that Pat had been moody since she had received Tom's call. Alice defended her decision to attend art school against Pat, who chastised her for upsetting Mary. Pat resented Alice inquiring about her feelings for Tom and suggestion that she play hard to get to gain Tom's attentions. Tom charmed Pat into accepting his apology for breaking their date, grew affectionate while urging Pat to enjoy life, and confirmed their plans to stay at the Baxter's lake house. Tom told Pat that he had been anxious to see her. Jim maintained skepticism over Tom and Pat having an understanding, not asking to be exclusive, and Pat being uncertain of her true feelings. Jim gave Pat sage advice on protecting herself from getting hurt.


Alice: (about Tom) "Did you believe his story?"
Pat: "Who told you what his story was, if indeed it was a story."
Alice: "Mom."
Pat: "We seem to have a broadcasting system all our own around here."

Production Notes: Among the sets used in this episode were the Matthews' living room, porch, and family room.

JUNE 30, 1964 (EP. #42)
Jim and Mary decided against financing Alice's summer art courses because she had broken a commitment to work as junior counselor or talking with Pat about Tom because she was blindly in love. Ken and Laura got into an argument when she expressed doubts about him seeing clients of the advertising agency during the evenings that Ken spends in the city. Laura recalled that they struggled financially when Ken first started in advertising after Ken accused Laura of not acquiescing to his wishes. Tom confessed to Laura that he may break up with Pat because he does not want to marry too young like his parents. Laura explained to Tom that needs in marriages change over time and joked about Tom non-committal approach towards relationships and everything else in life. Ken was pleasantly surprised to learn that Janet was moved to tears every time she reads the book, "The Yearling." Ken and Janet realized that Laura likely knows that he is having an affair. Ken complained about the lack of communication in his marriage and being alone in trying to make it work. Janet informed Ken that she would not always be available because Ken might commit to his marriage to Laura and that Tom might get married and give them grandchildren. Janet ordered Ken to go back to his house in the suburbs and attempt to save his marriage. Ken admitted to Laura that he may be seeing another woman. Laura agreed to consider Ken's request that she make compromises for the sake of their marriage, but Laura swore that she would not willingly hand Ken over to another woman.

Laura: (about Pat) "She is a nice girl, I understand."
Tom: "All girls are nice, Mother. Even you."
Laura: (LAUGHINGLY) "Oh Tom, no one can ever pin you down to anything, no one has ever been able to."
Tom: "No. No one has. But let me tell you something, Mother. The day I am pinned down to something it's going to be when I want to be pinned down, not before."

JULY 1, 1964 (EP. #43)
Jim lectured Alice for trying to put on a pert act. Jim informed Alice that she would not be taking art classes during the summer because Jim refused to reward Alice for breaking her commitment to being a junior camp counselor. Mary urged Pat to have breakfast while listening to Alice gripe about her conversation with Jim. Alice realized that her parents were right to refuse to pay for summer school. Pat was certain that Jim and Mary would disapprove of Alice wanting to get to know Janet better. Alice informed Pat that Jim and Mary are misjudging Janet, who Alice described as kind, considerate, honest, and talented. Pat was speechless when Alice opined that Jim and Mary were justified in being concerned about Tom. Alice recalled Janet complimenting her artistic talent and encouraging her to attend art school. Mary was annoyed when Pat was vague about her plans for the evening. Janet called to thank Alice for the sketch she had gifted her and consented to Alice coming for a visit. Jim and Mary accepted Tom's apology for breaking his dinner date with the family, but privately Jim and Mary doubted Tom's sincerity. Jim advised Mary that they are powerless to keep Tom and Pat apart despite Mary's suspicions that Tom does not reciprocate Pat's love. Mary planned to question Alice upon realizing that she sneaked out of the house. Janet voiced objections to Alice coming over without permission and could not provide insight into the cause of her estrangement from the family. Janet promised herself that she would never tell Alice the reason the family disapproves of her.

Notes: Several scripts alternate between "Janet" and "Jan" as the character's name.

JULY 2, 1964 (EP. #44)
Bill was annoyed with Liz for making reservations for them at Lakewood under the assumption that Susan would be occupied since Bill had invited Missy to join them during the Fourth of July weekend. Bill told Liz that he wants her to meet Missy, but Bill would not elaborate on his remark that Liz could do a great deal for her. Ann grew angry with Missy for refusing to keep Bill's plans, brooding over being illegitimate, hiding from the world, and not letting anyone know her. Missy was furious when Ann proposed she test Missy's theory that Bill would reject her by revealing the truth about her background. Jim told Mary that Liz blames Janet for Susan moving out when they talked privately. Mary begrudgingly agreed with Jim's assertion that her fear about Janet's influence on Alice was similar to Liz's judgmental attitude towards her. Alice admitted to Jim and Mary that she visited Janet, that Mary does not support or encourage her passion for art, and cannot understand the disapproval for her aunt. Janet carped to Ken that she has considered living a domestic life like Mary and thought that Ken should not have a key to her apartment. Ken comforted an upset Janet, who explained that she represents qualities in artists that conventional women like Mary dislike, but yearns to live up to Alice's high opinions of her. Missy told Pat that she does not have a family and described Ann and Pat as her two favorite people in the world. Pat became defensive when Missy warned that girls who have dated Tom became the subject of rumors, but confessed that she is unsure about wanting to marry Tom.

Notes: Several scripts alternate between "Susan" and "Sue" as the character's name. All others are consistent throughout.

JULY 3, 1964 (EP. #45)
Tom and Pat discussed Missy being stand-offish with men except for Bill, whose fraternity brothers think of Missy as Bill's "project." Tom pointed out to Pat that Missy tends to ignore him, devotes her full attention to Pat, and seems to be a loner despite being an attractive girl. Pat was inspired to take Missy under her wing by Tom, who felt women have opportunities outside of marriage and children and suspected that Ken's discontent lies with Laura being an attractive, intelligent, cultured woman who enjoys an active social life. Pat told Tom that she dislikes the fact that other students were gossiping about her and that she was getting the same kind of reputation that other girls who had dated Tom had developed on campus. Tom blamed Pat's non-committal, timid attitude towards spending the weekend with him on Missy admitting her dislike for him and mentioning girls whom he has dated who earn reputations. Alice assured a skeptical Pat that she is fully dedicated to pursuing a career in art. Alice told Pat that she prefers to go on interesting outings when she goes out on dates with boys. Pat dodged Alice's efforts to learn the reasons she has seemed bothered lately, then broke the date with Tom when he asked Pat to commit to their plans. Tom informed Ken that he wants to find the cause of Pat's distant attitude and cold demeanor towards him. Bill told Missy that she could not join him during the Fourth of July weekend because Bill would not allow Liz to be alone in Lakewood. Missy struggled to maintain her composure until Bill left, then berated herself for being unwanted.

Ken: "What do you want that you can't have, Tom?"
Tom: "The company of a young lady over the weekend. I just got turned down."
Ken: "Not used to that, hm?"
Tom: "No I'm not. Ordinarily I'd say, 'Well, Mr. Baxter, strike that name from your little black book.'"

Missy: (BILL LEAVES. SHE STANDS THERE AND TAKE HER IN A CLOSEUP. THERE ARE TEARS. THERE'S ANGER, THERE'S HURT.) "You're going to have a wonderful Fourth of July, Missy, just wonderful. Who wants you?" (AND NOW REALLY CRYING OUT). "Nobody! Nobody wants you. You just don't belong to anybody. Everybody's got somebody, you just don't have anybody. Not anybody!"

JULY 6, 1964 (EP. #46)
Ken flatly told Laura that he was not interested in joining her active social life in the suburbs and did not deny that they may be on the verge of a separation or that he may be seeing another woman. Laura promised to consider Ken's ultimatum that, if their marriage certificate and wedding rings meant anything to her, she would consent to selling their suburban house and lease a modest apartment in the city by the beginning of Fall. Mary promised Alice that she has parents who would help their children through life's difficulties after Alice gossiped about an unmarried couple named Bruce and Betty from school who are only eighteen years old and expecting a child. Mary was intrigued when Alice theorized that Pat was fighting against being at Tom's behest all of the time. Alice expressed her opinions to Mary about Pat's feelings for Tom and refusal to spend the weekend with him at the Baxter's lake house. Janet was disturbed to run into her former fiance, Mike Connors while waiting for Ken to join her at the cocktail bar. Janet openly doubted that Mike once had loved her or felt remorse for breaking their engagement to marry a woman who could give him children. Mike realized the depth of Janet's hurt and bitterness when she hypothesized that Mike would ensure that they do not run into each other again. Ken suggested that Janet take a vacation with him rather than press Janet for details on Mike and their broken engagement. Janet appreciated Ken's honesty for mentioning his ultimatum to Laura, doubts about his marriage surviving, and Ken's love for Laura belonging in the past.

Ken: "Let's see if I can't un-disturb you. Let's talk about a vacation."
Janet: "Didn't I tell you, oh a week or so ago, that you take the high road and I'll take the low road --"
Ken: (SMILINGLY) "And I'll be in Scotland before ye."

Notes: First and only appearance of Mike Connors, Janet s former fiance. Mike reveals that he is married to someone from the East with three children and has a successful career in public relations. He is described as "quite attractive, extremely masculine, around 38 or 40" in the script.

Production Notes: Pre-recorded murmurs and clinking glasses were used in the cocktail bar scene featuring Janet, Mike, and Ken. "Special Stay Tuned - Week of July 6, 1964. This plug takes precedence over all others in the event there is only time to do a short stay tuned. Please hold on to this copy for the week: "TUNE IN FOR RADIO AND TELEVISION COVERAGE OF THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION BEGINNING MONDAY, JULY 13TH ON NBC."

JULY 7, 1964: Pre-empted for coverage of Major League Baseball.

JULY 8, 1964 (EP. #47)
Liz felt Bill has been restless and edgy from keeping her company once Bill admitted that he did not enjoy their weekend in Lakewood. Bill briefly hinted at not wanting to take Will's place at the family firm, then castigated Liz for making him revoke his invitation to Missy. Liz realized that Missy had captured Bill's interest and emotional involvement as Bill described Missy as a girl who was underprivileged, lacks a family, has few friends, and rarely goes out on dates. Bill confessed to Liz that he may have feelings for Missy and was pleased that Liz consented to the two of them meeting. Liz was touched when Bill offered to take her on a drive after he pays a visit to Pat. Alice raved to Pat that spending the day at the Institute helped her conclude that attending art school would be an exciting time in her life. Pat piqued Alice's curiosity by revealing that she and Tom are still dating, but Pat conceded that she was uncertain about the next time she and Tom would get together. Bill and Pat struck a deal that she would drive to Missy's for a visit because they both wanted to expand Missy's horizons and get her to become more social. Mary joked that Pat, Alice, and Russ would be eager to get rid of them after mentioning that she and Jim may go on vacation alone for a few days. Alice told Pat that she feels powerless in helping Janet to get close to the family. Alice griped about Pat, Mary and Janet treating her like a child sometimes. Pat's ego was bruised when Alice angrily suggested that she make a date with Tom so that it would cure her moodiness and bad attitude towards her.

Bill: (about Missy) "Pat? She has you pretty much on a pedestal, I think you know that."
Pat: "Sort of."
Bill: "Would you maybe one of these days, one of these evenings, drive out and see her? I know where she lives, I've been there. She never goes out, she's usually home -- three flights up, and you open the door to -- another world."

Pat: "Alice, I love you dearly, but don't start being pesty."
Alice: "Every time I ask questions that bother you a little you think I'm getting pesty."
Pat: "There are times, honey child, when you can -- really get under someone's skin."
Alice: "Oh I wouldn't want to do that. I just want you to know you have an 18-year-old sister, almost 18, who thinks you're -- well pretty nice, and who at times sort of looks up to you."

Notes: Bill mentions that he has worked at the family accounting firm every summer since he was in high school.

JULY 9, 1964 (EP. #48)
Mary was amused by Pat's assessment of Alice as a "wheeler and dealer" when Pat assumed that she had persuaded Jim to increase Alice's allowance so that she could purchase books the Institute uses in their courses. Pat confided to Mary about being in love with Tom and fears of him knowing her feelings, but refused to explain her reluctance towards seeing him. Tom confessed to Ken that he has increased his visits to the house in hopes of keeping tabs on Ken and Laura's marriage. Ken informed Tom that he and Laura are honest with each other so that there are no misunderstandings between the two of them and promised Tom that they would be able to cope with the issues that they have been experiencing. Tom insisted to Ken that views of his reputation with women are unimportant, that he has yet to hurt anyone, and intends to prevent any girl from falling in love with him until he is ready to assume responsibility. Tom informed Ken that he plans to stop by the house of the girl he has been dating in hopes that she would quit avoiding him. Pat told Mary that she was going to visit Missy. Ann lectured Missy about fighting against herself, refusing to accept that Bill had not meant to hurt her, and living in a fantasy world. Missy quickly backed down on her demand for Ann to leave her alone when she threatened to never return. Missy was overjoyed when Pat arrived unexpectedly and got acquainted with Ann. Pat complimented Missy on having an interesting and artistic room and offered to give Ann a ride home so that the three women could spend more time together.

Tom: "All right, let's talk about me, young men like me. Maybe we've been a little spoiled, but that doesn't happen to be our fault. The lady can say no."
Ken: "So she can."
Tom: "But she doesn't say no too often."
Ken: "I'm sorry you're blaming the opposite sex for the lack of, shall I say morality among our young people today."

Ann: "Why do you shy away from the word illegitimate? Every time you use that word --"
Missy: (SHE TURNS, VERY ANGRY) "I wasn't even thinking of that word."
Ann: "Missy, you think of that word 24 hours a day whether you know it or not. Everything that happens to you, you associate with that word."
Missy: "You know an awful lot, don't you, Ann."
Ann: "I know you, I've known you for over three years, ever since that day I was assigned to your case and saw you, a very unhappy girl in a foster home."

Ann: "All right, I'll stay and we'll make this a real hen party."

JULY 10, 1964 (EP. #49)
Tom came by to see Pat and was disappointed to learn from Mary that Pat went out for the evening. Mary realized that Pat was avoiding Tom and wondered whether or not Alice's suggestion to make herself less available made a lasting impression. Pat confided to Ann that she may not teach once she graduates from college next year before she gets married. Ann encouraged Pat to build a friendship with Missy because she needs to be around people her age. Missy was happy while talking to herself about Pat's visit and felt certain that Pat would honor her promise to come see her again. Jim told Mary and Alice that Russ insisted on going to see a long movie to get out of doing his housework. Mary told Jim and Alice that she pities Missy-a shy, lonely girl who makes little money working at the Kopper Kettle while putting herself through school, which made Alice grateful for having good parents and a loving family. Mary advised Alice that it was Janet who requested that Alice get permission before visiting her in the future. Alice explained to Mary that she has a strong passion for art, but was not inspired to pursue it until she got praise from someone like Janet who is successful in the field. Alice asked to be afforded the same freedom that Pat enjoys, but did not share Mary's opinion that Pat would break up with Tom soon. Ann told Pat about growing up in a poor neighborhood and becoming a social worker to help struggling youth and families. Ann suggested getting married for the child's sake when Pat inquired into the choices a young woman has as an unwed, expectant mother.

Missy: (to herself) "I just can't believe it. Patricia Matthews was here in my room. And she was so - so different. Not like she is when she's with Tom Baxter. And she liked Ann. I could tell Ann liked her too. A hen party, that's what Ann said we had. This is the first time anyone like Patricia ever paid any attention to me. And Melissa - Patricia said she'd come again. And she said - "You'd better come to see us again, make it a real visit," that's what she said, Melissa. Oh I think she meant it, I really do. I know that lots of times people say things they don't really mean, they say them just to be nice. Patricia -- you wouldn't do that to me, would you. You wouldn't do that to anyone, would you, Patricia." (TAKE A CLOSEUP OF HER) "Of course you wouldn't. Because you're a lady. You're Patricia Matthews."

Alice: "Mom, did Pat say why she went to see Missy tonight?"
Mary: "For two reasons really. I got the idea that Bill was one of the reasons."
Alice: "Bill? That's right, he does see Missy every now and then."
Mary: "You're not at loose ends, Alice, you're just on a fishing expedition."

Notes: Pat mentions that she has one year left of college to complete and is an education major.

JULY 13, 1964 (EP. #50)
Ken credited Laura for making an effort by having breakfast with him and Tom, since he had grown accustomed to eating it alone. Laura admitted to being jealous of Ken seeing another woman and deflected against Ken's accusations that she involved Tom in their marital problems. Laura joked that Tom inherited Ken's ability to charm women easily. Tom insisted that Ken and Laura were wrong to believe Pat or any other girl could convince him to get married. Laura tried to assure Tom that she and Ken understand each other. Pat denied wanting to date another man when Tom mentioned calling her several times, breaking a date, and refusing to see him. Tom was surprised with Pat visiting Missy and questioned the connection between her and Ann. Pat urged Tom to think about the reason she seems different from the girl who was once fun and all smiles when they first started dating. Ken cautiously told Janet that he enjoyed his morning with Laura. Janet brushed aside Ken's worries by reminding him that they have a "no strings attached" relationship and that she would not allow herself to become dependent on any man. Ken reluctantly agreed to make himself scarce when Janet was notified of Jim coming to see her. Janet apologized to Jim for causing Alice to change her mind about attending the Institute instead of a university. Jim pleaded with Janet not to destroy Alice's image of her after noticing two cocktail glasses on her table. Janet accused Jim of being judgmental towards her, declined his dinner invitation, and got him to leave by claiming she had an appointment.

Janet: "You know, Jim? I can understand Mary feeling as she does about me. I can even understand Liz to a point, But you? I only hope that nothing ever happens to any of your children to cause you - any concern. Maybe you and Mary will be lucky. I wasn't. Don't worry about your daughter, tell Mary not to worry."

JULY 14, 1964 (EP. #51)
Mary gently chided Jim for changing his dinner plans, then decided not to pursue the matter further once Jim grew irritated over her inquiries on his evening out, lack of appetite, and refusal to have a cup of iced coffee with her. Jim informed Mary that he worked late at the office and that Dr. Bradford determined that Bill must have an infected tonsil removed. Jim and Mary swore to Alice that they are not trying to keep her from seeing Janet. Alice insolently accused Jim and Mary of wanting to believe that Janet considered the sketch she gifted her meaningless and had been insincere in praising Alice's artistic talent. Jim tried to relax and unwind by sitting on the couch to read the evening paper. Jim sadly shook his head after recalling his last conversation with Janet concerning Alice. Jim and Mary decided that they should not allow Alice to think that they resent Janet for wanting to be involved in Alice's life. Mary agreed to Jim's request that she speak to Janet about Alice even though she does not want them to form a permanent bond. Jim told Mary that perhaps they are being overprotective of Alice rather than letting her make her own decisions. Mary advised Jim that she was wrong to hope that Pat would break up with Tom because she refuses to open her eyes to Tom's true nature. Pat assured Tom that she did not have a motive for refusing to see him, but struck down his idea that they spend the weekend alone at the lake house instead of with friends. Tom chalked up Pat acting evasive and serious to moodiness while holding her in his arms as they stood on bridge near the campus.

Pat: "Not too many students use this bridge, do they."
Tom: "Not too many, no."
Pat: "And yet every student knows there's a story about this bridge."
Tom: "You don't believe the legend they tell about it, do you, Pat?"
Pat: "It could have happened."
Tom: "But did it."
Pat: "They said it did."
Tom: "And who are they?"
Pat: "It's a story that -- "
Tom: "Oh it's sort of [a] romantic kind of thing."
Pat: "Do you think so?"
Tom: "Frustrated love -- ends all by jumping from the bridge."

Production Notes: A kinescope of July 13, 1964 (EP. #50), featuring Jim and Janet was used in this episode.

JULY 15, 1964: Pre-empted for coverage of Republican National Convention.

JULY 16, 1964 (EP. #52)
Alice groaned about Freddie, a boy she is dating who was acting immature because she did not want to go steady with him. Alice got upset with Pat for being in a sour mood and noted that Pat's attitude had changed towards Tom over time. Pat was surprised that Alice confronted Jim and May about Janet and her plans to verify whether or not Janet wants to continue seeing her. Ken and Janet acknowledged that they have been acting differently towards each other since Tom graduated from college and Alice showed Janet her art portfolio. Janet confided to Ken that she was mortified because Jim deduced that she had been entertaining a man once he spotted the two cocktail glasses that they had left on the table. Ken listened sympathetically as Janet reflected on Alice bringing her out of the world she created for herself and into reality, which caused her to face things she has avoided. Janet berated herself for being rude when Alice called wanting to meet and getting upset with Jim last night. Tom confessed to Laura that he has noticed a strain between her and Ken, but asked to remain neutral. Laura was disappointed in Tom, who refrained from offering opinions on Ken's request to move back to the city or Laura's misgivings about it. Tom told Laura that he was going to give Pat the silent treatment because she is getting too serious about him. Ken advised Laura not to interfere in Tom's life or expect Tom to live with them again. Ken expressed optimism to Laura about their marriage surviving once they reached a deal to move to the city and keep their house in the suburbs.

Alice: "Oh like - like maybe she shouldn't see me."
Pat: "You don't think Mom or Dad would say anything like that to Aunt Janet?"
Alice: "Not in just those words, no. You know how adults are, don't you? They sort of say things without saying them right out."
Pat: "That isn't true only of adults, Alice, that's true of - of most of us."
Alice: "When I have something to say, Pat, I usually get around to saying it right out."

Ken: "Why do you think you have to change to be - special?"
Janet: "Ken, let's forget the word special, shall we? Maybe I'd like to be what I was a long time ago. Maybe what I was a long time ago is exactly what I really am. Maybe the kind of life I've lived for a number of years now isn't the kind of life I care too much about. Maybe, just maybe, I've created a little world here, another world, different from the one I used to live in."
Ken: "I'd be interested in knowing what kind of world you used to live in, that - other world. Oh mind you, I definitely believe that each one of us from time to time lives in another world."

JULY 17, 1964 (EP. #53)
Pat objected to Bill's idea of dropping by Missy's apartment to work through any ill feelings she may harbor towards Bill for canceling their Fourth of July date. Pat urged Bill to be certain of his feelings before pursuing a romance with Missy because she does not permit anyone to get close to her except for Ann. Liz decided to subtly probe Pat about Missy after overhearing her conversation with Bill. Pat gave Liz a brief description of Missy, then denied Liz's assumptions that Bill's attentions towards Missy simply involved pity and that she yearned to get married. Dr. John Bradford recalled running into Bill leaving to see Missy's new ice box at her apartment and did not support Liz's view that he was too young for serious relationships. Liz encouraged John to confide in her about his personal life. Bill tried to assure Missy that he did not use Liz as an excuse to cancel their plans to spend the Fourth of July weekend together. Bill promised Missy that he would not force himself into her life and would respect Missy's request to be left alone. Missy refused to come to the hospital to see Bill, but Missy agreed to consider visiting Bill while he was recuperating at home after getting his tonsils removed. Pat accepted Missy's invitation to drive to her place next week. Mary noticed sadness and regret in Pat's voice as she reminisced about her prom night. Mary was unconvinced by Pat's contention that she had been ill due to the summer heat. Pat downplayed Mary's worries over her seeming unhappy, then hoped Mary's faith that she could handle problems with Tom sensibly was correct.

Liz: "Bill has wanted me to meet her. And I will one of these days. Patricia, you know your cousin, when he was just a youngster he was forever bringing in a stray cat or a stray dog."
Pat: "Aunt Liz. Missy isn't a stray anything if that's what you're trying to say."
Liz: "Oh I didn't mean it quite that way. But knowing she doesn't have anyone, or many friends - he naturally feels sorry for her and might give her the wrong impression."
Pat: "I doubt that. He and I have had our arguments, but I think we understand each other very well. I wouldn't worry about Bill if I were you."
Liz: "Oh I'm not worried about him. I'm just a little concerned about the girl. You know how it is these days, Patricia."
Pat: "Just how is it, Aunt Liz?"
Liz: "You've been on campus for three years, I'm sure you know how many girls have only one thing in mind - to get married. And many of them I don't think care too much how they accomplish it." (A BEAT WHILE PAT TAKES THIS IN AND IS WELL AWARE OF HER OWN SITUATION AT THE MOMENT)
Pat: "Don't you believe, Aunt Liz, that young people my age, Bill's, even younger, can and do fall in love?"
Liz: "My dear child. I'm a firm believer that young men should be able to take on the full responsibility of a wife and a family without any help from his parents. Oh I know parents subsidize marriages these days, something I wouldn't do."

Liz: "...No one seems to know too much about this girl, who she is or where came from. Bill wants me to meet her. One of these days soon I intend to do just that. Now then, enough about my young fledgling, tell me about you, John."
John: "About me? Liz, I'm sure you know my life is an open book. Maybe that's what's been wrong with it. It seems that only closed books are interesting."
Liz: "I'm sure there are many pages in that open book that any woman might find interesting."

Notes: Liz mentions having a college degree and Will being around 25 years old when they got married. An instrumental version of the song, "I Could Have Danced All Night," played during Act IV, which featured Mary and Pat.

JULY 20, 1964 (EP. #54)
Missy told Pat that she enjoyed spending time with her and Ann the other night. Missy was surprised to learn from Pat that she and Ann talked about young girls who become unwed, expectant mothers. Pat was embarrassed by Missy's firm belief that she was not the type of girl to have a child out of wedlock. Missy tried to warn Pat against continuing to date Tom to no avail. Pat confessed to Missy that she is going to marry Tom in the near future, but made her swear to secrecy. Pat scolded Alice for prying into her personal affairs and talking incessantly. Alice immediately forgave Pat, who explained she was upset with herself for not getting a summer job and helping Mary around the house. Pat told Alice that she and Bill like Missy very much, despite that Missy was a bit socially awkward. Alice was intrigued as Pat talked about Missy, hypothesized that Bill's efforts to date her would be in vain, and dreaded the thought of Missy meeting Liz. Pat resolved to make decisions about Tom during a mature conversation with Alice about life involving difficult choices without being hindered by indecision. Mary advised Alice that it was essential for a wife to consider her husband's needs before the needs of their children. Mary complimented Alice for helping with the house work and asked her to wake Pat. Alice found baby shoes and Mary's wedding veil while searching the attic to find a figurine that she wanted to sketch. Mary was annoyed and Pat burst into tears upon seeing Alice, who tried to cheer them up by walking downstairs wearing the wedding veil and carrying the baby shoes.

Pat: "Alice, there are some things one has to be definite about." (ALMOST TO HERSELF RATHER THAN TO ALICE) "You can't sit on that fence forever. One day you have to make up your mind to jump - and whatever happens, happens."
Alice: "Patricia Matthews. What fence have you been sitting on? And where are you going to jump?"
Pat: "Well Alice, after I've jumped, I'll let you know all about it. Now if you want to go and brush your teeth -- "
Alice: "Thanks, Pat, for treating me like I was really grownup."
Pat: "Sometimes I think you're more grownup than I am."

Mary: "You and Pat and Russ are very important to me, But there happens to be one person who is a little more important to me, and to this whole family. He comes first. Your father."
Alice: "Sorry."
Mary: "Perhaps someday, Alice, when you get married, have a family, you'll know how important it is to consider your husband first, your children second..."


JULY 21, 1964 (EP. #55)
Pat learned that Tom went to dinner with Laura upon calling his apartment. Jim was stunned by Pat's intense ranting over being questioned on skipping meals, unhappily staying in her bedroom, and lacking privacy. Jim admonished Pat for being inconsiderate, abrasive, and not behaving like a member of the family. Pat realized that she was not being fair to Jim and Mary, despite that she was frustrated over being unable to locate Tom. Pat called the Baxter residence looking for Tom, then hung up after Laura handed the phone to Tom. Laura dismissed Tom's concerns that she and Ken are being overly cordial to each other and are heading for a divorce. Tom confided to Laura that he has unwavering faith in his parents working through their marital issues. Laura complained to Ken about leaving her friends and activities in the suburbs, prompting Ken to accuse Laura of making a half-hearted effort to look at apartments and not giving the city a chance. Ken angrily informed Laura that he has grown weary of her social circles and would not tolerate the two of them leading separate lives anymore. Ken abandoned his efforts to talk to Laura when she began to make insinuations about him having feelings for another woman that replaced any love he once felt for Laura. Tom admitted to Pat that he purposely avoided her so that she would take the initiative to see him. Tom sensed rightly that Pat had something weighing heavily on her mind when Pat mentioned Phil marrying Rita for the baby's sake instead of for love. Tom was shocked when Pat blurted out that she was pregnant with his child.

Laura: "Let's get what over with?"
Ken: "Either we make a try of this together or I'm going to ask you for something I never thought I'd ask you. Either we go somewhere together or you go your way and I'll go mine."
Laura: "Then that is what you want, isn't it, a divorce. There is someone you really care about more than you care about me. There is, isn't there."
Ken: "There's no use talking to you anymore tonight. Fill up your glass, you'll feel better."

JULY 22, 1964 (EP. #56)
Tom smoked as he processed Pat's news, then embraced Pat protectively while she confessed to faking an illness to mask the pregnancy from Jim and Mary and a perceptive Alice. Pat reciprocated Tom's kiss tenderly once she agreed to give Tom some time and space to consider their situation and to allow Tom to handle everything on their behalf. Alice told Mary that Bill's face brightened upon receiving a phone call from Missy at the hospital and that he pestered Alice about the next time Jim and Mary would invite Missy over to the house for dinner. Alice told Mary about seeing Bill at the hospital and thought that Pat going on a date with Tom might be a return to normalcy. Mary insisted to Alice that Pat simply got sick because of driving her car with the top down on a hot summer day and nothing more. Alice told Mary that she missed Granny's calming influence. Ann was pleased that Missy called Bill while he was recuperating and that she was building a friendship with Pat. Missy debated on Pat truly being in love with Tom and whether it was wrong to tell Pat that people are gossiping about her. Ann described expressions of love to Missy, who lamented that she has never experienced love since her parents never married and she was placed in an orphanage. Pat was not interested in Alice making plans to see Janet, but found significance in Alice's comment that all people should have high self-esteem. Tom called Pat to postpone their date, but swore it was due to having a legitimate outing with Ken. Pat laid in bed as Tom's assurances of taking care of things echoed in her mind.

Alice: (to Mary) "And I told Bill that if I hadn't made up my mind to be an artist, a commercial artist, I would seriously consider the nursing profession."

Alice: "Mom, Pat and I share a bedroom. And there are things I know about Pat that you don't."
Mary: "Really?"
Alice: "Well don't say that as though I didn't know what I was talking about. I always know when things aren't going right between Patricia and Thomas Baxter."
Mary: "You keep pretty close tabs on everyone in this family, don't you."
Alice: "You know why? Because some people in this family keep pretty close tabs on me."

Notes: The song, "Penetration" by The Ventures was played at the beginning of Act I, which featured Tom and Pat. Mary mentions that Granny doesn't plan to return until fall.

JULY 23, 1964 (EP. #57)
Ken told Janet that Tom fools people into believing that he enjoys leading a playboy lifestyle and does not take anything seriously, but Tom wants to be a clinical psychologist and enjoys understanding the ways in which people tick. Ken told Janet that Tom uses his psychology education to probe into his and Laura's marital problems. Janet pointed to Ken's honesty when he felt hypocritical for criticizing Tom's womanizing ways and uncertainty over Tom being upfront with girls he dates. Janet pondered women fooling themselves into believing that everything would work out in their favor and finding herself hearing the man's point of view on every situation. Tom recalled Pat revealing her pregnancy as he drank a cocktail and waited for Ken at the University Club. Ken disagreed when Tom swore that, after several talks with Laura, he predicts that they would be moving to the city soon. Tom was evasive when Ken asked for the reason that he insisted on the two of them getting together and the intended topic he had planned to discuss. Ken dropped the subject when Tom insisted on ordering dinner instead of confiding in Ken the issue that was troubling Tom so much. Dr. John Bradford assured an embarrassed Janet that Ken interrupting their last talk was none of his business. Janet accepted John's offer to have a dinner date sometime. Laura worried her mother's intuition proved that Tom is troubled after Ken could not provide reasons for Tom spending the night at the house and going to bed early. Tom sat in an easy chair alone while trying to think of a solution for himself and Pat.

Notes: Recorded thoughts of Janet (end of Act I) and Tom (end of Act IV) played during their individual scenes while the camera did closeups of their faces.

JULY 24, 1964 (EP. #58)
Alice told Pat that she met an interesting young man who was a sophomore at the Institute and works at the art supply store. Alice was struck by Pat confidently proclaiming that Mary has prepared her for keeping house and rearing children. Pat agreed to consider Alice's invitation to go to a movie, grab something to eat, and see Janet at her apartment. Pat was alarmed when Alice mentioned a girl from school who is around sixteen years old, pregnant, and giving the baby up for adoption. Pat was entertained by Frank Andrews, Tom's roommate, while waiting for Tom at the apartment. Frank told Pat about becoming a professor once he earns his P.H.D. in psychology, and dating a nurse at Memorial Hospital named Kathy Grayson. Frank invited Pat to visit the apartment again and made himself scarce so that she and Tom could talk privately. Tom confessed to Pat that he has not figured out a course of action for them yet, but urged Pat not to feel anxiety towards the pregnancy. Janet ruminated over spending the rest of her life drinking alone and coming home to an empty apartment. Janet was impressed by Alice's enthusiasm over attending art school and Pat's interest in teaching. Pat and Alice could not grasp Janet's veiled remark that she originally intended to work until "the next best thing came along," meaning marriage and not a career. Janet was touched that Pat wished for them to know each other better. Frank was shocked when Tom revealed that Pat is having his child, but grew silent after Tom asked not to be lectured on getting married and assuming responsibilities.

Frank: (Introduction Line) (to Pat, who is knocking on the door) "It's open. Come in."

Notes: First appearance of Peter Brandon as Frank Andrews, Tom's roommate. Frank is described as a few years older than Tom, finished with his Master's Degree, and pursuing his doctorate in psychology. According to the script, Frank was originally intended to be named Mark. Tom mentions that he and Frank have been roommates for about two years.

JULY 27, 1964 (EP. #59)
Liz nagged Susan into coming to the house by admonishing her for not visiting Bill since he had been released from the hospital three days ago. Bill resisted Liz's attempts to baby him, though Bill good-naturedly remarked to Liz that she could never quit worrying about him completely. Liz griped to Bill about doctors who were too eager for their patients to get released from the hospital, out of bed, and back to work. A shadow fell over Liz's smile as she agreed with Bill's assertion that Susan's visit to the house would be a good chance for the three of them to spend time together. Pat was agitated and tense while trying to reach Susan by phone without success. Susan maintained that she did not have anything to report about work and mentioned Liz objecting to her getting an apartment when Liz broached the subjects. Liz tried to diffuse the tension by telling Susan she misses her, but was hurt that Bill had to persuade Susan to stay for dinner. Susan countered Bill's lecture on her treatment of Liz by stating that she has her own life now. Susan was concerned when Pat asked to see her right away so that they could talk privately. Pat tearfully told Susan that she is pregnant with Tom's child and expressed confidence in his love and working things out together. Susan was troubled that Tom and Pat have not discussed or made definitive plans to get married. Alice was unaware that Pat was discomfited hearing about a girl who was pregnant by a man who does not love her and was being sent away to have the baby. Pat was frightened and disturbed while she recalled her talk with Susan.


Production Notes: Used for the end of this episode and in later episode(s)
Susan: "You keep saying you'll work it out, but you don't say how."
Pat: "I told you. We haven't decided."
Susan: "But it's not that complicated. You haven't many choices."
Pat: "I know. Well -- we'll be married, I'm sure."
Susan: "Oh? But you didn't say that."
Pat: "Well, I thought you'd understand. It's -- it's so obvious."
Susan: "Is it?"
Pat: "Of course. We love each other -- and there's no reason we shouldn't."
Susan: "Is that how Tom feels? Has he asked you to marry him?"
Pat: (VERY TENSE, HER BACK TO THE WALL) "I told you, we haven't discussed the details yet."
Susan: (STARING AT PAT, QUIETLY) "That's not a detail, Pat. That's sort of -- the whole idea."

JULY 28, 1964 (EP. #60)
Mrs. Warren gave Laura a tour of her furnished apartment that she was leasing out because it held too many memories of her failed marriage. Laura offered Mrs. Warren a security deposit after the woman expressed despair over becoming a single woman once her impending divorce had been finalized. Laura got defensive when Ken accused her of playing games by resuming the search for apartments without making a commitment to moving into the city. Janet and Laura briefly glanced at each other and tacitly recognized their respective relationships to Ken when Janet came into Ken's office to discuss the Federal Electric account with him. Ken refused to confirm Laura's suspicions that Janet was the other woman in Ken's life. Laura suggested to Ken that they celebrate her choosing an apartment in the city. Tom declined Ken's invitation to have dinner together as a family. Tom told Frank that his parents' marital issues started because Laura immersed herself into suburban life to avoid grieving for Judy, which alienated Ken. Frank understood Tom's excitement over his parents having dinner after months of strain, but disliked Tom stating that he would rather see them than keep his date with Pat. Tom was unmoved by Frank's protests about him getting Pat pregnant and not taking responsibility for the situation by refusing to marry Pat. Pat's anxieties were eased once Tom promised that he was giving their situation serious thought before taking the appropriate actions. Tom was against the idea of marriage when Pat brought it up, but swore that he is putting her needs first.

Laura: "May I hazard a guess, Ken?"
Ken: "About what?"
Laura: "Miss Matthews. I have the funny feeling, I've just met your important client from out of town, your urgent dinner meeting, your emergency all-night session."

JULY 29, 1964 (EP. #61)
Bill refrained from boasting about beating Liz at Scrabble. Liz groused about Susan moving out to gain independence and believing her engagement to George Bowman was Liz's attempt to get her married and away from home. Bill contended that Will wanted his children to follow their own paths when Liz repeated her wishes for Bill to follow in his father's footsteps by taking his rightful place at the family's accounting firm. Pat's arrival to her apartment caused Missy to abruptly end her phone conversation with Bill before she could give him permission to visit her. Missy remained incredulous towards Bill's claim that he was about to call when Missy phoned him, despite the fact that Pat defended Bill's honesty to Missy. Missy informed Pat that she distrusts most people, especially men, with the exception of Pat and Ann. Pat tried to assure Missy that she and Bill sincerely like her and chided Missy for comparing herself unfavorably to Pat. Pat told Missy that she was a good friend whom she trusts completely to keep her tentative plans to marry Tom a secret. Missy revealed to Pat that she was illegitimate, that her parents left her at an orphanage when she was an infant, that she grew up in various foster homes, and was never adopted. Pat was floored when Missy bitterly denounced her own mother and opined that it was unfair to subject a baby to being an orphan and illegitimate. Pat became resentful when Mary voiced concerns over the tension and the lack of communication between Pat and the rest of the family. Mary pleaded with Pat to break up with Tom to no avail.

Missy: "My name isn't Melissa Palmer." (TAKE PAT PUZZLED. TAKE MISSY) "I don't have a name."
Pat: "You don't -- "
Missy: "No. I don't know who my mother or my father were. My mother, well she hardly knew me. I guess I was only about two months old - she left me at an orphanage. You see, my father didn't love my mother, so he didn't marry her. Ann says that if a man loves a girl, he marries her." (TAKE PAT, REMEMBERING HER DINNER WITH TOM)
Pat: "Wait a minute, Missy. I don't understand. You were in an orphanage? Were you adopted then?"
Missy: "Adopted? Nobody adopted me. Nobody wanted me. You know - don't you know where they put me? In foster homes. Oh, I know there are a lot of nice foster homes, but I never was in one. I had foster parents. They don't mean anything, they don't belong to you and you don't belong to them. Lots of them just don't care. They don't care about anything but the money - the money they get from keeping you."

Production Notes: This episode takes place during the same evening as the preceding script, about the same time as Tom and Pat having dinner.

JULY 30, 1964 (EP. #62)
Mary woke Jim to vent about her argument with Pat because Mary firmly believed that Tom would hurt Pat. Jim advised Mary that they cannot prevent their children from being hurt and that Bill warned him weeks ago that Tom tended to play the field with all of the girls that he dates. Mary conceded to Jim's assertions that she was wrong to demand that Pat split with Tom and that tightly pulling in the reigns would cause trouble. Jim decided it would be best to speak with Pat and gauge her reaction before potentially confronting Tom. Pat was guarded towards Jim, who tenderly joked about reviving an old custom of serving breakfast in bed each time she was sick as a little girl. Jim innocently proposed that Pat invite Tom to have dinner with them next week. Pat angrily accused Jim of interfering in her business and threatened to run away should Jim attempt to quiz Tom about his feelings and intentions for Pat. Pat was haunted by memories of Tom's assurances and her last talks with Susan and Missy about marriage and children who are illegitimate. Bill tossed a piece of the campus bridge's railing into the water to symbolize the start of his campaign to teach Missy self-worth and independence without being alone in the world. Missy honored Pat's confidence by refusing to answer Bill's questions about the secret that she was keeping from him. Missy remained reticent despite Bill's best efforts to get her to talk openly about her life and background. Bill felt profound compassion for Missy, who ran away after being frightened by his affectionate gesture of placing his hands into hers.

Jim: "Mary, how do you stop your children from being hurt? Do they listen to you? Sometimes I wonder how much we listened to our parents."
Mary: "The world was a little different when I was Patricia's age."
Jim: "Not so different. The point is, Mary, there isn't anything you and I can do to keep our children from being hurt."

Live Voice Overs during ACT III which featured Pat alone in her bedroom:
Missy: "I'm illegitimate. It's just not fair to do that to a baby."
Tom: "We'll work something out together."
Missy: "It's just not fair to do that to a baby."
Tom: "We'll work something out together."
Missy: "I'm illegitimate. If I ever see my mother, I'll kill her."
Tom: "We'll work something out together, together, together - "

Production Notes: A kinescope flashback of the Pat/Susan scene from July 27, 1964 (EP. #59) was used in this episode. Act I of this episode takes place at the same time (2:30 in the morning) as the conclusion of the preceding script.

JULY 31, 1964 (EP. #63)
Janet explained that coming face-to-face with Laura was inevitable when Ken was perplexed by Janet's nonchalant attitude towards meeting his wife a few days ago. Janet advised Ken to trust that Laura knows about their affair since women have the natural intuition to recognize such things as their husband's mistress. Ken carefully informed Janet that Laura agreed to lease an apartment in the city, but protested giving Janet's apartment key back while things remained uncertain in his marriage to Laura. Janet revealed her past engagement to Mike Connors and the hysterectomy that left her unable to conceive so that Ken could understand the reason she shields herself from love and commitment. Ken realized he could not argue with Janet's conclusion that the reason that her sterility did not matter to Ken was because Laura had already given him a son. Laura persuaded Ken to see the new apartment with her so that they could brainstorm some ideas on furnishing it. Ken's mood began to turn sour when Laura implied that Mrs. Warren's impending divorce was not caused by infidelity. Tom enjoyed catching Ken and Laura in a domestic scene of having a friendly chat while they drank coffee together. Ken and Laura told an ecstatic Tom about moving into an apartment in the city next week. Pat grew impatient with Tom, who asked for more time to think before making decisions about the future and their unborn child, but proclaimed that they should not marry for the sake of a child. Pat stared at Tom in horror and disbelief when he hinted that she does not have to give birth to the baby.

Janet: "It was six years ago -- before I came to the agency. I was secretly engaged to Mike Connors. Our plans were made -- wedding, shiny new apartment. It was the American dream -- with all the trimmings. I loved him -- really -- I know I did. And I thought he loved me."
Ken: "Didn't he?"
Janet: "Maybe. Maybe I expected too much of him -- maybe it's expecting too much of any man."
Ken: "What is?" (C/U OF JANET)
Janet: "It...the thing I've never told you -- the thing I'm telling you now." (SHE TAKES A BREATH, GOES ON) "About a month before the wedding I got sick. The doctors diagnosed a tumor. They told me they'd have to operate -- and they said, when the operation was over -- I'd never be able to have children." (C/U OF KEN; JANET GOES ON, ALMOST EMOTIONLESSLY) "That's a hard decision to have to make; no children -- or maybe no life. I chose life. Sometimes, I'm not so sure I chose right."
Ken: "You had the operation."
Janet: (NODDING) "A hysterectomy. The rest of the story is short. I told Mike I could never have his children and I said, under the circumstances, if he wanted to cancel our plans, I'd understand. I never dreamed for one minute that he'd say yes, he wanted to cancel our plans." (NOW THERE IS THE FIRST TRACE OF TEARS IN HER EYES) "But he did. It was a hard thing to explain to people, so I made up my mind I wouldn't. I made up my mind about a lot of things -- like never leaving myself open for that kind of pain again."

Pat: "You're saying you won't marry me, aren't you."
Tom: "Pat, not like this -- not because of a baby!!"
Pat: "But I can't change that!!!"
Tom: "Yes, you can." (A BEAT; QUIETLY, HIS EYES ON HER) "You don't have to have it."
Pat: "Don't have to have it -- that's what you said, isn't it? Don't have to -- you mean an abortion. Is that what you mean? (PANICKY) Is it, Tom?" (AND TAKE IT OUT)

Notes: This dialogue closed the episode and was repeated the next day with Pat's last line revised to, "I - I can't believe you mean it."

Production Notes: Show organist, Clarke Morgan played background music during Act I (Ken/Janet in the cocktail bar) that suited the setting rather than organ music at the beginning and end of the scene.

AUGUST 3, 1964 (EP. #64)
Tom insisted to Pat that they must be realistic because they could not evade the fact that Pat was pregnant with his child. Pat bought Tom's reasoning that they should have the wedding of her dreams and the happiness she deserves, not a quick, secret ceremony for the child's welfare that would lead to scorn from their families and friends. Pat objected to adoption, prompting Tom to claim that the baby was an obstacle to their future and that he must be sure she marries him for love. Tom readily allowed Pat time to decide on having an abortion after stressing the vitality of keeping the pregnancy a secret. Frank knew Tom was not in the mood for levity when his idea of making a signal to avoid interrupting private, embarrassing situations was met with contempt from Tom. Tom was not pleased to learn that Frank's girlfriend, Kathy, works with Pat's cousin, Susan, at Memorial Hospital. Frank reprimanded Tom for asking Pat to end their baby's life and risking her health, despite the fact that Tom refuses to marry Pat. Jim told Mary about his conversation with Pat about Tom and her threat to run away from home because Pat opined that Jim did not have the right to question Tom about his intentions for the two of them. Jim and Mary resigned to trust that Pat would eventually discover that Tom does not reciprocate her love or want to get married. Pat assumed a cheerful front for Jim and Mary's benefit, but sincerely enjoyed bantering about Alice being the smart one, likening her moodiness to dramatic screen actresses, and the differences in courting through the generations.

Tom: "I am not going to marry her." (SILENCE, THEN)
Frank: "Well, that's making yourself clear."
Tom: "I hope so!"
Frank: It's also making yourself into a..." (HE STOPS)
Tom: "A what?"
Frank: "Fill in the blanks yourself. I'm going out to get a little--clean, fresh air."

Jim: "...but I must say I have been missing the sunshine of my older daughter's smile."
Pat: "And I must say -- for a member of the older generation -- you do know how to compliment a girl."
Jim: "For a member of the older generation!! How do you think I got your mother -- by blackmail? You know, you kids didn't invent sweet nothings!"
Pat: (LAUGHING) "Sweet nothings! Oh, Dad, stop, you're burying yourself deeper."
Mary: (LAUGHING) "I'm afraid she's right, Jim."
Pat: "I'll say I am. Nobody's said 'sweet nothings' since -- well, since 1850!"
Jim: (RISING, PRETENDING GREAT UMBRAGE) "Contrary to what you may think, young lady -- I was not alive in 1850."
Pat: "All right. 1860."

Mary: "Jim Matthews, it takes the world to fall on you before you'll admit something is so."
Jim: (WITH A FAINT SMILE) "Not in everything, Mary. I can spot a mistake in a ledger that's been audited three times."
Mary: "I'm talking about things that happen here - in your own home."
Jim: "Well, won't you write it off to the fact that I'm a mere man?"

AUGUST 4, 1964 (EP. #65)
Liz showed Bill receipts, hospital bills, and correspondence between her and Will while organizing stacks of Will's papers. Bill grew contemplative as Liz reflected on her wonderful marriage and remarked that Bill would have the most precious thing in the world once he finds the kind of love and happiness that Will and Liz had shared. Bill assured Liz that Susan was gaining independence and was perfectly capable of supporting herself, but would come to miss the house and family. Liz was intrigued when Bill decided to invite Missy for dinner in person so she could not decline his invitation. Missy sheepishly showed Ann a picture of Bill that she cut out of the college newspaper when Ann refused to believe that it was a clipping from a fashion magazine. Ann thought Missy hanging up the picture was a step forward towards coming into the "real world" and encouraged Missy to feel worthy of love. Missy felt uncomfortable when Ann made herself scarce so that Bill and Missy could spend time together alone. Missy briefly told Bill that her parents died in a train crash years ago when he spotted the fabricated photographs of them. Missy chose not to contradict Bill, who put her on equal standing with Pat as nice, bright, attractive ladies. Bill was thrilled that Missy finally accepted his invitation. Liz and Bill were floored to find hospital bills and cancelled checks in Janet's name among Will's belongings. Bill approved of Liz's idea of including Susan in the plans with Missy so that all of them could meet. Missy could not muster the courage to replace the picture of her "parents" with that of Bill.

Liz: "Here are all the hospital bills when you were born, and look what your father wrote on them when he paid them." (SHE HANDS BILL THE PAPERS, WAITS, SMILING)
Bill: (READING) "Worth every penny." (BILL LAUGHS) "I wonder if he ever changed his mind."

Production Note: Liz's voice while reading one of Will's letters addressed to her, "If possible, the voice is lighter, younger, the voice of a Liz a quarter century ago."

AUGUST 5, 1964 (EP. #66)
Laura cited her willingness to move and the security deposit she placed on the apartment to dispute Ken's warning that appeasing him would not solve their marital problems. Laura grew uncomfortable when Ken responded to her remark about Mrs. Warren's reason for leasing her apartment by stating that he was not cynical about divorce. Tom left an urgent phone message for Mr. Alberts to return his call. Ken convinced Tom to have dinner with him and Laura in exchange for giving Tom a lift home. Tom complained to Ken about his difficult course work cutting into his leisure time. Ken mused about the Baxter's lake house being empty during the summer and recalled that he and Laura experienced some of the happiest times in their marriage there. Tom made veiled remarks on life's complications, but would not confide in Ken on any specifics. Laura maintained that she and Ken are keeping their options open when Tom was puzzled by their choice not to take the apartment right away. Ken enjoyed tender moments with Laura and Tom while sifting through photo albums and sharing memories together. Laura had a drink to ease her disappointment over Ken taking a drive once he gets Tom home. Ken marveled at Janet's acceptance towards his time with Laura and fervent belief that his marriage could be salvaged. Janet did not confirm or deny Ken's theory that he was not a threat to her because he is married and has a family. Ken and Janet kissed passionately before parting ways. Janet spoke to herself about wanting Ken to stay and to be with her despite her better judgement.

Janet: (Voice Over, to herself) "Why didn't I say, stay? Because he couldn't. He shouldn't...But tonight -- just tonight -- I didn't want him to go -- Careful. Don't let down the guard. That's how to get hurt. He's just one man...But tonight he's the one man I want to be with. I was so happy when he called, and now -- I feel so alone again -- so alone."

Notes: Mr. Alberts was an abortionist who erroneously called himself Dr. Alberts.

AUGUST 6, 1964 (EP. #67)
Bill asked Susan for a detailed account of her past engagement to George Bowman to justify Susan's recriminations against Liz. Susan explained to Bill that, while she was in the hospital with mononucleosis, she had the epiphany that Liz engineered the engagement, even though it would have been a loveless marriage. Bill's opinion was not swayed despite Susan's conviction, but Bill succeeded in getting Susan to begrudgingly accept his invitation to have dinner and meet Missy. Bill and Susan reached an impasse as they pondered whether Liz was a simple, uncomplicated soul or a cold, calculating woman. Pat was evasive and noncommittal in responding to Susan's questions on getting married to Tom and their plans for the baby. Susan begged Pat not to consider such a foolish, dangerous solution when Susan suspected that Tom may have suggested that Pat get an abortion. Alice debated on inviting a boy she likes over to meet Jim and Mary while raving about the Institute to Pat, who was haunted by echoes of Tom and Susan's different perspectives about abortion replaying in her mind. Janet was reticent against Liz's demands to explain Will providing her with financial support without Liz's knowledge. Janet caved once a more reasonable Liz explained that Will never kept secrets from her and worried that it might damage her vivid and precious memories of him. Liz silently left in dismay after Janet confessed that Will had financed her art school education and hysterectomy, that he had honored her request for secrecy, and that she paid Will back every cent of the loan.

Susan: "You remember when I was engaged, it wasn't that long ago."
Bill: "Sure. And I remember that you were crazy about the guy -- or so I thought."
Susan: "So did I. There wasn't a question in my mind. I'd have married him if I hadn't got mononucleosis and gone into the hospital."
Bill: "What's any of this got to do with Mother?"
Susan: "All of it does. But I didn't realize it either until I'd been in the hospital a while. One good thing about mononucleosis -- when you've got it you can't do anything -- except think. And that's what I did. First, I thought about George -- and how much I loved him and missed him and wanted to get back to him. And then, I realized I didn't really want to get back to him. And then I realized I didn't love him. I never had!"
Bill: "I still don't see where Mother fits into any of this."
Susan: "When I knew I never loved him -- I asked myself a question. Why did I think I did? Why was I going to marry him?"
Bill: "Sue, this isn't as complicated as you're making it. You were a young girl. You fell in love, you fell out of love. That happens every day."
Susan: "That's right! But I was engaged. I was going to get married! I was an eighteen-year-old girl having what could barely be described as a crush and I was going to get married! Why? Because Mother wanted it that way. Oh, she never came out and said 'Get married!' But she encouraged it, Bill. She encouraged George and she encouraged me. As I lay there in the hospital, I remembered, and slowly all the pieces began to fall into place, and one day, there it was, the whole picture -- just as clear. In a thousand, small, subtle ways Mother had engineered the whole thing."
Bill: "But why? Why would she want you to marry a man you didn't love?"
Susan: "I suppose she'd talked herself into believing I loved him. As to why, that's a question I've never been able to answer. Maybe she just didn't care about me and wanted me out of the house."
Bill: "Oh Sue, you know that isn't true."
Susan: "Do I? Mother's not the simple, uncomplicated soul you think she is, Bill."
Bill: "And she's not the cold, calculating woman you make her out to be, either."
Susan: "Maybe not to you."
Bill: "Or to you, either. I'm sorry, Sue. I've heard your story and I'm still unconvinced."
Susan: "I'm sorry."

Janet: "You've never liked me, have you, Liz?"
Liz: "I think 'approved of you' would be more accurate. But that shouldn't surprise you. You have closer relatives than I who don't approve of you."

AUGUST 7, 1964 (EP. #68)
Bill left Liz and Missy alone to chat while he fetched drinks and waited for Susan to arrive. Missy was intimidated by Liz's imposing personality as they made small talk about her working at the Kopper Kettle and meeting Bill on the campus bridge. Missy was relieved when Bill returned in time to interrupt Liz probing for information on her parents. Susan cringed when Liz harped on the fact that she was late getting to the house. Bill raved about Liz's cooking and Susan described her job duties as a lab technician to a fascinated Missy. Susan was happy that Pat and Missy are friends and suggested that the three of them have lunch together soon. Liz made Missy uncomfortable by asking about her financial means to fulfill her dreams of taking college courses and becoming a teacher in the future. Bill offered a ride to Missy, who tried to graciously leave by stating she promised to cover a coworker's shift at the Kopper Kettle. Susan accused Liz of putting Missy through a grand inquisition, contemptuously congratulated Liz for successfully scaring the girl away, and hinted that she may not come to the house again. Bill could not reach Missy, who was certain that she had failed to impress Liz and refused to elaborate on blaming herself for the way things turned out. Missy felt tormented about the evening and found looking at the fabricated pictures of her "parents" unbearable. Tom told Pat that he made inquiries into abortions and reiterated his stance on the baby being an obstacle to their future. Pat's thoughts drifted to the legend of "Suicide Bridge" as she stood alone trying to clear her head.

Notes: The very first exchange between Liz Matthews and Missy Palmer:
Liz: (about a drink) "What would you like, Miss Palmer?"
Bill: "Mother, I think you can call Missy by her first name."
Liz: (TURNS TO MISSY) "May I?"
Missy: "I wish you would."
Liz: (KNOWING HER FIRST NAME) "What is your first name, dear?"
Missy: "It's -- it's Missy."
Liz: "Oh I know that. But Missy must be short for..."
Bill: "Of course it is, Mother."
Missy: "It's short for Melissa, but..."
Liz: "Well then I'll call you Melissa. I never really liked nicknames very much."
Bill: "And what about Bill?"
Liz: "My dear boy, you know that I had to distinguish your name from your father's. You see, Melissa, they were both William and..."
Bill: "Mother..."

Missy: (to herself) "Why do I have to lie? That's a silly question. Everything went wrong, everything, because of me. I'm nobody, I'm nothing. A girl without a name, except the one she made up -- Melissa Palmer. I've got to get out of here, I can't stay in here tonight, I've got to get out of here. I can't look at these pictures anymore tonight -- pictures I cut out of a magazine and said, 'You are my mother and my father.' Just -- make-believe...."

AUGUST 10, 1964 (EP. #69)
Pat recalled Tom insisting that having a baby would be an obstacle to a marriage while Pat remained uncertain about Tom scheduling the abortion for her. Pat contemplated jumping off the campus bridge so that she would no longer have to worry about her pregnancy, make decisions about the baby, or wait to marry Tom. Mary and Alice realized that neither of them was happy about Tom and Pat resuming their relationship. Mary reminded Alice that she was mature enough to use good judgement when Alice asked to invite Mark, a student from the Institute who has several of his paintings on display, to dinner with the family. Alice made party plans for Pat's twenty-first birthday with the theme, "This Is Your Life, Pat Matthews" and noticed Mary's hesitation in including Janet while both fretted about putting Tom on the guest list. Alice called Mary the nicest person in the world for letting her carry out such elaborate party ideas for Pat's birthday. Pat admired the peaceful look of the water as she stood on the bridge, then headed home once she realized suicide would be like running away from her woes. Pat snapped at Alice for seeming hyperactive and continuing to ask whether she is depressed and still in a relationship with Tom. Alice grabbed Pat's address book and furiously scribbled names to add to the party's guest list when Pat left the bedroom. Jim and Mary laughed about the potential costs of the party and reviewing the guest list to avoid feeding starving artists from the Institute that Alice might invite. Pat stared out her bedroom window with tears in her eyes as Alice slept.

Production Notes: Special Stay Tuned - Week of August 10, 1964. "Please hold on to this copy for the week: JOIN CHET HUNTLEY AND DAVID BRINKLEY AT THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION BEGINNING MONDAY, AUGUST 24TH ON NBC TELEVISION AND RADIO."

AUGUST 11, 1964 (EP. #70)
Ann pointed to Bill's kind nature and Susan extending a lunch invitation to counter Missy's perception that she had ruined the evening by fumbling to answer personal questions and assumption that Liz had been anxious for Missy to leave her house. Ann's expression darkened as Missy admitted to fibbing to Liz, Bill, and Susan about covering a coworker's shift at the Kopper Kettle, belittled herself for merely being a charity case for Bill, and vowed not to see him again. Missy was bewildered by Ann's stern warnings against pushing Bill away because Bill may hold the key to Missy accepting her past and embarking on a bright future. Ann failed to convince Missy to answer a call coming from the pay phone in the hall of Missy's boarding room. Liz surmised that Missy seems to be ashamed of something within herself to Bill, who brooded over Missy avoiding his visits and phone calls. Bill scoffed at Liz's notion that Missy would know to write a "bread and butter note" to thank someone for social events. At the Kopper Kettle, Bill obscured his face with a menu so that Missy would be forced to talk to him and insisted that she did well at dinner and Liz and Susan genuinely liked her. Missy couldn't rise to Bill's challenge of telling him truthfully that she no longer wished to see him. Missy was tormented by her feelings for Bill and the certainty that they could ever be together because Bill would reject her over being illegitimate. Ann told Bill that he has drawn Missy out and encouraged Bill's persistence while maintaining Missy's confidences by not exposing the source of her self-loathing.

Notes: "Liz is playing solitaire, a game she favors for its own sake and as a means of advertising her loneliness."

Liz: "Would you like to play cards. I'm getting a little bored with solitaire."
Liz: (STUDYING HIM) "It's amazing."
Bill: "What is?"
Liz: "How much you look like your father when you sit in his chair. You sit in it exactly the way he did, sort of slumped down in it, with your legs out and your head on one hand."
Bill: "I don't remember Dad always sitting like this."

Liz: "Oh, he didn't always -- just when he was troubled about something. What's troubling you, son?"
Bill: (LOOKING UP AT HIS MOTHER, SMILING) "Dad used to say he hoped someday I'd find a woman who could read my mind the way you could his. He said it saved a lot of time and wear on the vocal cords."
Liz: (WITH A SMILE) "Your father also used to answer me when I asked him what was troubling him."
Bill: "It's nothing very important."
Liz: "If it's important enough to make you so -- uncommunicative, it's important enough to talk about."
Bill: (A PAUSE, THEN) "It's Missy."
Liz: "I suspected that."
Bill: "Why?"
Liz: "Because whenever you've been quiet and disturbed lately, it's been Melissa."

Bill: "There are still too many things I don't understand -- too many doors Missy can hide behind. When she does, I'm stuck. I - I don't have the key. I have a feeling you do. That's why I asked to see you tonight."
(CLOSEUP ANN. SHE IS SILENT A MOMENT, THEN) Ann: "I -- can't give you the key, Bill. Not the key you want."
Bill: "Why? Because there isn't any -- or because you can't give it to me?"
Ann: "That doesn't matter. I would like to say this to you, though. Don't give up. Keep trying, please -- for Missy sake -- and maybe, someday, for yours."

AUGUST 12, 1964 (EP. #71)
Mary urged Alice not to overdo planning out Pat's birthday party or take unnecessary measures to ensure it remains a surprise by doubting the family's ability to keep a secret. Alice mentioned Tom's reputation to Mary and contemplated whether Pat could be the girl who finally gets Tom to settle down and get married. Liz told Bill that she does not want him to feel obligated to keep her company or to be demanding of Bill's time, but dislikes seeing Bill depressed. Bill promised Liz that he would explain his interest in Missy once he has figured it out for himself and determined a way to articulate it to other people. Liz and Bill were delighted to accept Alice's invitation to attend Pat's birthday party. Alice agreed to invite Missy after learning from Bill that Missy and Pat had become good friends, but was dumbfounded by Bill's strict instructions that involved seeing Missy in person instead of calling her. Liz refused Bill's suggestion to throw out Janet's hospital bills because Liz did not believe any of Janet's claims. Janet regretted venting about her confrontation with Liz to Ken, who opined that Janet was dwelling on her hysterectomy and inability to bear children. Ken doubted Laura's commitment in taking the apartment in the city when Janet assumed that their affair must end since Laura was acquiescing to Ken's wishes. Alice pressed Janet to attend Pat's birthday party and to look at some of Alice's sketches the next time that they see each other. Ken was humiliated by Janet's requests to hide in the bedroom while Alice was present and being asked to leave shortly after Alice's visit.

Janet: "I'm invited to a party for her sister - her twenty-first birthday. She's a lovely girl, Ken - very lovely."
Ken: "Perhaps someday she could meet my son. He's always in the market for lovely girls."
Janet: (ANGRY) "I'm not in the mood for humor, Ken."
Ken: "You don't seem to be in the mood for anything now."

Notes: Puzzling handwritten note on the "Show Routine" page: "Not an "A" network at all. Will air on B & C."

AUGUST 13, 1964 (EP. #72)
Tom left instructions for Frank should Pat call their apartment. Tom advised Laura that he was expecting an important call from Pat, then downplayed being in a serious relationship because of his aversion to people getting married at a young age. Tom criticized Laura for vacillating in taking the apartment because she claimed it symbolizes Ken and Laura's past in the city. Laura tried to change the subject when Tom harped on the fact that Ken never grew accustomed to suburban life and equated Ken's discontent to Laura's suspicions that he was having an affair. Laura became sympathetic as Tom spoke of needing his parents to maintain his respect of morality and marriage for those who get married for the right reasons. Tom implored Laura to move to the city or risk losing Ken by forcing him to unhappily endure living in the suburbs. Ken became thoughtful as Tom promised that he was not facing a crisis and that he had made plans for his life. Laura was bothered by pangs of regret in Ken's voice as he mused about life's disappointments and the times that it seemed like the world was crashing before one's eyes. Ken denied seeing another woman and informed Tom that he is not under obligation to justify his actions. Tom was satisfied by Ken's claims that he and Laura are working diligently to resolve their problems and refusal to be trapped into a suburban lifestyle. Laura quelled Ken's concerns by crediting Tom with having goals in life and a good sense of values. Ken embraced and kissed Laura after she decided to take the apartment and make immediate plans to move.

Note: This episode takes place on the same night as the preceding script and only features Ken, Laura, and Tom Baxter.

AUGUST 14, 1964 (EP. #73)
Alice reminded Missy that they had met when she brought Pat home feeling ill. Missy was astonished by Alice's admiration over her supporting herself and having her own place, though Missy confessed that she had been on her own for years. Alice did not understand the relevance to Missy when she mentioned that Bill reminded her that Missy and Pat were good friends, but Alice swore to Missy that she was not coaxed into extending the party invitation. Missy stopped Alice from badgering her by promising to make an effort to attend Pat's birthday party, but was mortified when Alice noted a resemblance between Missy and her "mother" among her pictures. Pat complimented Mary on being adaptable and finding something positive to maintain her focus instead of complaining about things that take effort to complete. Mary was grateful that Pat was in good spirits. Pat did not want anyone to make a big deal over her birthday after Mary casually offered to take her clothes shopping to prepare for the fall semester. Jim noted Mary's unwavering optimism when Mary made the assumption that Tom had helped Pat get passed her depression. Mary opined that Alice was simply behaving like a typical teenager when Pat noticed her hyperactivity and restlessness again. Pat grew anxious over Susan's urgent request to come over for a talk. Susan told Pat that she would feel responsible for anything that goes wrong and gave dire warnings on the risks of having an abortion. Pat promised Susan that she would persuade Tom into getting married in exchange for keeping her secrets.

Pat: "You're certainly looking for some action tonight. What got into you? You've been exploding all over the place for two days now."
Alice: "Have I?"
Mary: "I think we'd better put it down to being seventeen years old."
Alice: "Oh, Mom, I'm going to be eighteen in two months."
Jim: "You're seventeen until you're eighteen. Don't hurry things, it only add years to our ages -- and we can't afford it."

Pat: (about a birthday gift) "I can't think of anything, really. Besides I don't want any fuss."
Alice: (SHE SITS DOWN, CALMLY) "What's the fuss? I just want to get you a little present. Please start thinking of what you need. Make a list - but not too expensive. I don't think the exchequer can afford mink."
Pat: "All right. I prefer leopard anyway."

AUGUST 17, 1964 (EP. #74)
Alice called Tom and cringed when he accepted her invitation to Pat's surprise birthday party. Tom became defensive when Frank noted that he had not exactly been a pillar of strength for Pat as she copes with being pregnant with his child. Frank was appalled by Tom's cavalier attitude towards Pat's feelings because of his refusal to attend the party or to contact Pat until she consents to getting an abortion. Tom coldly told Frank not to give lectures and advice on his situation with Pat unless Frank finds himself in a similar predicament with his girlfriend, Kathy. Laura happily informed Tom that she had signed a one-year lease on the apartment in the city. Tom modestly accepted Laura's gratitude for convincing her to leave suburban life behind, but lightly nixed Laura's assertions that he was ready for marriage and a family. Janet reminded Ken that she abides by the rules of not mixing business with pleasure or having romantic entanglements with strings attached when Janet resisted Ken's advances at work. Ken forgave Janet for not letting him spend the night after she explained that seeing Alice reminded her of the innocence she had lost. Janet slipped through the side door upon hearing Ken's secretary notify him about Laura and Tom's arrival. Tom was overjoyed to see his parents embrace tenderly once Laura gave Ken the key to their new place and said that she wants to move immediately. Ken signed the lease and enthusiastically agreed to Laura's idea of furnishing the apartment themselves. Tom watched Ken hold Laura as she shed tears of happiness and beamed about their plans.

Tom: (about Pat) "She's not alone. I'm in this too."
Frank: "I'm sure."
Tom: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Frank: "It means, my friend, that in the humble opinion of your roommate, you haven't exactly been a pillar of strength to this girl."
Tom: "What am I supposed to do? I've done everything I can. Now it's up to her."
Frank: "The age of gallantry isn't dead."
Frank: "You're not seeing her at all these days, are you?"
Tom: "No."
Frank: "Don't you think that's a little rough on her?"
Tom: (QUOTING) "I must be cruel only to be kind."
Frank: "Okay, we've established the fact that you know your Shakespeare....."

Janet: "We made a rule, Ken. Business would always be business -- no matter what happened away from this office."
Ken: "I know. What would you do without rules, Janet?"
Janet: "What do you mean?"
Ken: "I mean you live so much by rules -- more than anyone I can think of. No personal relationships from nine to five; no strings ever; married men only...Don't you ever get tired of rules?"
Janet: "They make life easier."
Ken: "Do they?"
Janet: "For me."

Notes: Tom's Shakespeare quote, "I must be cruel only to be kind," is from Hamlet, very likely the first use of the bard on AW.

AUGUST 18, 1964 (EP. #75)
Liz dropped the subject when Bill was ambivalent about working at the family's accounting firm and was not keen on pursuing a career that combines accounting with criminal law. Liz questioned Bill on thinking that Missy would benefit from attending Pat's birthday party because of Missy's discomfort in social gatherings. Bill shrugged off Liz implying that he was acting like Missy's psychologist by taking the responsibility to help Missy solve her personal problems. Bill grew pensive when Liz tried to discourage his earnest pursuit of Missy and suggested that he determine whether or not his motivations and interest in Missy was for the right reasons. Missy was defiant towards Ann, who urged Missy to accept the concern of friends and seek therapy to stop Missy from retreating into isolation and the past. Ann stared helplessly as Missy proclaimed that she was nothing more than an illegitimate orphan and dashed out of Ann's office in tears. Bill made excuses to justify Missy's timid, cautious behavior when Alice described visiting her. Alice was immediately remorseful for making light of the fact that Missy declined her invitation to Pat's party because she had a date and Alice wrongly assumed that it would not matter to Bill. Bill refused to accept the reasons Missy gave for not coming to Pat's party. Bill called himself dense for thinking that Missy had been avoiding him because of the dinner she had with Bill's family. Missy reacted to Bill's persistence by exclaiming that she would attend the party on the condition that he quits bothering her. Bill left deeply wounded while Missy sobbed on her bed.

Notes: Description for Act IV of Bill/Missy scene: "The fact is these two young people are having a lovers' quarrel long before either one suspects they are in love. But the quarrel should have that quality."

AUGUST 19, 1964 (EP. #76)
Alice practically pushed Pat aside while scrambling to retrieve her purse from under the bed. Pat smiled fondly and with satisfaction at Mary, who told Alice that she would make a lasting impression on Mark Sanford by wearing a lovely dress rather than a man's shirt and paint-stained jeans to their lunch date. Alice was touched when Mark insisted that she could not be square whether she wore dresses or casual clothing. Mark accepted Alice's invitation to Pat's party, promised to wear a dress shirt and tie, and not cause her any embarrassment when he meets Jim and Mary. Alice thought Mark gifting Pat with one of his paintings was a great idea as they prepared to have lunch together. Mary quoted Jim's statements on keeping faith in children who are mirrors of their parents, that parents and children share morality, and create the world in which they live to answer Pat's question on the reason that she does not worry about Alice. Pat looked in a full-length mirror to check for visible signs of her pregnancy while she contemplated that the baby was becoming more alive each day. Pat decided against contacting Tom. Tom convinced himself that Pat getting an abortion was the right choice for both their sakes and that Frank's objections meant nothing to him. Pat rushed an annoyed Alice out of the bedroom and called Tom, who stood firm against seeing her until she had reached a final decision on their situation. Alice quizzed Pat on whether she liked oil paintings. Pat was paralyzed with fear as she thought of the consequences of impulsively telling Tom that she would have the abortion.

Notes: Description for Act II at the Art Institute Supply Store: "....Mark's face isn't bearded, but his soul is. He is young, only nineteen, and a sophomore at the Institute. Needless to say he wears blue jeans (well-dappled with paint) and a sweat shirt (Ditto). It would be unnatural if Mark weren't a little beat and didn't talk as if he were. No self-respecting art student would be any other way. What redeems Mark is his intelligence and his talent. He's beat because he's a painter, but he's not a painter because he wants to be beat. He is a brilliant young painter and some day he may be great. He paints because, as Picasso said about Matisse, "He has sun in his belly." This lengthy explanation is to point out that Mark treads a narrow line between being hip and being foolish. He looks hip and he talks hip, but he is not a comedy character....."

Alice: "Mark -- do you like parties?"
Mark: "Depends. If they swing - cool; if they're square - nowhere!"
Mark: "Square and cool isn't how you dress or what you say. It's here." (HE TAPS HIS CHEST) "And here." (HE TAPS HIS HEAD) "Shakespeare never wore blue jeans and sneakers in his life and he was the coolest. Da Vinci too."

AUGUST 20, 1964 (EP. #77)
Pat accused Alice of adopting a disapproving tone when she asked about Pat going out on a date with Tom and acting impatient towards Pat leaving the bedroom so that Alice could talk to Mark on the telephone privately. Alice proudly showed Jim and Mary the handcrafted hats and banner she and Russ had made for the party, revealed that Bill was taking Pat out so that they can get the house ready, and bragged that Pat's suspicions have not been raised. Jim and Mary joked that they had made great sacrifices by allowing Alice to store the supplies for Pat's birthday party in their bedroom. Mary attributed Alice to harboring doubts that Pat's surprise birthday party would be successful to needing a good night's sleep due to exhausting herself. Jim and Mary reflected on Pat being difficult by questioning their judgment since Pat began dating Tom, but were grateful that Pat seemed to have become a happy member of the family again. Mary felt it was appropriate for Jim to have pride towards the people their children have become and to consider themselves a success in parenting. Tom tried to dissuade Pat's misgivings by praising her decision and gave Pat assurances that he inquired into abortions and has complete faith that they would not face unforeseen complications. Pat wrestled with the moral implications of her choice and nixed Tom's idea of staying at a hotel and getting the procedure performed in secret. Tom complied to Pat's request to tentatively schedule the appointment for Labor Day weekend because her family will likely be out of town and she can recover at home.

Jim: "What's that?"
Mary: "The birthday cake."
Jim: "I am not sleeping with that! Favors, extra chairs - all right. But I am not going to get up in the middle of the night and step into a box of whipped cream. I have to put my foot down somewhere -- and I don't want to put it in the cake."

AUGUST 21, 1964 (EP. #78)
Liz predicted to Bill that Mary would misinterpret her offers to help with the party as interference and gave their vastly different perspectives and approaches in life as reasons for the two women not being close. Bill told Liz that he and Pat are meeting Missy at her place and bringing Pat home once the final preparations for the party are made. Bill was evasive with Liz when she inquired into the specifics of Missy's personal problems. Liz sadly confided to Bill that she struggles with being a widow since Will's death. Janet told Ken that she has reservations about attending the party because she feels that she does not belong in the family. Ken's indifference was in sharp contrast to Janet's optimism towards repairing his marriage to Laura. Janet reflected to Ken that she successfully isolated herself from her family, but finds herself gravitating towards them because of her siblings' children. Ken compassionately told Janet that she has a talent for motherhood that draws Pat and Alice to her that she should nurture. Russ displayed the bag he invented that attaches to the ceiling and will release balloons when he pulls the string, which impressed Jim and Mary. Jim was not worried when Alice thought Pat might be upset that Tom cancelled attending the party. Bill confessed his interest and concerns for Missy to Pat, who then insisted that she was not serious about Tom or considering marriage since she still wants to finish college and become a teacher. Bill took Pat home when Missy did not come to meet them. Pat broke into tears when everyone surprised her upon coming through the door.

Liz: "Your aunt doesn't like any interference either where her family or her home is concerned."
Bill: (HE LOOKS AT HIS MOTHER VERY SERIOUSLY) "What is it between you and Aunt Mary?"
Liz: "Oh nothing, really. Except that we're - very different. I do things my way, and your Aunt Mary does things her way. We don't agree too often. Oh I like her, and I'm sure she likes me."
Bill: "But the two of you have never been very close, have you. At least not that I can remember."
Liz: "No, no we haven't....."

Notes: Appearance by Joey Trent as Russ Matthews. The entire regular cast, sans Laura and Tom Baxter, appeared in this episode.

AUGUST 24, 1964 (EP. #79)
Bill apologized to Missy for getting angry, speaking unkindly to her because of Missy's efforts to avoid him, and for grilling Missy about her reasons for not wanting to attend Pat's party. Missy softened towards Bill and confessed that she fibbed about having a date because she is uncomfortable being at social occasions. Missy was flattered by Bill's compliments on her new dress, agreed to cooperate with Bill's campaign to improve her self esteem, and resume spending time with him. Bill and Missy gazed into each other's eyes, but parted ways instead of giving into their impulses to embrace and kiss. Missy took out her framed picture of Bill from a drawer and kissed it. Liz took Bill through the semantics of appropriately describing Missy's demeanor in social settings and was thankful that Bill disagrees with Missy's belief that Liz disapproves of her. Liz was relieved when Bill explained that, while he was sincerely interested in Missy, he was not ready for a serious commitment yet. Bill did not fault Liz for wallowing in self-pity over being a widow, but insisted to Liz that he would not reconsider his decision to start law school in the fall. Pat spoke ruefully to Jim, Mary, and Alice about turning twenty-one years old and raved about her birthday party before going to bed. Jim told Mary that Pat seems to be feeling the weight of growing another year older. Alice hugged Pat, who affectionately advised her not to let anyone change the person she is. Pat was slightly surprised that Alice had invited Tom to the party, but swooned over Tom remembering her birthday and sending the roses.

Pat: "You like Mark very much, don't you, youngster."
Alice: "Yes, old lady, I do."
Pat: "Sorry, but tonight, just tonight, because I feel so - very much twenty-one, I can't help but think of you as a youngster."
Alice: "I forgive you. It's still your birthday."

Alice: "Well, goodnight, Cinderella."
Pat: "Yes, that's a good name for me tonight -- Cinderella. Only -- I left the dance too late."
Alice: "And the coach turned into pumpkins, and the white horses..."
Pat: "I know the story."
Alice: "Don't forget the end of the story, Pat. The prince found your slipper, the one you lost? And he went all over to find the owner of the glass slipper, remember?"
Pat: (AT THE ROSES WITH HER BACK TOWARDS ALICE) "Oh yes -- I remember. The only difference between Cinderella and me..."
Alice: "I'm waiting, what is the difference?"
Pat: "It's just a fairy story. It isn't real -- it isn't real."

Liz: "You've really made up your mind to be an attorney, hm?"
Bill: "I may change my mind about a great many things, but not about that. I know how much you want me to go into accounting, be a part of Uncle Jim's business..."
Liz: "It was your father's business, his profession, an accountant."

Production Note: Norman Hall and Dick Lerner replaced Tom Donovan as Director and Assistant Director respectively in this episode.

AUGUST 25, 1964 (EP. #80)
Susan told Bill that she would rather not discuss Liz with him. Bill confirmed for Susan that Tom was dating Pat, that he has a dubious reputation with women, and expressed hopes that Pat does not get seriously involved with Tom. Susan told an intrigued Bill that she knows that Missy likes him by interpreting voice tone and non-verbal communication-a talent that Susan had developed by studying patients at Memorial Hospital. Susan became motivated to invite Missy to lunch after Bill could not articulate his feelings and intentions for the girl. Ann bristled at Missy for having doubts that Susan remembered her lunch invitation and Bill genuinely being fond of her, but Ann tried not to be harsh towards Missy because she understood her difficulty in trusting people. Ann told Missy that she was like everyone else in the world who wished to be loved and respected. Missy was confounded by Ann's musings about regression and progress being part of a person's growth and development. Missy gushed about Pat's happy, close-knit family and the birthday party while having lunch with Pat and Susan. Pat felt awkward when Susan stated that she hopes to meet Tom and Missy mentioned knowing Tom as another customer that she has served at the Kopper Kettle. Susan persuaded Pat to stay for a private chat after Missy left for work. Pat refused to listen to Susan's reservations about Tom or to consider telling Jim and Mary about her pregnancy before she does anything drastic. Susan found herself dissatisfied with Pat's claim that she and Tom are getting married on Labor Day weekend.

Susan: "You're not thinking of marriage, are you?"
Bill: "No. There're a lot of bridges to be crossed before I can think of marrying."
Susan: "What do you mean?"
Bill: "Well, these bridges have been constructed by Melissa Palmer."
Susan: "Do you want to cross them?"
Bill: "I don't think I can answer that tonight."

AUGUST 26, 1964 (EP. #81)
Laura heard the voices of Tom and Judy as children and Tom persuading Laura into living in the city for the sake of her marriage to Ken while lovingly touching the covered furniture in the house. Laura tried to maintain her composure while telling a friend named Helen that she and Ken were leaving the suburbs, then told herself that saving a marriage was more important than a house or memories from the past. Janet sincerely wished for Ken to build a life with Laura in their new place. Ken described the apartment's large library and beautiful view of the lake to Janet and tried to match her confidence that he and Laura would make their marriage work. Janet convinced Ken to surrender his key to her apartment and return to Laura rather than prolong saying their farewells to each other. Ken enthused over the talented artists that attend school at the Institute and suggested to Laura that they have lunch there. Tom mentioned seeing a woman who works at the agency's art department going into Ken's office who bore a resemblance to Laura, but Ken denied the physical similarities between Janet and Laura and quickly changed the subject. Laura was unhappy that Tom planned to finish school, become a professor, and then a clinical psychologist before getting married and starting a family. Laura got Ken to confirm the identity of the commercial artist Tom described as Janet, but chose not to discuss the matter further. Ken encouraged Laura to find a balance between accepting the past, recapturing the happiness they once cherished, and making a fresh start in the city.

Notes: Ken and Janet mention becoming an item about 7-8 months ago.

AUGUST 27, 1964 (EP. #82)
Janet was chagrined that Ken had to persuade Mr. Clark to accept an art layout on her behalf and groused that making revisions on her work could be detrimental to the finished product. Ken was pleased that Janet attended Pat's birthday party and enjoyed herself. Janet spoke fondly of Alice's youthful exuberance, but lamented to Ken that Pat had seemed troubled and that age seemed to be weighing heavily on her young shoulders. Ken maintained that Janet was projecting her own wishes onto Pat to accept the responsibilities of marriage and a family. Janet lied that she had a date to justify declining Ken's invitation to share a cocktail with him before Ken headed home to Laura. Dr. John Bradford enthusiastically accepted when Janet called him to arrange a dinner date. John told Janet that she had a special, memorable quality that inspired him to reveal Will's heart condition and poor prognosis and become interested in getting to know her. Janet yearned to be open with John about her relationship with Ken, who tried to mask jealousy towards Janet being on a date with another man. Pat was immediately contrite for interrupting John and Janet's date by impulsively dropping by her apartment to see Janet. Janet and Pat agreed to get together soon. Janet told Dr. Bradford that she recognizes herself in Pat and recalled running the gamut of emotions when she was Pat's age. Dr. Bradford politely ended the evening once he realized that Janet had lingering feelings for Ken. Janet became angry with Ken for jumping to the hasty conclusion that John was a married man.

John Bradford: (Exit Line, to Janet about breaking their date) "Why? You're not over Ken Baxter yet, that's why."

Notes: Last appearance of John Crawford as Dr. John Bradford. Dr. Bradford revealed that he had treated Will Matthews over the last five years for a heart condition and had a poor prognosis.

AUGUST 28, 1964 (EP. #83)
Pat was speechless and Alice enthused over all the outdoor activities available when Jim revealed making reservations for them to spend an extended weekend at a resort called Canyon Lodge. Jim, Mary, and Alice could not convince Pat to cancel ostensibly driving out of town with Tom and a group of friends so that Pat could go to Canyon Lodge with the rest of the family. Jim and Mary exchanged pleasantries with Mark, but privately opined that he was different than the guys Alice had dated in the past and noted that he spoke using slang terms. Jim tried to ease Mary's disappointment by reasoning that Pat prefers spending the holidays away from her family now. Tom justified his absence at Pat's surprise birthday party by claiming he assumed that his presence would be difficult on her. Pat grew fearful and teary-eyed while relaying Jim and Mary's plans for Labor Day weekend to Tom, who soothed Pat's conflicted feelings and reiterated that they have made the best choice for themselves and the future. Pat desperately clung to Tom for warmth, affection, and comfort after consenting to schedule her medical appointment once her family leaves town. Tom promised Pat that they would be able to breathe more easily and think more clearly after she got an abortion. Frank emphasized his moral objections to abortion and the risks involved to Tom, but admitted defeat in trying to change his mind on the matter. Tom obstinately refused to listen to Frank's points on the potential long-term effects of the procedure, then requested that Frank leave so that he could call Mr. Alberts.

AUGUST 31, 1964 (EP. #84)
Missy fussed over her hair and clothes in preparation for a date with Bill while Ann watched proudly. Ann urged Missy to focus on people who are capable of love rather than dwell on the fact that her parents did not marry and gave her up for adoption. Ann impulsively replaced the pictures of Missy's "parents" with the framed photopraph of Bill while Missy went to her closet to retrieve a pair of shoes. Liz came to Bill's bedroom in hopes that his cheerful whistling might alleviate her woes and smiled while watching Bill get ready for his date with Missy. Bill got Liz to confess her bouts of loneliness and cautiously urged Liz to forget about the past, move forward with her life, and to contemplate the future. Liz apologized to Bill for complaining about feeling depressed and Susan moving out, then declined Bill's offer to cancel his date and keep her company that evening. Missy was overjoyed when Bill gifted her with a gardenia to wear on her blouse. Missy was horrified that Bill spotted his picture that Ann hung up without her knowledge. Bill eased Missy's embarrassment by promising to give her a better quality picture of himself in exchange for a picture of her. Missy was starry-eyed while admiring the elegant furnishings and plush walls of the restaurant where she and Bill ate dinner. Bill warned Missy not to idolize people so that she would not face feeling disappointment in them. Missy was compassionate as Bill fretted over wanting to live on campus next fall but not having the heart to leave Liz alone. Bill got Missy's permission to hold her hand after she raved about having the time of her life.


SEPTEMBER 1, 1964 (EP. #85)
Frank grew thoughtful as Tom opined that it had been a pleasure to spend time with Ken and Laura lately. Tom was irritated that Frank viewed his happiness over Ken and Laura's improved relations as a sudden display of respect for marriage. Frank expressed remorse for being sanctimonious and encouraged Tom to have a calm, rational conversation with him. Frank sadly noted the irony of Tom wishing to help save Ken and Laura's marriage despite the fact that Tom was adamantly opposed to marrying Pat. Tom remained steadfast against Frank's contentions that Tom consider marriage because Pat was carrying his child and getting an abortion could jeopardize Pat's life. Tom grew worried watching Laura make herself a cocktail as he mentioned actively dating but not going steady with anyone. Laura grimly told Tom about her angst towards finding things to occupy her time in the city, then rambled about missing her friends, activities, and the tree-lined streets of the suburbs. Janet informed Ken that he was not entitled to get details on her personal life since they are no longer an item. Ken scrambled to diffuse Janet, who agreed to maintain a friendship with Ken but was offended by his invasive questions. Tom was subdued as Laura feigned a cheerful mood upon Ken's arrival home and lied about going to the Institute and Red Cross. Ken and Laura joked about Tom's noncommittal attitude towards dating and leading a mysterious life that was unknown to them. Tom convinced Ken to take Laura to the family's lake house for the weekend to lessen her boredom in the city.

Ken: "Did you stay in town?"
Janet: "Yes. It's been so cool lately, there doesn't seem much point in going to the country. Besides, you know I'm not an outdoor type. I prefer to stay at home and vegetate and leave the more athletic fun to the -- shall we say, younger people?"
Ken: "You're not trying to tell me you're old, Janet. I'm afraid I can't buy that."

Production Notes: Lillian Russo served as Assistant Director to Director Tom Donovan for this episode.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1964 (EP. #86)
Susan wrestled with her conscience and decided that she must tell Jim and Mary about Pat's pregnancy and plans to marry Tom or feel responsible should Pat get medically harmed by getting an abortion. Pat was immediately tortured by thoughts of her impending appointment upon waking up in the morning. Mary spoke ruefully of children needing their parents less over time after telling Pat that she will be missed while they go on a vacation. Pat regretfully refused when Alice suggested that she cancel her plans with Tom and come with the family to Canyon Lodge. Tom gently, but somewhat casually convinced Pat that they could not raise a child, but she would have the opportunity to have strong, healthy children once she was prepared to have them. Tom evaded professing love to Pat, who pleaded with him to express his feelings openly to her. Susan panicked after discovering that Pat was not at home and the family had already left town. Liz carped to Bill that Mary discontinued the tradition of the two families spending holiday weekends together by not inviting them to Canyon Lodge. Bill suggested to Liz that they take Missy and travel to Lakewood. Susan relaxed after Bill assumed that Pat had likely made plans with some friends for Labor Day weekend. Pat's attempts at laughter turned into panicked sobs as she talked to Tom about Canyon Lodge and Russ taking Jim's place as the golfer in the family. Tom placed his arm around Pat and rocked her like a baby to lower her anxiety. Tom tried to steady his nerves by smoking as Pat entered the building to see Mr. Alberts.

Tom: "...We can't put it off. We're here. You have to go in."
Pat: (IN ALMOST THE SAME CASUAL TONE, BUT THE TEARS ARE COMING DOWN HER CHEEKS) "It's wrong, Tom. It's wrong. We don't have the right."
Tom: "It's the only thing to do, Pat. If there were any other way, we'd do it. Please, darling, we'll be late. And they told me we couldn't be late."
Pat: (TURNING TO HIM, GRASPING AT STRAW) "Maybe we are late. There's no point in going in at all!"
Tom: (FIRMLY, SHAKING HIS HEAD) "No, Pat. We're not late. You can go in. Now."
Tom: "You have nothing to be afraid of, darling. I told you that. You have to trust me now -- and believe me."
Pat: (RAISING HER FACE TO HIS) "I do trust you, Tom. That's why I'm here!"

Notes: According to handwritten notes, the song, "Make Someone Happy" may have been the song ultimately chosen for the conclusion of Act IV.


SEPTEMBER 3, 1964 (EP. #87)
Tom chain-smoked while fearing for Pat's welfare because she had been in Mr. Alberts' office for two hours. Pat was in a numb, somnambulistic state as Tom guided her down the stairs, across the sidewalk, and into the car before driving Pat home. Tom placed Pat onto her bed, then reluctantly left after Pat took a sedative and asked to be alone so that she could rest. Pat agreed to contact Tom should she need anything and insisted that she would remain healthy without any conviction in her voice. Frank gallantly served his girlfriend, Nurse Kathy Grayson hot dogs, coleslaw, and beer as she described dealing with a difficult patient who craved attention at the hospital. Frank decided to forego waiting until he had earned his Doctorate and proposed marriage to Kathy. Kathy happily accepted Frank's proposal and convinced him that they should get married by New Year's Day because it would be the start of a fresh, new year for them. Kathy was perplexed by Tom's distant behavior and Frank's hesitance over Tom being his best man because of a difference of opinion about an unspecified subject. Pat was tormented by the nightmarish effect of Tom and Dr. Albert's voices that were accompanied by baby cries from a distance, which gradually drowned out the other sounds before everything fell silent. Pat jolted from sleep, wide-eyed and drenched in perspiration, feeling drugged and shocked, and immediately called Tom, who tried to mask his concern because Frank and Kathy were present. Pat sobbed bitterly after Tom promised to come to the house right away.

Kathy: (Introduction Line, in Tom and Frank's apartment) "Very good. You really should have been a head waiter, Frank. You're wasting your time studying psychology."

Notes: First appearance of Karen Thorsell as Kathy Grayson, Frank's girlfriend who is a registered nurse at Memorial Hospital. She is described as an attractive young woman in her early twenties.

Production Notes: Film/tape clip was used to show Tom getting out of his car, running to the building, and retrieving Pat.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1964 (EP. #88)
Tom claimed a friend was requesting advice and Frank evaded the topic when Kathy asked about the phone call that Tom had received and the source of their disagreement. Kathy pointed to Frank's stance on refraining from pre-marital relations and Tom's dubious reputation with women as the reason she was puzzled by their friendship. Laura made excuses when Ken lectured her for not wanting to use their lake house. Ken stressed to Laura the importance of the two of them becoming accustomed to city life so that their marriage could survive and because Tom needed his parents to stay together. Laura emphasized her concerted efforts to Ken despite struggling with the adjustment of leaving the suburbs and deemed their weekend at the lake house to be a welcome respite for them. Ken disagreed with Laura's sentiments that Tom was ready for the full responsibility of marriage and warned her against hoping to have grandchildren. Tom was relieved that Pat was not ill and held her comfortingly. Pat became hysterical as she recounted the vivid nightmare that she had endured of terminating her pregnancy to Tom. Tom tried to alleviate Pat's guilt about their baby and suggested that she take another sedative, which Pat refused out of fear that she would experience more nightmares. Frank seethed when Tom confirmed his suspicions of Pat having the abortion and spending the night together, but was incredulous to Tom's belief that Pat would reconcile with the ordeal quickly. Frank mused that Tom had learned a hard lesson at Pat's expense while watching him sleep.

Notes: Laura states that they lived in the suburbs for twelve years. In crossed-out dialogue it is mentioned that Ken and Laura married while in their early twenties.


SEPTEMBER 7, 1964 (EP. #89)
Missy reproached Ann for enabling Bill to see the framed picture of him that Missy had hung on her boarding room wall. Ann was thrilled as Missy gushed about the gardenia that Bill had purchased for her, feeling as though they were the only two people in the world during dinner at a beautiful and quiet restaurant, and realizing that Bill would not hurt her while they held hands. Missy decided to leave the photograph of Bill hanging on her wall and that of her "parents" in a drawer. Ann approved of Missy's idea of calling Pat to invite her to join them for a long walk in the park, a trip to the zoo, and lunch outdoors. Pat leaned against the wall for support as she painfully tried to summon the strength to answer Missy's call. Mary had Jim and Russ go for a swim while she and Alice packed the family's belongings. Pat fibbed that she was recuperating from a day at the beach when Mary and Alice called, then left the phone dangling when she doubled over on the bed while suffering from terrible pain. Ken and Laura felt irritable over leaving the lake house earlier than planned and were alarmed by Tom's haggard, thin appearance, but chose not to pump Tom for an explanation. Ken reassured Tom that Laura was working hard to adapt to city life before helping Laura prepare lunch. Tom called Pat and received a busy signal while Pat moaned from feeling toxic and sick. Pat recalled making love to Tom during Memorial Day weekend and discussing solutions to her pregnancy. Pat headed to Janet's apartment after she began to have intense spasms and failed to reach Tom over the phone.

Missy: "Last time you were -- before Bill came over -- you put up that picture of him. He saw it when he came."
Ann: "He didn't object, did he?"
Missy: "No, he didn't. But I didn't want him to see it, Ann."
Ann: "Why not? You went to all the trouble of cutting it out of the school paper and framing it. Then -- why hide it?"
Missy: "I wasn't hiding it. I just didn't put it up."
Ann: "What did Bill say when he saw it?"
Missy: "He said it wasn't a very good picture and he'd give me another one."
Ann: (LAUGHING) "Vanity, thy name isn't only woman!"

Production Notes: Tapes of May 29 (EP. #20) and July 31 (EP. #63) were utilized for Pat's flashbacks in this episode.

SEPTEMBER 8, 1964 (EP. #90)
Janet prevented Pat from fainting and guided her to the couch, then grew angry when Pat was not forthcoming about the cause of her illness. Pat confessed her pregnancy, getting an abortion as she and Tom had planned, and becoming sick since having the procedure, but forced Janet to swear to secrecy by threatening to leave Janet's apartment and not seek medical treatment. Janet called Dr. Ernest Gregory while tending to Pat, who was exhausted and breathless with pain and a fever. Ernest examined Pat, gave her Demerol to relieve the pain, and convinced Pat to be admitted to the internal medicine floor at the hospital after promising Pat that he would keep the cause of her condition a secret from the rest of the family. Pat refused to identify Tom as the father of her aborted baby to Janet. Ernest informed Janet that Pat was most likely suffering from a serious pelvic infection and may require surgery, but urged Janet not to judge Pat harshly or to be troubled by moral issues. Frank questioned Tom's feelings for Pat and accused him of hypocrisy for respecting marriage yet resorting to drastic measures to avoid getting married himself. Tom was smug in telling Frank that his lectures and warnings were unfounded after assuming that Pat felt well enough to see friends when she did not answer the phone. Mary could not articulate her odd feelings about Pat's welfare to Jim once they arrived home. Alice expressed gratitude to Jim and Mary for taking the family to Canyon Lodge. Pat moaned that abortion was immoral as morphine was administered to her in the hospital.

Jim: "Here we are, the typical American family, back from a relaxing vacation -- exhausted. I guess all the jokes are true -- we just don't know how to relax."

Ernest: (Introduction Line) (In Janet's apartment, while examining Pat's abdomen) "When was this done, Patricia?"

Notes: First appearance of Mark Lenard as Dr. Ernest Gregory. Age range given as middle 40's. Janet's address is 910 Cedar Place Apt 15A.

SEPTEMBER 9, 1964 (EP. #91)
Mary could not be mollified by Jim's attempts to explain Pat's absence or statements that Mary was worrying unnecessarily and being overprotective about Pat. Alice was disturbed to discover that Pat's bed sheets were twisted and wrinkled and that she had not left a note for them. Ernest spoke passionately to Janet about the plight of unmarried, expectant young women and the charlatans who profit on their misfortune by performing dangerous operations like abortions. Jim and Mary were astonished when Janet called and insisted on coming to the house so that they could talk in person. Ernest informed Janet that his approach was to lower Pat's fever and to stop the spread of the infection before going any further. Janet requested advice on explaining the situation after telling Ernest that Pat comes from a close-knit family and that Jim and Mary are intelligent, sensible people and good parents. Ernest encouraged Janet to exercise her best judgment in talking to Jim and Mary since his oath helps to ensure Pat's confidentiality, but stressed the importance of Pat being free of anxiety and disturbance. Jim, Mary, and Alice went to Memorial Hospital after Janet was purposely general about Pat's condition and Ernest's medical specialty. Kathy shook her head sadly while tending to Pat, who babbled about Tom and relived having the abortion while asleep. Janet was forgiving when Jim had Mary apologize for being short-tempered and for grilling Janet on calling Ernest instead of the family's doctor. Kathy told a sleeping Pat that getting an abortion must have been a desperate act.

SEPTEMBER 10, 1964 (EP. #92)
Ernest had Kathy take Pat's blood pressure while he pondered explaining her condition to the family. Jim, Janet, and Alice tried to soothe an irrational and impatient Mary while waiting for updates on Pat from Ernest. Mary had Alice go home to keep Russ company, then recalled Pat refusing to remain in bed when she had the chickenpox as a child and tried unsuccessfully to probe Janet for information on Pat's illness. Ernest and Kathy vowed that the family would not be told about Pat's abortion. Jim, Mary, and Janet were distraught when Ernest spoke generally about Pat being very ill, giving her antibiotics to treat an infection, but Ernest refrained from providing a preliminary diagnosis to the family. Janet agreed with Ernest that Jim and Mary must never know about Pat's pregnancy and subsequent abortion. Jim advised Mary that they do not have the right to doubt Janet's actions or Ernest's credentials as they fretted over Pat. Ernest convinced Jim and Mary to go home since he felt that Pat should not have visitors and promised Jim and Mary that he would have updates for them by tomorrow. Kathy called Dr. Markus when Pat woke suddenly and begged to be given medication to relieve her intense abdominal pain. Pat went into a delirious state and talked about Memorial Day, marriage, and her surprise birthday party to Kathy as though she were addressing Mary, Tom, and Alice. Kathy eased Pat's anxiety about Janet and Ernest keeping the truth from Jim and Mary, encouraged her to rest, then resolved to administer Demerol to Pat whether she obtains approval from the doctor or not.

Notes: First episode to begin with a Prologue, referred to as "Teaser" in the script, followed by the Opening Sequence. Pat's hospital room was #410. Actress Fran Carlou played the role of "Second Nurse," later to be given the name Ellie Oster.

SEPTEMBER 11, 1964 (EP. #93)
Pat was injected with a hypodermic needle as she frantically begged the nurse, whom she mistook for Janet, to keep her secrets and imagined the sound of baby cries in the distance. Alice apologized to Russ for not telling him about Pat being hospitalized and shared Russ's discouragement over Ernest not having a diagnosis until he had performed some tests on Pat. Russ swallowed his pride and confessed to Alice that he had become fearful of death since Will had died months ago. Alice trembled with fright as Russ recounted that he had a nightmare in which they were children again, Mary had picked them up from the playground, and had the sad task of telling Russ and Alice that Pat had died. Liz begrudgingly agreed to contact Susan to tell her about Pat's hospitalization after providing Bill with the news. Bill postponed registering for classes at the college campus and agreed to accompany Liz to the hospital. Liz griped to Bill about Pat seeking help from Janet instead of her and was skeptical of Bill's contention that Janet was fond of her nieces and nephews. Ken sympathetically agreed to cover a scheduled meeting with a client for Janet so that she could visit Pat at the hospital. Janet was touched when Ken gave his condolences over Pat. Missy told Bill that she had spent Labor Day weekend going to the zoo and the park with Ann, but admitted that she had considered inviting Bill to join them. Bill sadly told Missy about Pat, then held Missy in his arms and gently stroked her hair as she sobbed about Pat's grave predicament. Pat called for Mary to comfort her while sleeping.

Alice: "....I think Pat knows you a lot better than I do."
Russ: "I know she does. She always has. I've been -- well I've always been proud of Patricia. Oh you're okay too, but..."
Alice: "But I'm not Pat."

Notes: Appearance by Joey Trent as Russ Matthews.

SEPTEMBER 14, 1964 (EP. #94)
Kathy summoned a doctor to examine Pat after becoming concerned about her increased pulse. Mary would not yield to Alice's protests towards being unable to come to the hospital with Jim and Mary. Alice was unconvinced despite the conviction in Mary's voice that Ernest must have the chance to properly diagnose Pat and that she would make a full recovery because Pat had youth and a healthy medical history on her side. Alice told Mary that she missed Pat and disliked being alone in the bedroom that they have shared for years. Mary was grateful when a considerate Alice decided to forego registering for classes at the Institute to stay with Russ once he gets home from school. Tom was shocked to learn that Pat had been hospitalized when he called and talked to Alice on the phone. Tom presumed that Frank would blame him for Pat becoming gravely ill when Frank groused that it was pointless to reiterate his opinions on abortion to Tom. Frank bluntly reminded Tom that he was initially confident in the procedure's safety and that he was incapable of helping Pat now. Jim played mediator when Janet defended calling Ernest to examine Pat and tried to prove that her concern for the family was genuine to a despondent Mary. Ernest told Jim and Mary that Pat had an ovarian cyst that hemorrhaged and that he may need to perform surgery should antibiotics fail to clear Pat's infection and a blood clot forms that could endanger Pat's life. Mary lost her composure and sobbed uncontrollably after Ernest permitted her and Jim to see Pat, who rambled incoherently while asleep.

Janet: "I know, Mary, that you can talk about a hundred and one things and think about only -- one. I know where your thoughts are -- in that room across the hall. I know your one concern right now is Patricia. Please give me credit for at least understanding how you feel."

Production Notes: A Dr. Hughes and Dr. Stewart are called over a loud speaker at the hospital, likely a reference to the characters Dr. Dan Stewart and Dr. Bob Hughes from ATWT.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1964 (EP. #95)
Jim opined to Mary that it would be unnecessary for Pat to show symptoms of an ovarian cyst before she was hospitalized. Janet brusquely told Jim and Mary to quit scrutinizing Ernest's qualifications and her right to have feelings towards Pat's predicament because she cannot have children. Susan immediately feared for Pat when Terry, a fellow technician at Memorial Hospital, lamented about the high white blood cell count of a young, female patient whose sickness was caused by an abortion and may require surgery. Janet spoke openly to Susan, who confessed that she knew about Pat's pregnancy once Jim and Mary were out of earshot. Susan tearfully told Janet that she did not tell Jim and Mary because Pat fooled her into believing that she was getting married to Tom and had promised not to do anything reckless. Janet realized with profound sadness that Pat thoroughly tricked everyone including herself. Jim and Mary respected Ernest, who did not fault them for doubting his treatment methods and offered to call Dr. Theodore Werner for a consultation on Pat to ease Jim and Mary's reservations. Janet was touched when Mary apologized for being harsh, but was guilt-ridden over concealing the truth from Jim and Mary. Frank accused Tom of trying to shield himself from blame by refusing to call the Matthews family to get updates on Pat. Missy cited Pat's love for Tom and wishes to get married while urging Tom to stay informed on Pat's condition. Tom accidentally fell onto a table after he recounted Pat professing her love and having the abortion at Tom's behest.

Production Notes: Flashback to Act IV of the September 2, 1964 (EP. #86) episode was used, which featured the Tom/Pat conversation prior to Pat leaving to see Mr. Alberts.

SEPTEMBER 16, 1964 (EP. #96)
Nurse Ellie Oster gruffly advised a restless Pat to lie still so that she could perform her duties. Missy confided to Ann that she feels that she misjudged Tom because of Pat's love for him and had fears that Pat would not survive in the hospital weighing heavily on her mind. Ann listened to Missy talk about Bill consoling her, but quietly simmered with anger once she linked Tom to Pat's pregnancy and hospitalization. Missy grew pensive as Ann surmised that she shares the concerns of several people over Pat's survival. Tom slammed the phone down angrily when a hospital intern refused to divulge information on Pat to him since Tom was not a member of Pat's family. Ken was troubled to find Tom drinking while waiting for him to arrive for their monthly dinner date, but chose not to lecture him. Tom waxed philosophically to Ken about depending on certain things and life's drastic changes but Ken chalked it up to Tom talking nonsense and drinking on an empty stomach. Tom was relieved that he had remained tight-lipped to Ken despite being drunk, but panicked upon learning that Pat was critical when he called the hospital posing as Bill. Mary laid on the couch while Jim tried to soothe her nerves. Jim urged Mary to have faith in Ernest and the medical treatment that Pat was receiving at the hospital. Mary had bittersweet memories of Pat's happiest Christmas enjoying a sleigh ride while at her maternal grandparent's house and resolved to make the upcoming holidays even better. Ellie alerted Dr. Markus when Pat began to shudder violently from fever and wince in extreme pain.

Production Note: One of the sets planned for this episode was an art class room, but was cut and the scene not written.

SEPTEMBER 17, 1964 (EP. #97)
Kathy grew dismayed as Pat muttered about feeling cold as the sedatives caused Pat to fall asleep. Jim and Mary were overjoyed when a fatigued Pat became focused enough to recognize them. Pat began to apologize profusely to Jim and Mary over getting sick while eyeing Janet in a muted appeal for assurances that she would keep Pat's confidence. Jim, Mary, and Janet encouraged Pat to quit expressing remorse for being ill and to concentrate on her recovery. Janet waited until Jim and Mary had left Pat's hospital room and Kathy began to perform her nursing duties to reassure Pat that her secrets have been kept from Jim and Mary. Mark rightly sensed that Alice needed to talk and gave her an old paint rag as Alice tried to stop herself from breaking into tears while describing Pat's condition. Alice felt bleak despite Mark's consoling words and certainty that Pat would make a full recovery. Dr. Werner agreed to confirm Ernest's diagnosis for Pat as massive peritonitis and to keep the truth as privileged information. Ernest explained his conservative surgical plans for Pat to Dr. Werner and asked him to participate in the operation. Dr. Werner advised Ernest that Pat needs a hysterectomy and efforts to salvage her chances of having children could jeopardize her life. Janet begged Ernest to stay mindful of the impacts that being barren could have on a woman. Ernest informed Janet that Dr. Werner would give Jim and Mary confidence in his medical approaches, that Pat's prognosis was poor, and urged Janet to remain strong for Jim and Mary. Kathy prepared Pat for surgery.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1964 (EP. #98)
Ernest and Kathy tried to suppress doubts that Pat would survive surgery and make a full recovery. Frank realized that Kathy was brooding about a patient as Kathy mused about suicide attempts while she tried to enjoy the beautiful weather and the exciting atmosphere of students returning to the campus for the fall semester. Frank was shocked once he deduced that Kathy had methodically described Pat's medical case, but chose not to implicate Tom to Kathy. Frank understood when Kathy asked to postpone their date so that she could check on Pat once she comes out of surgery. Tom was thunderstruck when Frank related his talk with Kathy and learned that Pat was having surgery after calling the hospital again. Frank firmly told Tom not to compromise Kathy's ethics by trying to badger her into giving details on Pat. Liz went on a tirade about Jim and Mary receiving the same nondescript answers from doctors that she received about Will. Jim, Mary, and Bill forgave Liz, who was contrite for ranting and being hesitant to visit because she had not stepped foot inside of a hospital since Will had died. Mary gently declined Liz's offer of having Russ and Alice stay with her. Jim updated Liz on Ernest's medical treatments for Pat and consultation with Dr. Theodore Werner to determine a more effective course of action. Janet was stricken as she overheard Ernest and Dr. Werner tell Jim and Mary that they would decide on the specific surgery for Pat once they see the extent and severity of the pelvic infection. Jim and Mary helplessly watched Pat get wheeled into an operating room.

Frank: "What's the matter, honey? You're really not quite here today."
Kathy: "No, I'm not. I -- I was just thinking that there's more than one way to commit suicide."
Frank: "What do you mean?"
Kathy: "Sometimes you can do it just as efficiently by going to the wrong doctor -- or to someone who's not a doctor at all. A week later there's a spreading infection, a few days later, it's over."

SEPTEMBER 21, 1964 (EP. #99)
Jim tightened his grip on Mary's shoulder as they watched Pat go into surgery and stood transfixed on the operating room's door. Janet noted the irony of Jim and Mary finding some solace in supposedly knowing the cause of Pat's illness, gaining complete faith in Ernest, and being appreciative of the medical care Pat had received. Mary ruminated over Pat developing an ovarian cyst and infection despite rarely getting sick during her entire lifetime. Jim and Mary were too distracted to pay attention to Janet, who mentioned that she notified Granny about Pat and feels responsible for choosing Ernest to handle Pat's medical case because of Janet's confidence in Ernest as a doctor. Mary complained about time running slowly while Jim refrained from having Alice join them in the waiting room. Liz expressed regret to Bill and Susan over coming to the hospital because she felt incapable of providing adequate moral support to Jim and Mary. Susan became overwhelmed with guilt when Liz and Bill pressed for details on Pat. A distraught Susan made excuses about needing to assist a colleague in the laboratory so that she could escape from being questioned further by Bill and Liz. Bill did not share Liz's curiosity over Pat calling Janet for help and Ernest being enlisted to handle Pat's medical treatment. Alice groused about not hearing from Tom and angrily declared that talking was pointless after Bill tried to assure Alice that Pat would survive. Jim, Liz, and Janet urged Mary to stop torturing herself and believe that Pat would make a full recovery. Ernest began surgery on Pat's abdomen.

Alice: "Sometimes we talk in there -- about different things -- anything, just so it's not quiet -- but pretty soon we run out of things to say, and then it is quiet and everybody's thinking the same thing -- and we all know it. It's awful, Bill."
Bill: "At a time like this everybody's afraid of silence. Sometimes you say such foolish things -- just to be talking -- so you won't think."
Alice: "And when you do think -- you think such terrible things. And then I'm afraid. Afraid that Pat's -- that she's going to die....."

Notes: Dr. Lucas and Dr. Kingsley were the attending resident and intern respectively during Pat's surgery.

SEPTEMBER 22, 1964 (EP. #100)
Ernest fretted over Pat's abortion and being in critical condition at such a young age. Frank emphatically informed Tom that Kathy was bound by medical ethics when Tom wanted to extract updates on Pat from Kathy. Tom dismissed Frank's concerns towards his drinking by insisting that he was going through his own personal hell because Tom had forced Pat into getting an abortion. Tom was steadfast against Frank's proposal to call Alice to inquire on Pat. Ellie reflected to Kathy that being in nursing for many years has taught her not to get emotionally invested in patients since Ellie used to fall apart when a patient's prognosis was poor. Kathy admitted to Ellie that she was deeply affected by Pat's situation despite that she had witnessed similar medical cases throughout her nursing career. Kathy told Ellie that Pat's irrational rambling involved Janet keeping the abortion secret from her parents, Jim and Mary. Laura was stoic towards Ken's enthusiasm over walking home from work and ignored his suggestion to be mindful of Tom's demanding graduate student curriculum. Laura confessed to Ken that she lied about shopping and doing volunteer work because she fears the consequences of being unable to adapt to city life and speaking to Ken candidly. Ken convinced Laura not to abandon efforts to adjust for Tom's sake and that of their marriage. Dr. Werner agreed with Ernest's assessment that Pat's body may not be able to handle a hysterectomy after going into shock. Ernest decided to proceed with drainage of the pelvic infection and lavage for Pat's reproductive organs.


Laura: "We haven't been talking. We've been making conversational sounds -- but we haven't been talking, saying the things we really want to say. At least I haven't."

Production Notes: The following were pre-recorded for Voice-Over:
Tom: (to himself) "Why did I do it? Why - why - why did I tell her she shouldn't have the baby. If -- if I could only go back -- just a few days -- a week..."

SEPTEMBER 23, 1964 (EP. #101)
Ernest informed a hospital resident to maintain the initial dosage of penicillin for Pat and to inform him of elevations in her body temperature. Jim demanded that Mary apologize to Janet for snapping at her because Mary was frustrated over the operation taking three hours and not getting any updates from Ernest. Russ and Alice refused Mary's request that they go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Mary sharply prevented Jim, Janet, Russ, and Alice from accepting a phone call at the floor desk, which happened to be from Tom. Ernest informed Jim, Mary, Janet, Russ, and Alice that Pat survived surgery, that her condition was satisfactory, the abdomen was being drained to fight the infection, and that Pat could receive visitors once she returns to her regular room. Janet volunteered when Mary demanded that Russ and Alice be sent home, much to Russ and Alice's chagrin. Jim tightly embraced Mary, who sobbed while feeling exhaustion and vague relief. Russ acknowledged that Alice was right to chastise him for arguing about eating the dinner she had prepared for them due to being worried about Pat. Alice avoided eye contact with Russ and circumvented his attempts to get definitive answers on Pat's prognosis. Jim and Mary were overjoyed when Pat was moved into her hospital room and waited anxiously for her to get settled. Ernest told Janet that he was cognizant of keeping the full story from Jim and Mary every time he speaks to them. Janet was stricken when Ernest stated that the trauma of a hysterectomy could have been fatal for Pat and the infection may leave Pat sterile.

Notes: Appearance by Joey Trent as Russ Matthews.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 (EP. #102)
Ellie brusquely tried to deny becoming emotionally affected to Kathy, but admitted that she was haunted by seeing Jim and Mary's eyes full of questions and ruefully commented that Pat would be heartbroken if Jim and Mary knew the truth. Mary took Jim's advice to quit focusing on Pat being in critical condition. Jim reminded Liz that she could not force Bill into choosing a profession after Liz hoped that Bill would change his mind about becoming a criminal attorney. Jim defended Janet's actions after Liz fanned Mary's resentment by harping on Alice attending the Institute and Pat asking Janet for assistance. Liz told Jim and Mary that she was puzzled by Janet's sudden involvement in the family. Ernest confessed to Janet that he was haunted by the knowledge that he was concealing the truth of Pat's condition from Jim and Mary. Janet impatiently hurled a pencil into the wastebasket that broke when she struggled to work because she was distracted by Ernest's prediction that Pat may end up sterile. Janet grew pensive over Ken's inquiry into Pat's condition and remarked that she had grown close to her nieces and nephews over time. Ken speculated to Janet that she may develop a relationship with her family once the crisis with Pat had concluded. Janet was grief-stricken as she gave Ken a detailed account of everything that happened to Pat. Ken angrily told Janet that the father of Pat's child does not deserve love and should be punished for convincing Pat to terminate the pregnancy and for resisting marriage. Kathy alerted Dr. Lucas when Pat started moaning in unbearable pain.

Janet: "Perhaps. And yet I don't know, Ken, I really don't. The young people, they accept me, they don't question, they don't wonder. My sisters-in-law, my brother, even my mother -- oh, I'm sure whenever my name is mentioned there's a raised eyebrow or two."
Ken: "It didn't used to make any difference to you, Jan, the raised eyebrows."
Janet: "No. Today, I think it does. Oh, not because of them, but because of the young people."

Janet: "Tragic! There must be a word that's stronger than that, Ken. It's -- it's monstrous. If you'd ever seen this girl. She's so lovely. And she's such a gentle, good girl. She deserves so much -- and what has she got now?"

Production Notes: A flashback of Act IV from September 23, 1964 (EP. #101) of Ernest/Janet was used in this episode. It was superimposed over a close up of Janet's face during Act II.

SEPTEMBER 25, 1964 (EP. #103)
Tom took Frank's advice and called the phone number to Pat and Alice's bedroom. Alice became emotionally overwhelmed by Tom's quest for definitive answers on Pat and abruptly ended the conversation, but promised Tom that she would keep in touch with him. Frank cautioned against jumping to conclusions when Tom castigated himself for being blind to the possibility of Pat dying due to complications from the abortion. Tom bolted from the apartment to see Laura after Frank hypothesized that Tom had learned a lesson at Pat's expense and was consumed with fear that Pat would die. Ken was puzzled to discover a note from Laura asking to meet her at the University Club in the suburbs. Frank was guarded while Laura talked about his friendship with Tom and being worried about Tom since they had moved to the city. Laura was not offended when Frank remarked that she and Ken maintained a hands-off approach to parenting. Ken groused about Laura's lack of cooperation in adjusting to city life and casually arranging dinner at the University Club until he noticed that Tom was too occupied with his own thoughts to listen to Ken's complaints. Tom confessed to Ken that his girlfriend became pregnant while they spent Memorial Day weekend at the Baxter lake house. Ken badgered Tom into revealing Pat's abortion and hospitalization after growing impatient with Tom's long-winded account of the story. Tom was dumbfounded by Ken's stunned reaction since he was unaware of Ken's connection to the Matthews family. Dr. Marcus frantically ordered an ice mattress for Pat.

Frank: (To Tom, who is about to break down) "If I ever saw a picture of someone who caught on too late -- this is it! I told you you were learning a lesson at Pat's expense -- but I didn't know how expensive it was going to be for her..."

Laura: "Frank, I think you know I've never been a possessive mother..."
Frank: "That's one thing you haven't been, Mrs. Baxter. I can't tell you how many times Tom has commented on that. You've let him pretty much alone, both you and his father."
Laura: "Are you saying that perhaps we haven't been close enough to Tom?"
Frank: "I don't know."
Laura: "I've seen a lot of tragedy because of possessive mothers."
Frank: "There can be a lot of tragedy with a hands-off policy, too."

Production Notes: Don McQue served as Assistant Director in this episode.

SEPTEMBER 28, 1964 (EP. #104)
Kathy excitedly summoned Ernest due to Pat's rapid recovery. Mark was impressed by Alice's integrity when she rejected his offer to give her a discount on art supplies and text books that is reserved for teachers. Alice was grateful to Mark for letting her talk about Pat on her own terms, appreciated his optimistic view points, and smiled faintly when Mark suggested Alice bring Pat along for dinner at his house once she is released from the hospital. Ernest ordered Kathy to remove the IV tubes from Pat's arms and start her on liquids and light meals. Pat fell silent after Ernest confirmed that Jim and Mary accepted his diagnosis of a ruptured ovarian cyst, but suggested she tell them the truth some day. Jim supported Mary with his arms as Ernest told them that Pat's fever broke, the pelvic infection is clearing rapidly, and she has been removed from the critical list. Ernest modestly accepted Jim and Mary's gratitude and reminded them that Janet played the most significant role in saving Pat's life by calling for medical assistance. Mary held Pat's hand as they stared into each other's teary eyes. Janet's apprehension deflated like a balloon upon hearing the good news about Pat from Ernest, who admitted that he is unsure about Pat being sterile and hasn't mentioned the possibility to her. Alice flung the packages of school supplies down and rushed into Jim's arms, then rambled about pampering Pat, decorating their bedroom, and behaving so that Pat will never call her a youngster again. Jim joked to Mary and Alice that being surrounded by weeping females is the happiest sight he has ever seen. Pat felt trepidation as she rested while Kathy kept her company.

Alice: (about Pat) "There hasn't been any change."
Mark: "Well, that's not bad news! You know what my Ma always says, 'If it's no news, it's good news, because if it was bad news, you can be sure somebody would be breaking their neck to tell you.' Right?"
Alice: "I don't know."
Mark: "Didn't you ever notice? People hear something good, they yawn -- they hear something bad, they're on the telephone in two minutes."

Notes: Kathy mentions working with Dr. Ernest Gregory as a registered nurse at Memorial Hospital for four years.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1964 (EP. #105)
Mary and Alice noted that it was peculiar that a healthy girl like Pat developed a ruptured ovarian cyst, but surmised that they needed to endure such an ordeal to truly appreciate life. Mary was genuinely pleased as Alice raved about attending art school at the Institute. Tom was ecstatic when Alice called to relay the good news about Pat and hoped to come to the hospital once she was permitted to have visitors. Frank was forthright in letting Tom know that his relief was towards Pat and the Matthews family and not him. Tom requested that Frank conceal his association with Pat from Kathy and decided to schedule visits at the hospital during Kathy's days off. Laura guessed rightly that Ken was perturbed by her dinner invitation to the University Club, but Ken did not want to reveal Tom's revelations that weighed heavily on his mind. Ken understood the subtext of Tom's assurances that things could not be better now and tried to unwind by having a drink. Laura leveled with Ken about her discontent towards the city and preference for Ken keeping his professional and personal lives separate by working in the city and living in the suburbs. Ken obstinately accused Laura of lying about the importance of staying together despite her pleas for fairness and to acknowledge that both of them had made sacrifices. Janet was touched when Pat expressed gratitude for calling Ernest for help, respecting her wishes, and agreed that they were more like sisters than Aunt and niece. Pat drifted into a peaceful sleep while clutching a rose from the bouquet that Tom had delivered to her room.

Mary: "I don't think any of us will ever be quite the same after this siege with Pat."
Alice: "I know I won't. I feel a lot older, I can tell you that. Bill said that to me, the other day, when we we talked in the hospital corridor. And it's true. Something like this can really make you stop feeling like a child. I don't think anybody can ever call me youngster again."
Mary: (SMILING) "I think we've all known how outdated that expression is for some time now."
Alice: "Then how come I still get called youngster."
Mary: (HER SMILE WIDENING) "Because you look cute when you get mad."

Ken: "Then, what will happen to us?"
Laura: "I can only say what you said a few months ago -- that's up to you. I'm going to do the only thing I can do -- go back to our home. You think about what you want to do. I hope we can be together, Ken. I want that more than anything else in the world."
Ken: "Not quite, apparently."
Laura: "You're wrong. We're not together here, Ken. I don't exist here. This is your world. Somewhere -- there has to be our world."

SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 (EP. #106)
Janet told Ken that she fears that Pat loves the boy who convinced her to have an abortion and suspects he doesn't reciprocate her feelings or intends to marry her. Ken advised Janet against interfering in Pat's relationship or risk alienating Pat and the rest of the family, but asked not to be involved in the matter. Pat and Tom accepted mutual responsibility for putting themselves through turmoil and promised to concentrate on moving forward. Pat hypothesized to Tom that making love on Memorial Day and surviving such a serious illness were tests on their relationship and hoped that feelings haven't changed between them. Tom gently chided Laura for calling the apartment to check on him. Laura reflected on Ken fussing over her on the day Tom was born and the excitement of having a boy, but couldn't articulate her motherly instinct of merely wanting to see him. Tom told Laura that he always yearned for the kind of marriage that his parents had. Laura knew she couldn't mask discontent over city life from Tom, who sensed correctly that she wishes to move back to the suburbs. Tom urged Laura not to give up adapting to the city for his sake and that of her marriage. Laura realized that she had reached an impasse with Ken, who was reticent against returning to the suburbs. Ken told Laura that he left the suburbs to salvage their marriage and that Janet had nothing to do with it. Ken was skeptical towards Laura's conclusion that their opposing view points on their living situation puts them in agreement that things aren't working out for them right now. Laura had dinner with Ken because she didn't anticipate coming back to the city anytime soon.

Production Note: Episodes do not include a prologue starting with this episode.

OCTOBER 1, 1964 (EP. #107)
Kathy was impressed by Pat's remarkable progress as she witnessed her stand and walk to the chair without assistance. Pat told Kathy that she wants to teach high school because she adores children. Kathy reminded Pat that medical professionals do not pass moral judgments on their patients in response to Pat's question on whether the staff had voiced disapproval towards her. Kathy mentioned her engagement to Pat, who wondered if she had spoiled the prospects of marriage due to the decisions she made. Mary told Pat not to over-exert herself in efforts to getting discharged or registering for fall classes until she receives guidance from Ernest. Pat couldn't articulate the reasons she sought help from Janet when Mary broached the topic. Mary told Pat that Janet is unconventional due to being a single, independent career woman and admitted that she resented Alice being influenced into attending art school. Alice described Mark as an offbeat, well-rounded, caring man to Pat while walking around the hospital corridor. Pat prevented Alice from making an assessment on the various boys she has dated, but said she has become more serious while coping with nearly dying. Ernest informed Pat that her stitches will be removed, to notify him of any fever or discomfort that develops upon going home, and schedule a follow up appointment with him. Ernest reinforced his non-judgmental stance to Pat, who explained that she had the abortion because the man she loves contended that marriage for the sake of a child was wrong. Pat contemplated marrying Tom and immediately starting a family.

Pat: "I noticed a ring on your left hand, Miss Grayson."
Kathy: "I'm going to be married in January, January 1st."
Pat: "New Year's Day...any special reason?"
Kathy: "Marriage to me is a beginning. It's the beginning of a new kind of life, that's how I feel."
Pat: "I've always wanted to be a June bride -- white dress, veil, a church wedding....."

Mary: "Just a matter of blocks away were your Aunt Liz and Bill."
Pat: "I like Aunt Liz, but -- oh, I don't know..."
Mary: "But you know your Aunt Liz so much better than you do your Aunt Janet."
Pat: "I don't think I know Aunt Liz at all. I'm not sure if anyone does."
Mary: "I never knew you felt that way about her."
Pat: "I didn't think you were too fond of her either."
Mary: "We're just different, that's all. Our interests have always been different. We really have lived a different kind of life."

Pat: "...May I say something, Mom? ....and try to understand how I feel. I think Aunt Janet is one of the most wonderful women I ever hope to know. If I owe anyone my life, I owe it to her." (IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD THAT WHAT PAT IS SAYING IS THAT SHE OWES HER AUNT HER LIFE - NOT IN THE PHYSICAL SENSE OF THE WORD, BUT PAT IS THINKING OF A SECRET SHE SHARES WITH HER AUNT)

Notes: Mary Bonner joins the AW crew as Production Assistant starting with this episode.

OCTOBER 2, 1964 (EP. #108)
Ellie told Pat that Ernest is a warm, kind man who only conducts himself in a formal manner in certain instances. Pat was intrigued to learn that Ernest keeps his life private, is unmarried, and was adopted by a doctor and his wife when he was very young. Pat said that she was worried about her parent's reaction to her pregnancy and linked Missy's conflicts with her identity to the long-term effects of the baby being given up as the impetus to having the abortion. Ellie remarked that Pat sounded older than twenty-one when she expressed hope that having children will soothe some guilt over the mistake she made. Kathy told Pat that it was a pleasure knowing her since she has been released from Pat's case. Janet encouraged Pat not to be critical of herself when she felt undeserving of the compassionate treatment she has received at the hospital. Pat swore to Janet that she will overcome her misgivings about the man she loves once they meet after becoming engaged. Janet gave Pat sage advice about allowing a man to fool her into believing that he reciprocates the love she feels towards him. Tom was delighted with Pat's healthy appearance, but made excuses about classes preventing him from visiting often. Pat asked for Tom's support in helping her deal with her ordeal and not getting married. Ken nearly blew a fuse when Tom defended the decision of Pat having the abortion. Tom informed Ken that he doesn't love Pat and lacks any serious intentions for her. Ken was appalled when Tom casually referred to Pat's hospitalization as unfortunate, then accused Tom of being relieved because Pat's recovery freed him from responsibility and obligation.

Tom: "...Look, I can understand how you felt when I told you about the illegal operation. I know what I went through, and I'm sure I have an idea what you went through when I told you Pat might not live. Well she is living, Dad. And I'm sure that someday she'll meet someone who's really in love with her. She's a nice girl, what happened was unfortunate."
Ken: "Unfortunate?" (A BEAT) "How relieved you must have been when you were told she was going to live."
Tom: "Of course I was relieved. Everything has worked out all right, Dad, I don't know why you've got me on the pan."
Ken: "I wish I could hear the girl's side of the story. But then I don't suppose I ever will."
Tom: "Dad, if this is all you wanted to talk to me about -- I do have a lot of work and I'd like to get back to campus."
Ken: "Amazing. I can't believe I'm sitting across from my son and heard him say all I heard."
Tom: "I don't suppose I should have come to you and told you what I did?"
Ken: "I wish to heaven you hadn't, I wish I didn't know what I know." "Tom, you say she's a nice girl -- why don't you do the decent thing and marry her?"
Tom: "That would not be the decent thing to do. I don't love her, Dad. Why don't....?"
Ken: "But she loves you. At least you said there was that possibility."
Tom: "I don't love her. I want it to be over, Dad. I've learned my lesson. I want it to be over -- and before too long I'll let Pat know it's over."

OCTOBER 5, 1964 (EP. #109)
Janet agreed to Alice's request that she look at Mark's art and give tips on making connections to succeed in free lancing. Alice told Janet that she isn't interested in committed relationships with boys because she wants to pursue a career. Janet connected Tom to Pat's hospitalization when Alice revealed that she has been going steady with Tom Baxter and speculated that he may not return Pat's love. Alice made a one-time exception to letting Pat call her youngster, but reminded Pat that it's inappropriate now because she is legally an adult. Pat suggested Alice exercise caution in telling Mary that Janet may have a summer internship and future job prospects for her at the agency. Pat defended Janet's actions in calling Ernest when Alice mentioned Mary's issues with Janet's role in getting her medical care. Alice was bewildered when Pat pressed for details on her talk with Janet about Tom, Pat's feelings for him, and reservations over Tom being serious about her. Tom was puzzled by Laura's calm demeanor while explaining that she is living in the suburbs while Ken remains in the city after having a lengthy discussion. Laura told Tom that she is content with her choice because she is free of turmoil and conflict. Tom found Laura's statement of doing what she wants to do despite the consequences meaningful. Laura informed Tom that she isn't worried about Ken having an affair and is confident in Ken's love and devotion to their marriage. Ken was perplexed by Janet's sudden interest in Tom while saying little about Pat's health. Janet assumed that Ken doesn't know the full story about Pat and realized she won't be able to confront Tom.

Alice: "You phoned her."
Pat: "Oh I don't know -- she was the first person who came to mind."
Alice: "I guess you don't like Aunt Liz anymore than I do, do you."
Pat: "I like Aunt Liz. But maybe because Aunt Janet is younger -- well I like her."

OCTOBER 6, 1964 (EP. #110)
Mary advised Pat to concentrate on her health when Pat wanted to go to her follow up appointment with Ernest alone and return to college so that she can graduate with her class in June. Mary told Pat that she has led a good life with Jim, has never felt compromised, and is confident that they will share a life once the children leave to get married and start their own families. Tom declined Pat's dinner invitation with the family and was noncommittal towards the next time they will get together. Tom argued that he uses terms of endearment indiscriminately when Frank pointed out that Tom called Pat honey despite avoiding such names lately. Frank sternly advised Tom to be candid with Pat about not loving her and wanting to date other people. Janet told Pat that Granny prefers to stay in the places she is needed and is unlikely to return while she is taking care of Jane. Pat was deflated when Janet was doubtful towards seeing everyone more often because the different worlds in which she and the rest of the family live are not compatible. Janet was frightened by Pat's unwavering belief that her future is with Tom and that she wants to emulate Mary's life as a wife, mother, and homemaker. Pat questioned the point of living without purpose or someone to love to Janet. Ernest informed Janet that Pat should realize that a man who talks a woman into a risky operation to avoid responsibility is not worthy of her love. Janet stressed to Ernest that she wasn't exaggerating about Pat creating a utopia for herself and swore that her concerns over Pat attempting suicide once Tom ends their relationship are justified.

Mary: "....Our family has been important to both your father and me. Oh I know there are women who feel they should be doing other things than concerning themselves with their family."
Pat: "You never felt that way?"
Mary: "No, I didn't have to."
Pat: "I don't know what you mean."
Mary: "Your father -- well he never made me feel that I had to be someone different, something different."
Pat: "In other words you think that a great deal of what a woman is depends on the man to whom she's married?"
Mary: "That's exactly how I feel. Your father is a very good accountant. His business, your Uncle Will's when he was living, of course had to be important to both of them. But when your father came home he was home. The problems of his other world he never brought to this world. He's always made me feel that I was important. And so I've never felt that I had to go out and prove anything. Yes I've been active in PTA, church work, and I've taken an interest in politics. But I do not feel I have to go out and make a place for myself...."

Ernest: "I think that depends on the man, Janet. Oh young men today, and young women, feel that they must find out if they're sexually compatible before marriage. I've lived long enough to know that love includes something more than just sex. Go up and down the animal kingdom, Janet, and there's sex. But love?"

Production Notes: According to handwritten notes for Act III, Pat played a record of, "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi," by the Amos Brothers.

OCTOBER 7-8, 1964: Pre-empted due to World Series.

OCTOBER 9, 1964 (EP. #111)
Ken claimed he wasn't facing the fact that he and Laura have each created a separate world in which to live when Janet felt he was being inflexible with Laura on their living arrangements. Janet proved unhelpful when Ken fretted over Tom's wishes for his parents to reconcile and declined his dinner invitation. Janet informed Susan that they have an obligation towards Pat and that telling Jim and Mary about the baby would be pointless now. Susan told Janet that she regrets keeping the truth from Jim and Mary, then both grimly contemplated Pat's reaction once she discovers that Tom doesn't love her and never intended for them to marry. Susan handed Janet a check and explained that her inheritance financed moving to Baltimore and paying Janet back the $2,000.00 loan. Janet wished luck to Susan, who decided to transfer to John Hopkins Hospital, financially support a doctor named Marty she is dating, and eventually get married. Tom appeased Pat by making plans to meet in two days, then got off the phone by claiming he had a research paper to write. Susan told Pat that she loves Marty, but argued that the plans with Marty are practical not impulsive since he began his residency at John Hopkins Hospital last year. Susan admonished Pat over getting pregnant, the abortion, and forcing her to withhold the facts from Jim and Mary. Alice interrupted Susan, who was about to lecture Pat on foolishly holding on to a future with Tom and getting married. Pat and Susan dodged Alice's inquiry into the long conversation they had in the bedroom. Pat told herself Susan's visit only succeeded in reminding her of the baby she chose not to have.

Ken: "We act so grownup, don't we, Janet, you and I, Laura, Tom, all of us, we go through the motions of being grownup. But I know my son is still a boy. And in some respects so am I."

Pat: "Am I going to be the maid of honor at your wedding?"
Susan: "No, Pat. When Marty and I get married there'll be no maid of honor, no bridal party, there'll just be the two of us. You see, I believe marriage is a personal affair."
Pat: "Oh Susan. You're not any different from me or other girls. Being twenty-four doesn't make you different."
Susan: "Who said I was different."
Pat: "You're trying to make me believe you are, maybe yourself too."
Susan: "What're you talking about, Patricia?"

Pat: "When I get married, Susan, I want a maid of honor, bridesmaids, ushers -- I want a wedding dress. I want everything the way Mom had it, it's the way I dreamed it would be ever since I was a little girl."
Susan: "You're not a little girl, anymore, Patricia."
Pat: "No. No I'm not. But, don't you think, Susan, no matter how old we get we keep locked inside of us some of our little girl dreams?"
Susan: "Until the lock is broken and we have to face reality."

Susan: (Roni Dengel, Exit Line) (in Pat and Alice's bedroom) "You will, Pat. And take care of yourself."

Notes: Last appearance of Roni Dengel as Susan Matthews.

OCTOBER 12, 1964: Pre-empted for World Series.

OCTOBER 13, 1964 (EP. #112)
Pat knew Missy had pure intentions for thinking that Tom had the right as her fiance to know that she was in the hospital. Missy was envious of Pat, who spoke of falling in love with Tom and knowing immediately that they were meant for each other. Missy told Pat that she cannot relate to concrete feelings because of her identity crisis and love being a foreign concept. Pat encouraged Missy to continue seeing Bill, trust that true love involves complete acceptance, and to be open to the possibility that Bill could love her someday. Frank called Tom naive for doubting Pat's love and devotion and asserted that he should be fair to Pat by ending the relationship so she can move on with her life. Tom tried to downplay the significance when Frank assessed Pat as a woman who would only surrender her virginity to the man she loves and hoped to marry. Frank became exasperated by Tom's denials over allowing Pat to believe they had a future and demanded that they cease talking about the situation. Ken bitterly told Tom to spare him any lectures about making compromises, the definition of love, or searching for fulfillment with a younger woman. Ken informed Tom that he and Laura are living separate lives and claimed that his love for Laura lies in the past, though he remains deeply fond of her. Janet interrupted Ken's conversation with Tom to have him review some sketches she prepared. Tom was pleased to meet Janet, who acted cordial for Ken's benefit, but still found him to be genuinely charming and engaging. Ken informed Janet that he noticed a distasteful look on her face while talking to Tom, but failed to get an explanation from Janet.

Pat: "Missy, if I didn't believe Tom loved me, I think I'd -- I'd die."
Missy: "Don't say that."
Pat: "He's the first man I ever cared for. Oh, I dated any number of boys in high school, I was popular, I was popular at the university. But when I met Tom Baxter -- I can't tell you, I can't begin to tell you -- all I can say is I knew he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."
Missy: "You knew right off?"
Pat: "Just about, yes."
Missy: "That seems kind of funny to me, maybe because I'm not sure of anything, or anyone. I'm not even sure of myself. You're lucky, Patricia."
Pat: "Most of the time I think I am. But Missy, there are times -- well I want to forget about them."
Missy: "I'd like to forget too: that I don't have a name, that I don't have parents. There was a time when I forgot all about it. But when I met Bill -- it isn't fair for me to keep on going with him, it just isn't fair. I don't think I can tell him -- that I'm nobody, that I've been playing -- a game of pretending, living in another world."
Pat: "Melissa, if someone loves you, really loves you, it won't make any difference."
Missy: "I didn't say that Bill was in love with me."
Pat: "But you know that maybe he could someday."
Missy: "It could happen that way, yes."
Pat: "If that should happen, Melissa, Bill will make a whole new world for you. just as Tom has made a new world for me."

Frank: "I know what you and a lot of guys like you say, a girl can always say no."
Tom: "That's right. You've lived on campus long enough, Frank, to know what goes on, to know what women permit."
Frank: "I wonder if it's a matter of permitting really. I wonder if each girl who permits doesn't have in [the] back of her mind a wedding ring, a marriage certificate. I'm not talking about fifteen and sixteen year old girls now, Tom, I'm talking about young women. You told me your sister died when she was quite young..."
Tom: "Where did that come from?"
Frank: "Had she lived, would you have wanted her to say yes to a guy like you?"
Tom: "That's a stupid question..."
Frank: "I don't think it is. I'm going to tell you the kind of guy you are, Tom. You've played the field as long as I've known you, one girl after another. One day you'll meet up with a woman who'll say no to you. And you know what'll happen? You'll marry her."
Tom: "You think so."

Tom: "There is such a thing as compromise, Dad."
Ken: "Really? I wasn't sure that word existed in your vocabulary."
Tom: "I don't know what you mean."
Ken: "You obviously were trying to make a point."
Tom: "I was."
Ken: "Well forget it."

Production Notes: "Rolled in Monday's [October 12th] count."

OCTOBER 14-15, 1964: Pre-empted due to World Series.

OCTOBER 16, 1964 (EP. #113)
Ernest joked to Janet that going out to dinner is a luxury he rarely affords himself, but disagreed with her assumption that medicine is his first love. Janet was deeply moved as Ernest revealed that he was adopted when he was a baby, but never suffered from an identity crisis or gave serious thought to his natural parents. Ernest told Janet that he is grateful to his adopted parents because they loved, nurtured, and guided him throughout his life and visits them as often as possible. Janet was unconvinced when Ernest recalled Pat happily preparing to meet Tom and wondered if he truly loves Pat. Ernest was troubled by Janet's dilemma over keeping her knowledge of Tom's involvement in Pat's illness from Ken and dire warnings of Pat living in a dream that doesn't exist. Pat told Jim that she is becoming too restless to remain at home and was exciting over Tom coming to see her. Jim told Pat that he is anxious for the chance to get to know Tom better. Pat unselfishly told Jim that Russ and Alice need winter coats more than she does, then assured Jim that expressing his love for her, Alice, and Russ through words was unnecessary. Pat confessed to Mary that she is certain that she and Tom are in love. Tom gently chided Pat for thinking she has outgrown football games and dances, but warned that graduate school will make him too occupied to attend such events. Pat guilted Tom into staying for dinner by reminding him that he cancelled on two separate occasions and broke his promise to introduce her to Ken and Laura. Tom was riddled with guilt as Pat grabbed his arm and laid her head onto his shoulder.

Janet: "And it never bothered you that you were adopted?"
Ernest: "Oh, I think in my early school days I wondered why. But with maturity, it didn't make any difference. Janet, I've delivered many babies, with real parents -- parents who didn't want them. Many times a man and a woman who adopt a child are much more a father and a mother than parents who have children they don't want."
Janet: "Someday you must tell Patricia about yourself."

Jim: "Isn't there something I could get you that you'd like?"
Pat: "Dad, you and Mom have been just wonderful to me. I don't know how I can ever repay you."
Jim: "Repay us? For what? For loving you and the other children? I'm -- I'm not doing very well, am I."
Pat: "You've done almost -- too well."
Jim: "How about the breakfast tray?"
Pat: "You tell Mom I'll be down in about fifteen minutes."
Jim: "All right, dear. Have a good day."
Pat: "You too, Dad." (SHE'S ALMOST ON THE VERGE OF TEARS) "And you remember, Jim Matthews, someday I'm going to marry a man just like you."

OCTOBER 19, 1964 (EP. #114)
Pat told Jim and Mary that she was pleasantly surprised when they invited Tom for dinner, but promised that Tom didn't accept out of courtesy because he doesn't allow himself to be forced into anything. Mary joked about Pat fussing and primping in preparation for Tom's visit, but was comforted by Jim's observations that Pat seems on the verge of complete recovery. Jim and Mary felt that they had placed too much emphasis on Tom's reputation and should have trusted Pat's standards in expecting to be treated with respect. Jim and Mary concluded that Tom was an intelligent, well-mannered, affable young man from a fine family and made a pact not to doubt Pat and Tom's love. Tom complained to Frank about Pat convincing him to have dinner and making it difficult for him to break off the relationship. Frank advised Tom that putting distance between himself and Pat by leaving town for a while wouldn't solve his dilemma and persuaded him to quit avoiding the inevitable. Alice scoffed at Pat's objections to her drinking beer with friends from art school. Pat mentioned Jim and Mary being wrong about Tom when Alice questioned the shift in Pat's attitude towards domesticity and old-fashioned practices like having adult chaperones. Mary ruminated over Susan's abrupt departure and time flying by since Pat was discharged from the hospital. Pat told Mary that she and Tom have an understanding to finish school prior to making any definitive plans for the future. Mary was pleased that Pat confessed her love for Tom and agreed to make a concerted effort to get to know him better.

OCTOBER 20, 1964 (EP. #115)
Bill was incredulous towards Missy's self-assessment that she lacks the intelligence and discipline to finish school and work at the Kopper Kettle. Missy accepted Bill's invitation to attend the homecoming football game with him. Bill cautiously told Missy that he is getting an inheritance from Will and proposed loaning her money so that she could quit working and attend classes full-time. Missy was flummoxed by Bill's dedication towards his campaign for her and leaving before she could flatly decline his offer. Ann was thrilled over Bill's generosity and encouraged Missy to accept the money and have confidence that she can pay back the loan. Ann brought up Missy's aversion to material things, friendship, and obligation as the reasons for not wanting to take Bill's money. Ann urged Missy to have pride in herself and to give Bill's offer further consideration. Bill lamented to Mary that work and school have precluded him from spending time with Liz. Mary reflected on Liz's struggle to adjust without Will and the significance of finding a soul mate. Mary surprised Bill by asking about his talk with Jim over Tom's reputation, but Bill stressed that Pat's judgment was never debated. Bill conceded that Jim and Mary's acceptance of Tom and Pat's happiness were more important than other people's qualms. Tom felt awkward when Pat complimented the impression he made on Jim and Mary and asked to be introduced to Ken and Laura. Pat and Bill reflected on their close relationship. Bill vowed to never hurt Missy in response to Pat's statement that seeing Missy love a man who doesn't return her feelings would be unbearable. Pat readily agreed to help when Bill hinted that he wants Missy to find happiness.

Missy: "I could never accept money from anyone."
Ann: "Why? It's just a loan, isn't it?"
Missy: "Yes, but..."
Ann: "Then, why can't you accept it? You know you'd pay it back."
Missy: "Maybe I couldn't."
Ann: "Is that the thing that bothers you -- or is it something else?"
Missy: "What else would it be?"
Ann: "The fact that you might be -- obligated?"
Missy: "I don't know what you mean. Of course I'd be obligated."
Ann: "I don't mean financially. There are other ways of being obligated to people. That's always been a problem for you, hasn't it, Missy?" (MISSY IS SILENT) "It's always been hard for you to take anything -- love, friendship, material things -- because you never wanted to give back. So it was simpler not to take in the first place."
Missy: (RISING AND MOVING AWAY, HER FACE DARK) "What have I got to give back?"
Ann: (QUIETLY) "Melissa Palmer."
Missy: (TURNING TO HER) "There is no Melissa Palmer. I made the name up -- remember?"
Ann: "I certainly do. But there is a Melissa Palmer. You made her. Take a look in a mirror -- there's a person in there, a real person -- and you made her yourself. It's time you were proud of it, Missy."
Missy: "I wouldn't be proud if I took Bill's money. I don't know if I could ever pay it back."
Ann: "After all I've said, it's reduced to that -- to a pure question of money?" Missy: "That's what we're talking about, isn't it?"
Ann: "No."
Missy: "There's no use arguing, Ann. My mind's made up."
Ann: "Are you sure?"
Missy: "Of course I'm sure. Why would you ask?"
Ann: "Because if you're so sure -- why did you come here to talk about it?"

Pat: "I guess I was day-dreaming."
Bill: "About something pleasant, I hope."
Pat: "Aren't day-dreams always pleasant?"
Bill: "I guess so. I've never heard of a day-nightmare."

OCTOBER 21, 1964 (EP. #116)
Mary echoed Pat's sentiment that they have grown close again while she has been convalescing at home. Pat was pleased that Jim and Mary have re-evaluated their assessment of Tom and are starting to like him. Pat resisted Mary's efforts to probe her about Alice staying out late, but disagreed when Mary blamed students at the Institute and Janet for being bad influences. Mary frowned over Janet calling Pat to invite her for dinner. Tom was secretly grateful that Pat had plans with Janet and was evasive about getting together. Frank informed Tom that he and Kathy found an affordable apartment that is a reasonable distance from the hospital and University. Tom and Frank bantered about cramping each other's style and Tom's academic performance suffering by turning their apartment into a bachelor pad. Tom's mood turned sour by Frank's psychological evaluation on Tom's support for the institute of marriage and aversion to getting married stemming from fear of Ken and Laura divorcing. Laura countered Tom asking for redecorating advice with an invitation to move into the house with her. Tom declined due to wanting complete privacy after getting Laura to admit that she is lonely living alone in the suburbs. Laura impulsively cancelled plans with friends. Ken was enthusiastic about having dinner with Laura until she asked to go to the University Club. Laura blamed Janet for Ken's discontent towards the suburbs, prompting Ken to accuse Laura of denying that they have had problems for years that solely involve them. Ken unwittingly pushed Laura into wanting to confront Janet after he flatly dropped all pretenses of being faithful to Laura.

Mary: (STOPPING, A PILLOW IN HER HANDS) "And you know Pat. I feel more like we're sisters than mother and daughter."
Pat: "I've always felt like that about you, Mom. You're too young and pretty to be -- the older generation."
Mary: (SMILING AND SITTING ON THE BED, THE PILLOW ACROSS HER LAP) "The compliment's a little exaggerated, but I think we do get along well."

Notes: Laura mentions that she and Ken are approaching their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in a few weeks.

Pat: (about Mark Sanford) "I thought he was very nice -- so did you."
Mary: "I didn't say he was nice or he wasn't, but you have to admit he's not a typical college student."
Pat: "I don't know, Mom. You ought to see the students at the University. They wear sneakers and blue jeans and talk just as oddly as Mark does."
Mary: (UNMOLLIFIED) "Yes, but this is nothing new at the Art Institute. Your Aunt Janet went there."
Pat: "That's not a mark against it."
Mary: "I'm not saying it is, but Janet isn't a -- conventional person."
Pat: "Mom, I don't understand you. I've never known you to insist that people confirm to any one pattern."
Mary: "I'm not insisting on anything. I just don't happen to think Janet is the best possible model for a young woman."

OCTOBER 22, 1964 (EP. #117)
Laura found Janet's address in the phone book and prepared herself for a confrontation. Ken and Janet grew darkly reflective with their personal thoughts once Janet said that Pat may face the needless tragedy of being sterile. Janet was alarmed over Ken's warnings that Laura believes they are romantically involved and that Laura blames her for his dissatisfaction towards suburban life. Janet tried to maintain her composure while telling Ken that women have certain instincts within their defense system, but appreciated Ken's advanced notice that Laura might confront her. Laura lied to Tom about postponing her plans with Helen Sawyer until tonight once she realized that she had forgotten about Tom taking her out to dinner. Laura told Tom that Ken is seeing a female coworker who is preventing Ken from resuming married life by providing a reprieve from problems and familial obligations. Tom urged Laura to fight for Ken and maintained that mistresses are incapable of permanently replacing a wife in a man's life. Janet joked to Pat that she has a collection of cookbooks and recipes that surpasses Mary's despite not being considered domestic. Pat and Janet openly discussed the starkly different attitudes towards Janet between the older and the younger generations of the family. Janet was troubled by Pat's unwavering love for Tom and faith in their relationship. Laura complimented Janet's attractive apartment while they made small talk. Janet flatly denied affecting Laura's life and causing marital problems between her and Ken. Laura left willingly after being satisfied with Janet's declaration that she does not love Ken.

Ken: "...Well, I know how much this means to you -- in several ways -- because of the girl herself -- and because I know how you feel about the fact that you can't have children."
Janet: "Mine happened differently, but you're right, there is a similarity. She may be sterile too." (SHE PAUSES, THEN) "Sterile. What an ugly word. You'd think they'd find a nicer word for it -- out of decency."

Laura: "I'd rather have dinner with my son than anyone -- except his father...I saw your father yesterday."
Tom: "Did you? Good. How did it go?"
Laura: "Like all our meetings lately, it went -- nowhere."
Tom: "Because you're out here in the suburbs? Mother, isn't there some way?"
Laura: (INTERRUPTING) "That isn't the problem, Tom. I know your father insists it is, but it isn't, Tom. Ken has accused me of not facing things -- but I think there's something he hasn't faced. Another person -- a woman who works in his office. As long as there is -- this woman -- your father won't come back here, Tom. He has release -- another world -- a world I can't share. That's the real problem, Tom -- and I can't ignore it anymore."

Production Notes: Prologues resume starting with this episode, but not every subsequent episode.

Notes: Janet's address is given as 95 River Drive Apt 8F. Restaurants mentioned by Tom include "Schaeffer's" and "Fox and Hounds."

OCTOBER 23, 1964 (EP. #118)
Ernest recalled Janet confiding her fears about the impact on Pat once she realizes that she does not have a future with Tom. Ernest gave Pat clearance to resume attending college, but humbly accepted partial credit for Pat's recovery while also attributing it to a miracle. Pat told Ernest that she wants to earn a degree in education, get married, and start a family. Pat opened up to Ernest about her recurring nightmares of babies and that she must know whether she can bear children before she can come to terms with her mistake, move on with her life, and consider marriage. Ernest convinced Pat to postpone having any tests performed and compassionately told Pat that he hopes to deliver her first child. Janet told Ernest that her mother's age at the time of her birth may have contributed to the bitterness she carried towards her parents favoring Will and Jim. Ernest admitted to Janet that he wished to celebrate Pat's recovery and healthy mental state by inviting Janet out to dinner. Janet was surprised to learn from Ernest that Pat is acutely aware of the possibility of being sterile. Ernest alleviated Janet's worries by insisting that Pat is well adjusted, does not have definitive plans, and will likely take being unable to have children in stride. Ken was unapologetic for being disappointed in Tom and was contemptuous over Tom's attempt to equate his single life to Ken's infidelity. Tom said that his relationship with Pat is over and asked Ken to end his affair with Janet. Ken empathically told Tom that he and Laura will eventually separate, regardless of whether there is another woman or not.

Janet: "You know, Ernest, I always felt that my two brothers were more important to my mother than I was. I was the baby."
Ernest: "I can't believe that you weren't equally important to your mother and to your father."
Janet: "No, no I wasn't. I think they both were very happy with the two boys. When I came along - well my mother was no longer young. It made a difference."
Ernest: "To you?"
Janet: "Of course."
Ernest: "Well let me see now - what is the age difference between you and Patricia's father?"
Janet: "Mmm - eleven years. Will was older than Jim."
Ernest: "But you were rather close to your brother Will, weren't you?
Janet: "Yes, I was. Sometimes I thought he was more a father to me than a brother. He was a wonderful person."
Ernest: "Yes he was."
Janet: "He did so much for me. I never could repay him really."
Ernest: "Oh I wouldn't say that, Janet."

Notes: Act II (Continuation of Ernest/Pat scene) was possibly the first on-screen utterance of the word "abortion." Many other such occurrences (but not all) in the script were either crossed-out or changed to "illegal operation."

Production Notes: "Re-taped Prologue (audio problem)."

OCTOBER 26, 1964 (EP. #119)
Missy was pleased that Pat spoke openly to her about changing since being hospitalized. Pat decided to discuss school with Missy, who mused about feeling inadequate to the pretty, happy girls on campus who have families that love them. Missy refused to entertain the possibilities when Pat predicted that Bill would accept her background and that they might fall in love and get married one day. Pat encouraged Missy to accept Bill's loan and emphasized her faith in Missy paying Bill back. Tom was floored by Pat's confession that standing on the campus bridge triggers memories of discussing abortion and the suicidal tendencies she experienced while still pregnant. Tom became uneasy as Pat vowed not to repeat the same mistakes and be the person that Jim and Mary raised her to be. Pat's depressed mood vanished and was replaced by a happy glow when Tom suggested they have a date night and share some quality time. Bill agreed with Ann's assertion that Missy is unwilling to give of herself. Missy grew deeply thoughtful over Bill's statement that she has something special to offer, but fought against accepting a check Bill wrote to her. Bill solved the problem of Missy's indecisiveness by putting the check in Missy's purse with an emphatic snap, then asked about Pat. Missy was overwhelmed by Bill's generosity, plans to be her tutor, and idea that she find a new apartment to make a fresh start. Tom told Frank that Pat's dark musings made him realize that he must address Pat's preconceived notions about their relationship and future together.

Missy: "Because I don't want to ever have to tell him."
Pat: "That you're illegitimate?" (MISSY NODS, HER FACE DARK) "Missy -- if a man cares for you -- really cares for you -- you can tell him anything and it doesn't matter."
Missy: "Do you really believe that?"
Pat: "Yes, I do." (SHE SHAKES HER THOUGHTS) "Besides, I know my cousin Bill. He'd understand if anybody on this earth would."
Missy: "Do you think so?"
Pat: "I'm sure of it. He wouldn't be Bill if he didn't. Do you want to know what I think, Missy -- what I've thought for quite a long time now?"
Missy: "What?"
Pat: "I think someday you might be my cousin by marriage. I hope so."

Bill: "You're starting something new. Your room was the old Missy -- who was hiding away from the world. There's a new Missy now who's very much a part of the world. Why not find a new place to live."
Missy: "I don't know, Bill. That room means a lot to me."
Bill: "It means a lot of the wrong things. I don't think you need it anymore." (SHE SITS SILENT, TROUBLED, BILL STUDIES HER, THEN) "Well, we don't need to settle this now. First things first. I want to talk to the principal of University High and see if we can get you registered for this term. It's late, but maybe if I tell him I'll help you in some subjects, he'll let you enter."
Missy: "Oh, Bill, I don't want you to bother...."
Bill: "It's no bother. And I'm sure Pat will be glad to help too." (CU/MISSY: SHE IS STARING AT BILL, THE FAINT BEGINNINGS OF TEARS IN HER EYES)
Missy: "Bill -- Why are you doing all this for me?"
Bill: (QUIETLY, SIMPLY) "Because I like you, Missy."
Missy: "But, I'm nothing but a waitress you met here in the Kopper Kettle."
Bill: "You're nothing but a very good, very special human being -- who can be even more special. I'd like to be able to have some small part in making that happen."

Production Notes: Special rehearsal schedule for this episode was Sunday, October 25th, 3-5 PM. Handwritten-note, "Charlotte's Air Script." referencing Associate Producer, Charlotte Adrat.

OCTOBER 27, 1964 (EP. #120)
Frank told Laura about teaching part-time while he pursues a doctorate, his upcoming wedding to Kathy, and starting a family. Frank was intrigued by Laura's description of Tom as a peculiar man who is good with children, hides his true emotions, and resists marriage despite Laura's belief that Tom would benefit from it. Laura was telling Frank that she fostered Tom's independence to avoid becoming a possessive mother when Tom arrived home. Tom joked about Laura and Frank conspiring against his wishes to have a bachelor pad and to convince him to reconsider marriage. Laura claimed she was unbothered by living separately from Ken to quell Frank's embarrassment over inviting her to meet Kathy without including Ken. Tom lamented over Laura's loneliness, but refuted Frank's suggestion that Tom getting married would make any impact on her life. Tom sadly predicted that Ken and Laura will be divorced soon. Ken was irritated over Laura's insinuations about interrupting his time with Janet and putting on a polite facade instead of openly making her points. Laura freely admitted that she confronted Janet and is undeterred by an affair because Janet does not love him. Ken lambasted Laura for getting Janet involved in their marital problems and was silent when Laura asked for a reconciliation. Janet was perplexed when Ken called and urgently wanted to see her. Janet advised Ken not to apologize on Laura's behalf because she understands Laura's feelings and Ken being an essential part of her life. Ken struggled to answer Janet's questions on the current state of his marriage and whether his intentions to salvage it were pure.

OCTOBER 28, 1964 (EP. #121)
Mary reinstated a curfew once Alice admitted to lying about the time she came home from a party. Alice asked Mary to trust that she will not succumb to peer pressure. Mary felt compelled to accept Alice's proposition of having her friends from the Institute over to prove that they are fine, young adults. Bill told Pat that Missy is taking entrance exams at the high school and asked Pat to check out some places he has chosen for Missy to live near campus. Pat told Bill that she believes Missy accepted his loan and is going to school because she wants to meet his expectations. Bill ruefully confirmed Pat's suspicions that Liz dislikes Missy and fretted over the difficult task of changing Liz's mind. Pat gave Bill a blunt, unflattering assessment of Liz as inflexible and overly concerned with social standing and backgrounds because Pat feared that Liz will hurt Missy. Bill admitted to Pat that he has fallen in love with Missy. Liz suspected Bill was thinking about Missy when he mused about human relations and reiterated a neutral stance in Liz and Susan's issues. Bill told Liz that Missy supports him living at home and reasoned that Missy's education was a good investment. Liz insinuated that strings are attached to money that women accept from men and emphatically vowed that she would come to know Missy. Tom called Pat to confirm their next date. Alice accused Pat of acting proper because Jim and Mary have changed their opinion of Tom. Pat was disappointed in Alice's contemptuous attitude towards her sisterly concern. Pat anticipated that she and Tom would talk about their future during their upcoming date.

Alice: (OPENS THE DOOR) "Mr. William Matthews, attorney-at-law."
Bill: "Miss Michelangelo."

Pat: "Do you think if Missy came from the right kind of family, knew the right people...."
Bill: "You're not being fair."
Pat: "Oh yes I think I am. She's your mother, you can defend her in any way you want. But somehow -- well I'm going to be honest with you. I could never be close to your mother."
Bill: "I'm sorry about that. Strange that you should be close to Aunt Janet though."
Pat: "She's warm, outgoing, understanding. You don't forever feel that she's looking at you through a microscope. I imagine that's how Missy felt when she had dinner at your home."
Bill: "Did Melissa ever say anything to you about my mother?"
Pat: "No. That is, not much. Bill, I think we all have to take the middle of the road most of the time. But not your mother, she's on one side of the road and that's where she stays. And whoever isn't on that side of the road just doesn't count."

OCTOBER 29, 1964 (EP. #122)
Alice marveled admiringly at Pat and remembered that the last time she dressed-up was for the senior prom with Tom. Pat promised Alice that Jim and Mary will be proud of her as the other artist in the family. Pat smiled as she daydreamed the special night she will have with Tom and the dress she will wear at their wedding. Tom wrestled with breaking up with Pat while getting ready for their date. Frank urged Tom not to flaunt a new romance while they discussed the different ways in which Pat might react to Tom ending the relationship. Tom tried to convince Frank that he never led Pat on, but now faces the unenviable task of setting the record straight because Pat is too serious about him. Pat told Mary that she is excited and nervous about her date, but grateful to Jim and Mary for giving Tom another chance. Tom informed Pat that he made the dinner reservation at the Colonnade Room during a slow period so that they could talk freely. Pat's curiosity was piqued as Tom mentioned that their friends, Phil and Rita are getting divorced and their marriage failed because it was based on Rita getting pregnant. Tom and Pat graciously invited Bill and Missy to join them at their table to celebrate Missy quitting her job and starting high school. Pat stopped Tom from resuming the conversation they started at the restaurant out of fear over discussing the future. Tom and Pat arranged to take a drive tomorrow. Pat happily pictured her wedding ceremony with Tom and being in the hospital having their first baby.

Production Notes: Dream sequences mixed with live and recorded thoughts included, "wedding and hospital bed limbos in taped reverie" for Act IV featuring a Minister and baby as extra without lines.

OCTOBER 30, 1964 (EP. #123)
Mary decided to postpone talking about a party that Alice wants to throw with Pat, who claimed she was preoccupied about a psychology quiz and upcoming drive with Tom. Pat secretly called Ernest's office and informed the receptionist that she must see him right away. Ernest was perplexed over Pat's urgent request to have the necessary tests done to determine whether she can have children but relented once Pat explained that she and Tom will be talking about the future. Pat grew despondent over telling Tom once Ernest revealed that she is sterile and surgical procedures are ineffective. Ernest tried unsuccessfully to assuage Pat's sorrow by mentioning that his adopted mother and father could not have their own children, whom he considers to be his real parents. Pat worried about the importance of children to Tom after Ernest suggested occupying her mind by going to school as a coping device. Tom griped to Frank about being interrupted at the Collonade Room by Bill and Missy and Pat's request for a goodnight kiss, but resolved to level with Pat tonight. Pat struggled to stifle her emotions when she called Tom to cancel the plans to take a drive by fibbing that she was feeling sick. Pat put on a brave, content facade while convincing Jim and Mary to have a well-deserved night out tomorrow. Jim and Mary marveled about Pat making a narrow escape and recovering so rapidly. Pat pondered dealing with her sterility, telling Tom the news, and worried about whether it will change things between them. Pat imagined hearing many babies crying and covered her ears while crying out in great terror for the sounds to stop.

Notes: Ernest revealed that Pat's sterility was caused by the pelvic infection and inflammation, which led to adhesions and the fallopian tubes to close.

NOVEMBER 2, 1964 (EP. #124)
Alice compassionately told Mary not to be afraid of losing Pat when Mary worried about her tardiness. Pat leaned on the railing of the campus bridge and stared into the water. Pat recalled finding out that she is sterile, Ernest advocating adoption, and his firm belief that sterility would not make a difference to a man that loves her. A man hurried over to the bridge when he thought a dazed Pat was about to jump off it, then mistakenly searched the area as Pat rambled about symbolically losing something valuable. Janet grew uneasy by Ernest's request to see her immediately without giving the reasons for the urgency. Ernest told Janet that it is essential that she knows that Pat is sterile. Janet reminded Ernest that Pat's reaction to sterility marking the end of her life was much like hers after the hysterectomy. Ernest convinced Janet to console Pat, but not try to reason with her about Tom. Alice promised to find out the reason for Pat arriving home late without calling per Jim's request. Mary feared that Pat's lack of appetite and tired appearance was due to exhausting herself in getting caught up with her schoolwork. Tom spoke to Mary on the phone and was surprised that Pat was not at home. Jim was critical of Mary's hunch that Tom and Pat had a quarrel, but shared her opinion that Pat avoiding Tom seemed strange. Alice was baffled over Pat letting the phone ring without answering it repeatedly. Pat lied about studying with her tutor and the line being busy when she tried to call to satisfy Alice's curiosity about getting home late. Alice tried to comfort Pat, who sobbed uncontrollably after having nightmares of babies crying.

Ernest: "The few times I've been in this room...."
Janet: "Yes?"
Ernest: "It's very comfortable, Janet."
Janet: "At times it is and at other times, Ernest, it's a very -- a very lonely room. I say to myself, 'Room you and I are lonely tonight.'"
Ernest: "It needn't be that way."

Alice: "Are you worried about her?"
Jim: "No no. It just isn't like Patricia to be thoughtless. When she's going to be late she usually phones, she knows how your mother worries."
Alice: "And was Mom ever worried. You'd think the police were going to drive up any minute."
Jim: "Don't talk like that, Alice."

Janet's inner thoughts about her apartment: "I'm home and yet I'm not."

Jim: (Leon Janney, Exit Line) (to Mary about Tom and Pat) "Whatever it is, if it is serious between them, they'll iron it out without your help or mine."

Notes: Last appearance of Leon Janney as Jim Matthews.

NOVEMBER 3, 1964 (EP. #125)
Mary agreed to Janet's request to have dinner with the family. Ken was profoundly saddened to hear from Janet that Pat cannot have children while having sobering reminders of Tom's role in it and lack of love for Pat. Janet told Ken that she has the unenviable task of talking to Pat about her sterility and Tom. Ken confessed to Janet that Laura was partially correct about her affecting their marriage and revealed plans to obtain a divorce and to begin a new life with her. Mary admitted to Janet that she is concerned with Alice, but conceded that she would attend the Institute regardless of Jim and Mary's qualms. Janet preferred to think of herself as determined and positive when Mary stated that she and Alice are both headstrong and stubborn. Mary readily accepted Janet's offer to help make dinner. Mary was slightly perturbed by Janet helping with the dishes and Alice telling them about artwork she wants to put in the first-year exhibit at the Institute. Alice was thrilled that Mary invited Janet for Thanksgiving dinner, but puzzled that Mary evaded responding to her wish for Janet to become part of the family. Pat dropped all pretenses once Janet said that she wasn't fooled by Pat's brave act and noticed her staring out the window rather than studying. Janet told Pat about her past engagement, hysterectomy, and being unable to have children. Pat listened intently as Janet reflected that she has a fulfilling career, friends, and optimism of getting married if the right man comes along. Pat admitted that she has stopped attending classes to avoid running into Tom and is scared to talk with him now.

Mary: (about Alice) "...In some says she's a little like you, Janet."
Janet: "Determined, you mean, positive?"
Mary: "Stubborn. Stubborn, headstrong."
Janet: "There's a fine line, isn't there, between headstrong and positiveness. I like to think I'm positive and determined. Many times when you're that way, Mary, right or wrong, you stay with your guns as the saying goes, you are accused of being stubborn, headstrong."
Mary: "I suppose in a way you're right."

Alice: "...Did you have many things in the exhibit when you went to the Institute Aunt Janet?"
Janet: "Oh, a few."
Alice: "You're just being modest?"
Janet: "I, modest?"
Alice: "That's right, you modest. But I'm not going to be like that. I'm going to blow my own horn."

NOVEMBER 4, 1964 (EP. #126)
Pat was disinterested as Alice reflected that Janet acted like a member of the family and tried to explain Mary's attitude around Janet. Pat downplayed Alice's worries over her having nightmares and denied that she was avoiding Tom, that they had quarreled, or that their relationship is finished. Alice and Missy were troubled and disappointed in Pat's distant and noncommittal attitude towards coming to see Missy's new apartment. Missy feared that Pat changed her mind about their friendship. Sorority girl, Carol Pearson refused to cancel plans to attend a school football game to go out with Tom, despite his persistence. Tom fumed over Carol knowing about his reputation, Phil and Rita's divorce, and everyone believing that he was going steady with Pat. Tom and Carol kissed once they agreed to go on a date, which was witnessed by a stunned Missy. Ann was glad as Missy raved about attending high school, her new apartment, and having meals with her landlords, the Sawyers. Missy agreed when Ann credited Bill with opening a new world for her, but hoped that Bill won't fall in love with her. Missy informed Ann that she caught Tom with another girl and feels conflicted because she had given Tom the benefit of the doubt by believing that he loves Pat. Ann understood Missy's desire to protect Pat by exposing Tom as a womanizer, but assured Missy that Pat won't marry Tom. Pat tried to assure herself that nothing will affect Tom's love for her or ruin things between them. Alice was dumb founded to witness Pat pleading for baby cries to cease while covering her ears.

Pat: "Now why should you worry about me? The worry days are over, Alice. The days and nights in the hospital, they're over -- and a lot of other things."
Alice: "Like - Tom?"
Pat: "Now what kind of a question is that?"
Alice: "A very legitimate question, Patricia. Did you and Tom have an argument?"
Pat: "No of course not."
Alice: "I'll bet dollars to donuts that you did."
Pat: "I don't have any donuts and you don't have any dollars."

Notes: The role of Carol Pearson was played by Ellen Weston, who would later play Karen Gregory in 1965. The address to Missy's new apartment was 910 University Avenue. The university has a population of nearly 25,000 students.

Production Notes: Songs played were "In the Shelter of Your Arms," by Sammy Davis at the beginning of this episode and "Autumn Leaves" in the Tom/Carol scene. Description of Missy's new place: "chintzy room, not elaborate, early American with a desk and a study lamp."

NOVEMBER 5, 1964 (EP. #127)
Laura arranged to start redecorating Tom's apartment and requested that he come for a visit. Tom and Frank reminisced about being roommates for nearly three years. Frank was unconvinced by Tom's theory that Pat broke a date and has not returned his phone calls in order to end their relationship. Tom maintained belief that the breakup was by mutual decision and declared that his conscience is clear, despite Frank's skepticism. Frank told Tom that he feels sorry for Pat and wondered whether Tom had trapped her into a doomed relationship. Mary asked Pat for the reasons she has been avoiding Tom and the current status of their relationship. Pat convinced Mary to drop the subject after confirming that she loves Tom, but stated there were certain things she keeps private that Mary will understood once she and Tom are married. Tom informed Laura that the blonde girl he was dating last summer lies in the past and now has an upcoming date with Carol. Laura told Tom that she confronted Ken's mistress and was satisfied that she is not in love with him. Tom was happy when Laura was positive about the outcome of Ken's request to talk about their marriage and future. Janet was stunned when Ken reiterated his plan to obtain a divorce from Laura so that they can be together. Ken admitted to Janet that he was lying to himself by trying to salvage his marriage and asked Janet for the chance to be with him once he is unencumbered. Janet refused to make promises to Ken and warned him of the chance that she may never love him, which only made Ken more determined to talk to Laura.

NOVEMBER 6, 1964 (EP. #128)
Carol informed Judy that she is genuinely interested in Tom because he comes from a wealthy family, is intelligent and charming, but proclaimed that she will be upfront with Tom about playing for keeps. Pat fantasized about Tom declaring that her sterility meant nothing to him and that they are going to get married. Tom was flustered by Frank's surprise over having a date with Carol and Pat's impromptu phone call requesting to see him at the apartment. Frank advised Tom to let Pat down gently and wished him well before leaving to take some boxes to the new apartment. Tom called to tell Carol that he was running late, then contemplated the potential of dating Carol while waiting for Pat. Laura suggested to Ken that she minimize her social life and become more domestic during the evenings to ease Ken's dissatisfaction with living in the suburbs. Ken told Laura that it was too late to save their marriage and confirmed Laura's suspicions that Janet has replaced her in his life in some ways. Laura argued that Janet doesn't love Ken, prompting him to tell Laura that he wants a divorce so that he can be with Janet. Ken was incredulous towards Laura's belief that they would reconcile and celebrate their wedding anniversary together. Pat became unhinged once Tom leveled with her about their relationship. Pat stood transfixed in a somnambulistic state, heard baby cries, and grabbed a gun underneath Frank's clothes. Tom slowly inched towards Pat and begged her to put the gun down. Pat shot Tom twice and stared blankly into space once the baby cries stopped.

Tom: "I never told you I loved you, Pat."
Pat: "You mean you mean we're -- we're not going to be married?"
Tom: "I never mentioned marriage to you."
Pat: "But you said -- I thought you said --"
Tom: "I can't help what you thought. I never mentioned the word love, nor marriage."
Pat: "Oh God."
Tom: "Look Pat --"
Pat: "I'm -- I'm not -- not really a whole woman to you anymore, am I. I'm sterile -- sterile --"

Production Notes: The script called for university pennants from Cornell and Yale, courtesy of P&G to be used in Carol and Judy's room at the Chi Omega Sorority house.

NOVEMBER 9, 1964 (EP. #129)
Carol was irritated over Tom's tardiness and told Judy that she will give him twenty more minutes before calling it a night. Pat monotonously talked to Tom as though he was still alive about loving him and fearing that her inability to have children would make a difference to him and ruin everything. Frank kept command of his composure as he discovered Tom's dead body and called the police while Pat talked about finishing school, getting married, and adopting children. Frank quickly realized that Pat had shot Tom, but had no intention of volunteering that fact to the police. Pat fled the scene when Frank's back was turned while on the phone. Ken postponed continuing his conversation with Laura after receiving an urgent call from Frank to come to the apartment. Laura warned Ken that she will never consent to granting him a divorce. Sergeant Adams, of Area One-Homicide Details, arrived and inspected Tom's body while a photographer and fingerprint expert processed the crime scene. Adams questioned Frank on his association to Tom, whereabouts for the evening, and everything he had discovered upon arriving home, though Frank was sketchy about Pat. Ken was grief-stricken while telling Adams that he is unaware of Tom having any enemies and doesn't know Pat. Ken agreed to come to the police station to formally identify Tom in the morning, but requested that Laura not have to be present. Ken remembered that Pat is Janet's niece while feeling dread over telling Laura the news about Tom. Frank was upset when Adams and Officer Les insisted that he accompany them to the Matthews' house to identify Pat.


Notes: Frank and Tom's address is 815 Highland Avenue. The song "Java" was played on the jukebox at the Kopper Kettle.

NOVEMBER 10, 1964 (EP. #130)
Jim suggested Mary settle the conflict over the family's plans for Thanksgiving with Liz when he refused to choose sides. Mary told Jim that she senses that Tom and Pat may no longer be serious, but hoped things would work out for the sake of Pat's happiness. Pat arrived home, with the traumatic events of the evening blocked from her memory, and told Jim and Mary that she took a drive and had coffee at the Kopper Kettle. Mary voiced concern to Jim that Pat may have forgotten her recent hospitalization and is overworking herself to earn her degree by June. Jim joked to Mary that Pat and Alice are free from her apron strings once Mary decided against talking to Ernest about Pat endangering her health. Alice played "The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" on the record player and asked whether Tom and Pat have set a wedding date. Ken shouted at Laura for jumping to conclusions about him rushing to see Janet, harping on his request for a divorce, and acting vindictive due to being hurt. Laura grew hysterical and sobbed in Ken's arms over Tom's death. Alice told Pat about throwing a big party in the basement and supplying a keg of beer for the guests. Pat and Alice thought little of the police squad car that was parked in front of the house. Jim and Mary were defiant towards Sergeant Adams' request to speak with Pat until they learned that Tom was dead. Mary woke up Pat by telling her that the police have come because Tom had been in an accident. Pat bolted downstairs before Mary could prepare her for Sergeant Adams' interrogation about Tom being shot.

Jim: (Shepperd Strudwick, Introduction Line) "I think I heard what you said, Mary...something about Thanksgiving."


Notes: First appearance of Shepperd Strudwick as Jim Matthews. Last appearance of Nicholas Pryor as Tom Baxter.

Production Notes: The Prologue, which featured Jim and Mary, took place a half an hour earlier than the conclusion of the previous episode. A kinescope "flashback" of November 6, 1964 was used in this episode, which featured Ken and Laura.

NOVEMBER 11, 1964 (EP. #131)
Dr. Eric Hilker, the Baxter's family physician gave Laura a sedative, but was unable to console Laura over Tom's death. Laura lashed out at Eric for not understanding her sorrow over losing children and Ken for leaving her with nothing. Ken was stunned when Eric surmised that he knew details of the shooting because of his closeness to Tom. Ken spoke ruefully to Eric about their families growing apart and talking being pointless. Ken told Eric that he shouldn't be surprised by Tom's shooting and was ashamed of him for hurting a girl deeply, who may be featured in the morning paper. Eric was nonplussed when Ken revealed the intricacies of Tom and Pat's relationship, Pat's hospitalization and resulting sterility, and Tom's efforts to sever ties. Ken confessed to Eric that he will not implicate Pat or give her name to Laura because she will make the connection between Pat and Janet. Pat fainted when Sergeant Adams informed her that Tom had died. Frank regretfully identified Pat being at the crime scene to Sgt. Adams, who had Pat arrested when she denied seeing Tom or being at his place. Jim and Mary doubted Frank's credibility and protested against Sgt. Adams' suspicions of Pat shooting Tom. Jim called Mitchell Dru, retired criminal attorney and client of his for 10-20 years, to provide legal representation. Dru ordered the family to remain silent, keep Pat from signing anything, and confirmed Pat's arrest with Sgt. Adams. Pat was consumed by grief over Tom's death and was completely baffled by everything going on as Sgt. Adams escorted her to the police car.

Eric: (Introduction Line, in the Baxter's bedroom) "Laura, I know there isn't too much I can say, at least not now."

Dru: (Introduction Line, in his bedroom while seated on an easy chair) "Must have fallen asleep again."
Jim: "Mr. Drew?"
Dru: "Yes, yes."
Jim: "This is Jim Matthews."
Dru: "Oh. How are you, Jim? It isn't tax time yet, is it? Besides I don't think I'm going to have to pay any taxes this year, and if you're the kind of accountant I hope you are..."

Notes: First appearance of Geoffrey Lumb as Mitchell Dru. Dru's name is spelled consistently as "Drew" until November 20th when it becomes "Dru."

Notes: First appearance of Michael Ingram as Dr. Eric Hilker. Eric was born in Europe where he began medical school. He graduated in the United States while attending the same university as Ken. He has been the Baxter family physician for 15 years. Eric saw Laura through the difficult period when Judy Baxter died ten years ago. He is married and a few years older than Ken. The two families were close until the Baxters moved to the suburbs.

NOVEMBER 12, 1964 (EP. #132)
Alice told Bill about Tom's shooting, Frank identifying Pat at Tom's apartment, and her arrest at home. Bill informed Alice that the police had to be justified in arresting Pat and speculated that there is more to the story than Alice knows. Dru arrived at Central Police Station and requested to see Pat. Jim and Mary came in with Pat, who said nothing when Dru introduced himself and Sgt. Adams asked her name for the record. Pat was stoic while giving her particulars to Officer Les and unresponsive once Sgt. Adams established that she was the subject of Tom's homicide investigation. Jim and Mary had to remain in the reception area while Dru took Pat into the interrogation room to prepare her for making a statement to the police. Dru tried to break the ice by telling Pat that Jim has been his accountant for several years and recalled Jim having a photograph of the children on his desk. Pat denied involvement in Tom's death and proclaimed to Dru that she loved Tom and would have done anything to please him. Dru questioned Pat on her relationship with Tom, the places she went during the evening, and the time she arrived home. Pat broke down while swearing she was incapable of killing Tom and that they were going to make wedding plans. Dru firmly advised Pat not to answer any of the officer's questions to allow time for him to consider defense strategies. Sgt. Adams ordered Pat to be fingerprinted and have a paraffin test administered after she adamantly refused to cooperate with the police interrogation, despite Dru's objections.

Production Notes: Pat gives the Matthews' address as 1221 N. Somerset Drive. Description of police station:
"Dissolve to the reception area of Central Station. There is a door to the street, perhaps a short flight of four or five stairs. A "Waiting Area" with some wooden chairs which is separated from an interior work area by a stomach-high, wide counter. In the area behind the counter are several desks with telephones on them and, depending upon the availability of casts, officers, both in uniform and plain clothes may be shown walking through the work area, taking phone calls/asking for information over the phone, such as "You say someone broke into your apartment," "What is your name, lady, and your address?" "Stay there, we will have someone out in a few minutes." There may also be one or two people sitting on the wooden chairs in the reception portion of the room. The room itself may be large or small, again depending on what facilities are available. The main door to the station should be labeled "Central Police Station - Area 1" several doors should be located in parts of the large room behind the counter and may be labeled "Homicide Detail Interrogation Room," "Robbery Detail," "Vice Detail...."

NOVEMBER 13, 1964 (EP. #133)
Officer Les informed Sgt. Adams that Frank wanted to be uncooperative and was clever to reveal that the gun belonged to him and the police would find his fingerprints on it. Sgt. Adams told Les that Pat was in genuine shock upon learning that Tom was dead and wondered if Dru will come out of retirement to defend Pat. Officer Les and Sgt. Adams anticipated the results of the ballistics, prints, and paraffin tests. Dru pondered Frank's knowledge of the murder while Mary grappled with Pat being accused of killing Tom. Pat told Jim, Mary, and Dru that she suspects Frank killed Tom and was confused and bitter over Frank claiming she was at the scene of the crime and incriminating her for the shooting. The lab technician told Sgt. Adams that Pat's fingerprints were found on the gun and the paraffin test showed powder on her hand, proving she fired the gun recently. Jim, Mary, and Dru were stunned when Sgt. Adams explained the evidence against Pat and informed them that she is being booked for first degree murder. Jim was floored over bond not being set and Pat having to face a grand jury. Jim and Mary consented to Dru appointing a criminal lawyer for Pat's defense case. Lee Randolph stayed up past midnight with coffee and sandwiches for her beloved father, John. Dru got comfortable while waiting with Lee for John to come home. Dru asked John to look into Pat's case and represent her after giving him a brief description of the situation. Jim disclosed Pat's arrest and Tom's death to Janet, who recalled her knowledge of Pat's ordeals and Tom's intention to end the relationship. Pat sobbed while pleading to be released from the jail cell.

Adams: "....I wonder if Dru would come out of retirement if it's necessary."
Les: "He's a pretty good lawyer, from what I've heard around."
Adams: "He's been called the fox. I still think he's a fox. I remember a couple of trials he had his fingers in -- I was just a young punk on the force then."

Lee: (Gaye Huston, Introduction line) "Uncle Mitch. I thought it was Dad."

John: (Introduction Line) [ENTERING HIS HOME] "You still up, Lee?"

Character description of Lee Randolph: "This girl is not sophisticated. She's pretty. She's going to be 17 shortly. Her mother has been dead for the past ten years. There's a great bond between father and daughter. She has really assumed the duties in many respects of a wife...."

Notes: First appearance of Gaye Huston as Lee Randolph. First appearance of Michael Ryan as John Randolph.

NOVEMBER 16, 1964 (EP. #134)
Pat screamed and sobbed while professing her innocence in the jail cell. Jim expressed confidence in Dru finding a capable, competent lawyer to represent Pat to Janet, who shared Jim's confusion over the evidence against Pat, her denials over being at Tom's apartment, and the prospect of Pat killing the man she loved. Janet encouraged Jim to go home and provide moral support to Mary and the other children. Janet recalled the night Pat came to her apartment requesting help after falling gravely ill. Janet wished she had the temerity to tell Jim that Pat's abortion and resulting sterility were potential motives to kill Tom. Ken was guilt-ridden over concealing his knowledge of Tom causing Pat's sterility from Janet. Laura solemnly asked Ken to go to the morgue alone to identify Tom and arrange a private funeral service. Ken promised Laura that they will put their marriage in order together without Tom once he resigned to forego a romance with Janet. Laura became unglued once Ken explained that Frank saw Pat standing over Tom's dead body and flee the scene while he was on the phone with the police. Laura bitterly muttered that two Matthews women ruined her life by taking Ken and Tom away from her. Mary was alarmed when Alice mentioned Pat suffering from nightmares, but didn't find Pat's statement that she wished for the turmoil to end noteworthy. Mary informed Jim that Dru has recommended attorney John Randolph to represent Pat. Mary told Jim about trying to talk to Pat about being in love with Tom and the reasons she has been avoiding him. Jim and Mary contemplated whether Pat killed Tom after they had a quarrel.

Laura: "Her name -- do the police know her name?"
Ken: "Yes -- they know. Patricia -- Matthews."
Laura: (TAKE HER) "Matthews?"
Ken: (HE NODS) "I think -- I think you should know -- that she's Janet Matthews' niece."
Laura: "How -- funny. How very -- funny. The woman who took my husband -- her niece -- took my son -- how funny."

Production Notes: (Opening after Prologue) "I think we should begin to put more import to the theme, stronger, louder, and there should be drama in the announcer's voice as he says, 'We do not live in this world alone but in a thousand other worlds' and one of these worlds is now a cell." This episode ended with a close up of the newspaper headline, "Co-ed Kills Boyfriend" with three column article and picture of Tom on the front page.

NOVEMBER 17, 1964 (EP. #135)
Laura groused about being bombarded by endless phone calls from friends and reporters. Ken told Laura that they both are grieving over the loss of Tom when she bitterly stated that Ken will eventually return to work and his separate life as time passes. Laura sarcastically reminded Ken that he was requesting a divorce while Tom lay dead in his apartment and wished for Pat to languish in jail. Ernest wondered whether he was remiss for not telling Jim and Mary about Pat's abortion, true diagnosis, and sterility while reading the article on Tom's shooting. Ellie was in disbelief over Pat being accused of murder and reflected to Ernest that she loved Tom and refused to forgive herself for the abortion. Ernest ordered Ellie to tell the hospital staff that they are not allowed to discuss former and current patients with the authorities. Frank contended to Laura that he knew Pat for several years, was a lovely girl, and that the shooting is likely more complicated than it seems. Laura accused Frank of protecting Pat after he expressed regret over implicating her and evaded Laura's inquiry into Pat's relationship with Tom. Laura and Frank resigned to the fact that the truth will come out in court soon. Janet updated Ernest on Pat's arrest, then concluded that they both think that Pat had a motive. Ken spoke morbidly to Janet about seeing both his children dead and confessed to knowing that Tom caused Pat's illness and inability to have children. Janet practically crucified Ken over all the trouble Tom has caused Pat and her family. Pat screamed throughout the night begging to be released from her jail cell.

NOVEMBER 18, 1964 (EP. #136)
John told Lee that he is meeting Pat today and that his job as an attorney is to represent defendants in criminal actions. John maintained that he never accepts a case believing in a client's guilt when Lee recalled that her mother used to chide John for taking cases representing the guilty. John was impressed that Dru convinced the warden to assign a private room for them to have the consultation with Pat. Dru suggested to John that he abandon a courtroom manner and talk to Pat as though she were his own daughter. Lee gave her unsolicited opinion that Pat was guilty, which annoyed Dru. The jail matron delivered Pat to the room and left her alone with Dru and John. Dru introduced John as one of the finest attorneys in the city to Pat, who virtually ignored John and seemed surprised that Dru felt she needed a lawyer. John told Pat that his daughter Lee was a very mature sixteen year old who lost her mother ten years ago. Pat lied to John about her whereabouts on the night Tom was killed. John cross-examined Pat, who flipped out and claimed that she loved Tom and was incapable of murdering him. John advised Dru that he is undecided about taking Pat's case. Dru and John agreed that Pat shot Tom and repressed her memory of the event, then debated on whether the shooting was premeditated and a malicious act. D.A. Paul Masters anticipated that Dru will come out of retirement to represent Pat or appoint his long-time protege, John. Paul asked Sgt. Adams to bring Jim, Mary, Ken, Laura, and Frank to the station for questioning and investigate their backgrounds and Tom and Pat's relationship in preparation for building the state's case.

Lee: "I never could understand, I never will, why you call Uncle Dru -- Dru."
Dru: "We don't have to go into that, Lee. I have business to discuss with your father, so let's not have any comments from you."
Lee: "Yes, Counselor."

Dru: "This, my dear, is a very good friend of mine, John Randolph. And I'd like you to know he's one of the finest attorneys in this city."
John: "Don't let him tell you that, Miss Matthews."
Pat: (SHE LOOKS AT DRU) "Do I -- need -- a lawyer?" (DRU NODS)
John: "Sit down, Miss Matthews -- or may I call you Patricia? You see I have a daughter, she's sixteen, but she likes to say she's going on seventeen. She will be seventeen one of these days." (PAT SITS) "I understand from my friend here that you have a sister."
Pat: "Yes -- She was just eighteen and a brother." He's your daughter's age, sixteen going on seventeen."

Notes: First appearance of Earl Hammond as D.A. Paul Masters. Lee mentions to John that her mother died ten years ago.

Description of Randolph home: "...An apartment with a fireplace, a dinette rather than a dining area, a small kitchen and two bedrooms. John and his motherless daughter moved to this apartment about five years ago..."

NOVEMBER 19, 1964 (EP. #137)
Ken wallowed in self-pity rather than check on Laura and informed Eric that they are having a small, private funeral service. Laura sadly reminisced about being hopeful of reconciling with Ken and Tom seeming bright and full of life the last time they spend time together. Ken and Eric helped a grief-stricken Laura muster the courage to face the day and left for the funeral home. Jim advised Mary that saying that they have nothing to worry about would simply be denying the gravity of Pat being charged with murder. Mary lamented over her inability to cry and trying to handle reporters and photographers surrounding the house. John informed Jim and Mary that he is certain that Pat loved Tom and is wrestling with the reason she fired the gun. Jim was pragmatic with John over the evidence being enough to convict Pat, but firmly agreed with Mary that she was incapable of murder. Jim and Mary confirmed for John that Tom and Pat had been dating for a while and are unaware of the two having arguments or quarrels. John accepted Pat as a client, arranged for Ernest to examine Pat, and accompanied Jim and Mary to see the District Attorney. Paul excused Jim and Mary since John instructed them not to answer any questions. Paul and John squared off over the strength of the prosecution's case, entering a plea of not guilty, and Jim and Mary being forced to testify before the grand jury. John felt satisfaction towards Paul's astonishment over his involvement in Pat's defense. Mary visited with Pat, who remained bewildered over recent events. Pat was somewhat comforted by Mary's unfaltering faith that everything will work out for the best.

Notes: Last appearance of Earl Hammond as D.A. Paul Masters.

NOVEMBER 20, 1964 (EP. #138)
Missy conceded to Bill that she was trying to view the situation realistically despite Bill pointing out the solid evidence against Pat. Missy revealed to Bill that Pat had planned to marry Tom and opined that she could not have killed Tom because she was too much in love with him. Alice was not thrilled that Liz came to help her prepare dinner since Pat was taken to the county jail two nights ago. Liz told Alice that Will had known Dru for years since Dru had been a client of the accounting firm before Jim joined Will as a partner. Alice told Liz that it had been difficult to realize that Pat was in jail and that she was haunted by the memory of Pat's reaction to learning of Tom's death. Mary saw through Jim's brave facade, though Jim insisted that they should not be afraid for Pat. Jim reminded Janet and Alice that their angst over Pat being in jail paled in comparison to Ken and Laura's pain because they had to bury their son. Janet denied intimate knowledge when Jim asked about the executive with the surname of Baxter who worked at Janet's advertising agency. Janet did not appreciate Liz's claim that she was not as upset about Pat being accused of murder as the rest of the family. Jim and Mary questioned Bill about the legal aspects of the case. Dru resisted Lee's efforts to discuss Pat's case with him. John replied enthusiastically when Lee asked whether Pat was pretty. John told Dru that Pat requested to write a letter of condolence to the Baxters during John's visit to Pat's jail cell. Dru and John pondered whether or not Pat was acting while professing her innocence in shooting Tom. Pat questioned whether she was put in jail because she had killed her baby.

Bill: "...I know of Mr. Dru though. You couldn't persuade him to take the case?"
Jim: "He's been retired."
Bill: "I know Uncle Jim, but he's a great attorney. He's lectured at the University a number of times. Good sense of humor - and sort of crotchety -- but in front of a jury, from what I hear he's electrifying."
Jim: "You think that's what Patricia needs, an electrifying attorney?"
Bill: "I didn't say that, Uncle Jim."

NOVEMBER 23, 1964 (EP. #139)
Alice hinted to John that Tom and Pat had a lover's quarrel and that she had been avoiding Tom's calls until the night of the shooting. Alice opined to John that it was odd that Pat had been willing to take a call from Tom after he was already dead. Dru warned John that he should stress to Pat that she may be indicted for murder before John agrees to give Ken and Laura Baxter the letter of condolences. Dru advised John to start formulating a defense for Pat since the grand jury hearing would be taking place soon. Laura scoffed at Ken's idea that they move back into the apartment in the city for the duration of Pat's trial. Ken felt defeated when Laura fretted that she was not optimistic about their marriage because she could not forget his request for a divorce or Janet and Pat's involvement in their lives. Laura told Ken that she had crossed paths with Pat at the elevator on the day that she confronted Janet in her office. Laura was displeased when Ken admitted to spending time with Janet after leaving the morgue. Pat omitted the details as she confirmed for John that she had been hospitalized and endured surgery due to a serious illness. John was suspicious of Pat's assertions that she was not ready to discuss her future with Tom because she was too busy trying to finish school by June. Pat demanded another lawyer when John discouraged her from sending the letter to the Baxters. Lee made a pest of herself by interjecting her opinions of Pat's case as Dru and John discussed it. Dru urged John to be open-minded about Pat's motives and not to assume that she acted out of malice. Pat asked a jail matron named Mrs. Rogers to deliver her letter to the Baxters.

NOVEMBER 24, 1964 (EP. #140)
District Attorney, Paul Masters, speculated to Sgt. Adams that the "sly old fox" Dru would pull a surprise and come out of retirement to defend Pat. Paul confessed to Adams that he wished to unearth Pat's motive for killing Tom despite that the strong evidence made an acquittal unlikely. Adams urged Paul to concentrate on Laura because he suspects that she was withholding valuable information. Janet advised Ken that he could have prevented Tom's murder by persuading Tom to marry Pat. Ken insisted to Janet that it would not have served a purpose had he revealed to Janet that Tom was responsible for Pat's abortion as Tom did not love Pat and would not have allowed himself to be "trapped" by a pregnancy. Janet asserted to Ken that Pat should be forced to tell the truth in order to have a chance to be acquitted and that the name of Pat's abortionist should be found so that he could testify at the trial. Ken felt that Laura was being unfair by jumping to the conclusion that Frank was purposely being evasive with the authorities. Paul became keenly interested when Laura remarked that Ken knew Pat's Aunt Janet quite well. Adams opined to Paul that Laura seemed too eager to talk to the authorities. Paul and Adams debated on whether Janet and Pat had a close association and speculated that Janet's link to Ken as the father of the victim may uncover Pat's motive. Paul was impressed that Adams learned that John would be talking to Bill, who was a law student and Tom's fraternity brother. Paul decided to interview Mrs. Rogers. Pat adamantly refused when Janet pleaded for her to reveal the pregnancy, illegal abortion, and the resulting infection that left her barren.

Sgt. Adams: "Mr. Masters, do you think the Matthews girl knows, definitely knows about the grand jury hearing tomorrow?"
Paul: (Stephen Bolster, Introduction Line) "Adams, I've known John Randolph for some time. He'll be very sure that the girl knows about the hearing. And if I'm not mistaken, I think John will tell her, if he hasn't already, that she's going to be indicted for murder."

Paul: "What is this, a quadrangle or a triangle? A father and an aunt, a son and a niece..."

Notes: First appearance of Stephen Bolster as D.A. Paul Masters.

NOVEMBER 25, 1964 (EP. #141)
Jim informed Mary that they must establish for the grand jury that Pat was not at home at the time of Tom's murder. Mary got into a heated discussion with a discouraged Jim over accepting the strong evidence against Pat, the likelihood that Pat would be indicted for murder, and whether or not they could believe Pat's claims of innocence. Dru instructed Jim to make Pat face the facts that she was in Tom's apartment and responsible for his death. Dru agreed to accompany Jim to see Pat and implored Jim to remain strong for Pat's sake. Dru and Jim tried to keep Pat calm while stressing the importance of her being honest and cooperative so that John could build a proper defense for her. Pat's hope dwindled once Dru gave her a stern look and Jim bluntly proclaimed that she shot and killed Tom and should not continue to make contradictory statements. Pat wailed to Dru and Jim that she did not care about anything anymore because no one believes that she was innocent of killing Tom. Ken was puzzled when Frank mentioned that Laura was anxious to question him about Pat, but Laura was not receptive to Frank's opinion that Pat was a lovely girl who came from a good family. Frank pointed out Jim and Mary as Pat's parents to Ken as they stood in the corridor outside of the grand jury room. Jim offered his condolences to Ken despite Mary's misgivings. Paul reminded a chagrined John that he should know that Jim and Mary could be called to testify since John used to work in the assistant D.A.'s office. Mary fainted when Paul revealed that Pat was indicted for first-degree murder. John visited Pat to tell her the news, but maintained that her life was just beginning.



Pat: "Then it's over."
John: "No, Patricia. It's just begun. You and I have just... begun."

Notes: The scene during Act IV of this episode dissolved to a printing press, with the newspaper's headline reading, "Co-Ed Indicted for Murder."

NOVEMBER 26, 1964: Pre-empted for the 36th Annual Macy Day Parade and Thanksgiving Football.

NOVEMBER 27, 1964 (EP. #142)
Missy credited Bill's campaign for helping her finish high school, become a more confident person, and finding a new place to live, then gushed about having her first Thanksgiving dinner with the Sawyers. Bill gently kissed Missy on the bridge in response to Missy expressing fears of becoming too fond of him. Bill and Missy fretted over Pat's possible fate and that Tom may always be a part of Pat's life. Missy encouraged Bill to visit Pat because they share a special bond. Ann predicted that Missy would "return Bill's investment with interest" for helping her to transform into a different person. Ann advised Missy that she should keep her secret from Bill until they know each other and Bill fell in love with Missy. Liz insisted to Bill that she did not invite Missy and Janet to Thanksgiving dinner with the family because Missy is a stranger to Liz and Janet caused Susan to leave home and move to Baltimore. Bill was excited to learn from Liz that John had requested to see him. John discouraged Lee from pursuing law since her interest in the profession was due to her exposure to John and Dru, and that Lee's mother had worked as a legal secretary for Dru, who had introduced her to John. Lee remarked to John that the stories in the newspapers about a young, pretty girl (Pat) and a handsome psychology student (Tom) had become a sensation at the university. Bill told John that Tom was poison to girls and emphasized that Pat was not the type of girl who would freely "grant privileges" to men. John reasoned that Bill would be an important witness in Pat's defense case because of Bill's knowledge of Tom's reputation. John told Dru that he had decided to base Pat's case on self-defense.

NOVEMBER 30, 1964 (EP. #143)
Ken advocated compassion and not hate to Laura, who looked forward to the arraignment so that she could see the girl who sent a condolence letter to them, murdered Tom, and seemed like quite an actress. Laura was dubious towards Ken's assertions that Pat loved Tom, that Tom was not a saint, and that Janet was no longer a part of his personal life. Laura declared her hatred towards Janet and Pat and insisted to Ken that she was simply a women who loved her son and husband. Ken warned Janet about Laura's remark to Paul and reiterated his newfound loyalty to Laura since they are bound by Tom's death, though it did not involve love. Ken promised Janet that he would not reveal Pat's true story to Laura or anyone else since it would destroy Laura's image of her son. Paul suspected that Janet was purposely concealing information about Tom's murder during an unfruitful interview in which Janet minimized her association with Ken and maintained that she was unaware of Tom and Pat's relationship. Paul told Adams that he had ideas on John's approach to defending Pat. John appreciated that Pat had accepted him as her lawyer. Pat became guarded when John mentioned Tom's reputation with women. Pat ran for the door sobbing when John stated that she would have been justified in shooting Tom had he attempted to do something to her in the apartment. Judge Sutherland convened the case of the "People vs. Pat Matthews." During the arraingment, Pat pled not guilty and loudly swore that she was not in Tom's apartment on the night of the shooting. Judge Sutherland granted John's request for a jury trial and scheduled it to start on December 16th.

Clerk: "All rise. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. The Circuit Court, Criminal Division, is now in session pursuant to adjournment."

Laura: "You killed my son. You killed my son. How can you plead not guilty. How can you plead not guilty!"

Notes: The courtroom had the same design as the 1990s version.

DECEMBER 1, 1964 (EP. #144)
Jim and Mary were horrified to hear Laura angrily berate Pat for pleading not guilty. Judge Sutherland called for order, chastised Laura and Pat for being disruptive, and adjourned the court session. Janet begged Pat to level with John about her traumatic experiences with Tom. Kathy promised Frank that she would not take another case at the hospital so that the two of them could have a few days of quality time together. Ken decided to spend time with Janet rather than go home to Laura after the arraignment. Jim went to work in a futile effort to get his mind off of Pat's impending murder trial. Mary fretted over the ways in which Russ and Alice would have to deal with the publicity on Pat. Janet received a call from Ernest and agreed to his request of speaking privately about Pat. Dru advised John to use his time wisely to build a strong defense case on Pat's behalf.

DECEMBER 2, 1964 (EP. #145)
Kathy told Frank that she was assigned to a case with one of her favorite doctors and reminded Frank that they are short-handed at the hospital. Frank told Kathy that he had set December 16th as their wedding date at the University Chapel since the college would be closed for Christmas vacation. Kathy insisted to Frank that Pat was not guilty of killing Tom because she took part in treating Pat while she was dying from an infection that resulted from an illegal abortion. Kathy encouraged Frank to tell John the entire story as Tom had revealed to him since it could help Pat's defense. Frank and Kathy agreed that Pat was a "pretty nice kid." Mary agreed when Jim suggested that the family should not dwell on Pat's predicament and resume life as normally as possible without trying to wear masks or fool each other with false hopes. Jim told Mary that he called Granny and asked her not to return to town under any circumstances, though Jim fretted that Granny seemed slightly hurt by the request. Jim told Mary that their children are individuals and that they could only guide and protect them for so long before they needed to take responsibility for their own actions. Ken and Janet ruefully admitted that they were scrambling to talk about every possible subject except for Pat's upcoming trial. Janet declared her hatred for Tom, everything that he represented, and the notion of love, which convinced Ken that he should cut his time at Janet's place short. Janet swore to Ernest that she was never in love with Ken. Janet cautioned Ernest that he would have a suicide on his conscience should he indulge his sense of "moral responsibility" and come forward about Pat's ordeals because of Tom.

Mary: "I know as well as you do that little or nothing is accomplished by a constant repetition of words."

Notes: Abortion crossed out and replaced with operation here and elsewhere, but not everywhere. Frank mentions that he first met Kathy when he needed an appendectomy at the hospital.

DECEMBER 3, 1964 (EP. #146)
John insisted that he could not forget the number of days he has to prepare a self-defense case for Pat when Dru criticized him for not marking the calendar with the start date of Pat's trial. Dru and John speculated that rape may have caused Pat to block out details of the night of Tom's murder. John told Dru that Frank was pursuing a Ph.D. in psychology and seemed to be a calm and level-headed person. Frank told Dru and John that he had known Pat before she had met Tom, thought of her as a pleasant girl, and felt that Pat was the last person he expected to be capable of shooting Tom. John and Dru were intrigued as Frank described Tom's well-known reputation with women. Dru felt that his theory was vindicated when Frank recounted that Pat acted as though she seemed completely unaware that Tom's dead body was laying on the floor and spoke nonsense. Adams raised the theory to Paul that Pat's motive involved a girl named Carol Pearson, who had claimed that she might have married Tom had he not been killed. Paul expressed fears to Adams that Tom may have attacked Pat on the night of the murder and that John would get an acquittal should he put Pat on the stand. John informed Dru that Frank would most likely be a hostile witness for the prosecution and that he asked Dr. Ralph Hubert to have a consultation with Pat. Dru advised John to use his charm on Pat when John admitted that he was afraid that she would not be cooperative with him. John gauged Pat's opinion on psychiatry after admonishing her for wallowing in self-pity. Pat agreed to see Dr. Ralph Hubert once John adopted a more aggressive approach despite feeling pessimistic about her fate.

Notes: Crossed-out dialogue, Dru's reference to a lawyer friend named Hughes.

DECEMBER 4, 1964 (EP. #147)
Dru was amused as Lee spoke of being the assistant editor of her high school yearbook and being tasked with writing the future predictions of the seniors who were graduating in June. Lee revealed to Dru that she dreams of working in the prosecutor's office because she would not want to defend the guilty. Dru remonstrated Lee for hypothesizing about her deceased mother's reaction to John defending Pat and proclaimed that he would have represented Pat if John had declined to take the case himself. John and Dru agreed that they were tired of hearing Lee's viewpoints on Pat's case and cautioned Lee against voicing her opinions to her classmates. John did not want to discuss the matter further when Dru advised him to put a stop to Lee's notions of taking over his life. John glumly admitted to Dru that, while Pat agreed to see Dr. Hubert, a psychiatrist and an attorney cannot succeed unless the client and patient was cooperative with them. Alice confessed to Jim that she is at a loss each time someone asks her questions about Pat and expressing her feelings about the situation. Jim encouraged a hesitant Alice to visit Pat. Jim and Alice waxed philosophically about love being destructive at times. Pat was dubious towards Alice's claims that the family is not embarrassed by her. Alice tried to snap Pat out of her despondency over being indicted and put on trial for killing the man that she loved. John denied Pat's assumption that his musings about people not knowing each other well were veiled references to her assessment of Tom. When John implored Pat to care more about her dilemma, Pat insisted she would walk out of jail a free woman or she would not want to live.

Alice: "...I remember when I went through her year book when she was a senior in high school - "The most popular senior, Patricia Matthews." I don't know why these things happen, how they happen. Do you, Dad?"
Jim: "Alice, Patricia was and still is in love with Tom Baxter. It didn't make any difference to her what you thought of him, what anyone thought of him."
Alice: "Love isn't always good, is it, Dad?"
Jim: "Unfortunately, love isn't always good."
Alice: "You believe that you can care about the wrong person?" (HE NODS) "I know it'll be a long, long time before I'll ever care for any man."
Jim: (HE SMILES AT HER AND GETS UP) "You'll change your mind..."

Notes: Alice recites a portion of the poem, "The Night Has A Thousand Eyes," by Francis William Bourdillon during Act III of this episode.

DECEMBER 7, 1964 (EP. #148)
Bill encouraged Missy to take courses during the summer after she graduates from high school. Bill and Missy felt guilty talking about Christmas plans while Pat was still in jail and her trial was slated for December 16th. Bill informed Missy that he planned to help John by testifying in Pat's defense and hypothesized that Tom tried to take advantage of her on the night of the shooting. When Missy mentioned that Tom and Pat were going to get married, Bill speculated that Tom never gave the idea any thought or consideration. Jim told Bill that he was attempting to make sure that Russ finishes high school. Bill advised Jim that Russ's lack of scholastic aptitude could be solved by enrolling him in a vocational school so that Russ could graduate. Jim graciously declined Bill's offer that he skips a semester at the university so that he could work in the accounting office, but assured Bill that he would not have been able to prevent Pat's ordeals by being more explicit in his warnings about Tom's dubious reputation with women. Jim and Bill grappled with associating Pat with a person who could commit a murder. John told Ralph that Pat does not seem to have confidence in anyone, gave him an ultimatum that she would either leave her prison cell a free woman or not want to continue living, and does not care about her fate. John described Pat to Ralph as a pretty natural blonde with lovely coloring and no makeup. Ralph promised to speak with John once he had written a report on his interview with Pat. With an expressionless face and voice, Pat told Ralph that she and Tom were going to get married, but that now she had become a person that she does not want to know anymore.

Ralph: "You're important."
Pat: "No. Not anymore. Once, a long time ago, I was very important. Not today. Today I'm -- nobody. Today I'm -- nothing. Just nothing."
Ralph: "There's a trial coming up on the 16th."
Pat: "You know, Doctor, I lie on this cot at night, and I say just what you said -- there's a trial on December 16th. Who's on trial, that's what I ask. And I hear the name Patricia Matthews. She's someone I don't know anymore. Someone I don't want to know anymore."

DECEMBER 8, 1964 (EP. #149)
Ralph told Pat that he was simply talking to her as a psychiatrist speaks to patient when he tried to convince Pat that her situation was not hopeless. Pat insisted to Ralph that she doubts she would ever care for anyone as much as she cared for Tom. Ralph opined to John that Pat was suffering from a deep depression and was at risk of committing suicide. John assured Ralph that Pat was not acting, prompting Ralph to conclude that Pat had suppressed the painful memories of a terrible incident that occurred in Tom's apartment. Ralph proposed that John obtain permission to administer sodium pentothal on Pat to reconstruct the events that led to Tom's death. Ralph rejected John's self-defense theory on the basis that Pat loved Tom too much to kill him. Laura groused to Eric that Ken requested a divorce on the night of Tom's shooting and lamented that she and Ken may never know a semblance of happiness or contentment again. Eric suggested to Laura that she was closing her eyes to Tom's true nature and disagreed with Laura's contentions that Pat grew jealous of Tom's interest in another girl and that the shooting was an act of violence and passion. Ken told Janet that he left Eric alone with Laura because he could speak more frankly to her without Ken being present. Ken warned Janet that Laura would likely invent disparaging stories about Pat when she gives interviews to the press. Janet agreed with Ken's assertions that Laura was a bitter, vicious woman consumed by hate. Janet could only express appreciation in response to Ken declarations of love. Taking off the kids gloves with Pat did not help Bill shatter her images of Tom or to accept his bad reputation with women.

DECEMBER 9, 1964 (EP. #150)
Pat told Mary about her talk with Ralph, then alarmed Mary by stressing that it is irrelevant that she dislikes John as her attorney and that she does not care about her fate. Pat griped to Mary that John gets angry or tries to influence her with his charm, but dismissed Mary's suggestion that she and Jim find Pat another lawyer because the dire prospects of the case would still remain the same. Mary was pleased to learn from Alice that Missy had agreed to see Pat and might stop by the house to pay the Matthews family a visit. Alice told Mary that Missy is attending the university high school, lives with a nice older couple, may take some college courses, and predicted that Missy would be a member of the family by marrying Bill someday. Mary advised Alice that she had things to straighten out with Jim because of Pat's pessimistic attitude. Jim realized that Mary was not in the mood to shop for Christmas gifts because of Pat's depression while she sits in jail. Mary badgered Jim into calling Dru to recommend another lawyer to replace John. Dru dreaded talking to John after learning of Mary's request from Jim. John refused to take Lee's suggestion that they take a vacation because he must remain dedicated to Pat's defense. Dru opined to John that Pat should have more confidence in him and that Ralph confirmed his theory that Pat blocked out the night of Tom's shooting. John and Dru squared off over Dru's growing interest and encroachment into Pat's case. Dru and John were annoyed when Lee claimed that she would plead guilty and throw herself on the mercy of the court if she were Pat. John told Dru that he doubts that Pat will consent to Ralph giving her the sodium pentothal.

Production Notes: According to a penciled-in note within the script, a dissolve from the Randolph household to Pat sitting quietly in her jail cell took place at the end of Act IV of this episode.

DECEMBER 10, 1964 (EP. #151)
Matron Mrs. Rogers listened as Pat dreamed of her abortionist, Mr. Alberts, while "The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" played in a minor key, a baby's cries in the distance became louder, and Pat pleaded for someone not to take her baby away from her. Pat told Missy that she and Tom were going to get married and denied that she had loved Tom too much. Missy hypothesized to Pat on the reasons that she was conceived and placed in to an orphanage once her parents chose not to get married. Pat opined that Missy's mother made the correct choice by giving birth to her despite that Missy was an illegitimate child. Pat expressed hope to Missy that she would forget about her background, that Bill and Missy would discover that they were deeply in love, and get married in the future. Missy grew thoughtful when Pat reflected that a man who truly loves a woman would overlook any flaws in her. Ralph tried to convince Pat that she had no recollection of a painful incident that took place in Tom's apartment that led to the shooting. Ralph gave Pat a detailed description of administering sodium pentothal and the ways in which it could trigger Pat's memories and help John build a defense case for her. Pat refused to take the sodium pentothal because she was wary of the potential questions she would be asked, which could lead to Jim and Mary learning about her pregnancy and subsequent abortion. Ralph felt deflated when Pat stated that he was wasting his time on her. Pat became angry when John grew tired of her being evasive towards him, demanded to know the facts that she was concealing, and criticized Tom. John was dubious when Pat called Tom a gentleman.

Pat: (Waking from a nightmare) "Don't take my baby! Don't take my baby! It's murder, it's murder!"

DECEMBER 11, 1964 (EP. #152)
A tired and frustrated John suggested that Dru take over the case because the chemistry between him and Pat is not right and she refuses to cooperate with him. Dru told John that he would come out of his well-deserved retirement to accept Pat as a client under the condition that he could persuade Pat to change her mind about taking the sodium pentothal. John denied Dru's assumption that he wished to be relieved of Pat's case because he found it distasteful. Pat recounted getting into an argument with John during their last encounter. Dru told Pat that he had been keeping abreast of her case and wished to make Pat realize the importance of remembering the events that led to Tom's shooting in his apartment. Pat agreed with Dru's sentiment that she had a wonderful family, but adamantly refused to take the truth serum despite Dru's efforts. John emphasized to Dru that Paul has strong evidence that proves that Pat fired the gun that killed Tom, that she fled as Frank was contacting the police, and that determining a motive was unnecessary because Paul could easily prove the prosecution's case. Dru suggested entering a plea of temporary of insanity when John complained about the danger of presenting self-defense because Pat would swear that she was not at the scene of the crime. John told Dru that someone must force Pat to face the harsh reality that she may be sent to prison should she fail to cooperate with him. Dru convinced John to seek the help of Pat's family for guidance. John gravely told Jim, Mary, and Janet that Pat would most likely be convicted. Janet realized Pat's reasons for refusing to take the sodium pentothal as John explained Pat's predicament to her, Jim, and Mary.

DECEMBER 14, 1964: Pre-empted for News Coverage of Vietnam War.

DECEMBER 15, 1964 (EP. #153)
Janet suggested hiring another attorney while Jim and Mary tried to muddle through why Pat refused to take the serum. Alice told Mary she'd swear that when the phone rang in their bedroom the night Tom was shot, and Pat said she'd talk to Tom if it were him, Pat didn't know he was dead. The night before the start of the trial, Ken flipped through "The American Tragedy" and Laura gazed at the smoke coming from her cigarette. Janet debated telling John everything she knew, but hung up the phone after Lee went to get John. Lee insisted John needed taking care of when John worried about her trying to take her mother's place. Pat wouldn't let Jim's tough stance change her mind about taking the drug.

DECEMBER 16, 1964 (EP. #154)
Adams was surprised that Paul was heading out of town and handing Pat's case over to the assistant D.A., Phil Martin, who regretted the Matthews case presented no challenge to him. The next day, In the defendant's room, Pat tried to get to know her matron better. The prosecution and defense sat on opposite sides of the same table while the judge instructed the jury candidates. Phil questioned Martha Johanson (about her children), Ralph Sherman (his divorce), Sylvia Dowling (her age and employment), and Walter Ryan (his arrest record). The judge denied Phil's request to excuse Sylvia because she opposes the death penalty. John then questioned the first panel of four jurors and got Ralph dismissed since he bore his ex-wife a grudge. Dru detected John's resignation when he found him sitting in an empty courtroom. John dreaded having to put Pat on the stand.

Phil: (Introduction Line) "How are you, Adams?"
Sgt. Adams: "Oh I'm fine, Mr. Martin."

Paul: "Look you two, I have any number of things to take care of outside of the office before I get going. Mr. Martin - my chair. You'll have a conviction before the holidays."
Phil: "Have a good trip, Paul."
Paul: "I intend to. If you should run into any snags -"
Phil: "Don't worry, I'll be able to handle them."
Paul: (Stephen Bolster, Exit Line) "I'm sure you will. Adams, I'll see you before you go."
Adams: "All right, Mr. Masters."

Notes: Last appearance of Stephen Bolster as D.A. Paul Masters. First appearance of Paul Sparer as D.A. Phil Martin. Frank Andrews married his girlfriend, student Nurse Kathy Grayson [off-camera]. First day of Pat's trial for Tom's murder.

DECEMBER 17, 1964 (EP. #155)
Adams phoned Ken to tell him the jury will be impaneled by the afternoon. Ken apologized to Janet for Laura's interview in the paper. Laura came into the office and Janet confronted her with the article, declaring she had no interest in Ken, and begged her not to continue telling stories about Pat. John prepared Pat for the prosecution's opening remarks, then the matron questioned her about her nightmares and her headache. In the pews, Mary and Jim and Ken and Laura felt overwhelmed. There was a hubbub in the courtroom and John cried for a doctor when Pat stood up and cried out it wasn't true, then fainted, when Phil told the jury she deliberately intended to murder Tom.

DECEMBER 18, 1964 (EP. #156)
In the judge's chambers, John argued with Phil and asked the judge for a recess until the doctor could diagnose Pat. John told Mary and Jim that the infirmary resident will decide whether Pat can continue to stand trial. Dr. Tony Warren told John that a patch of pneumonia on Pat's left lung will keep her in bed for ten days. John told Jim and Mary that he's excited by the extra time the continuance will give him. Tony chastised John for disregarding his orders by speaking to Pat. Pat explained to Tony her scar was from an ovarian cyst, and commented she liked Tony better than John.

DECEMBER 21, 1964 (EP. #157)
Adams told Phil that the matron reports Pat has been having nightmares of a baby. Tony encouraged Pat with his optimism over her trial. Pat discouraged John from seeing the Baxters today since it was Tom's 24th birthday, and defended her use of the present tense in referring to Tom. Ken and Laura morbidly discussed their lives with two dead children. Dru assured John that Pat only feared and not disliked him. As Tony flirted with Pat, John made plans to talk to Frank and Janet.

DECEMBER 22, 1964 (EP. #158)
Adams reminded Phil Mary had said Pat had been ill the night he went to arrest her. Pat had Jim visit her so she could officially apologize for smearing the Matthews name. Laura scoffed when John came over and suggested Pat may have had a good reason for killing Tom. Adams showed Tony's medical history report on Pat to Phil and they learned Dr. Gregory treated her for a ruptured ovarian cyst.. Pat admired Tony's dedication to his patients. Laura was suspicious when Ken firmly denied Tom told him about Pat.

DECEMBER 23, 1964 (EP. #159)
Pat panicked when her former night nurse, Ellie Oster, told her her other nurse Kathy just married Frank Andrews, Tom's roommate. At Memorial Hospital, Ellie and Kathy vowed they nor Frank would breathe a word of Pat's illness, and wondered if Pat knew she was sterile. Tony felt Pat's condition was improving. Janet told Pat to stop comparing her baby to the Christ child. Janet painted a cynical picture for Ken of single women / married men office romances. Ernest worried to Janet that Phil might be suspicious since a cyst rarely causes a pelvic infection.

DECEMBER 24, 1964 (EP. #160)
Ernest informed Phil he'd need a subpoena to view Pat's medical records, but he volunteered that Pat had not been a maternity case. Phil conjectured to Adams that Pat had her baby well before her admittance to the hospital in September. Nurse Johnson's excessive Christmas cheer was a puzzle to Pat. Alice worried to Jim that Russ was keeping his feelings hidden from her, but Jim assured her one day the two of them will be very close. As carolers sung in the background, Mary visited Pat, who called her by name as Mary was very much like the "Mother Mary." Clasping Pat's hands with tears in her eyes, Mary spoke of the dream of Christ deep within all of us. Pat heard the cry of a small baby "inside her mind down to the depths of her soul," and then, finally, the last few lines of "Sleep in Heavenly Peace."

DECEMBER 25, 1964 (EP. #161)
With a Madonna-like expression on her face, Pat maintained she had no hope despite Tony's admonishment that it was the birthday of the Christ child. In their quarters, Tony's roommate, OB Larry Young, perceived that Pat was getting under Tony's skin. Alice brought a table-sized tree with small electric lights to Pat in the infirmary. Alice noticed how emotional Pat became when a new-born baby cried in the distance. Dru teased Lee about being a modern Portia, and told her he did intend to marry someday. Lee was upset when John ran out the door with a package. John brought Pat some perfume Lee had picked out, and Pat extolled the virtues of her family.

Larry: "It's Christmas, Tony. And when I bopped that kid on the fanny and heard it squall, I said, 'Merry Christmas, young man, and welcome to the best of all worlds.'"

DECEMBER 28, 1964 (EP. #162)
Lee inquired about Pat, but Dru changed the subject and criticized her unfeminine pants. Lee told John of her New Year's Eve plans with college sophomore Jerry. The next day, in the dining room of the bar association, Phil felt he hit the bullseye when he slowly led up to telling John about Pat having a baby. Dru disagreed with John's suspicion of a baby. Jim again asked Pat what she was hiding. Jim firmly denied John's idea that Pat could have had a baby.

John: "Who knows what 1965 will bring for Patricia Matthews?"

Notes: First reference to Mike [originally Jerry] Quinn, a college sophomore who dated Lee Randolph.

DECEMBER 29, 1964 (EP. #163)
John enthused to Dru what it could do for the case if he could bring Pat's baby into the courtroom. Tony told Pat she can't hide behind an illness she no longer has. At the university medical records library, the librarian forbade Adams from reading Pat's file. In the pathology lab, Dr. Jenkins confirmed for him that there would be a report on any cyst he examined. Adams then reported to Phil that Pat likely never had a cyst as the library had no such report. Pat was frightened when John brought up "baby" as she associated it with "abortion," but then was able to cooly deny everything when she realized he was talking of a living child. Pat told Nurse Johnson we can live in many worlds, but not necessarily in the best of all worlds, then she nightmared of being back in the abortionist's apartment.

Notes: John's references to Pat's sexual relations were replaced with intimate relations.

DECEMBER 30, 1964 (EP. #164)
An angry Phil confronted Ernest but got nowhere. Kathy was tight-lipped when John made friendly inquiries about her work. Frank came home and answered some questions, but John believed he knew more than he was telling. Frank and Kathy felt miserable that Pat wouldn't want them to tell John what Tom had done to her. Ernest tried to convince John that he never delivered Pat's baby. Pat refused to give John permission to access her medical records claiming they had nothing to do with the trial.

Frank: "...There isn't a jury who would find her guilty after all that happened to her. I know what Tom did to Patricia, I know what he made her do. She loved him."
Kathy: "No one knows that better than I, I took care of her. In her delirium -- she said the name Tom over and over again. I can't say anything, Frank. What I know about her is privileged information. But there's no reason why you can't tell everything that happened."
Frank: "There's every reason. If Patricia wanted her attorney to know, he wouldn't have been here today. She doesn't want anyone to know about the abortion."
Kathy: (Exit Line) "No, she doesn't. And she doesn't want anyone to know that because of that abortion she's sterile."

Notes: Last appearance of Karen Thorsell as Nurse Kathy Grayson.

DECEMBER 31, 1964 (EP. #165)
Pat was curious to know why Janet was seeing Ernest on New Year's Eve. John thought Lee looked transformed in her sophisticated dress she planned to wear to the house party being given by a friend of Michael Quinn [formerly Jerry]. John was sad but had a smiling face as he said goodbye to Lee. Dru told John it wouldn't be good for him to be alone once Lee goes to university in September and lives on campus, despite that Dru's ward got married five years ago and moved to England. As the clock chimed twelve and "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot" played, Dru and John wished each other well, then John received a phone call from Lee. Ernest remarked to Janet that they wouldn't be sharing New Year's Eve together if it hadn't been for Pat. Janet reiterated her lack of feelings for Ken to Ernest after a rather pathetic phone call from Ken. Tony told Pat he believed in her innocence.