JULY 1, 1976 (EP. #3033)
Sharlene reminded Daryll he was too old to get serious with Molly, then was alarmed when Carol said she'd reserved a suite for Willis's friend. Olive received flowers with the note, "Good luck with your mission in Bay City," which she later made sure Ray saw. Ray was forced to make minor concessions to Olive after she threatened to make things unpleasant. Willis informed Angie of his plans to expand the staff, then assured Alice it wasn't a problem that Carol, since she wants to stay in town, intends to eventually transfer the Pendleton project to another architect. Russ and Dave were concerned about Sharlene's agitated state. After Scott and Clarice noticed how rattled Ray was, Olive phoned for him. Carol told Russ that mentioning Willis's friend had upset Sharlene. Carol agreed to go to Washington as permanent architect when Willis implied she'd lose him otherwise. Russ told Dave he fears he might start trading punches with Willis. Clarice commiserated with Angie about her hopeless love for Willis. Willis smiled ingratiatingly at Alice and Ray as he told a defeatist Olive over the phone not to give up. Sharlene, whom Russ found curled up on the couch in the dark, wouldn't let him answer the phone.

Olive: "[SHE OPENS THE DOOR] Well, hello, stranger."
Ray: "Let's not start this with your gags, huh? [HE BRUSHES PAST HER INTO THE ROOM.]"

JULY 2, 1976 (EP. #3034)
Beatrice worried when Jamie and Brooks implied Molly was neglecting Sally for Dennis. Beatrice was floored when Olive appeared to accuse her of ruining her marriage, and Ray of having designs on Alice because she's a rich widow. Ray told Alice that Olive was only interested in his money. Iris phoned and learned from John and Scott that Keith was meeting with Mac in his townhouse. Rachel told Jamie to invite Marianne over. Rachel spoke to Pat, but when Mac called her back, he received only a busy signal. Pam helped John set up for a meeting. Beatrice moaned to Jim about having robbed her grandsons of their father. Mac threw Iris out, but not before she warned Pat about making sure Rachel doesn't turn against her.

Olive: "Well, Beatrice, still keeping busy, I see."
Beatrice: "[TURNING, STARTLED] Olive!"
Olive: "That's right. Your favorite daughter-in-law. How are you, Beatrice? [SHE SMILES AT HER AS BEATRICE STARES WITHOUT SPEAKING. FADE OUT.]"

Mac: "Pat is my assistant, as you very well know."
Iris: "That term seems to include a number of functions."

Notes: Oliver Bancroft, Jeff's law professor.

JULY 5, 1976 (EP. #3035)
Mac phoned and learned from Jamie that Rachel invited Ken to dinner. Jamie was disappointed when Marianne was friendlier to Ken. Mac and Pat discussed their problems with their daughters. Daryll left so Carol could refuse to discuss Willis/Sharlene with Russ. Jamie failed to entertain Marianne. Willis advised Beatrice to let Alice know Olive was in town. Marianne was also annoyed when Rachel phoned and learned from Hilda that Mac took Pat to dinner and the theater. Pam and Jim wondered about the unverified figures from Willis's office. Russ told Alice he needed to speak to Willis. Both Carol and Alice were interested when Ray fielded a call from Olive. Pat agreed to keep Mac company, then Rachel phoned to apologize for their disagreement. Ray told Alice he suspects Beatrice is the one secretly financing Olive. Rachel explained to Beatrice and Willis that Alice may need to be involved in her firm to feel completely fulfilled.

JULY 6, 1976 (EP. #3036)
Louise was sad when Rocky helped Dennis move some belongings to Mac's. Iris phoned to tell Louise she'll be visiting Therese Lamonte in the Hamptons. Willis reproached Olive for blowing it with Ray, then threw Carol out when she stormed into the hotel suite demanding to know what was going on. Sharlene begged Russ not to speak with Willis, then Alice asked them to stay at the house and supervise Molly while she and Sally go to Chadwell. Olive warned Ada and Gil not to take sides in her problems with Ray. Keith was reluctant to handle Iris's legal separation from Robert, but she refused to deal with his junior partner, Brian Botsford. Iris invited herself as his escort to Mac's party. Sharlene asked Alice to help her keep Russ away from Willis, then Russ brought her some sedatives. Rocky coaxed Louise into joining him for a dip in Iris's pool. Louise hung up on Iris, who was annoyed to overhear Ada singing to Nancy by the pool. Carol made noises about blackmail to force Willis to admit he's using Ray's wife to get rid of him.

Gil: "We got company."
Ada: "I see we have."
Olive: "You're Mrs. McGowan, right?"
Ada: "I'd better be!"

Keith (Intro Line, on the phone): "And Enid, one more thing. Call Mrs. Randolph at Mac Cory's townhouse and tell her I may be a little late for his cocktail party this afternoon, but I'll be there. That's all, then."

JULY 7, 1976 (EP. #3037)
Dave told Clarice not to be paranoid about Iris, then Russ came in to share his worries about Sharlene. Dave and Pat assured each other they miss each other. Hilda told Pat that Mac keeps the townhouse open only so that they can all keep their jobs. Gil informed Beatrice of Olive's unpleasant visit. Ken pressed Rachel to have dinner with him while Mac and Jamie are in Chadwell, then insisted she'll soon be ready for a showing. Michael and Glenda shared their summer plans with Ken. Iris batted her lashes at Keith, who'd never approved of her friends Loretta and Sybil. Dave tried to prevent Liz from bothering Russ. Russ convinced Liz to join Helen in Italy or risk alienating everyone who loves her. Mac was stunned when Iris showed up on Keith's arm. Clarice brought Jamie's plane ticket to Rachel, who phoned and learned from Iris that Mac is throwing a party to introduce Pat to his friends.

Notes: Act IIIB rewritten to account for Keith's real-life leg injury.

JULY 8, 1976 (EP. #3038)
Dennis helped Molly and Sally bring their suitcases upstairs when Russ and Sharlene arrived. As a contribution to the library, Liz gave Alice poetry books from Will. Sharlene insisted to Liz she was perfectly well. Willis phoned Alice and had her relate to Sharlene that a friend from San Diego will be visiting her soon. Olive thought Willis cold-blooded to suggest she hound Alice in Chadwell. Glenda wondered if Marianne would join her for Ken's summer course. John told Scott he'd like to interview some other lawyers since Jeff was having family troubles. A worried Clarice informed Scott that Iris was friendly with Mac again. When Ray wouldn't come to the phone, Willis wrote Olive a note that she should threaten to speak to Alice otherwise. John wouldn't be taken pity on when Marianne insisted Liz invite him to their lunch. Dennis felt like a fifth wheel when he overheard Molly invite Daryll over, but she wondered why they can't all be friends. Willis told Sharlene he's keeping an old friend of hers in town as insurance. Olive threatened to descend on Alice, so Ray was forced to call Alice and cancel his trip to Chadwell. Sally was thrilled when Willis said he'd fly down with her and Alice instead. Willis phoned to congratulate Olive, but lied to Sharlene he was chatting with her old chum.

Notes: "Happy bi-centennial!!" on the prop sheet.

JULY 9, 1976 (EP. #3039)
Rachel advised Dennis to clear the air with Molly. Rachel was relieved when Pat said Mac was annoyed at Iris for crashing the party. Beatrice told Rachel that Ray may never see his sons again if he doesn't go back to Olive. Marianne defended Liz and wondered how John could consider Dave a decent man who's genuinely fond of Pat. Russ and Sharlene decided to start screening houses, then Dave came to pick him up. Ken warned Rachel that artists have to expect opposition from those who love them. Jim let Angie know Sharlene's whereabouts. While Liz was being perplexed by Rachel's sculpture, Marianne promised to do better in Ken's class. Sharlene was relieved when Angie revealed Willis set Olive up in a suite so she could run interference with Ray. John and Marianne were pleased when Jim and Beatrice joined them for dinner, but Liz was put out. Rachel told Dave and Pat she may as well return to the studio since she wasn't able to get in touch with Mac.

JULY 12, 1976 (EP. #3040)
Dennis creamed Molly at chess, then Sharlene forbade them from telling Willis that Angie had come to see her. Dennis, irritated that Molly fawned over Daryll (who'd just dropped in), decided to hike all the way home rather than accept a lift from him. Sharlene made excuses when Russ came home to find her on her way out. John, Jim, and Marianne pushed Liz into deciding to visit Helen, but Beatrice understood her desire to stay with her family. Dave and Pat were helplessly embarrassed when Ray was forced to introduce them to Olive. Only Dennis was there when Mac returned home. Liz was mostly annoyed when John and Marianne offered to water her plants and Jim offered to pick up her mail. Sharlene evaded Russ's accusation she's terrified of Willis. After they argued hotly about custody, Olive claimed she'd loved him when they were married, but Ray felt she only married him to get away from home after high school and never had anything but contempt for him. Mac and Rachel had a happy reunion in the studio, but then they each accused the other of being inconsiderate.

JULY 13, 1976: Pre-empted for News Coverage of the Democratic National Convention.

JULY 14, 1976 (EP. #3041)
In Chadwell, Alice and Sally phoned to tell Pat the dedication was wonderful, then Alice tried not to be upset at hearing Ray was seen with Olive. Clarice quizzed Pat about Iris and Keith. Pat flared up at Liz's criticism, but was touched by her concern. Liz invited Pat and Mac to her going-away party. Molly blurted out to Carol that Sharlene met with Angie confidentially. Sally, Alice, and Jamie interrupted Willis on the phone, but not before he learned from Carol about Sharlene and Angie. Sharlene disbelieved Angie, who warned Carol would turn on her if she finds out she's standing in Willis's way, but they were both flustered when Carol joined their table and did some subtle digging. Mac turned down Pat's offer to work late since Rachel was working late at the studio. Carol had Daryll drive Molly home, then phoned Willis, who got rid of Jamie, to tell him Sharlene and Angie know about Olive and even have a mysterious piece of paper. Carol peeked in Sharlene's purse and found the florist's bill.

JULY 15, 1976: Pre-empted for News Coverage of the Democratic National Convention.

JULY 16, 1976 (EP. #3042)
Molly made out with Daryll. Sharlene was unhappy when Russ phoned to tell her to wait for him at Carol's. When Scott was too busy, Ray reluctantly agreed to accompany Mac to New York for the Parsons merger. Mac and Keith were both annoyed when Iris made insinuations about Mac's rather unconventional arrangements. A glum Rachel felt badly about her fight with Mac, but Ken urged her not to deny the depth of her feelings toward her art. Interested in getting to know Mac, Molly considered Dennis's dinner invite, but he fled when he noticed Daryll hiding on the terrace. Willis assured Carol he can prevent both Sharlene and Angie from telling Alice he sent flowers to Olive. Dennis told Mac not to make excuses for Iris. Iris informed Keith that Rachel is openly carrying on with an impoverished sculptor, a man she manipulated Mac into hiring to tutor her. After Willis reminded Sharlene he can still blow her marriage sky-high, she impulsively tore the florist's bill to pieces. Mac stormed out when Rachel fulfilled Iris's prophecy by refusing to abandon her work to accompany him to New York.

Mac: "Between my step-son and my grand-son, I'm being plunged into the vicissitudes of teen-age romance."

JULY 19, 1976 (EP. #3043)
Ken was hurt when a teary Rachel phoned Dave because she needed someone to talk to. Olive ordered Ray to cancel his travel plans or she'll tell Mac things about him that will blow his job sky-high. Rachel sniffed that Mac's unfairly jealous of the time she spends sculpting, but Dave felt she had to decide what's more important to her. Rocky offered to drive Dennis home. Beatrice fretted about Mac's disappointment when Ray revealed he's canceled another trip. Afer Pam left, Jim advised John not to let Marianne devote too much time to him. Gil read Jamie's postcard to Ada, Angie, and Clarice, then Ray phoned, and Rachel came over, to reveal neither would be accompanying Mac to New York. Rachel wouldn't listen when Ada warned she was neglecting a devoted husband because she's trying to be somebody important. John was pleased Jim was so serious about Beatrice. Dave phoned for Rachel or Mac, but only Beatrice was home. Gil, Angie, and Clarice discussed whether Rachel should have another baby. Ada flipped out to come over and find Ken keeping Rachel company.

JULY 20, 1976 (EP. #3044)
Louise wouldn't discuss Robert's leaving with Dennis, then Rocky came to visit her, bringing Brooks along as "chaperone." Iris was appalled to return home to find Ada, Gil, and Nancy applauding Dennis and Rocky's race in the pool. Dennis introduced Therese to everyone, and Iris informed him as gentleman of the house he was Therese's host and will help plan entertainment for her. Angie berated Sharlene for backing off on their plan to pin the blame for Olive's presence on Willis. Dave and Pat hoped Marianne would be more reasonable once Liz went away. Pat threw Iris out when she tried to intimidate Clarice. Angie asked Gil and Ada to help her prove Willis brought Olive to town to come between Ray and Alice. Dave asked Michael to take Pat and Glenda to the restaurant after deciding he needed to speak to Iris. Therese, who now regrets neglecting Carol, warned Iris she may lose Dennis if she's not careful. Dave warned Iris she'll be held responsible if she makes Clarice lose her baby the way she made Rachel lose hers.

Louise: "[QUICKLY] Mrs. Lamonte, forgive me for not greeting you."
Therese (Introduction Line): "It's quite all right... I'm enjoying this little contretemps after an unusually dull flight."

JULY 21, 1976 (EP. #3045)
Sharlene refused to continue helping Angie protect Alice from Willis, but wouldn't elaborate on that conversation to Russ. Ada disagreed when Rachel felt Mac wouldn't appreciate a wife who just stayed around the house all day. Daryll informed Carol that her mother was in town, then let Angie know a strange woman was trying to get in touch with Willis. Beatrice told Ada and Rachel about Liz's party, then they welcomed Jamie home from Chadwell. Sharlene admitted to Angie that Willis knows things about her that can ruin her marriage. Therese told Louise she had been surprised to hear Iris married the man Carol was interested in. Carol embraced Therese, assuring her she now understands things much better than she used to. Jamie admitted to Ada he's unhappy with how Rachel's changed since she took up sculpture. Molly bade Daryll pay more attention to her than to his work. Daryll informed Carol about the strange woman seeking Willis.

Notes: Therese had a dog named "Mugsy."

JULY 22, 1976 (EP. #3046)
Sharlene begged Angie not to level with Alice about Willis, or they'll both feel his wrath. Angie relented, instead badmouthing Carol to Alice, who defended Willis vigorously. Ray realized he has no evidence of Olive's infidelity since he won't force his sons to testify, and Olive pointed out that even the accusation of an affair between him and Alice would be enough to make Alice lose Sally. Dave assured Clarice he won't let Iris take her baby. Alice and Sally were pleased when Ray dropped by, but Alice confessed to Sharlene she worries Ray might reconsider going back to Olive because of the boys. Ray told Ada and Gil that Olive is forcing him to accede to her demands by threatening to hurt Alice by creating an ugly scandal. Russ left so Marianne could ask Dave if he loved Pat. When he refused to answer, she accused him of brainwashing and taking advantage of Pat. Angie told Ada and Gil that Sharlene's fears of Willis's reprisal prevented her from leveling with Alice. Alice was numb as Sally went over to greet Ray, who came into the restaurant with Olive.

JULY 23, 1976 (EP. #3047)
Olive came over to the table to meet Russ, Sharlene, and Alice, while Sally took Ray by the hand and led him over. Finally Ray took Olive by the elbow and led her away, then Alice kissed Sally and hurried out. Pat apologized for Marianne repeating Iris's slanders about him, but Dave still felt insecure about Pat's feelings for him. John arrived home to be greeted by Marianne and dinner, a drink, and an inquiry into his day at work, then Jim cautioned him against subconsciously encouraging Marianne. Rachel told Ken she hopes Jamie understands her restless artistic soul. Molly admitted to Alice she likes attention from several boys. Sharlene took Sally to bed so Alice could complain to Russ about Ray's lies. Pat was baffled that Rachel had to phone and interrupt her lunch with Dave, Michael, and Glenda to find out what Mac's plans are. Ken encouraged Daryll's renewed interest in Marianne. John was slightly perturbed when Marianne let him push her into accepting Daryll's dinner invite. Alice told Ray she can't accept his lies because Steve made her miserable by trying to protect her by keeping things from her. Ray acquiesced when Olive phoned to order him back to the McGowan's or she'll descend on Alice with reporters in tow.

Russ: "Excuse me, but you haven't introduced yourself."
Olive: "I'm Ray's wife... Who did you think I was? [THERE IS A MOMENT'S SILENCE.]"
Sally: "She wasn't very nice, was she?"
Sharlene: "You can say that again."

JULY 26, 1976 (EP. #3048)
Dennis and Louise, then Iris, sympathized with Jamie over Rachel's neglect. Rocky helped clear a space for Rachel's sculpture, and Beatrice was pleased when Rachel announced her intention to spend more time at home. Rachel welcomed Keith, who remembered her from her wedding reception. Pam delightedly accepted Scott's dinner invite. A worried John phoned to check up on why Marianne wasn't in the office, then was happy when she promised to come right in. Keith promised Rachel he won't let Iris keep them from being friends. Iris listened as Pat phoned Rachel about arranging a cocktail party for Keith. As Jamie and Sally swam in the pool, Therese asked Louise about Iris's involvement in the scandal with Philip last year. Molly and Sally sat beside Therese, and they compared Chadwell and the Riviera. Pam disapproved when Marianne turned down Jamie's request she come over. Pat protested when Keith helplessly agreed to come visit Therese, then escort Iris to the party at Mac's. Rachel fled to the studio when Mac accused her of neglecting Jamie.

JULY 27, 1976 (EP. #3049)
Therese couldn't fathom why Iris insisted on going to the party if Mac doesn't want her there. Therese wanted Iris to drop her vendetta against Rachel so she and Mac can make up, and with brutal frankness said Iris needs to share the people she loves with others or they'll leave her for their own survival. Iris urged Therese to talk to Carol before she's saddled with a shameful son-in-law from some dreary little town. Michael and Glenda admired Carol and Daryll's sketches. Carol was forlorn that Willis was more interested in relating he's scotched Sharlene's plot than in enjoying his night back home with her. Mac asked Brooks to pick Rachel up at the studio, but admitted to Ada that Rachel may have abandoned her role as hostess. Pat and Michael were bothered when Daryll said Marianne just turned down his invite. Ada begged Rachel to come home, explaining Mac was only pushing her so hard because he's afraid he'll lose her. When Olive related the progress she made in making Ray cave in, Willis gave her more money and told her to focus on Beatrice next. Mac and Dave worried about Rachel and Clarice's reactions when Pat informed them Iris conned Keith into bringing her over. Mac tried to control his anger when Iris showed up with Keith.

JULY 28, 1976 (EP. #3050)
Mac felt it impossible to turn completely away from Iris because there are memories that bind them together, but promised Rachel he'll let Keith know he prefers not to see her. Willis asked Mac to spare Ray from the complex and send him to Chadwell. Olive felt she could learn something about Alice from Rachel, but Ray was able to dissuade her from accompanying him to the Cory's. Russ argued against Sharlene's unease over running into Willis or Iris at the party. Rachel insisted to Ada she can't be at Mac's beck and call. Scott and Pam assured Mac they'll keep Clarice occupied so Iris doesn't get to her. When Iris was rude to Rachel, a furious Mac ordered her to leave or he'll make sure Keith knows her presence isn't tolerated in the house. Iris warned Clarice to leave town or she'll have Keith bring a suit of slander against her so damaging the court will be forced to take her baby away from her. Everyone was curious when Clarice hurried out. Ada told Dave and Pat that Clarice fled mysteriously. Willis made snide remarks to Ray, then gave Pat a sealed envelope to give to Sharlene. Scott and Pam assured Clarice that Mac can protect her from Iris, but Clarice later packed her bags. Pat took Russ away so Sharlene could read the note that ordered her to call Angie off her little investigation, or else.

JULY 29, 1976 (EP. #3051)
Sharlene insisted to Willis she'd convinced Angie not to go to Alice, then insisted to Russ she wasn't concealing anything from him. Dave and Pat urged Russ to talk to Willis to get to the bottom of things. Alice revealed to Jim she's afraid she may suffocate Sally with too much affection unless she shares it with someone else. Jim urged her to fight for Ray like she did for Steve, but Alice worried Olive may be much more difficult than Rachel ever was. Willis claimed he was protecting Alice from Ray, but Sharlene felt he really wanted to take Steve's place in Alice's firm and her heart. Sharlene threw herself on his mercy, but he promised to forget what he knows only if she persuades Russ they should move out of town, then he whistled "Anchors Away." Pat and Dave told Mac and Rachel that Clarice had an unpleasant run-in with Iris. Scott thought it good news when Pam said time and distance have ended her friendship with Vic. Mac explained to Rachel that Iris very deviously plays on his jealous nature. Clarice told Dave and Pat she wants to have her baby without causing anymore trouble for her friends. Jim took Sally upstairs so Alice could kiss Ray and vow to fight Olive no matter how vicious she gets. Rachel happily agreed to go upstairs with Mac, but brought along her sketchbook. Ada and Gil were concerned when Clarice didn't answer the phone.

Crawl: "Alice thinking of Ray on terrace -- Gazing at stars -- Special music -- No announcer -- Beautiful!"

JULY 30, 1976 (EP. #3052)
Iris was annoyed when Louise kept defending Rachel, then Louise rescued Cressida from Iris's itchy fingers. Gil promised Ada he'd trace Clarice after they got a letter from her that began, "Dear Ada and Gil... I guess this is goodbye." John encouraged Marianne to seek interests outside his office, then Glenda sympathized with him about Marianne not taking his advice. Therese advised Dennis not to neglect Mac for Molly, then warned Iris the more she opposes Molly, the more Dennis will want to be with her. Keith offered to have Iris's portrait restored. Marianne refused when Glenda and Ken asked her to convince a poor Daryll to accept tuition-free lessons from Ken. Rocky and Louise coaxed Brooks to ask Beatrice out, but he felt Jim seemed to have prior claims on her time. Iris was displeased to hear Therese blame Carol's inattention on her past neglect. Iris told Gil that Clarice was inventing stories about her.

Iris (To Louise about her plant Cressida): "Are you discussing me with that monstrosity?"

AUGUST 2, 1976 (EP. #3053)
After Mac complimented Rachel's latest sketches, she promised to try to work out a more sensible studio schedule. Gil told Mac and Rachel he has a hunch Clarice is in Ogden. Beatrice told Rocky she won't neglect Jim just to provide a special occasion for Brooks. Olive asked Beatrice to convince Ray to visit the boys with her. Daryll rejected Carol's suggestion he switch his major from art to architecture. Willis hoped to use Olive to get Ray out of the way when Alice called Carol to set up a meeting for the four of them. Worried about alienating Mac by associating with Iris, Willis refused to accompany Carol to see Therese. Mac and Ken disagreed about Rachel's need to separate her personal and professional lives. Olive gloated about Beatrice falling for her sob stories about the boys, then jumped at the $200 Willis offered if she keeps Ray busy this afternoon. Daryll was grateful when Michael and Glenda offered to speak to Marianne on his behalf. Carol and Willis were satisfied when Alice announced Ray won't be able to attend the meeting. Rachel was distressed at Ken's foul mood.

AUGUST 3, 1976 (EP. #3054)
Rachel assured Ken that Mac will understand her commitment to exhibiting some pieces at his show this fall. Alice was vocal about not appreciating Willis's cheap shots at Ray. Jim and Beatrice made plans for the evening. John and Pam called the meeting to order, but Alice could barely keep her mind on it. An amused Beatrice assured Brooks that Jim won't mind her spending time with friends from the household. Dave made Gil a list of Ogden hospitals and clinics. Pat urged Mac to consider Rachel's need for a career. When Daryll refused to let Ken waive his fee, Rachel offered to provide Ken with a scholarship fund. Willis pushed Carol into agreeing when Alice and John insisted she sign a contract as architect of the Pendleton project. Jim canceled his plans with Beatrice so he could have Alice over for dinner to cheer her up. Beatrice then accepted Brooks' invitation. Gil and Dave filled Mac and Pat in on their plans to find Clarice. Mac admitted to Rachel it had been a mistake to ask Ken's cooperation in devising a more sensible schedule for her.

AUGUST 4, 1976 (EP. #3055)
Iris was pleased on Liz's behalf when she learned from Louise that Brooks was interested in Beatrice, and when Louise offered to stay in to chaperone Dennis and Molly. A despondent Alice admitted to Jim she drifts without Ray's presence as an anchor, then thought it wonderful when he revealed he plans to ask Beatrice to marry him. Angie reported to Ada she had no success in tracking Clarice in Ogden. Therese was curious to meet the man who changed Carol, but Iris described him as cold-blooded and ambitious. Keith wouldn't listen to Iris bad-mouth Rachel. Willis met Therese, then complained about how Mac was letting a subordinate like Ray play such a big role in a family firm, but Keith explained it was because Mac doesn't have a son to pass the business on to. Alice explained to Jim that Willis wasn't jealous of Ray, he was just protective of her. Alice felt much better when Ray promised they'll fight Olive together. A cautious Willis couldn't afford sentimentality when Carol said her goals and tactics in life have changed now that she cares about him. Dennis gulped when Molly put her arms around him. He bravely kissed her cheek, then he sighed and relaxed as she kissed him back, but Iris walked in on them. Iris threw Molly out and wouldn't listen to Therese's presumptuous parental advice.

Carol: "I'm just beginning to recognize genuine affection in myself. Please don't destroy that."
Willis: "I'm more afraid of destroying myself because of it."

Crawl: "Iris poolside shredding Molly's flowers."

AUGUST 5, 1976 (EP. #3056)
Beatrice informed Louise that Brooks' a really fascinating man who once studied sculpture himself. Iris blamed Louise for allowing Molly to inveigle Dennis into an embrace. Iris denied to Mac she'd ever made threats against Clarice. Mac promised to tell Keith the truth about them when Iris claimed Keith had regaled her with first-hand observations on Mac's domestic life. Jim moaned to Pam about Marianne's lacking social life. Marianne vigorously rebuffed Daryll's attempts to renew their friendship. Dennis informed Beatrice he intends to move into the mansion. Brooks was relieved when Beatrice agreed to have dinner with him again some time. Iris blamed Dennis's defiance on Louise's permissiveness and Rachel's turning him against her. Ken told Rachel that it may not be easy for a successful man like Mac if his wife devotes herself to a very demanding public career. Pat let Sharlene know Russ feels rejected, and urged her not to let secrets destroy her marriage the way it did with her and John. Mac fumed when Iris accused Rachel of poisoning her son against her, but Dennis vowed to run away if she forces him to come home with her.

Mac (About Clarice): "She didn't leave Bay City because she wanted to."
Iris: "Oh, dear, was she kidnaped?"
Mac: "Iris, stop making bad jokes to protect yourself."
Iris: "There was a time when my humor amused you."
Mac: "Not as much as you think. [SHE TURNS AWAY]"

AUGUST 6, 1976 (EP. #3057)
Sally, intuiting that Molly worried Iris thinks she's chasing after Dennis, offered to call Dennis and deal with Iris if she answers the phone. Molly phoned to invite Daryll after explaining to Sally it was his pool, not Dennis, she liked. John and Scott urged Alice to insist Ray be formally paid for his assistance. Jim asked Alice, who worried about Pam's discontentment, to talk to Marianne about Pat. Willis, hiding in the other room, was mightily impressed when Olive used a fake letter to convince Beatrice the boys were miserable. Molly begged off when Beatrice and Jim wanted to take her and Sally out to dinner. John was grateful when Michael offered to start all over again. Carol let Sharlene know that Molly was putting the moves on Daryll. Molly, who'd prepared a romantic dinner for two, snuggled with Daryll on the couch, but then he pulled her to her feet and led her upstairs. Michael apologized to John for being judgmental. Willis and John were divided on Ray's guidance of Alice. At Alice's, Sharlene found Daryll's jacket flung on the sofa and Molly on the landing wearing a robe over a nightgown.

AUGUST 9, 1976 (EP. #3058)
Sharlene threw Daryll out when he tried to explain Molly was just being nice. Molly sobbed as Sharlene tried to tell her she can ruin her whole life with what she's starting now. Willis promised Ray he won't let Steve's company be taken over by a pushy nobody who's stumbled on to a good job because his mother happens to be Mac Cory's housekeeper. Sharlene told Russ she'll handle Molly herself, then made excuses for Molly when Jim and Beatrice brought Sally home. Molly wouldn't accept advice from Sharlene, insisting she's done nothing to be ashamed of. Russ forbade Daryll from seeing Molly again after Daryll finally admitted that Sharlene's conclusions weren't wrong. Willis advised Molly to let Sharlene know that she'll come to him if Sharlene tattles to Emma. Dave teased Pat about her executive responsibilities. Russ was confused when Sharlene was so upset at Molly's craving for excitement.

AUGUST 10, 1976 (EP. #3059)
Keith apprised Rachel of Mac's need for total attention from those he loves. Rachel dreaded running into Iris when Mac told her about Scott's surprise party for Keith. Ray told Ada and Gil he'll sue Olive for divorce and hope for reasonable visitation rights, then Pam phoned to invite them all to Keith's party. Carol realized Willis intends to use Daryll and Molly against Sharlene. Keith asked Iris to Scott's dinner. Pam let Pat know that Vic didn't run after Lenore. Mac said for her to come with him and Rachel when Dave told Pat he won't be able to escort her to the party. When Dave told Gil that Dr. Barrows in Ogden treated a pregnant woman named Lillian Harper, Ada remembered Lillian was Clarice's mother's name. Willis asked Carol to leave them alone when Angie began railing at him for using people. Angie vowed to protect him from himself. Pam spilled the beans when Keith showed up early with Iris. Mac arrived with Pat and Ada, then Ray came. Tired of Iris's cracks, Ada informed her that Gil and Dave were bringing Clarice back from Ogden.

AUGUST 11, 1976 (EP. #3060)
Keith felt Iris should be more discreet than to repeat ugly rumors about her father's wife. Mac told Ada and Pat that Iris continues to be spiteful to Clarice because she's never been able to accept responsibility for her own unhappiness. Rachel phoned to tell Mac she'll join the party as soon as she can. Rachel feared critics when Ken told her Lyle Sansone thinks she should have a showing of her own. Jim introduced Marianne to Jeff. Rachel was intrigued when Rocky told her Brooks was out with Beatrice. Mac wasn't moved by Ada and Pat's excuses for Rachel's lateness. Pam was wary when Iris made small talk, but Iris told Keith she's very impertinent for a glorified secretary in a law office. Ray asked Keith to recommend a divorce lawyer. Pat was embarrassed when Mac had to prevent a disagreeable scene between Rachel, Ada, and Iris. Marianne wasn't forthcoming when Jeff was curious about Barbara. Dave told Pat it had been a bum lead in Ogden. Jim was surprised when Rachel told him Beatrice was out with Brooks. Mac was indignant when Rachel asked him to juggle work to accompany her to New York so she can arrange a showing.

Jim: "John just called to say he's been delayed with his client."
Jeff (Introduction Line): "They still at the courthouse?"

AUGUST 12, 1976 (EP. #3061)
Molly griped to Sally about Dennis spending time at the Cory mansion which had no pool. When Alice suggested a picnic, Sally suggested inviting Ray and Daryll along. Sharlene tried to apologize, but Molly was sure she'd lost Daryll. Molly gloated when mention of Willis derailed Sharlene from her lecture. Daryll told Ken he's been thinking of switching to architecture to be able to support himself. Marianne rebuffed Daryll but accepted Glenda's lunch invite. Angie brought Alice up-to-date on Clarice. Willis led Alice to believe that Ray and Olive have been seen showing affection to each other. Sharlene cried to Angie about having to do what Willis wants or he'll ruin her life. Beatrice was pleased that Brooks disagreed with Jim about her being overprotective. Marianne rejected Michael's suggestion she allow John space to date. Willis approved after Carol gave Daryll time off to go see Molly. Molly sent Sally wading so she and Daryll could kiss and make up. They were interrupted by Beatrice and Brooks, who went off after Sally, so Molly went back into Daryll's arms. Willis warned Sharlene it was time to leave town.

AUGUST 13, 1976 (EP. #3062)
Sharlene fretted over Willis's threat. Beatrice insisted Alice find someone more responsible than Molly to take care of Sally. Olive dragged Ray away from a party at Alice's.

AUGUST 16, 1976 (EP. 33063)
Rachel was touched when Jamie evinced pride in her artwork. Keith prodded Dennis to get in touch with Iris, but couldn't recruit Rachel's help. Iris felt the doctors replaced Therese's wonderful joie de vivre with lassitude, but Therese felt it was just nervous tension now replaced by a nice floating feeling. Dave told Ada and Gil he was concerned about Clarice's state of mind. Ada decided against throwing out Olive, who told her to pass along a threat to Alice. Olive hastened out when a nosey Ada inquired about who she knows in Bay City. Ken reminded Rachel that Lyle wants a definite date. Iris revealed she can't free Robert now or the common tramp will trap him, then convinced Keith they should drop in on Rachel at the studio. Ada told Gil they need to warn Ray about Olive, then Rachel brought the boys over for dinner. Rachel thwarted Ada by insisting that being married to Mac shouldn't prohibit her own personal development. Iris was interested when Ken told her and Keith that Rachel is arranging a showing in New York.

Therese: "No, honey, women like you and me don't inspire lasting affection from anyone."
Iris: "Daddy always loved me until Rachel trapped him."
Therese: "That's a convenient rationale, I'm sure."

Iris: "[TURNING AT THE DOOR] Goodbye, Ken. Thank you."
Ken: "For what?"
Iris: "For being your usual gracious self, what else? [SHE SMILES AND EXITS]"

AUGUST 17, 1976 (EP. #3064)
Russ told Dave that Sharlene was determined they move away, then Dave gave Gil some new leads. As Mac held Nancy, Ada believed Rachel would forget all about her sculpting if she was expecting a baby again. Louise was suspicious when Iris vowed to help Rachel go off promote her talents in New York. Willis suggested Alice appease Beatrice by spending more time at home with Sally. Therese advised Carol to make allowances for the demands of Willis's career. Carol phoned Dave after Therese had an attack of dizziness. Dave's secretary Phyllis got a woozy Clarice to reveal she was at Mrs. Grant's rooming house in Ogden. Willis convinced Beatrice to talk to Alice about spending more time at home. Iris listened in on an extension while Clarice gave Dave her address, which he passed on to Ada. Willis sympathized with Carol about Therese, but warned her not to get too sensitive. Beatrice was pleased when Alice asked Mac to release Ray so he could come into her firm full-time. Iris warned Clarice that the police are bringing charges against her for slander, but gave her money to help her get away.

Notes: Jane St. Clair, medical counsel, provided info on "if a potential heart attack victim feels faint."

AUGUST 18, 1976 (EP. #3065)
Ada cradled Clarice in her arms after finding her unconscious in her room. Sure she was alone and vulnerable, Clarice begged Ada not to bring her back to Bay City. Sharlene asked to go visit Chadwell alone, then assured Russ she wasn't afraid of him. An unhappy Molly told Sally she might get shipped back to Chadwell. Ray accepted when Alice wanted him to supervise financial aspects of the firm. Dave met Ada and Clarice at the hospital entrance when they emerged from an ambulance. Russ agreed to examine Therese. Sharlene was skeptical when Carol intended to settle down with Willis. Ray and Alice vowed to uncover Olive's benefactor. Dave told Ada that Iris would have been too busy with Therese to have gone down to Ogden.

Notes: The hospital entrance was an exterior scene.

AUGUST 19, 1976 (EP. #3066)
Gil came to tell Mac and Beatrice that Ada was with Clarice at the hospital. Marianne took pity on Jeff when he asked all the wrong questions about her family. Jeff was pleased when Marianne rebuffed Daryll in favor of inviting him to stay for dinner. Brooks made himself scarce when Jim came over. Beatrice smiled to herself when Jim insisted he wasn't jealous of Brooks. Daryll admitted to Michael that Molly has gotten into trouble with Sharlene because he forgets how young Molly is. Ada told Gil and Mac that Clarice had been using the name Delaney. Marianne was upset with Michael and Glenda for interrupting her coffee and cake with Jeff. When Jim criticized her obsession with Sally, Beatrice pointed out Brooks doesn't share his views. Ada, Gil, and Mac realized they need to keep Iris from learning Clarice is in Bay City.

Memo: Bruce Joffe of Soap Box taking set photos. Irving Fass of TV Before Dark interviewing and photographing.

AUGUST 20, 1976 (EP. #3067)
Keith said he was needed back in New York, but promised Iris he'd return soon. A confused Louise alerted Iris that several people had inquired as to her whereabouts. Mac phoned to tell Rachel and the boys that Clarice was in premature labor. Mac suggested Russ speak to Keith to find out about Therese's recent health. Dave and the nurses restrained a delirious Clarice on the delivery table, then he urged her to bear down after each contraction. Keith learned about Clarice from Rachel, then convinced Dennis to make up with Iris by offering to take them all, with Molly, to dinner. Louise made Rocky promise not to tell anyone when she let it slip that Iris left quite suddenly after Dave made a phone call. Russ told Mac to convince Ada to go home. Iris embraced Dennis and promised to change, then was surprised to hear Clarice was in hospital. Dave worried about Clarice's erratic pulse.

AUGUST 23, 1976 (EP. #3068)
Beatrice told Ada she gets upset at Jim's criticism. Dave told Rachel that Clarice had a healthy baby boy, brought on prematurely by some emotional crisis. Sally was thrilled that Alice will be spending the rest of the summer with her. Joan passed on messages to Jeff and Marianne. Liz phoned from Kennedy Airport to tell Marianne to keep it a secret she broke her leg on a boat during a squall. Rachel urged Gil to suspect Iris was Clarice's mysterious visitor. Molly whined to Daryll that Alice no longer needs her to stay. Angie wasn't intimidated by Carol's warning to stop interfering with Willis. Sally thought Molly unfair to cancel her date with Daryll to got out with Dennis and Iris. Alice disapproved to find Molly helping Sally paint her nails. Ray told Alice he's going to try to uncover his boys' whereabouts. Beatrice dropped her groceries when she entered Jim's house to find Marianne settling Liz in. Dave told Rachel that Clarice is still dreading Iris's threats.

Jeff: "Good morning, Joan."
Joan (Introduction Line): "Hi, Jeff."
Jeff: "Oh, I was going to put those away myself."
Joan: "You have more important things to do."

AUGUST 24, 1976 (EP. #3069)
Iris quizzed Keith about Clarice. Molly told Iris she hopes to have a portrait of herself one day. Marianne and Liz managed to convince a reluctant Jim to let Liz convalesce at his house. Pam filled Scott in on Clarice. Ray let Olive know she has a fight on her hands as he and Alice have vowed to get her out of their lives. After finding the envelope of money, Gil bullied Mrs. Grant into admitting she'd promised Iris not to reveal her visit. Keith deciphered the French menu for Molly, but Iris laughed at her lack of poise. A numb Iris was speechless when Pam and Scott announced Clarice had a baby boy. Liz considered closing up her and Helen's apartment. Michael, Glenda, and Jim were cross when Liz convinced Marianne not to play second fiddle to Molly by going out with Daryll. Gil questioned Louise about the phone extensions, then informed Iris she's reached the end of the road with Clarice.

AUGUST 25, 1976 (EP. #3070)
Dave and Angie speculated about Clarice's hysterics. Ada and Angie doubted when Ray was confident he's run Olive out of town. Therese encouraged Carol, who admitted she'd like to marry Willis but he was afraid of committing himself to a long-term relationship. Olive denied knowing Willis, but blew it by letting it slip to Angie that she knew he was in San Diego. Russ and Dave whispered about her post-partum fixation as a confused Clarice insisted to Ada she has to leave town with the baby because she doesn't know who to trust. Sharlene told Molly she and Russ will be moving away and warned her not to believe everything Willis tells her. Carol assured a worried Olive that Angie has no proof against Willis, then denied Willis had any romantic interest in Alice. Russ was hurt and confused when Sharlene complained about the pervasiveness of his family. Sharlene was shocked when Angie told her Willis was in San Diego.

AUGUST 26, 1976 (EP. #3071)
Rachel was suspicious when Keith said Iris had seemed interested in advancing her career. Rachel told Mac that Ken was arranging a deal for her with a mysterious sponsor. When Russ admitted Sharlene has been nervous about something, Liz hoped he didn't rush into marriage too quickly. Rocky offered to bring Jamie along to Iris's. Beatrice accepted Brooks' offer of a drive, so had no time to listen to Jim's advice about how well-meaning relatives can make things worse instead of better. Keith told Ken that Howard Chandler was interested in showing Rachel's work, but Iris couldn't believe he never told Howard that Rachel was Mac Cory's wife. Dave let Mac and Rachel visit Clarice, who got upset and needed to be restrained. Louise told Rocky that Iris was being more tolerant of them because she wants Louise's gratitude. Iris convinced Keith to let her pay Howard's expenses. Liz apologized for not telling Jim that Beatrice had dropped by. Brooks told Beatrice he has grandchildren of his own living outside Dublin. Mac was flattered beyond words and Rachel kissed her cheek when Clarice decided to name her baby Cory.

AUGUST 27, 1976 (EP. #3072)
Molly phoned Dennis and they threw together plans for a pool party. Sally explained to Alice she was resentful of Molly because she was unfair to Dennis, whom Sally likes. Ray shared with Alice his belief that Olive's finally given up. Fearing that losing his job would destroy Willis, Angie couldn't take Gil's advice to tell Alice he brought Olive to town. Pam informed Jeff he'll be taking over the legal work for Frame Enterprises. Alice wouldn't agree to help Sharlene convince Russ to move away. After Dennis took Glenda to a changing room, Michael undressed and slipped into the pool as Molly said she'd make sure Alice invites him to dinner. Scott agreed to handle Ray's divorce, but warned Alice may risk an ugly scandal. Glenda said she'll be spending some time in New York before the fall semester. Sharlene eavesdropped as Angie informed Alice that Willis brought Olive to town.

AUGUST 30, 1976 (EP. #3073)
Alice realized she may need to reconsider her plan to name Willis Executive Vic-President and General Manager, but Sharlene ran out of the house and drove off before Angie could get her to confirm her accusations. Alice phoned to let Russ know Sharlene was very upset. Though somewhat doubtful of Willis's guilt, Alice was concerned that Sharlene not go on being terrified of Willis. Russ was frustrated that Sharlene wouldn't confide in him. Dave couldn't believe Iris managed to make it to Ogden, but Gil felt they have an action for tort against her if they can prove it. Ray realized Willis was trying to make him appear incompetent and unreliable. Alice felt the next step was to talk to Carol. Willis vowed to send Olive packing when Carol revealed Olive let slip incriminating info to Angie. Dave and Gil realized the subject of Iris was too distressing for Clarice. Russ caved in and agreed to move away when Sharlene said she had to leave town with or without him. Willis quizzed Sally and Molly about Alice's visitors. After learning from Molly that a nervous Sharlene had met with Alice, Willis phoned Chuck and Lou about coming up to work for the firm.

AUGUST 31, 1976 (EP. #3074)
Ada bugged Rachel about spending more time with Jamie. Carol claimed someone probably tricked Willis into bringing Olive to town, then accused Alice of being very unjust about him. Pat was grateful when Dave offered to try befriending Marianne again. Angie insisted to Ada that Willis could be a decent, reliable man if he believed someone loved him. A listless Jamie let Rachel know he senses things aren't well between her and Mac. Dave admired Rachel's sketches when Mac and Pat went to talk business. Willis lit into Olive, warned her to keep her mouth shut in the future, and promised to get Sharlene out of town before she causes more trouble. Olive told Alice and Ray that Angie loves Willis so much it made her confused. Her usefulness over, Willis told Olive the ride was over, but she turned the tables on him by threatening to squeal to Alice unless he now follows her orders. Jamie informed Rachel that Ken had been seen with Iris and Keith.

SEPTEMBER 1, 1976 (EP. #3075)
Sally was concerned about Alice, who tried to convince Molly that Sharlene needs their help now. Jim criticized Liz for abetting the monopoly on Marianne's time. Liz advised Marianne to be friendly with Dave so Pat will listen to her. Pam told John to warn Jeff about Willis. Alice told John she was rescinding Willis's promotion. Pat was sad when Russ announced he and Sharlene will be moving to New York. By side-stepping Alice's questions, Carol only confirmed her suspicions that she was protecting Willis. Marianne offered to apologize to Dave, so Pat agreed to see John socially on occasion. Liz sniped at Daryll for preferring Molly's company over Marianne's. Pam advised Marianne not to punish other people because Chris treated her badly. John warned Alice that Willis may be more dangerous now that he's desperate. Molly told Daryll not to bother Alice with what he heard in Carol's office. Pat told Scott she wants to divorce John.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1976 (EP. #3076)
Pat explained to Scott that a divorce will clarify the situation for the children. Iris tried to coax Dennis into spending less time with Molly. Gil warned Iris he's collecting evidence for a damage suit against her. Russ told Dave his marriage can't survive in Bay City. Daryll informed Russ that Carol lied to Alice about Willis's return to Bay City. Iris was taken aback to overhear Daryll tell Russ about being in the bedroom with Molly. Ada promised Clarice her friends will help her bring Cory up, then Dave found Iris loitering outside. Jeff told Pam he doesn't want Marianne misinterpreting his friendliness. Pat revealed Lenore works in a law firm now, then announced to Michael and Glenda her divorce plans. Scott set up a meeting with John. Iris promised Clarice she'll lose her baby for insulting her by naming Robert's baby after Mac.

SEPTEMBER 3, 1976 (EP. #3077)
Therese tried to befriend Ada, Gil, and Angie. When Russ took them to see Clarice, Iris hustled Therese out of the hospital. Everyone was alarmed at how miserable Clarice felt. Michael asked Pat to make sure she herself tells John about the divorce. Jim arrived for Pat's party, then Marianne came, with an uninvited Liz hobbling behind on crutches. Pat and Jim were skeptical when Liz vowed to make amends with Dave. Sharlene begged Russ not to get involved in outing any scheme Carol and Willis are putting over on Alice. Angie told Gil that Willis may suspect Sharlene was the one who tattled to Alice. Willis sneaked Chuck and Lou up to his apartment and showed them Sharlene's photo, which Lou recognized. Therese always defied her mother-in-law, who didn't relish having a Copacabana chorus girl in the family, and drove Alistair to drink and an early grave. Iris vowed to let Dennis know the truth about Molly so he doesn't develop a habit of interest in unsuitable girls. Russ left Pat's party to go collect Sharlene. Michael prevented Pat from telling the others about her plans. Ada comforted a fitful Clarice, who dreamed about her confrontation with Iris. Sharlene was dressed only in a slip when Willis barged in with Chuck and Lou.

SEPTEMBER 6, 1976 (EP. #3078)
Sharlene yelled for them to get out, but Willis told Chuck and Lou she was just playing hard to get. Sharlene slapped Lou's face when he got fresh. Chuck wanted no part of it, but Willis just ignored it when Sharlene fought off Lou's embrace. Willis got Sharlene to convince Russ not to call the police. Chuck and Lou told Russ they knew Sharlene from a sailor's bar in San Diego. Sharlene locked herself in the bedroom after they left. Ken was annoyed during Jamie's visit to the studio, then Mac was annoyed to find Ken and Rachel drinking wine on the day bed. Ken refused to explain to Rachel why he'd been at Iris's. Sharlene confessed to Russ she drifted among hundreds of men after Floyd died. Sharlene put her arms around him and vowed to be a good wife, but he gently took her arms away from the embrace and went out without looking back. Keith explained to Mac and Rachel that he and Ken are arranging for Howard to view her work, without Iris's involvement. A devastated Russ told Pat and Jim that Sharlene's led the kind of life that's alien to everything he knows. Jim tried to tell Russ he was brought up sheltered from many things, and that Sharlene wasn't so lucky. Sharlene kissed Russ's photo and downed a bottle of sleeping pills.

Sharlene: "Russ, I've tried to tell you this over and over again since we first met."
Russ: "Why didn't you?"
Sharlene: "You wouldn't let me... you always said what happened in the past didn't matter anymore--"
Russ: "I guess maybe I was naive-- [HE TURNS AWAY]"
Russ: "How could you live like that?"
Sharlene: "I wasn't really alive anymore... After Floyd was killed in Viet Nam, I went to pieces... I kept remembering him and trying to forget him--"
Russ: "You took money for that?"
Sharlene: "I had to eat, too!"

Sharlene: "[SHE TURNS TOWARD THE PHOTOGRAPH AND WHISPERS TO IT] I'm sorry I have to do what I'm going to do, but nothing else makes any sense. [...] Some day I hope you'll forgive me. You'll find someone better to love and then you'll forget me. I love you, baby. [SHE CLOSES HER EYES, AND SIGHS, THEN TURNS AWAY FROM THE DOOR. FADE OUT.]"

SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 (EP. #3079)
Pat and Dave wondered what Sharlene could have said that put Russ in such a daze. Russ busted the chain latch and found Sharlene unconscious. Dave and Pat left for the hospital after being notified. Chuck and Lou told Willis they don't want any part of punishing someone for what she did a long time ago. They made themselves scarce when Carol came to talk to Willis, who gloated that Olive did a beautiful job convincing Alice and Ray that Angie got confused by jealousy. Pat comforted Russ, who begged her never to reveal Sharlene tried to commit suicide. Dave wouldn't let Russ see Sharlene so soon after her stomach pump, then told Pat Sharlene had called out men's names. Alice and Ray decided to see if Willis was with Olive. As Pat packed an overnight bag for Sharlene, Russ read her goodbye note which explained she'd been covering for Willis. Willis gave Olive money to leave town, but she tried to blackmail him about a confessional tape that can find its way to Alice. Olive just laughed and said they'll play the game her way starting tomorrow.

Notes: Chuck was played by Martin Vidnovic, who played Senator Drake in 1996, the man who pardoned Grant after Grant saved his daughter Lucy Drake during the prison riot.

SEPTEMBER 8, 1976 (EP. #3080)
When Alice and Ray found Willis in Olive's suite, they made up a story about Olive meeting Willis and his sailor buddies in the hotel lobby. Willis smirked when Ray phoned the front desk to confirm Willis registered two friends in the hotel. Alice denied that Sharlene turned her against Willis. Pat and Dave decided to track down Willis in hopes of finding Russ. Pat woke Mac up to say she'd be late for work tomorrow, but when he turned to talk to Rachel, he found the bed empty. Mac found Rachel working on sketches in the living room. Russ pushed past Carol to satisfy himself Willis wasn't hiding in the bedroom. Willis claimed the Springer he had Carol make reservations for was an engineering consultant, then griped about the half-baked speculations of a kangaroo court, and accused Ray of working with Olive to oust him from the firm so they can take it over. Willis fumed when Alice handed his promotion contract to Ray and said his future was up to Ray. Mac told Rachel her work was a constant shadow between them that invaded every part of their lives. Willis arrived home in time for a battering from Russ.

Willis: "I can't defend myself if I don't know who's out to get me-- [OLIVE YAWNS LOUDLY, AND WILLIS STOPS]"
Ray: "We keeping you up, Olive?"
Olive: "I've had more interesting evenings in my time."
Ray: "So have we."
Olive: "Then why don't you take this petty bickering somewhere else, so I can get my sleep."
Ray: "Suits us fine."

Willis: "[TURNING] Ah, the prosecution's in conference."
Ray: "Your jokes don't make things easier for you, Willis."
Willis: "Maybe not, but they keep my spirits up. May I resume testimony, your honor. [HE SITS DOWN AGAIN AND SMILES AT THEM]"

Russ: "I've got something to settle with you."
Willis: "Settle it with your bride."
Russ: "I'll take care of it for her."
Willis: "[PUSHING HIM ASIDE] It's too late. She's got what's coming to her, and you're an idiot if you stick with it."

SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 (EP. #3081)
Molly told Sally she'd like to go over and see Dennis. Alice and Jim wondered why Sharlene would try to take her own life. Angie told Gil she intends to resign for betraying Willis, then Alice phoned to bring her up-to-date. Dennis was upset when Iris said Molly gets rid of Sally so she can carry on with boys in Alice's house. Angie was aghast to find Willis lying outside his apartment, his face bloody and swollen. He begged Angie to take care of him so no one sees him like this. John visited Liz, who informed him Pat has got over her infatuation of Dave and is hoping for a reconciliation. Dave told Angie they can fix Willis up so he's presentable. After Alice phoned him, John relayed the news about Willis to Jeff, Scott, and Pam. Iris came over with expensive presents for Sally and Molly, then she offered Molly the use of her charge accounts if she agrees not to see Dennis anymore. Molly agreed, rubbing her face in her new cashmere sweater. Clarice told Gil and Dave that Cory would be better off if she just went to sleep forever.

SEPTEMBER 10, 1976 (EP. #3082)
Rachel was thrilled that Howard wanted to include her in a new-artist exhibit this fall. Pat told Mac that Sharlene's resting comfortably. Pat asked Michael and Glenda not to let her divorce plans slip out in front of Liz. Russ turned away when Jim told him a mugger broke Willis's ribs, then Russ fended Liz off very adroitly. Carol admitted to Therese she fears Willis doesn't love her and is only using her as a stepping stone to advance his career. Therese convinced her going away would give her some perspective. Rachel signed the contract after Keith looked it over, then Ken poured wine and everyone toasted her. Liz told Pat and Jim that Sharlene's alienated Russ from his family. Russ let Angie know he didn't let Willis get away with punishing Sharlene for something Angie did. When Pat asked John for a divorce, he felt Dave might be unreliable as a husband despite being a charming man from an excellent background. Mac was annoyed when Rachel announced she'd be flying to New York tomorrow for a promotional meeting. He felt she was shutting him out of her life by using her maiden name professionally.

SEPTEMBER 13, 1976 (EP. #3083)
Beatrice was troubled when Rocky told her and Keith that Rachel seemed like a young girl embarking on a new life. Therese thought it ugly for Iris to accuse Sharlene of sponging off Alice and setting her cap for Russ, Molly of luring Dennis over to her house, and Willis of being unscrupulous. Liz and Marianne urged John not to let Pat go without putting up a fight. Dave convinced Sharlene to see Russ, then revealed Willis is recuperating from a severe beating. Jamie was touched that Mac had taken him and Dennis on a fishing trip rather than accompany Rachel. Keith informed Iris that Rachel was in New York. Therese wondered what caused Iris's falling out with Mac, while Keith, who felt Iris clings desperately to people who've moved on to other attachments to keep from being alone, admitted he'd be willing to help her deal with her fears and insecurities and that facade she protects herself with. Unwilling to abandon Pat to self-destructive impulses, John told Scott he'd bring up her past emotional state in court if need be. Sharlene accepted a brief embrace from Russ, but felt there would come a time when he would throw her past in her face. Clarice was unconvinced when Mac promised he'll make sure Iris doesn't have anything to do with Cory.

SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 (EP. #3084)
Dave informed Mac that Gil suspects Iris bribed Clarice in Ogden. Dave was disappointed that Mac's ties to Iris prevent him from telling Keith the truth about her. After Dave berated his double standards about Rachel, Mac admitted he's being pig-headed. Russ admitted to Dave he beat Willis up. Pat worried about Michael finding out about her past, and was distressed when Scott said John will name Dave as co-respondent. McCormick the hotel manager threatened to send Olive packing unless she pays her bills. Angie told Daryll to keep it quiet that Willis is in hospital after an accident. Iris gloated to Therese that Mac's losing interest in Rachel. Mac suggested Pat have Keith handle her divorce action since Scott works closely with John. Angie told Russ she wants to lure Olive to the hospital as proof of her connection to Willis. Mac warned Iris he'll recommend and finance a legal action on Clarice's behalf against her, but was unnerved when Iris predicted Rachel is getting ready to get rid of him now that he's served his purpose.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1976 (EP. #3085)
Alice let Molly know that Sharlene has been under the weather. Sally accused Molly of being mean to Dennis. Alice believed Angie's accusations, but wanted further proof before acting upon it. Ray refused to help Olive pay her hotel bills. Angie told Ada and Gil that if Willis admits everything, Alice may not fire him. Pam asked John for a leave of absence to see if she can work things out with Vic. Jeff informed Alice and Ray that Carol's left town. Willis, with heavy bandages wrapped around his torso, told Angie and Gil he was mugged. Angie vowed to tell Alice the truth herself when Willis maintained his innocence. Keith agreed to represent Pat. John told Alice that Dave was pressuring Pat into a divorce. Jamie told Ada and Gil how proud he was that a New York dealer wants to exhibit Rachel's work. Pat couldn't accept Keith's compliments about being a good mother. Angie let Olive know Willis was in hospital.

SEPTEMBER 16, 1976 (EP. #3086)
As a lonely Mac stared out the terrace doors, a desperate Olive phoned Beatrice for help. When Iris admitted she was more than fond of Keith, Therese warned that pressing a suit of slander against Clarice would alienate him. Molly explained to Dennis she was backing off because her feelings for him were getting too serious. Sally lambasted Molly for not treating Dennis right. Glenda eyed Molly closely as she smiled at Michael. Beatrice thought it wonderful Olive wants to move to Bay City with the boys, but wouldn't be tricked into paying her hotel bill. Iris denied to Therese and Keith she dissuaded Molly from seeing Dennis. John told Liz he hopes Pat will back down if she realizes he'll go through with implicating Dave. Liz told Beatrice that Jim was too overwhelmed these days to advise her on her family crisis. Glenda felt Molly plays one person off another, but Michael, who felt sorry for Molly, felt she was being catty. John and Michael disagreed about Pat's divorce plans. Mac told Keith that Iris terrified Clarice into a state of hysteria. Molly reminded Iris to keep up her end of their agreement.

SEPTEMBER 17, 1976 (EP. #3087)
Ray assured Beatrice that the boys would be fine with Doris. Angie told Alice and Ray that she's trying to trick Willis into revealing the truth through Olive. Pat told Dave they'll have to think of some way of him avoiding being named as co-respondent. Sharlene insisted Willis can never find out he drove her to attempt suicide, then Russ urged her to advise Molly on her lifestyle. Pat didn't waver against Liz and Marianne's reproach of Dave. Willis stared at him balefully as Dave wondered why he'd requested a gynecologist as his doctor. Chuck and Lou told Alice and Ray they'd never met a woman at the hotel with Willis, but Angie only cried at Willis's humiliation. Glenda told Ken she was headed east to be a bridesmaid at her cousin's wedding, but used to be in love with the best man. Keith asked Ken to join Rachel so they can be jointly interviewed by Art Images. Alice and Ray convinced Dave to countermand Willis's demands not to allow any visitors in, then they noticed Olive, in a big hat and dark glasses, enter Willis's room. Olive forced Willis to write her a check.

SEPTEMBER 20, 1976 (EP. #3088)
Ray snatched the check from Olive's hand, whistled over the amount, and showed it to Alice. Willis claimed he'd only tried to protect Alice from Ray, whom he painted as an unscrupulous opportunist. Olive felt sorry for Willis after Alice fired him. Iris told a curious Therese that Angie can answer her questions about Willis. Pam told Jeff she was nervous about her trip to Baltimore. Scott informed John that Keith is now representing Pat. Keith rescued Iris and Therese from a depressing conversation about their children. Iris was happy Keith planned to move to Bay City and work at the complex. Angie told Gil she dreads how Willis will react to her. Scott was disappointed Pam will be spending time with Vic to see how they feel about each other. John and Jeff assured Alice and Ray they'll make sure Willis can do no further damage to the firm. Angie insisted he needs her more than ever, but Willis vowed she won't play a part in his life from now on.

Willis: "You planned this with Angie?"
Alice: "That's right."
Willis: "How could you do such a thing?"
Alice: "Because from now on I'm fighting back when people try to take what's mine from me--"
Willis: "I'm not doing that!"

Willis: "How can you take everything away from me?"
Alice: "I didn't take it away, Willis. You threw it away. [SHE LEAVES WITH RAYMOND. WILLIS STARES AFTER THEM, THEN TURNS HIS FACE TO THE WALL]"
Olive: "[APPROACHING HIM] Willis?"
Willis: "Go away!"
Olive: "I'm sorry if I ruined everything you've worked so hard for--"
Willis: "Will you just leave me alone!"
Olive: "I'll make it up to you, I promise."
Willis: "I wish I'd never heard of you. Now, get out of here! Go! Or I'll have someone throw you out! [HE RINGS THE BELL ON HIS BED FURIOUSLY]"

Angie: "Don't send me away, please."
Willis (John Fitzpatrick, Exit Line): "As far as I'm concerned, you don't exist... [HE TURNS HIS FACE TO THE WALL. ANGIE STARES AT HIM, AND THEN TURNS AND GOES SLOWLY OUT OF THE ROOM. FADE OUT]"

SEPTEMBER 21, 1976 (EP. #3089)
Keith warned Mac that Pat was likely in for an unpleasant divorce, but felt Iris was beginning to understand herself better now. Glenda disapproved that Marianne believed malicious gossip about Dave. Pam notified John she might not come back if she and Vic work things out. John refused to discuss the divorce with Keith until he's allowed to talk to Pat. Ken and Glenda were pleased when Marianne agreed to go for a drive with Daryll. Mac asked Pat to plan a party for Rachel's return, but canceled it when Keith said Rachel may be delayed if Ken joins her for an interview. Brooks teased Rocky about Louise. Olive informed Beatrice of her plans to stay in Bay City. Mac felt if Rachel was successful she'll be able to reconcile personal obligations and the demands of a professional life, but Ken wasn't sure she should make any lasting commitments to a career now. Pat thought John despicable, vindictive, and irrational to threaten to dredge up saving her from a murder charge to keep her from casting him aside to take up with a man like Dave.

Pat: "Oh, Pam... hello."
Pam: "Hi, Pat... [TO JOHN] I'll put these on your desk after I've gone through them."
John: "Yeah... sure..."
Pam (Exit Line): "Good luck, John. [SHE GOES OUT]"

SEPTEMBER 22, 1976 (EP. #3090)
Alice and Sally admired Molly's expensive new dress. Molly rambled off excuses when Sharlene got het up about her new wardrobe. Marianne said goodbye to Glenda, whom Michael told he's hoping for a more permanent arrangement between them. Alice disagreed when Liz felt Pat was living in a fool's paradise, then announced her plans to marry Ray. Iris griped to Louise about the outrageous amount of money Molly was spending on her shopping spree. After hearing Iris argue with Louise, Therese warned her she's driving away anyone who really gets close to her. Molly asked Ken to make good on his offer to hire her as a model. After Dennis found Molly with sophomore Tad Chapman, she couldn't convince him Iris wasn't behind her desire not to see him anymore. Iris lied to Keith that Howard may have to cancel the exhibit unless Ken goes to New York to help him get sponsors.

Michael: "You and I would have more privacy in an apartment."
Glenda (Exit Line): "Mike, are you asking me to live you with?"
Michael: "I've got something more permanent than that in mind. But we'll talk about it when you come back. [HE KISSES HER, AND GLENDA SMILES AT HIM HAPPILY. FADE OUT]"

SEPTEMBER 23, 1976 (EP. #3091)
Russ promised to try not to provoke Sharlene by being over-solicitous. Sharlene was too ashamed to let Russ accept Pat's dinner invite. Clarice agreed to move in with Ada and Gil since Ray was moving into Willis's apartment, then they told her they'll help her sue Iris for deliberate harassment. Keith was grateful that Scott explicitly explained Iris's obsession with Clarice. Scott advised Olive she may lose more than she'll gain by opposing a divorce. Dave told Pat that Rachel becoming a successful sculptor may be more threatening to Mac than another man would be. Iris told Therese that Mac was too vain to tolerate being known as Mr. Rachel Cory. Therese thought Keith a marvel to threaten not to take Iris to dinner unless she promised not to criticize his friends. Olive informed Ray he'll get a divorce once he cuts her in for a share of Alice's money. The conversation kept coming around to Willis when Russ and Sharlene came over to see Dave and Pat. Keith warned Iris she'll always be a discontented woman if she goes on believing other women are envious of her.

Olive: "Keep talking, Mr. Bradley. Every word makes Ray's divorce more expensive for him. [FADE OUT]"

Iris: "I'm always bereft when I'm alone. I do things I don't mean to, but not out of spite... just confusion... I need attention, just as Daddy does."

SEPTEMBER 24, 1976 (EP. #3092)
Brooks, Rocky, and Pat helped set up for Rachel's party, but Mac was irritated when Keith said Ken left for New York. By going ahead with the party, Keith felt Mac was testing Rachel's love the same way Iris does. Willis informed Dave he has too many scores to settle to leave town. Russ, who didn't seem interested in talking about buying a house or raising a family, told Sharlene they need to block out the past. Dave gave Jeff permission to visit Willis. Marianne apologized to Dave and was relieved when he said he wasn't behind Pat's desire for a divorce. Willis called Jeff a flunkey who was buddy-buddy with all the other lawyers in town, and wouldn't sign the resignation papers without his lawyer. Willis explained to Sharlene he'd wanted to be somebody after scrounging around for nickels and dimes all those cruddy years, then evinced happiness Russ will no longer be able to touch her without seeing a parade of sailors. Marianne told Liz she no longer blames Dave. After examining Liz, Russ realized her leg has probably already healed. Scott told Jeff he'll verify the papers for Willis. Pat refused Keith's cautionary advice to stop seeing Dave till after the divorce. Willis stared at Scott and Jeff balefully, but they got him to sign the papers. Dave, Pat, and Keith were sympathetic when Brooks phoned to tell Mac that Rachel hadn't been on the plane from New York.

Dave: "Those ribs seem to be healing quickly. [WILLIS DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING] You still have some discomfort?"
Willis (Leon Russom, Introduction Line): "I'm just bored sitting around here all day."

Willis: "I didn't intend to-- I just wanted to scare you off at first, but you wouldn't listen."
Sharlene: "Oh, Willis."

SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 (EP. #3093)
An embittered Mac grimly decided to go ahead with the party, but wasn't interested in the newspaper photo of Ken and Rachel that Angie brought over. Iris was piqued by Therese's mysterious plans. Carol returned, and Therese urged her not to jump to conclusions about Willis's silence. Jamie was glad for Rachel, but Ada advised Mac to set Rachel straight about the terrible mistakes she's prone to make while she's side-tracked. Dennis and Jamie were perplexed to find Molly's shopping bills in Iris's desk. Dave was perturbed that Pat was being so solicitous to Mac. Carol didn't have time to spare to talk to a lonely Mac. Keith informed Therese of Willis's mugging. Dave objected to Pat's willingness to give in to Mac's need to be catered to. Iris was annoyed when Therese and Keith revealed they'd been to a party at Mac's. Angie was forced to tell Carol that Willis was in hospital.

SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 (EP. #3094)
A taciturn Willis informed Carol he was mugged, then fired, then was forced to accept her offer to put him up. Alice and Ray worried Carol may intentionally slow things down on her firm projects to help Willis save face. Brooks was concerned over Beatrice's latest worry over Sally. Scott disagreed with Clarice's notion it was a losing battle fighting with Iris. Russ assured Sharlene he loved her, but needed time before they can resume being intimate. Ken and Rachel returned home and told Jamie about their trip. Beatrice came to the office to beg Alice to allow her to look after Sally every day after school, and Brooks admonished Ray for chiding his mother's possessiveness. Angie believed Willis could change, but Sharlene no longer cared what happened to him. Beatrice, Brooks, and Rocky welcomed Rachel home. Clarice told Angie she won't take chances with Cory. A petulant Willis barked at Carol for humoring him and treating him like a child.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1976 (EP. #3095)
Rachel explained she'd met some influential people, but Mac griped about her allowing Ken to stay at his townhouse. Mac accused Rachel of no longer needing the house he bought her which she'd always dreamed of, but art gave Rachel a sense of why she's different from everyone else. Therese told Iris she blames herself for sending Carol away when Willis needed her. Gil insisted to Mac they need to initiate drastic legal action to keep Iris from harassing Clarice. Rachel told Dave that Mac was using the idea of a baby to make her give up sculpting. Keith decided he should leave when Mac and Gil asked Scott about bringing a suit against Iris. Iris gloated to Therese that Rachel was managing to alienate Mac all by herself now. Iris denied Dennis's accusation she bribed Molly to stay away from him. Smelling money, Olive told Ray she's sticking around to live the good life like Alice and Pat. Ray, who wouldn't give her any money, gave Olive his ticket to California, but tore off the return ticket. Iris broke down when Mac and Gil threatened to drag her through court. When Iris promised to put her full confession in writing, Mac said he'd instruct Scott to drop the suit once it's in his safe at home. Olive got a cash refund for her plane ticket.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 (EP. #3096)
Pat was too humiliated to level with Keith about what John's threatening to reveal in court. Liz asked Marianne to help convince Jim to let her stay at his house since he needs her stabilizing influence. Ray reassured Beatrice he won't abandon the boys to Olive. John insisted he won't let Pat fall into an old pattern of self-destructiveness, but Keith felt he was irrational to try to prevent her from pursuing an independent life. John told Jeff they need to expose the true nature of the man Pat's infatuated with. Michael told Molly that Glenda ditched him to remain in Long Island with her old boyfriend. Daryll told Marianne he cares too much about her to care about her past foolishness with Chris. Liz described her deep family ties with Jim, then lied to Beatrice that Jim feels awkward about the attention she demands because of her family problems. Pat told Marianne that John intends to reveal personal details of her early life. John assured Marianne his counter-suit was just a scheme to bring Pat to her senses.

OCTOBER 1, 1976 (EP. #3097)
Rachel asked Ada not to back up Mac's churlish attitude. Rachel was worried that Gil forewarned Iris about the suit. A furious Michael thought John vindictive to humiliate Pat by creating a scandal about the man she loves, but Liz fully supported John. Willis asked Carol to throw the firm into chaos by breaking her contract. Keith warned Pat her divorce may not be granted if John can prove she and Dave are going together. When Carol refused to pretend an enthusiasm she doesn't have, Alice and Ray agreed to terminate her contract. Dave admitted to Pat he'd been forced to leave Boston because the hospital and his father thought his reputation tarnished when an impoverished Polish count named him, falsely, as co-respondent in his divorce case. To protect him, Pat insisted they couldn't see each other, not even in private, until the divorce was granted. Rachel was angry that Mac's protection of Iris prevented her from learning a lesson only being exposed in court can provide. Alice and Michael assured Pat she was doing the right thing. Carol told Willis she'll re-incorporate Lamonte Architects with a construction division so they can take over Frame Enterprises' current projects. Angie begged Mac to hire Willis. Rachel agreed to go to dinner to cheer Dave up.

Dave: "All right... but if you need me, you know where I am."
Pat: "I'll think about you all the time."
Dave: "I'd better go. Do you mind?"
Pat: "No, I'll explain to the others... [HE STARTS TO TAKE HER IN HIS ARMS] Go, please... [SHE TURNS AWAY, CRYING]"
Dave: "[AT THE DOOR] I love you..."

OCTOBER 4, 1976 (EP. #3098)
Dave told Rachel she was over-reacting to Mac's inability to punish Iris because of how she feels about Mac's resentment toward her sculpting. After Therese warned Iris her vendetta against Rachel was alienating Keith, Iris apologized to Keith for her maliciousness. Sharlene felt Mac should be warned Willis might try to take over his company, but Angie felt Willis needed a chance to prove himself again. Though Russ felt John was only bluffing, Pat couldn't take the chance of subjecting the kids to the raking up of her murder trial of Tom Baxter. Keith came into Tallboys with Iris and Therese as Rachel left Dave to head for the phone booths. Rachel met Therese, as Iris was delighted to discover she'd been dining alone with Dave. Liz insisted to Pat she tried to dissuade John from filing his counter-suit. Sharlene snuggled up to Russ in bed, but he couldn't muster up a little affection. She sunk back on her pillow after he got up to go read his Cardiology Journal. Pat told Jim and Liz that John's actions have only strengthened her determination to end their marriage. Dave reminded Rachel the definition of marriage is concession.

OCTOBER 5, 1976 (EP. #3099)
Rachel covered when Jamie found her the next morning asleep on the couch. Mac explained he'd gone with Angie to see Willis, and Rachel explained why she'd dined with Dave. Therese made a show of being impressed as Carol showed her around her office. Carol claimed she and Willis were getting married, then was embarrassed when Therese congratulated Willis. Willis let Carol know he won't be railroaded into marriage. Jamie told Ada and Gil he worried about what was going on with Mac and Rachel. Scott cautioned she was over-extending herself financially when Carol wanted to quickly invest her trust fund money in setting up a construction division. Mac offered Willis a secondary position with scope now that Cory has merged with Parsons, an English firm that publishes art books manufactured in Europe, and will need special warehouses and distribution centers. Ken worried about Rachel being torn apart by conflicting demands when Ada came to nag her. Clarice cried happy tears when Mac and Gil showed her Iris's confession that'll prevent Iris from harassing her. Grateful that Willis played football with Jamie, Mac offered to let him stay awhile at the mansion since Willis dreaded running into Therese at Carol's.

OCTOBER 6, 1976 (EP. #3100)
Molly assured Beatrice she won't neglect Sally again. Beatrice accused Alice of reneging on her promise to let her spend time with Sally in exchange for dropping the custody suit. Alice vowed to Pat she'll let John know his position as her firm's attorney is being jeopardized by the unhappiness he's causing Pat. Ray and Jim worried about the firm's $50,000 deficit. Beatrice griped to an unsympathetic Ray and Jim that Alice doesn't give her a say in how Sally is raised. Jeff hired Olive as Pam's temporary replacement. John phoned Michael to set up a meeting at Marianne's urging. John claimed Dave was an unwholesome influence and vowed not to let Alice's impugning of his motives change his mind. John flew into a rage when Alice presumed to advise him not to hire Olive. Ray reminded Beatrice she ruined Jenny's life by suffocating her with possessiveness. Molly asked Michael to supper. Clarice settled into Ada and Gil's and asked them to be Cory's god-parents, but Gil suggested asking Mac instead of him. John explained his reasons for the counter-suit, but Michael accused him of driving the family part and informed Marianne that Dave would reveal her pregnancy if he decided to testify to clear himself of John's charges.

Crawl: "John seething -- Jeff and Olive enter to comfort him."

OCTOBER 7, 1976 (EP. #3101)
Dennis told Louise he was too upset to go to school after learning Iris has been bribing Molly to stay away from him. Carol assured Therese that she and Willis will be able to resolve their differences once she shows him the partnership papers. Scott told Willis and Angie that Mac has long term plans for Willis that involve helping groom Jamie if he decides to enter the business. Keith told Therese he has a surprise for Iris. Feeling the Carringtons rely on her to maintain some semblance of order in their lives, Louise was forced to let Rocky know his constant presence is very unsettling. Scott was pleased to accept Alice's offer to replace John as her firm's attorney. Willis promised Angie he'd reform if she'll take him back, insisting he now realizes how self-destructive it had been to become part of a power grab with Carol. Alice thought it unnecessarily vindictive when Ray wanted to warn Mac about Willis, then informed him good old Olive intends to settle down in Bay City. Willis assured Scott he no longer holds a grudge against Ray and Alice. Iris phoned to offer Molly more money for her continued cooperation. Molly threw Dennis out after his accusations hurt her feelings. Keith held Iris by the shoulders as restorer Eric Bassette revealed her repaired portrait. Willis walked out on Carol after refusing to be tied down.

Willis: "I promise to reform, okay? [SHE STARES AT HIM] You're looking at the new Willis Frame!"
Angie: "I'm serious, Willis."
Willis: "So am I."

Willis: "I'll work out my future my way, and that doesn't include you, personally or professionally."
Carol: "You never really loved me at all."
Willis: "How can anyone love you?"
Carol: "You certainly put on a good show."
Willis: "I used you as you used me, but that's over now."
Carol: "You won't change."
Willis: "I'm going to try, so don't you get in my way. [HE PICKS UP HIS SUITCASE] See you around. [HE GOES OUT. CAROL STARES AFTER HIM, THEN RUNS TO THE DOOR AND FLINGS IT OPEN]"
Carol: "Willis, come back... I'll do anything you say... Don't leave me... Please, Willis... [SHE SINKS DOWN BY THE DOOR SOBBING. FADE OUT.]"

OCTOBER 8, 1976 (EP. #3102)
Ken was annoyed that Rachel stopped working to chat with Dave, who came for a surprise visit. Carol told Sharlene she should have listened to her about Willis, but wouldn't stick around Bay City for people to ridicule her. Dave wanted to stick by her, but Pat felt if they could be strong enough to wait, John can't use anything against them. Keith convinced Mac he's needed to handle the power struggle in New York. Therese asked Keith to help her check up on Carol. When Rocky sulked that Louise won't see him after he spoke out too strongly against Iris, Brooks offered to play John to his Miles Standish and intercede on his behalf. Russ admitted to Dave he has "the problem," perhaps because he's turned off by Sharlene's eagerness to prove something. Dave was presented with a summons. Pat agreed to help Mac deal with the first meeting of the combined board of directors in New York. Not wanting to end up a lonely career woman, Carol told Keith she was through with architecture for now. Therese told Carol she brought it on herself by trying to manipulate people into loving her. Scott told Mac that Pam's decided to stay on in Baltimore with Vic. Russ didn't enthuse over house photos, and Sharlene worried about what Willis may have told Dave about her. Jamie took off his trousers after sitting in some spilled staining liquid, then dashed into the other room to overhear Mac and Rachel argue about her neglecting her family. Jamie heard Rachel agree to Ken's suggestion she can get some work done at his lodge in the mountains.

Therese: "I may never see you again."
Carol: "That's not true."
Therese: "You're all I have now."
Carol: "No, Mother, you have Keith waiting for you downstairs. Go join him, and leave me to face my own future."
Therese: "Is that what you really want?"
Carol: "No, but it's all I've got, isn't it?"
Therese: "All right, dear... I pity anyone who won't accept love."
Carol: "And I pity those of you who rely on it."
Therese: "Goodbye, Carol. [SHE GOES OUT]"

Notes: First use of "Mac," replacing "Cory" in character headings.

OCTOBER 11, 1976 (EP. #3103)
Jamie told Ada that Rachel and Mac had a terrible fight about him, but since he sides with Rachel, he forbade Ada from talking to her about it before she heads for the lodge. Dave and Michael worried Pat and John were both too stubborn to drop their suits. John insisted he won't tolerate office intrigues, but Olive claimed she had been just an innocent bystander trying to keep her family together. When Iris refused to grant her a regular allowance, Molly vowed to keep on seeing Dennis. Jim accused him of extracting payment for helping Pat survive her court ordeal, but John refused to let an easily swayed Pat be victimized by Dave. Dennis beamed at Jamie after Molly phoned to ask him to a concert. Dave warned Marianne he won't let John cut off his strongest line of defense. Michael filled Jeff in on the whole story behind Pat and John's divorce. Willis assured Ada he'll take care of Jamie in Mac and Rachel's absence. Olive told Willis she can help him by taking advantage of the big rift developing between John and Pat's family. Dennis ran out when Iris told him she enrolled him in the Chescott Academy, a prep school in New Hampshire. Iris admitted to Therese that sending Dennis away was the only way to extricate herself from the situation she's gotten herself into with Molly.

OCTOBER 12, 1976 (EP. #3104)
Molly almost got Michael to kiss her by being upset that Daryll might be gossiping about her. Because she couldn't reach Alice to ask permission, Sally resisted when Beatrice wanted to bring her over to the mansion. Scott told Alice and Ray that Willis wants to start clean again. Jeff urged Keith to talk Pat into withdrawing or delaying her suit until John can reconsider his actions. Alice gave Sally permission to spend the week with Beatrice after Sally, following Beatrice's orders, hid the fact it had been Beatrice's idea. Marianne told Michael she couldn't face losing Daryll, which she feared would happen if he learns of her abortion. Russ and Sharlene disagreed about whether buying a house will make their problems disappear. Scott warned evidence in his divorce hearing won't have much bearing on the custody decision, then Ray turned down Olive and Jeff's excessive settlement demands. Molly asked Sharlene to help her get closer to Michael's family. Daryll promised Marianne he'll wait until she's ready to tell him about Chris. Sally confessed to Alice she fibbed for Beatrice because she's lonely and thinks no one cares. Sharlene assured Russ his bedroom difficulties don't bother her.

OCTOBER 13, 1976 (EP. #3105)
Louise advised Dennis not to provoke Iris by arguing about Molly. Charley Beckwith phoned Iris with news Mac was in New York alone, and that Headmaster Pierson Hensley agreed to take Dennis, but Dennis refused to be sent away. Alice was angry with Beatrice for encouraging Sally to conceal things from her. Therese thought Iris deluded to think she can so easily manipulate Dennis. Jamie agreed to hide Dennis in the boathouse until Iris changes her mind. They decided to take the sailboat (the motorboat being out of commission) across the Bay to hide on the island Rocky took them to last month. Liz took Jeff to lunch to beg him to protect innocent people from damaging revelations about their personal lives. Jim assured Beatrice Liz was mistaken about his ill feelings toward her. Jim was stuck in the middle when Alice warned Beatrice she won't be cooperative about Sally's visits if Beatrice continues to use indirect methods to get her way. Iris requested Willis search for Dennis on the Cory grounds. Keith dissuaded Therese from going to New York to check up on Carol, seen at the El Morocco with Fielding Hopper. Willis explained to the boys that they shouldn't complain when things don't go their way because he grew up never knowing the advantages they have even existed. Willis told Beatrice he'd take Sally to visit the boys at the boathouse. Despite the black storm clouds on the horizon, Dennis decided to sail for the island and Jamie accompanied him. Sally and Willis arrived too late to stop them.

OCTOBER 14, 1976 (EP. #3106)
Ada and Gil were distraught when Willis told them the boys took a boat out during the storm. During Mac's cocktail party, Charley told Mac that Iris was sending Dennis to prep school, then introduced him to Gwen Parrish, a staff architect at Haskell Sinclair Associates who had been dying to meet the man her parents referred to as a legend. Sharlene accused Russ of making excuses to work overtime. Ada and Gil asked Brooks to go inform Iris about the boys, then Rocky assured them the boys will see the searchlight he set up on the roof. Mac offered Gwen a job in his new construction division (called Building and Design). An upset Ada phoned Mac with the news. Brooks reassured a worried Louise, then urged her to put aside her differences with Rocky. Louise explained to Rocky that Iris needs her to keep her from making wrong decisions, and that Dennis had run away because she'd failed to do so. Michael told Molly and Russ that his grandparents had a perfect marriage, but Sharlene doubted such a thing was possible. Louise and Gil tried to comfort a despondent Ada. Willis forbade Rocky and Brooks from joining when he decided to take out a motorboat to search himself.

Charley: "Oh, here's someone I want you to meet."
Gwen (Introduction Line): "Hi, Charley... Am I early?"

Mac: "Let's sit down."
Gwen: "Well, where were we?"
Mac: "About to change the subject, I hope."
Gwen: "Not after all these years of waiting to meet you."
Mac: "Now, come on, stop it."
Gwen: "No, it's the truth. I used to pass this house on my way to my parties, hoping to get a glimpse of you--"

OCTOBER 15, 1976 (EP. #3107)
Ada and Gil accompanied the boys to the hospital, where Russ, who examined them, worried about exposure after clinging to an overturned Comet boat. An exhausted Willis refused to let Russ treat him. When Liz lambasted John for being cruel and vindictive to reveal Pat murdered Tom in her teens, he was compelled to admit he doesn't intend to go into court. Louise ministered to Rocky, wrapped in a blanket before the fire, and wouldn't leave him to accompany a terrified Iris to the hospital. Ada admitted to Angie she saw a side of Willis she didn't know was there. Rachel phoned Ada and learned the news. Mac berated Iris for chasing Dennis away, then relented when she cried in his arms and blamed herself. Liz asked Jim not to be so critical of John, then criticized his public demonstrativeness toward Beatrice. Russ told Mac and Iris the boys were suffering from extreme exhaustion and exposure. Though reluctant to accept Angie's praise, Willis promised he'd work hard to prove he can be trusted. A very grateful Mac shook Willis's hand. Russ told Mac and Iris there was an irregularity in Dennis's heartbeat. Rachel arrived to find Mac comforting a distraught Iris.

OCTOBER 18, 1976 (EP. #3108)
Russ asked Iris to help calm down a delirious Dennis. Russ had to restrain Dennis, who got upset at Iris and her attempts to comfort him. As Olive lingered outside the door, Keith and Jeff discussed the stalemate in the Randolph divorce. John was incredulous when Alice announced she was replacing him as her firm's attorney. Iris buried her head against Keith's chest and sobbed Dennis was slipping away from her. Iris promised to be more understanding when Mac vowed they'll face their disagreements together. Olive sympathized with John, then Jeff convinced him that Dave might persuade Pat to drop her suit if they charge Dave with alienation of affection. Rachel promised Jamie that things will be better from now on, and he urged her not to let anything come between her and Mac. Jim told Olive to send his files home since he was leaving the firm due to an atmosphere unconducive to efficient work, but John felt he was using his office as a weapon in a personal quarrel. Rachel was annoyed that Mac was changing his attitude toward Iris, but Mac felt Rachel was using Iris as a scapegoat for their marital troubles.

Jim: "You're making a serious mistake, John."
John: "Look, Jim, I've had it with self-serving advice from you and your family."
Jim: "We've had it with you, too, John, so don't yell at me! [HE EXITS ANGRILY. JOHN WATCHES HIM GO, THEN SITS DOWN, DEJECTED, AND STARES INTO SPACE. FADE OUT]"

OCTOBER 19, 1976 (EP. #3109)
Dave advised patience about Russ's impotence, but Sharlene felt her aggressiveness was fueled by her insecurities. Clarice wasn't interested when Scott asked her out, but insisted he was always welcome over. Beatrice, Brooks, and Rocky set up some sculpting equipment for Jamie in the living room so he wouldn't get bored while he recuperates. Brooks drafted Beatrice as a model for Jamie. Alice and Ray were impressed with Evan Webster's portfolio, but Angie said he didn't leave a resume. Willis admired Jamie's rogue's gallery of servant busts, then Sharlene came over with flowers for Jamie. Willis begged her to forgive him, promising never to hurt her again, but a bitter Sharlene felt he was just there to ingratiate himself with Mac. Evan admitted to Alice and Ray he was laid off from Silbert Brothers and his impressive designs weren't of actual buildings, but he had impressive letters of reference. Dave and Ada convinced Clarice to have a more active social life. Willis told Angie he worried Sharlene would get to Mac before he has a chance to prove himself. Jamie let Ada know Mac and Rachel had a fight at the hospital.

Alice: "Hello... I'm Alice Frame."
Evan (Introduction Line): "Good afternoon..."

OCTOBER 20, 1976 (EP. #3110)
Mac urged Iris not to interfere in Dennis's friendships anymore, but she worried Dennis doesn't know how to see through people's insincerity. Pat thought Michael made a mistake to disclose their family secrets to Jeff. Michael gave them some privacy so Pat could admit her murder acquittal to Keith, who took notes about John's affair with Barbara. Liz confided to a worried Marianne that John will never let the suit go to trial. Howard showed Rachel and Ken floor plans for her kinetic series. Iris was interested when Gwen phoned to remind Mac of the business proposition he made. Michael felt John's promises couldn't be relied upon, and Marianne felt Michael ruined everything by urging Pat to tell all to Keith. Iris told Keith and Therese that she'll be able to make amends with Rachel since Mac was letting her stay at his house. Jim informed Liz she needed to find a new place to live now that he'll be working from home, despite that she let the lease lapse on her apartment. Fuming to find Iris in her house, Rachel informed Mac she was canceling her dinner party so Howard and Ken don't have to be subjected to her maliciousness.

OCTOBER 21, 1976 (EP. #3111)
Ray warned Alice they can't take on any new projects or even finance a loan until they've recouped on their two projects. Evan convinced Alice to join him in Washington since Lowell needs to be convinced they're both capable. Pat felt guilty when Jim informed her he and Alice have cut professional ties with John. Wanting to have an evening alone with Beatrice, Jim tried to get Liz out of the house for the night. When Alice said she was headed out of town, Beatrice asked to look after Sally. Michael and Daryll were upset with Marianne for snubbing Molly. When Sharlene blurted out her bedroom difficulties, Pat confided she'd once had a similar problem with John. Alice allowed Sally to stay with Beatrice, then Jim phoned to learn Sally would be accompanying Beatrice to his dinner. Pat asked Russ to find some way to divert Liz's attention away from Jim. Michael told Marianne not to be naive about Daryll and Molly's relationship. Jim let Beatrice know Liz has been deliberately misleading her, but she felt Liz was setting her cap for him. Jim refused to let Liz make his life as miserable as she made Will's. Liz's early arrival home interrupted their kiss. Though she disputed Willis has learned his lesson, Sharlene promised Angie she won't tattle to Mac. Russ fumed, pouring himself another drink, over Sharlene telling Pat about his problem.

OCTOBER 22, 1976 (EP. #3112)
Louise and Therese agreed they should make sure Iris doesn't create more stress in Mac's household. Gwen showed up at Iris's, who thought her shrewd to take the matter of Mac's job offer into her own hands. Marianne badgered Daryll until he admitted he slept with Molly, whom he insisted was vulnerable and confused. Dennis adored it when Molly visited him and stroked his hair from his forehead, which Iris observed but made no fuss over. John urged Marianne to share her secrets with Daryll. Therese was shamelessly inquisitive about Gwen's reasons for being in Bay City. Iris introduced Therese and Gwen to Liz, who begged for help in saving Jim from his own foolishness. Rachel promised Mac they'll have more time together once her show is over, but he was miffed to find Ken had prepared lunch for her. Gwen told Iris she doesn't waste time on happily married men, and refused to let Iris use her. John was upset with Liz for confiding in Marianne about his plans to pressure Pat to drop her suit. Marianne confided in an understanding Daryll about her abortion. Gwen revealed she distrusts Iris because of the Philip Wainwright story floating around, but didn't object when Iris invited her along to visit Mac.

OCTOBER 25, 1976 (EP. #3113)
Iris was sullen that Gwen and Mac largely ignored her. Willis let Jamie know Dennis was still in hospital for tests. Ken told Rachel attending her exhibition takes priority over his students. Dennis told Jamie and Willis he can't stop Iris from interfering with Molly if he's living at home. Iris criticized Gwen for praising Rachel to Mac. Mac introduced Rachel to Gwen, and Iris dragged Ken in from the foyer to do the same. A dizzy spell forced Therese to admit to Keith she has a chronic heart condition, but wanted Carol free from obligation to take care of her. Jamie begged Mac to let Dennis stay at their house. Willis told Mac he doesn't want special favors because of his rescue. Gwen was bothered that Iris told Keith and Therese they'll be celebrating Mac's job offer. Rachel distrusted Gwen because Iris was trying to take her under her wing, but Mac asked her to maintain cordial relations with Iris so Dennis won't be so miserable he'll try something rash again.

OCTOBER 26, 1976 (EP. #3114)
Liz objected that Jim was turning his living room into an office. Russ and Sharlene decided it would be too much trouble to have Molly stay with them while Alice was away. On Pat's urging, Russ and Sharlene asked Frank Prescott to dinner with them and Liz. Olive asked Jeff to be her divorce lawyer and work on a contingency basis since she felt he won't have scruples about getting her the largest settlement possible. Rocky was confused when a grateful Louise brought him a plant as thanks for the "Lyrics by Ovid" book he left for her under Ismene's leaves. Rocky caught on when Brooks winked at him, but Louise was intrigued by Brooks' knowledge of botany. Pat was relieved when Keith revealed John withdrew his countersuit, but Michael felt John was just changing his tactics. Marianne was distressed to find John's house a mess, but Daryll told her not to pamper him, instead urge him to see other women. Rocky begged Brooks to be more subtle in practicing the gentle art of persuasion on his behalf. Liz felt she was being railroaded into something when Jim begged off Russ and Sharlene's dinner invite. Michael didn't appreciate Daryll's unsolicited advice about Molly's flightiness. Olive offered to help Marianne put John's house back in order.

Frank (Introduction Line): "I've got the Meredith boy's chart here-- [SEEING PAT AND SHARLENE] Oh, sorry, Linda didn't say you were busy. I'll come back later."

OCTOBER 27, 1976 (EP. #3115)
Mac told Gwen that Willis will decide if she's qualified for the job. Mac asked Jeff to set up a trust fund for Cory. Ada convinced Clarice not to change her mind about naming Mac as Cory's godfather. When Jamie seemed sad, Ada asked Gil to speak to Rachel about spending more time with him. Angie agreed to have dinner with Evan, who was grateful she'd recommended him. Gil cautioned Rachel about neglecting Jamie. Willis hired Gwen after being very impressed with her portfolio. Ken was annoyed that Rachel was being barraged by so many opinions. Gwen let Rachel know she has no intention of letting Iris use her. Evan told Ray that Alice had to stay over in Washington. Jeff ran the Gil gauntlet, but Clarice couldn't accept Mac's money. Mac fumed to Rachel about Ken's cavalier attitude toward his visits to the studio. Angie offered to spruce up Willis's new small shabby apartment. Mac pressured Clarice into letting him set up a trust fund for Cory, and he agreed to be the boy's godfather.

Mac: "Good. Come in and meet Willis Frame."
Willis: "[RISING] I've just been admiring your sketches."
Gwen: "I'm certainly relieved to hear that. I'm Gwen Parrish."
Mac: "Oh, sorry... I forgot the formalities."
Gwen: "I gather from what I've seen that formalities are not the most important thing here."
Mac: "I like a relaxed working atmosphere."
Willis: "You'll get used to us, Gwen."

OCTOBER 28, 1976 (EP. #3116)
Dave was skeptical when Pat said John no longer objects to the divorce. When John and Jeff explained to Marianne they were now suing Dave for alienation of affection, Olive suggested Pat might be less hostile if told about it first. Molly was irritated when Sharlene dropped in to check up on her. Jeff easily talked Olive into increasing her settlement demand from $50,000 to $100,000, but Ray thought it outrageous. Frank hoped to Russ and Sharlene that Liz doesn't find him too staid. Liz thanked Frank for the orchid, but was displeased to find Pat with Dave. Jim kissed Beatrice after gloating that Liz has been taken off his hands. John came home to be greeted by Marianne, and Olive cooking dinner for him. Liz was flummoxed to come home early to find Jim and Beatrice behaving like teenagers. Pat and Dave kissed and made up for lost time, but Jeff showed up to inform them of the new suit against Dave. Though Dave thought them ludicrous charges that went out with Betty Boop, Pat begged him to leave for propriety's sake.

OCTOBER 29, 1976 (EP. #3117)
Iris, who didn't appreciate being compared to Therese's mother-in-law, vowed to save Dennis from an unfortunate liaison with a girl who dispenses her favors to any young man. Russ informed Mac he can't get a thorough measurement of Dennis's cardiac damage if Iris keeps upsetting him by visiting. Gil, worried to learn from Burt that Tim was working in a tin mine in Bolivia, told Ada he'll rectify his neglect by bringing Tim back to Bay City for a fresh start. Michael and Molly took advantage of Alice's absence to sleep together. Dennis became agitated when Mac tried to convince him Iris promised not to interfere in his life, so Mac was forced to accept Russ's suggestion he let Dennis live with him. Iris stared through the terrace doors as a half-dressed Michael and Molly embraced. A brazen Molly capitulated when Iris threatened to repeat what she saw. Mac requested Keith be the one to tell Iris of the arrangements for Dennis. Keith told Pat he'd try to persuade the court that John's suit against Dave was frivolous. Gil told Angie he hopes Alice will drop the embezzlement charges against Tim. Mac appreciated Rachel being there to welcome Dennis home. Iris blamed Rachel when Keith told her Dennis prefers to stay with Mac. Dennis was pleased that Rachel didn't mind if Molly came over.

NOVEMBER 1, 1976 (EP. #3118)
Rachel encouraged Dennis to spend time with Molly. Mac was sad that Dennis was so displeased by Iris's visit. Dennis insisted he couldn't trust Iris, who offered to show her good will to Molly by throwing them a party at Mac's. Louise had a special treat for Mugsy. Molly had nothing to offer when Therese questioned her about Willis. Dave refused to let Rachel try to persuade John to change his mind, but did promise to attend her exhibition. Iris ordered Molly to drop Dennis the way she did Michael's predecessor or she'll be sent back to the farm. Jeff told John that Dave left Pat's after he told them about the suit. Olive was interested when Keith mentioned Marianne's abortion. John slumped in his chair when Keith vowed to subpoena Barbara, whose name Olive wrote on her steno pad. Beatrice helped Jamie and Dennis plan the party. Olive eavesdropped as Rachel urged John to accept losing Pat before he destroys himself. Ken helped Rachel through her pre-show nerves. Molly invented excuses to hang up on Dennis. John was grateful when Olive offered to cook and shop for him.

NOVEMBER 2, 1976 (EP. #3119)
When Pat disengaged herself from his embrace, Dave vowed to stop John from taking advantage of her legal naivete. Clarice told Ada and Gil people would misunderstand if she took money from Mac. Jeff, who grew up poor near the Chicago stockyards and started earning money when he was eight years old selling papers and shining shoes in the back alleys of the Loop, implored Clarice not to let her pride rob Cory of his chance to make his way in the world. Daryll refused to help Marianne separate Michael and Molly. Willis wasn't interested in talking about Carol, whom Gwen said became a legend in college for her talents. Russ thanked Sharlene for her patience, but delayed coming with her to see the house she was interested in when Dave dropped by to complain about the toll John's constant barrage of legal threats was taking on Pat. Jeff warned Clarice that Cory might resent her one day if she turns down the trust fund. Willis and Gwen realized it would help their designs if they spent time working on a warehouse crew. Russ told Pat that Dave hopes to reason with John. Sharlene made excuses for Molly to Marianne, but Daryll convinced her to keep an eye on Molly till Alice returns. John insisted Pat was still immature, but Dave felt she wouldn't marry someone today out of gratitude. John hurled a legal volume at the door after Dave vowed to fight him and match him witness by witness.

NOVEMBER 3, 1976 (EP. #3120)
Molly denied to Sharlene that any of her friends stay overnight. Jamie, Sally, and Beatrice felt sorry for Dennis when Molly refused to attend the party. Rachel promised Jamie she'd get Sharlene and Molly to attend the party. Sally helped Jamie put up streamers. Beatrice felt Ray shouldn't dismiss the idea of asking Alice to buy Olive off. Appreciative of Molly's candor, Rachel advised her to wait till Dennis was in better health then tell him how much she cares for Michael. Angie bristled when Willis questioned her about the evening she had out with Evan, and wasn't so impressed he's working a temporary blue-collar job. Jamie served Iris some hors d'oevres as Mac welcomed Marianne and Daryll to the party. Iris was stunned when Rachel showed up with her arm around Molly. Angie warned Evan not to expect too much from her. Jim was annoyed when Liz babied him. Liz was annoyed when Beatrice came to see Jim, and shocked when Iris came to tell her she caught Molly in a compromising situation. Rachel felt a kinship with Molly, who'd apologized to Dennis for having once pretended feelings she didn't have. Mac told Rachel he won't attend her opening night so as not to steal her spotlight.

Notes: Serious rewriting was needed to accommodate Dennis's absence.

NOVEMBER 4, 1976 (EP. #3121)
Dave pressed a reluctant Pat into telling Michael about John's suit against him. Dave was upset with Pat, who wouldn't risk sacrificing her children, for not trusting him to handle the situation on his own. Keith gifted Therese with a poetry book. Worried about Therese's loneliness, Louise suggested visiting the McGowan's. Since she was so skilled, John offered to let Olive take over the office accounting. Michael warned John he'll testify in Dave's defense. Clarice signed the trust fund papers when Ada, Gil, and Jeff ganged up on her. Daryll tipped Michael and Molly off that Marianne was running to Sharlene with stories about them. Molly admitted to Michael that Dennis misunderstood her friendship. Ada and Gil were sympathetic when Willis whined that Angie tries not to be alone with him. Since he has to hide from Liz in his own house, Jim begged Pat to help get Liz and Frank together. Keith told Pat the judge refused to dismiss the suit. Olive agreed when Michael asked her to talk to John about dropping the suit. Gil was pleased but Clarice was wary when Louise brought Therese over. John was moved when Olive urged him not to destroy his future by clinging to the past.

NOVEMBER 5, 1976 (EP. #3122)
Therese told Iris it would be politic of her to drop her hostility toward Clarice now that she's named Mac as Cory's godfather. Jamie asked Rachel for her first autograph. Pat told Michael that Dave feels she's using the situation as an excuse not to see him anymore. Iris warned Mac he'll be the laughing stock of Bay City if he stands up for a baby of dubious parentage. Frustrated with Pat being overly cautious, Dave agreed to be Rachel's escort in New York. Iris insisted Liz protect Michael by finding some way to ship Molly back to the farm she came from. Russ and Sharlene looked over their new house, but he felt pressured by her desire to put the bad memories behind them. Jamie urged Mac to join Rachel in New York. Russ urged Pat to make up with Dave. Sharlene was insulted by Liz's filthy gossip about Molly using Alice's house as a trysting place, but Russ felt Michael could look out for himself. Rachel and Mac were grateful when Jamie insisted he and Dennis will manage without them. Iris asked Gwen to fill Mac's empty nights while Rachel's in New York.

Iris (about Ada's house): "I'm never comfortable in that dreary kitchen."
Therese: "We were in the living room, dear..."
Iris: "They have one?"

Sharlene (to Russ): "Why is it no one in your family can do wrong, and no one in mine can do right? I'm sick of it. [SHE GOES INTO THE BEDROOM AND SLAMS THE DOOR BEHIND HER. FADE OUT.]"

NOVEMBER 8, 1976 (EP. #3123)
In New York, Mac smelled her flowers as Hilda gave Rachel a pile of messages and telegrams. Mac asked Ken to join the surprise dinner party for Rachel at the Skyline Room at the Gotham Towers. When Rocky brought over a cachepot, Iris questioned him about Dennis's visitors. Gwen came to the mansion only to learn Mac was in New York, but met Dennis. Molly furiously denied to Sharlene there was any truth to Liz's gossip, then Alice returned home. Beatrice gave Sally a locket with a photo of a young Jenny. Alice told Ray the Pendleton Board expressed great faith in him and Evan. Dennis informed Iris that Mac was in New York, but she was pleased to hear Gwen had dropped by. Evan was thrilled when Alice relayed the news through Angie. Scott wondered if Alice was being premature to offer Ray stock options to show her gratitude. Iris thought her suitable to throw in Mac's way, but Gwen refused to be part of Iris's scheme because she's been warned they always backfire. Mac was irritated when Rachel and Ken were whisked away by limousine to an interview.

NOVEMBER 9, 1976 (EP. #3124)
Brooks defended Beatrice when Alice gently criticized her for confusing Sally by emphasizing Jenny's memory. Jeff told John the judge refused Keith's motion to dismiss John's alienation of affection suit against Dave, but then John decided to drop the suit himself and contest the divorce no longer. Alice told Ray she was giving him a stock option in the firm the way Steve did to Willis and Vic, but he didn't like the idea of Alice giving him money. Daryll wouldn't let Marianne use his negative opinion of Molly in her argument with Mike. Olive got Beatrice to ask Ray to accede to her divorce demands, but he wouldn't let Alice use firm money to pay Olive off. Olive was intrigued to hear of Ray's stock option from John when he took her out to dinner to cheer her up. Alice and Ray comforted Sally when she had a nightmare in which Beatrice told her they were dead.

Crawl: "Ray and Alice talk about Sally's bad dream."

NOVEMBER 10, 1976 (EP. #3125)
Ken encouraged Rachel to accept Prof. Gene Connolly's offer to teach an art seminar at Midwest University. Pat couldn't believe it when Liz told her Iris told her Mike has been spending nights with Molly at Alice's house. Rachel was nervous at her opening night at Howard Chandler's gallery, during which she made her first sale, a brass piece to Brewer Jordan for $3,500. Mac observed an ecstatic Rachel receive a congratulatory kiss from Ken. Mac was further irritated when the television crew gave him the bum's rush during Rachel's interview. Mike told Pat to let him deal with Iris. Dave laid into Mac for (i) thinking the world revolved around him, (ii) hanging around the gallery like a child wanting attention, and (iii) holding a double standard when it comes to a spouse being heavily involved with work.

NOVEMBER 11, 1976 (EP. #3126)
Pat didn't trust John when he said he wants them to be on better terms. Scott comforted a nervous Clarice when she discussed Cory's christening with Reverend Frederick Nash. Jim was irritated that Liz's tidying up wreaked havoc on his business papers. Iris told an angry Pat she was just trying to protect Dennis from Molly. Therese and Keith brought Mac's own christening gown to give to Clarice to keep. Russ asked Frank to hire Liz as his receptionist to keep her out of Jim's hair. Iris had a fit when she bullied it out of Therese that Clarice was being given Mac's gown. Pat was uncomfortable when she walked in on the dinner Olive threw for John, Marianne, and Daryll. Ada threw Iris out before she could do any damage.

Pat: "Confiding in Liz is like broadcasting it over the airwaves."

NOVEMBER 12, 1976 (EP. #3127)
Iris tricked Scott into revealing the name of Clarice's church. Iris pretended to back off when Gil warned her not to cause trouble. Iris accused Therese of banding with her enemies, but was immediately repentant when Therese collapsed. Beatrice accused Alice of wanting Sally to forget all about Jenny. Frank tried to convince Liz to accept his job offer. Mac was upset that Rachel's new plans would keep her from her family.

Therese: (To Iris) "You're a spoiled, heartless creature, unable to love anyone but yourself."

NOVEMBER 15, 1976 (EP. #3128)
A resigned Therese told Iris she was dying, and that she didn't want Carol informed, as a letter left in her attorney's care will explain everything. Marianne extolled Olive's virtues to Pat. Mac resented it when Rachel accused him of being jealous that she had a life of her own and is no longer just an appendage of his. Ken advised Rachel not to let anyone undermine her talents. Rachel shot Ken down when he professed his love for her.

Notes: Hilda, The Cory New York maid.

Crawl: "Rachel sadly watches the rain as she thinks of Mac and Ken's declaration of Love."

NOVEMBER 16, 1976 (EP. #3129)
Gil had a nightmare about Tim. Jim defended Alice to Beatrice. Gil asked Alice to drop the charges Steve had brought against Tim so Gil could bring him back to Bay City, and she later spoke to Scott about it. Pat came to Ray so he could confirm her suspicions of Olive. Molly skedaddled when Beatrice offered to take over babysitting Sally. Ray and Olive and their lawyers, Scott and Jeff, had a meeting in which Olive agreed to reduce the amount she's requesting and to return to her sons in California. Sally told Alice that Beatrice seems to think Jenny spent more time with her than she actually did.

NOVEMBER 17, 1976 (EP. #3130)
Michael tried to warn Marianne that Olive might take advantage of John. Therese found the fuss over her tedious, and just wanted to drift out of life the way she'd drifted through it. Therese made Mac promise never to abandon Iris again. Mac and Keith convinced Russ to let Therese spend her last days at Iris's. Rachel told Clarice to come to her if Iris threatens her again. Fearful of being hauled back to Chadwell, Molly offered to come clean with Alice if Sharlene agreed not to tell Emma about her and Mike. Dennis overheard Mac threaten not to be there when Rachel returned from her teaching class in Chicago.

Therese: "My dear Iris, life has always been a joke to me... I'm not leaving it any more seriously than I went thru it."

NOVEMBER 18, 1976 (EP. #3131)
Pat and Dave reconciled, but she wanted to postpone her divorce to protect her kids from Olive's involvement with John. Brooks admitted to a cross Louise that he had left the book of poems to her in Rocky's name. Clarice told Jeff her father sent her brothers (whom she had been raising) to an aunt when she was 16, so she left home. Ada twisted Clarice's arm until she accepted Jeff's dinner invitation. John thought it hypocritical of Pat to disapprove of Olive but expect him to approve of Dave. Liz accused Dave of encouraging Pat to neglect her children. Evan kept Angie company while she babysat Cory. Willis dropped by long enough to meet Evan and upset Angie.

Louse: "Stop giggling, Ismene. (...) I know it tickles, but your leaves may fall off."

NOVEMBER 19, 1976 (EP. #3132)
Keith warned Mac about falling back into self-destructive habits. Willis was uncomfortable in Gwen's office since it used to be Carol's. Evan wouldn't agree to critique Gwen's sketches for Willis. An angry Louise gave Rocky back the book of poems, and he sadly gave her back her plant, Patroclus. Gwen suggested the penthouse at the BayView Towers when Mac told her he was leaving Rachel. Jamie was distraught when Mac told him he was leaving. Rachel told Ken they couldn't work together anymore. Gwen got a glum Mac to have a drink with her. Mac led Gwen to the bedroom when she didn't deny she was trying to seduce him with dim lights and soft music.

Mac: (To Gwen) "Do you mind if I take off this sweater? It's rather warm in here."

NOVEMBER 22, 1976 (EP. #3133)
A regretful Mac said he was just trying to strike back at Rachel unconsciously, but Gwen thought his analyses a bore. Louise fretted over Therese, who struggled to hold back her next attack. Rachel and Iris both tried to get in touch with Mac. Iris got Keith to tell her where Mac was, and Rachel got Gil to find out by calling hotels. Iris didn't have much of a reaction when she noticed Mac's sweater in Gwen's apartment. Seated in a wheelchair, her blanket drawn up to her chin, a bird singing brightly off, Therese softly sang "Bye, bye, blackbird" while raising her arms and making a few tentative dance gestures. Keith promised to follow through on Therese's matchmaking of him and Iris. Therese got Iris, Mac, and Keith to go inside so she could listen to the bird once more.

Mac: (About Rachel) "I've betrayed her trust in a way she'd never betray mine."


NOVEMBER 23, 1976 (EP. #3134)
Angie wouldn't respond when Evan asked if she was still in love with Willis. Rocky accused Brooks of being interested in Louise, but he maintained his sights were on Beatrice despite her involvement with Jim. Beatrice ran to Jim after an argument with Alice. Daryll was uncomfortable when Willis and Gwen quarreled during his job interview. Brooks and Rocky tried to explain and apologize to Louise, but she was too upset over Therese's death. Gwen told Daryll she knew Carol by sight in college, and he let it slip that she and Willis had been romantically involved. Angie told Willis not to interfere with her friendship with Evan. Brooks said he'd be giving his notice and returning to Ireland when Beatrice told him there was no hope for a relationship. Liz told Alice that Beatrice was interested in Jim only so she could have an extra connection to Sally.

NOVEMBER 24, 1976 (EP. #3135)
Liz told a concerned Beatrice that they can't let Molly be a bad influence on Sally. Marianne was grateful to Daryll for his patience. Alice insisted on giving Molly a chance to explain when Beatrice told her about Molly and Mike using Alice's house as their love nest. Gil got Jeff to hire Clarice for some at-home clerical work. Jim kicked Liz out when he learned she was spreading gossip about Mike and Molly. Liz showed up in tears, suitcases in hand, at Pat's door during Pat's dinner party, and Mike grabbed Molly and stormed out.

Crawl: "Pat prepares the couch while Liz unpacks her things."

NOVEMBER 25, 1976: Pre-empted for NFL Football Game.

NOVEMBER 26, 1976 (EP. #3136)
Olive reassured John she had no intention of remaining in California. Mac accused Iris of bedeviling Clarice indirectly. Sharlene accused Russ of not finding time to make love to her. Daryll tried to convince Sharlene that Molly loved Mike. Liz warned John about Molly. Rachel told Mac she was giving up her career for him.

NOVEMBER 29, 1976 (EP. #3137)
Rachel guessed it was with Gwen when Mac admitted his indiscretion. Mac begged Rachel to take him back, but she needed to come to terms with his "self-destructive impulses." Ada told Rachel she brought it on herself. Gwen wasn't interested in conspiring with Iris to widen the break between Mac and Rachel. Angie was convinced of the change in Willis enough to accept his kisses, but nothing more.

Mac: (to Rachel) "In my anger at you, I... well, I turned to someone else [SHE RISES AND MOVES AWAY]"

NOVEMBER 30, 1976 (EP. #3138)
Liz's threats only made Olive more determined to fight harder. Sharlene had to keep Molly from bolting when Alice dropped by. Alice agreed to give Molly a second chance when Molly burst into tears. Russ wouldn't let Pat talk him into letting Liz move into his new house, and Liz kept changing the subject when Pat brought up her moving out. Scott was apprehensive when Alice withdrew $50,000 of firm money as an anonymous loan to Ray so he could pay off Olive; and later, Jim too worried she would regret it. Michael told John that Molly was vulnerable and confused, but very sweet and responsive. Olive tried to conceal a smile as she turned on the waterworks for John. Dave walked out on Pat after stating there must be some truth in John's accusations that she's not quite stable in emotional relationships.

Dave: "It's not much fun visiting Pat with Liz bustling in and out like a garrulous duenna."

DECEMBER 1, 1976 (EP. #3139)
Dave prescribed dinner with him when Rachel came to his office complaining of dizzy spells. Gil told Clarice that Burt was a construction worker who got divorced a couple of months ago. Olive signed papers stipulating she won't get Ray's money until she returns to California, with only the understanding she'll remain there. Ken worried about Rachel after she had a fainting spell. Ken revealed to Mac his feelings for Rachel. Beatrice warned Ray she wouldn't let Alice turn Sally over to Molly's care.

DECEMBER 2, 1976 (EP. #3140)
Olive reminded Jeff she was counting on him to get her settlement money on her terms. Gwen got Willis to agree to take her to a concert by the Newton Triads. Mike and Molly took advantage of Marianne's absence to have sex in her bed. Beatrice phoned Burt Ordway to tell him to do his duty by his wayward daughter. Pat insisted she was in love with Dave when Keith suspected she was changing her mind about divorcing John. Mike insisted to Molly he wasn't ashamed of her. Marianne threw a fit when she came home to find Molly in her bathrobe. Willis warned Pat about Olive after realizing they had just had a confrontation. Molly sobbed in Mike's arms after Burt phoned her to say he wants her on the next plane home. Mike said he'd go with her when Molly planned to run away. Jim accused Beatrice of using Liz's favorite rationale for meddling in matters that don't concern her.

Burt: (To Beatrice about the Matthews) "You mean they're all gossiping about our Molly?"

DECEMBER 3, 1976 (EP. #3141)
Willis agreed to construct a studio for Rachel based on Robert's original plans. Gwen was eager to help when Mac said he had to forget about Rachel, and the two slept together again. Willis was almost speechless when he caught Gwen, wearing a negligee, coming out of Mac's bedroom. Russ and Sharlene got romantic while sipping wine by firelight. Willis was hostile when Gwen came to request he keep quiet about what he saw. Alice and Ray found Molly's goodbye note.

Crawl: "1. Willis brooding in apt. 2. Rachel brooding in Cory LR. 3. Mac brooding in Penthouse"

DECEMBER 6, 1976 (EP. #3142)
Jamie told Mac Rachel was miserable without him. Pat wouldn't take Liz's advice to inform John when Alice told her Mike and Molly had run away. Rachel didn't appreciate Ken's concern for her. Mike and Molly holed up in a motel room in Ogden when their car broke down. Liz listened in when Olive phoned John from California. Mac and Rachel shouted accusations at each other.

Mac: "I have to be loved completely or not at all."

DECEMBER 7, 1976 (EP. #3143)
Russ and Sharlene were ecstatic that he was no longer impotent with her. Pat and John realized they should have been paying more attention to their kids than to their own difficulties. Scott told a disconsolate Gil he would use his embassy contacts to check on Tim in Bolivia. Iris told Keith to file a divorce action against Robert. Iris was pleased to hear Mac had spent another night with Gwen. Pat kicked Liz out for running to John about Mike. Russ backed her up when a furious Sharlene told an equally angry John to take his filthy accusations about Molly and get out.

Crawl: "Russ comforts an upset Sharlene."

DECEMBER 8, 1976 (EP. #3144)
Ada thought Mac could find Tim work at the complex when Gil got a disheartening letter from Tim. Marianne was in a blue funk over Mike. Gil told John there wasn't much the police could do since Mike and Molly are both over 18. Sharlene told Willis they have to find Molly or the Matthews family will blame Sharlene for her behavior. Mike told Molly he found a temp construction job. Molly tried to prevent Mike from phoning home, and suggested marriage. Jeff advised Olive to fly back to Bay City and comfort John. An uncomfortable Willis escaped from the midst of Rachel and Gwen's confrontation. Gwen gave Rachel fair warning that she had a battle for Mac on her hands. Dave told a furious Marianne she was too possessive of her father and brother. Mike phoned Marianne.

Notes: On cover page, "Edits: pg. 56 - noisy cougher in studio."
Notes: In crew specifications, a note to Lewis Brown, costumer, "Lewis - Molly in something as slinky as possible."

DECEMBER 9, 1976 (EP. #3145)
Daryll stood up to Willis's threat to fire him if he didn't reveal his knowledge of Molly's location, but gave him the phone number when Willis promised Molly wouldn't be sent back home. Olive suggested Beatrice bring Sally to visit her cousins in California now that Molly isn't around to babysit her. Evan wasn't happy to hear Angie was back with Willis, but she accepted his lunch date when Willis left her to tend to a family crisis. Russ was skeptical when Sharlene felt Willis was a changed man. Willis arrived in Ogden and asked Molly to learn from his and Sharlene's mistakes, but she feared he was just smooth-talking her. Dave came to comfort Pat but quickly realized he wasn't what she needed.

DECEMBER 10, 1976 (EP. #3146)
Mike was protective of Molly when Willis tried to talk them out of getting married. Keith told Pat about his law partner in New York, Brian Bancroft. Pat warned Gwen about Iris, then was amazed to catch her in Mac's suite. Rachel laughed at Jamie's attempts to organize her life. Beatrice tried to get Sally interested in visiting her cousins. Pat was agitated to see Rachel and Dave having dinner together. Rachel assured Pat she was willing to make concessions to keep her marriage happy. Sally was thrilled that Ray and Alice were getting married soon, but they were all stunned when Olive showed up on their doorstep.

DECEMBER 13, 1976 (EP. #3147)
Molly pressured Mike to marry her. Mac told Gil a position was open for Tim at Cory. Cory's christening was attended by Clarice, Mac, Rachel, Ada, Gil, Jeff, Dave, Pat, and Scott. Gil covered his eyes when the minister mentioned remission of sin, and Mac lowered his head when the minister mentioned the sinful desires of the flesh. Willis and Angie stood up for Mike and Molly as Justice Daniels married them in their motel room. Rachel was annoyed that Mac thought a baby would solve their problems.

Nash: "Name this child."
Mac: "Cory Hobson."
Nash: "Cory Hobson, I baptize thee in the name of the ever-lasting God."

Daniels: "Do you, Molly, take Michael to be your lawfully wedded spouse, in sickness and health, till death do you part?"
Molly: "I do."
Daniels: "Do you, Michael, take Molly to be your lawfully wedded spouse, in sickness and health, till death do you part?"
Michael: "I do."
Daniels: "Then, by power invested in me by the state, I pronounce you man and wife. [HE SMILES BROADLY AT THEM]"
Michael: "Is that it?"
Daniels: "Except for the customary kiss for the bride."
Michael: "Oh... yeah... [HE KISSES MOLLY]"
Molly: "Oh, Mike, I'll be the best wife in the world, I promise..."
Michael: "I know you will."

DECEMBER 14, 1976 (EP. #3148)
Pat was upset when Mike told her he was married to Molly. Willis backed out of constructing Rachel's studio since her separation from Mac made it awkward for him. John wasn't as accepting as Pat was, and accused Pat of having influenced Michael by flaunting her relationship with Dave. Mike hit the ceiling and threatened to split town if John tried to annul the marriage. Evan accepted Rachel's offer to supervise the construction of the studio. Rachel let Beatrice go since she couldn't afford her without Mac's income, but kept Rocky on so Jamie could have a man's company. Russ reassured Sharlene he didn't blame her for Molly's actions. Dennis was unhappy when Alice told him about Molly. Jeff pressured Olive for his share, $25,000. Olive told John he should offer to let Mike and Molly stay at his house. Olive told Ray he'll get his divorce when John gets his.

DECEMBER 15, 1976 (EP. #3149)
John embraced Molly and welcomed her to the family, and she was only too glad to accept his offer to move in. Marianne was crushed when Michael told her he was married. Evan warned Willis not to make Angie miserable. Iris was pleased when a glum Dennis told her about Molly. Jeff warned Olive he could fight just as dirty as she, then she suggested he help her break up Pat and John so she could marry John. Willis told Gil he'd help Tim any way he could. Keith told Iris Robert was agreeable to the divorce, but now she feared being a target for fortune hunters. Michael didn't enthuse when Olive joined him, Molly, and John for dinner.

DECEMBER 16, 1976 (EP. #3150)
Sharlene told Molly that Emma and Burt were surprised, but not mad. Clarice and Scott stared after Gil helplessly when a letter from Tim said he doesn't trust that Gil isn't conning him into coming back so he could arrest him. Liz told Jim she was accepting Frank's offer. Rocky told Jim that Beatrice needs his guidance. Alice warned Olive she won't let her link her divorce with Pat's.

DECEMBER 17, 1976 (EP. #3151)
Beatrice made plane reservations after another argument with Alice. A bitter Dave told Rachel that Pat was sacrificing herself to save St. John from a dragonlady. Iris warned Mac that Rachel may go after Keith since he's staying at the mansion. Marianne and Liz teamed up but failed to convince Pat to help them end Mike's marriage. Dave wouldn't stick around to survey the wreckage of their relationship when Pat voiced her regrets over deserting John and their children. Beatrice hustled Sally out of Bay City. Rachel wouldn't let Mac pay Evan for his work. Alice panicked when Ray told her that some of Sally's clothes were missing.

DECEMBER 20, 1976 (EP. #3152)
Ray asked Gil to look into Sally's kidnaping unofficially. Molly wished they were rich when Michael worked out plans to juggle part-time construction work with school. Gil questioned Alice, and they realized Beatrice had probably taken Sally to California. Mac tried to cheer Dennis up. A wistful Mac held Cory and sung to him. Ray phoned Doris for help. Molly let Dennis kiss her on the cheek by way of congratulations, and they and Michael renewed their friendship. Ray admitted to Jim that Beatrice had a nervous collapse after Jenny left home. Doris phoned to say Beatrice wasn't on the plane from Bay City.

DECEMBER 21, 1976 (EP. #3153)
Pat warned a skeptical Michael that Olive would use him and Molly to ingratiate herself with John. Ken suggested he could help design Rachel's studio. Molly told Sharlene she likes Olive despite her mother-in-law's views. Alice agreed to let Willis run Frame Enterprises while Ray was off looking for Sally. Willis told Pat he blames himself for Olive's presence in Bay City. Michael and Molly had dinner at Russ and Sharlene's. Pat refused to sacrifice her children by acceding to Alice's request that she give John a divorce so Alice could marry Ray.

DECEMBER 22, 1976 (EP. #3154)
Beatrice dissembled for Sally in a hotel room in Sarasota, Florida, Sally's birthplace. Keith told Mac he was taking his ailing mother, Lucy, to Nassau. Mac turned down Gwen's dinner invite. Ken came over to Rachel's with his heart on his sleeve, but left with his tail between his legs when Dave phoned and she accepted a dinner invite from him. Ray was displeased to return from California to find Willis in his home. Keith ended his budding relationship with Iris when he realized she was using his presence in the Cory mansion to come between Mac and Rachel. Mac turned on his heel and left when he came across Rachel and Dave trimming the tree and singing Christmas carols. A sullen Mac went to Gwen's for her special brand of comfort.

DECEMBER 23, 1976 (EP. #3155)
Michael engineered to get Pat and Dave to meet when he heard they'd broken up, but Dave just accused Pat of putting him and John into competition for her affections. Jamie visited Ada for some cheering up. Willis got so upset at Angie's distrust that he left work at the firm to report back to the Cory complex. Jeff presented Clarice with a necklace that had belonged to his mother, but she wouldn't accept his kisses. Olive gave Molly a mink hat. John was angry at Pat for dropping the divorce and insisted their kids were sensible and would give Olive a fair shake.

DECEMBER 24, 1976 (EP. #3156)
Sharlene wasn't able to comfort Alice. Iris was willing to let Dennis go out only when Mac came over to see her. Iris sobbed that she'd been hoping Keith would have married her. Marianne glared at Daryll for kissing Molly's cheek and congratulating her. John was troubled when Marianne left rather than spend time with Molly. Ada, Gil, Rachel, and Jamie sang carols to Nancy. Ada turned away when Dave came over and joined in. Sharlene accused Liz of precipitating Sally's kidnaping by repeating gossip about Molly to Beatrice. Molly confided to John that the other girls in Chadwell treated her as an outsider. Louise convinced Iris to fly to Millie Marberry's villa rather than spend the holidays alone. Rachel brushed Mac off when he dropped by. Sally faked a stomach ache to distract Beatrice and phone Alice to exchange Christmas greetings and reveal her whereabouts.

Iris: "I can't manage my life without someone stronger than I am to guide me."
Mac: "No one stronger than you are will allow you to manipulate him."

Ending Voice-over: "This is Bill Wolff speaking - We of Another World would like to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year."

DECEMBER 27, 1976 (EP. #3157)
Sally put her arms around her when Beatrice broke down and said she was wrong to take Sally away. Sally defended Beatrice when Ray and Alice showed up at their hotel room. Mike wasn't happy Olive paid Molly to buy filigreed wedding rings for them, and really flipped when Olive gave them a new car. Olive convinced John the car wasn't an extravagant gift since she's come into money.

Sally: "You'll always be my grandmother."
Beatrice: "And you'll always be Jenny's little girl."
Sally: "I'm Alice's girl now."
Beatrice: "Yes, you are."

Rocky: "Louise doesn't seem very interested in me anymore."
Jamie: "Looks like none of us is having any luck in that department."
Dennis: "Speak for yourself, Jamie."
Jamie: "Come on, you're upset because Molly married Mike."
Dennis: "And you're upset because Marianne's going steady with Daryll."

DECEMBER 28, 1976 (EP. #3158)
Jeff fretted that Olive was frittering away her half of the fifty grand by trying to buy Molly's loyalty. Molly told Sharlene she intended to be friendly with Olive. Jamie wasn't happy when Rachel accepted another invite from Dave. Evan walked in on Willis impulsively hugging Angie when she told him Sally had been found. Frank broke up a fight between Liz and Sharlene and Molly in which Molly accused Liz of being mean and Sharlene accused her of being selfish. Rachel wasn't very subtle in getting rid of an annoying Ken when Dave came over. Willis ran into Mike and Molly at Tallboys, and Willis worried that Olive was getting in good with Molly. Michael avoided Olive's smiling eyes after she got him to accept the car by having John agree to pay for half of it.

Liz: "It's really remarkable how the Frame family has linked itself to the Matthews family so quickly."

DECEMBER 29, 1976 (EP. #3159)
Beatrice said she was leaving since she didn't want to risk driving Sally away the way she did Jenny. Ray suggested she take a house and look after his sons in California. Willis threw Liz out when she badmouthed Molly. Ray tried to convince Olive to let Beatrice take care of the boys. During the Carrington-Cory Christmas party at Iris's, Jamie asked Sally to dance, but she got Sharlene to dance with him instead, so Mac asked Sally to be his dance partner. Marianne advised Jamie it never helps to interfere in your parents' problems. Beatrice turned down Jim's proposal. Liz exited quickly when Jim put his arm around Beatrice and vowed to protect her from malicious meddlers.

Raymond: (Ted Shackelford, Exit Line) (The Frame living room to Liz about Alice and Sally) "They're here now, Liz."

DECEMBER 30, 1976 (EP. #3160)
Marianne warned Molly she won't let her play up to her. Ada offered to tell Ken to get lost for Rachel. On Olive's orders, Jeff quizzed Pat about her divorce. Marianne told Dave that his dropping Pat for Rachel proves Liz's claim that he takes advantage of lonely unhappy women. Ada warned Mac other men might start to pursue Rachel if they don't work out their differences.

Marianne: "You're not going to get away with this."
Molly: "Listen, you! You're spoiled, always trying to run everyone's life, and making yourself miserable for it. I'm just glad we're not friends."

Rachel: "You could never interest me."
Ken: "Well, that's putting it right on the line."

DECEMBER 31, 1976 (EP. #3161)
Ada warned Ken he had a fight on his hands if he threatened Rachel's happiness. Olive was willing to let Beatrice take care of her sons if Alice got Pat to divorce John. Olive fed John a pack of lies when Alice tried to tell him about her duplicity and he bought every one, though Olive was forced to agree to the request about Beatrice. Jim kissed Bea goodbye after she said they could never be happy together with her as Liz's target. Olive told John that Ray was just after a rich widow. Frank asked Jim to leave after he shouted at Liz that his first New Year's resolution was never to see her again. After Jeff forced Olive to pay him $10,000, she stared balefully after him and Clarice, picked up a law book, and hurled it against the door. Olive warned Alice that agreeing about Beatrice was the last concession she'll make.