Welcome, Rhonda!
Rhonda Ross:
Hi everyone!
Angie, Michigan Rhonda, on "Another World" was the character of Nick Hudson
the one who attacked you in the parking lot? What is it like to work with
Eric Stuart?
Rhonda Ross:
In terms of who attacked Toni in the parking lot --
you'll have to tune in to the next few episodes.
Believe me, we won't keep you in suspense for too long!!
Kristen VA: Which actor do you prefer the one who plays
Tyrone, or Chris? Tyrone is sooooo hot!
Rhonda Ross:
It's impossible for me to choose between Eric and Henry
(and Toni might have some trouble choosing between them in the future - too!!) They're both great looking and wonderful actors but their characters are so different. I like qualities in them both!!
Rhonda Ross:
Eric Stuart Morgan is wonderful!!! He's obviously a talented actor, but off-screen he's fun and smart and has become a good friend of mine -- which makes filming our scenes together all the better!
Kristen VA: Rhonda, are your dreds real?
Rhonda Ross:
Yes, Kristen, they are!! I started locking my hair about
two and a half years ago. And I am so happy!
hey there! First of all, i really enjoy your character on AW. Do you feel
that by your last name being Ross, you have been given an extra special
boost into the entertainment world? Did you always want to persue a career
in that field? If not, what would you have chosen? thanks... keep up the
fabulous work!!!! tara from virginia
Rhonda Ross:
I think, like anything in life, my last name has positives and negatives. I'm proud to carry the last name "Ross" and I'm sure that it has opened some doors, but it's also turned some people off because of their pre-conceived notions. In the end, one's actions dictate her fate, so I just study my crafts and work hard and hope the results speak for themselves.
Kristen, VA: Do you pay attention to the other plots aside from your own,
Like Vicki and Shane?
Rhonda Ross:
I read each and every script from cover to cover!!! I do!!!
This is a very exciting time to be part of AW! As you know,
Michael Malone just joined us as head writer and with his
scripts ALL the story lines have taken off!! I find myself
harassing the xerox guys to hurry up and print the next
installment because I can't wait!!
Ramsay From Pennslyvania 9:00 PM
Did filming the rape scene seem alittle too real?
Rhonda Ross:
I think what happened to Toni in that parking lot is
everyone's greatest fear. Yes, it is difficult to put yourself
through that kind of ordeal. In addition, the repercussions
of the rape will be with Toni for the rest of her life.
But, no, it did not seem "too real", because I had a set full of
supportive people making sure that I was okay - producers, make-up artists
wardrobe people and crew members were all looking after to me. Also,
as an actress, I'm very lucky that I can be a vehicle, not a vessel, for
the pain and violence and allow it to move through me. I'm also thankful that
Michael Malone has written a story line that will allow me and Toni to
grow, heal and conquer this terrible attack.
Kriste,VA: I really want to work on a soap, how did you get hired
for AW?
Rhonda Ross:
Well, Kriste, everyone's story is different. But I auditioned
for the show along with a lot of other actresses. There were
three auditions and finally a screen test. If you want to act
my suggestion is that you first, study and prepare yourself
'cause you won't have time to do it after you get a job!
Then try to secure yourself an agent, because these casting
people only see actors with representation. (No more getting
spotted at the soda fountain.) So good luck. I wish you the best.
Kristen,Va: Have you worked on any other soaps before AW.
Rhonda Ross:
"Another World" is the first soap opera I've ever been on
and I'm thrilled!!!!
Are you anything like Toni? What personality does Toni have that you have?
Rhonda Ross:
I think that actually I'm a lot like Toni when it comes to her
main personality traits. I'm very aggressive and competitive.
Definitely a type "A" personality. But Toni has a little
trouble opening up and having close relationships. I
don't have that problem. I am happily married to a wonderful man
named Rodney Kendrick. Oh yeah, Toni's a health food nut -
my diet is the junkier the food the better!!! No vegetables
for me!! YUCK!!!
Jan, Port Townsend, WA. Hi Rhonda, thanks for going online with your fans.
I'd like to know if you have inherited your Mom's singing talent? Are you
going to sing on AW?
Rhonda Ross:
I do sing. As a matter of fact that's what I have been doing
for the last several years prior to signing on with "AW"!! I sing
Jazz and often perform with my husband (who by the way is a
recording artist with PolyGram Records). So keep an eye out for
our performances and CD's!!!
Marie, Idaho Rhonda, who is your favorite cast member to work with? What
other things have you acted in?
Rhonda Ross:
The truth is that I get along with everyone on the set. It's
really an ensemble atmosphere!! And even the actors that I don't
work with regularly sit with me and we talk and laugh
between our scenes. I don't have a favorite, but some that come to mind
are Amy Carlson, Kim Rhodes, Tom Eplin (Tom is really great!!)
Oh yeah and Joe! I can't forget Joe Barbara, he cracks me up!!
Jan, Port Townsend, WA. Rhonda, could you please tell us where you got your
training? Where did you go to school?
Rhonda Ross:
I went to Brown University and even though I got my
degree in African-American History, I submerged myself
in ALL the theatre courses. Acting, Directing, Writing,
I love them all!!!
vicky/california, hi ronda! i really loved your scenes with josie today. do
you know if the actors who portray josie & gary are really dating in real
life? and is your character gonna hook up with that fine young lawyer, but
i really do love chris..he is the man. keep up the excellent work!!
Rhonda Ross:
Well, Vicky, unfortunately I don't know exactly what's going
to happen. I don't know who Toni will choose. They are both so
great!! We'll both have to wait and see - but I'll tell
Eric (Chris) that you think he's the MAN - I'm sure he'd
appreciate that!!!
Auntee from NC Rhonda Great Job. Will you be attending the
Black Theater Festival in W-S North Carolina Aug 4-9?
Rhonda Ross:
Why don't you send me some information on it.
Rhonda Ross
Another World
30 Rockefeller Plaza
NY, NY 10112
When i see a person cying when they are acting, it seems so fake. But on TV
how do they make it look real. I think you looked like you were really
crying. Thai, CA
Rhonda Ross:
I hope you didn't think mine looked fake, because take my
word for it - THEY WERE REAL!!!! This stuff is so emotional,
it's easy to relate to it. I cried all the way through the
rehearsals. Once the tears came, I just let them flow.
I read somewhere that your character is named after author Toni Morrison.
Who are some of your favorite writers? GLOW_BUG1
Rhonda Ross:
Yes, it's true and it felt like fate because not only do I
absolutely love, Toni Morrison, I actually wrote my thesis
about her. I've read everything she's ever written!!! I've
also read everything by Alice Walker, Maya Angelou, Gloria
Naylor. I've just started to read Walter Mosely. They're all
Rhonda Ross:
Thank you all so much!! I know I wasn't able to get to all of you, but feel
free to write to me at the studio. ( I gave the address earlier)
I read all of my mail and am so thankful for all of the
support that I've received.
I look forward to hearing from you!!
Rhonda Ross:
Take care!!!!!