Wayne Addison (Edmund Hashim): (over the phone to Steve Frame) “Cousin Steve?”

Wayne Addison (Robert Milli): (to Liz Matthews' maid) "Oh, hello. I'm Wayne Addison, and this is Miss Robinson."

Kevin Anderson: (the hallway outside the courtroom, to Ryan Harrison) "Ryan?"

Brian Bancroft: (to Mac Cory) "Not at all. The complex is every bit as impressive as Keith told me it was."

Ted Bancroft (Eric Roberts): (to Mac Cory) "You haven't changed a bit, sir."

Ted Bancroft (Richard Backus): (to Vivien Gorrow from the other side of the door) "Open up and find out, will you?"

Greg Barnard: (to Joan Barnard over the phone) "Joan, it's your big brother."

Joan Barnard (Patricia Estrin): (to Michael Randolph) "Oh, Mike, hello."

Hope Bauer: (on the Hastings' porch to Michael Bauer) "Can I go play in the yard, Daddy?"

Michael Bauer: (in Mitchell Dru's office) "Hello, Mr. Dru."

Ken Baxter: (in Janet Matthews' apartment) "You know what time it is, Janet?"

Laura Baxter: (the Baxter residence patio) "Oh, Tom, it was rather nice having my two men at home for dinner tonight."

Tom Baxter: (front door of the Matthews house, to Jim Matthews) "Good evening, Mr. Matthews."

Reena Bellman Cook: (to Kevin Cook over the phone) "Hello? Kevin?"

Mitch Blake: (1979, over the phone) "Janice Frame, please."
([Reintro 1986] to Rachel Cory about her sculpture) "I think you ought to scrap it."

Scott Bradley (Michael Goodwin): (to Mac Cory in the Cory Mansion living room) "Thank you, Mac. Is this an inconvenient time for me to say hello?"

Scott Bradley (Paul Tulley): (over the phone to Liz Matthews) "Mrs. Matthews?"

Cindy Brooke: (in her Boston home, answering a phone call from Gabe McNamara) "Hello?"

Leonard Brooks (Joseph Maher): (1976, Cory Mansion kitchen, refusing more coffee) "No, I'm fine, thank you, Beatrice."
([Reintro 1978] The Cory boathouse to Regine Lindeman, "Louise sent me over to bring Dennis home."

Leonard Brooks (John Horton): (To Louise Goddard Brooks) "You want me to tend to the ones in the greenhouse?"

Leonard Brooks (John Tillinger): (1978, Cory Terrace to Helga about Regine) "Taking off her boots so she won't track the floor."
([Reintro 1981] in the Cory Mansion living room, to Mac Cory) "Is there anything else I can do for you right now, sir."

Lefty Burns: (on a deserted pier, to Sam Lucas) “I thought you were never going to get here, Sam.”

Etta Mae Burrell: (to Vicky Hudson, at Carlino's) "Mrs. Hudson?"

Karen Campbell: (to Marianne Randolph, entering her office) "Good morning, Miss Randolph, I'm Karen Campbell."

Joe Carlino: (to Frankie Frame at his house) "Can I help you?"

Sofia Carlino: (to Nick Hudson, in Carlino's Restaurant) "So?...Big deal."

Eliot Carrington (Joe Hannaham): (to Louise Goddard Brooks) "I have to rush right out again to interview Senator Morrison."

Eliot Carrington (James Douglas): (to Dennis and Alice) "Good evening, you two."

Cindy Clark: (to Russ Matthews in his clinic) "Yes. Dr. Matthews."

Ted Clark: (to Cindy Clark in her apartment) “Little sister! You’re all grown up now, Cindy!"

Zachary Colton: (to Jordan Scott at the Arena) "Oh, hey, Jordan, hi."

Kevin Cook: (to Jim Matthews) "How do you do, Mr. Matthews?"

Angela Corelli: (to Maggie Cory at Bay City High) "Gosh, I would give anything if I could put together an outfit like that."

Katherine Corning: (to Helen Moore) "I'm sorry you aren't coming along. But I'm sure bed is where you belong with that cold."

Adam Cory: (to a waiter at the Northwoods Inn) "This will be fine."

Amanda Cory (Nicole Catalanotto): (to Sandy in the Cory Mansion) "So my Mommy can have me..."

Amanda Cory (Sandra Ferguson): (1987, to Matthew Cory's dog, then to Matthew, at the docks) "Apple! Look at you! You're all fixed up!... Matthew! Give me a hug, you jerk!"
([Reintro 1998] to Sofia Carlino at the Cory Mansion front door) "Uh, fine, fine. Do you want to tell me what I've missed? Is there something going on here?"

Amanda Cory (Christine Tucci): (walking into the Cory Mansion) "Hi! Anybody home?"

Amanda Cory (Laura Moss): (to Rachel Cory in the Cory Mansion living room) "Merry Christmas, Mom."

Mac Cory (Robert Emhardt): (to Iris in a hospital room in New York) "Sorry, honey, but I got helpd up by a Board Meeting"

Mac Cory (Douglass Watson): (to Louise Goddard at the Carrington residence) "Hello, Louise."

Maggie Cory (Robyn Griggs): (in response to Dean Frame's "Who are you?") "I was about to ask you the same thing, you big jerk!"

Maggie Cory (Jodi O'Keefe): (lying on the couch in the Cory Mansion living room, talking to Amanda Cory on the phone) "I'll hold. Why not?"

Maggie Cory (Lisa Brenner): (the Cory Mansion foyer, then living room, to Cecile DePoulignac) "Hey. What's that?"

Matthew Cory (Daniel Dale): (in a car, to Mac Cory) "But when did all this happen?"

Matthew Cory (Matt Crane): (1988, to Sam Fowler and Amanda Cory at their loft, walking out of their bathroom) "I didn't hear you. I was drying my hair."
([Reintro 1998] to Rachel in the Cory Mansion living room) "Morning, Mom."

Matthew Cory (Brian Krause): (Center Street to Lila Roberts) "Excuse me...could you help me?"

Matthew Cory (Jeff Phillips): (in a park to Amanda Cory about the missing person posters of Paulina) "Yeah, we put them up all over town last night."

Neal Cory: (to Vicky Hudson at a dance party) "Hi."

Paulina Cory (Cali Timmins): (to a man while playing darts at the Pelican Club) "Relax shooter, I won't embarrass you in front of your friends."

Paulina Cory (Judi Evans Luciano): (answering the phone in the Cory Mansion living room) "Cory residence."

Rachel Cory (Robin Strasser): (to Sam Lucas and Ada Hobson upon arriving home) "Hi."
([Reintro 1972] at the Fireside Inn) "Here's your ginger ale, Peggy."

Rachel Cory (Margie Impert): “That’s very good, Jamie. I didn’t know you could draw horses.”

Rachel Cory (Victoria Wyndham): (to Steve Frame from the other side of her hotel room door) "Who is it?"

Sandy Cory: (over the phone to Jason Dunlap) "May I tell her who's calling?"

Walter Curtin: (from within his office) "Come in!"

Derek Dane: (to Felicia Gallant) "Remember, Fanny."

Gerald Davis: (to Robert Delaney at Somerset's Riverboat) "I'll check; hold on."
([Reintro 1971] to Ted Clark in his office in Somerset) "Sit down, sit down, Mr. Clark..."
([Reintro 1972] to Rachel Cory in Fireside Inn) "Hi honey."
([Reintro 1974] to Steve Frame in San Francisco) "Hello?"

Olivia Delaney: (at Larry and Clarice Ewing's apartment) "Are you Clarice Ewing?"

Robert Delaney: (1970, to a waiter at Somerset's Riverboat) "Yes. Put us near the piano, will you?"
([Reintro 1972] to Pamela) "Hello. Is Mr. Frame in?

Cecile DePoulignac (Susan Keith): "Hello, Elena."

Cecile DePoulignac (Nancy Frangione): (1981, to the bank manager) "Oh, that's quite all right, Mr. Warren."
([Reintro 1986] to Cass Winthrop) "Hello, Cass."
([Reintro 1989] to Ada Hobson, Jamie Frame, and Stacey Winthrop on the Cory estate) "Trick or treat!"
([Reintro 1995] to Maggie Cory in the Cory Mansion foyer, in response to her "Tomas?", "No, but will I do?"

Elena DePoulignac (Christina Pickles): (to Iris Wheeler over the phone from her limousine) "Oh, Iris, Louise said you were sleeping."

Lorna Devon (Alicia Coppola): (to Dean Frame, who is sweeping with a broom at Sassy's) "Ahem. You won't be needing that anymore."

Lorna Devon (Robin Christopher): (to Felicia Gallant) "Hi, Mom."

Tracy DeWitt (Caroline McWilliams): (to Iris Wheeler over the phone) "Iris, darling! Is it really you?"

Tracy DeWitt (Janice Lynde): (to Iris Wheeler over the phone about her call) "Are you sure it's pleasant?"

Fred Douglas: "I'd be glad to - if you're sure it's not an imposition."

Tony Douglas: (1965, to Lee Randolph at "The Joint") "Well, it's nice to see you out again. You want to dance?"
([Reintro, 1969] to Fred Douglas in his living room) "Sorry to drag you away from work, Dad."

Ernie Downs: (in his office, to himself) "All right, I pumped twelve hundred gallons of high test at thirty five cents a gallon. How much is that? I did the arithmetic three times and it never comes out right."

Mitchell Dru: (startled awake by the phone) "Must have fallen asleep again."

Justine Duvalier: "I prefer to be addressed as countess or madame."

Julie Ann Edwards: (at Mary's Place, to Nancy McGowan) "Hey, Nancy, got a minute?"

Zack Edwards: (at Mary's Place, to Al Edwards and Julie Ann Edwards) "Where's all the dazzle? Where's the party?"

Dee Evans: (Cecile DePoulignac's house to Felicia Gallant) "Yeah. You Cass?"

Blaine Ewing Cory (Laura Malone): (Cory Mansion, mistaking Brooks for Mac) "Mr. Cory?”

Clarice Ewing: (to Louise Goddard Brooks at the door of Iris's house) "Is this where Phil lives?"

Fred Ewing: (to Eileen Simpson about Charley Hobson) "Who's the man in the office?"

Larry Ewing: (in the bunkhouse) "Blaine! What are you doing here?"

Danny Fargo: "What in the-"

Alli Fowler (Lindsay Lohan): (to Rachel Cory in the Cory Mansion living room) "Merry Christmas, Grandma."

Alli Fowler (Alicia Leigh Willis): (to Amanda Cory in the Cory Mansion foyer) "Surprise."

Sam Fowler (Robert Kelker-Kelly): (to Mitch Blake in Mitch's apartment) "Who's calling who ugly?"

Sam Fowler (Danny Markel): (to Liz Matthews over the phone) "Hello, Is Olivia there, please?"

Sam Fowler (Brian Green): (the old mill, to Amanda Cory) "I wanted to surprise Alli."

Dean Frame: (to Frankie Frame about her apple pandowdy) "New way."

Diana Frame: (to Steve Frame in his suite) "But breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Everyone knows that."

Emma Frame Ordway (Beverlee McKinsey): (to Mark Venable) “You Mark Venable?”

Emma Frame Ordway (Tresa Hughes): (1975, about Steve and Alice's cottage living room) "Oh, I remember how beautiful this room is..."
([Reintro 1976] to Angie Perrini over the phone) "Angie, Hi! I just couldn't hang up without speaking to you."

Emma Frame Ordway (Elizabeth Ashley): (to Frankie Frame at the Frame farmhouse) "And you. Look at that hair!"

Evan Frame (Charles Grant): (to Liz Matthews, at Cory Publishing) "Hi. Hi?"

Evan Frame (Eric Scott Woods): (to Trent Forbes, his associate, on a car phone) "As it happens, I'm only an hour away."

Frankie Frame: (to Sharlene Frame in the Frame kitchen) "It's you, isn't it? Yeah, it is."

Gwen Frame: (to Charlie Beckwith at Mac's New York townhouse) "Hi, Charley... Am I early?"

Jamie Frame (Tim Holcomb): (to Mitch and Buzz Winslow in a Wyoming ranch bunkhouse) "What's the matter?"

Jamie Frame (Richard Bekins): (to Blaine Ewing in their boarding house room in Tulsa) "Time to get up, honey."

Jamie Frame (Stephen Yates): (to security guards in the Cory Mansion driveway) "What's going on?"

Jamie Frame (Lawrence Lau): (to Brittany Peterson, while sprawled across some chairs at the Bayside Clinic) "What's happening?"

Jamie Frame (Russell Todd): (in an airport, talking to Rachel Cory on the phone) "It's good to hear your voice, Mom."

Janice Frame (Victoria Thompson): (to Gerald Davis at the Fireside Inn bar) “Hello.”

Janice Frame (Christine Jones): (over the phone in an office) "Willis!"

Jason Frame: (on bumping into Mary McKinnon, whom he thought was dead, at the community center) "Oh, I am sorry. You okay? My -. I don't believe it. You're alive."

Mimi Haines Frame: (to Vince Frame at the Honey Bee Diner) "Our special today is goulash."

Sally Frame (Cathy Greene): (to Dave Gilchrist from her hospital bed) "Hello."

Sally Frame (Julie Philips): (entering Mrs. Banta's office) "Carrie says Mrs. Banta's out of town..."

Sally Frame (Jennifer Runyon): (to Jim and Liz Matthews) "You make it seem like such a surprise. I haven't been gone that long."

Sally Frame (Mary Page Keller): (at Cory Publishing) "Peter?"

Sally Frame (Taylor Miller): (to Catlin Ewing about to enter their house) "Well where do you think you're going?"

Sharlene Frame (Laurie Heineman): (Frame farm kitchen in Chadwell) "Oh, Emma... I didn't hear you come in."

Sharlene Frame (Anna Holbrook): (voice only to Josie Watts) "Don't even think about using that phone."
(to Jason Frame in the Frame farm) "Ahem. A talk about what? Jason Frame, you're not going to turn away your own family, are you?"
([Reintro 1993] as Kate Baker, in the community center's kitchen, after dropping a pan) "Head's up!"

Steve Frame (George Reinholt): (to Alice Matthews Frame during Walter and Lenore's wedding reception at the country club) "Excuse me, but are you Alice? Alice Matthews?"

Steve Frame (David Canary): (to his pilot on his airplane) "Gil, what's our air speed?"

Vince Frame: (to Liz Matthews) "Maybe an electrician would have better luck.”

Willis Frame (John Fitzpatrick): (to Alice Matthews Frame, who has answered the door to him) "What's the matter?"

Willis Frame (Leon Russom): (to Dave Gilchrist in his hospital room) "I'm just bored sitting around here all day."

Ilsa Fredericks: (to Sandy Cory in her office) "Jason Dunlap?"

Daniel Gabriel: (at a party upon bumping into Kathleen McKinnon) "Are you alright?"

Felicia Gallant: (dictating into her tape recorder in the back seat of her limousine) "Sonya stared into her mirror. Yes, there was the Parisian nose, the wide-set smoky grey eyes."

Brett Gardner: (to Ryan Harrison, after he hit her with a snowball in Bayview Court) "Who are you?!"

Edward Gerard: (greeting Michaud Christophe, in a hotel room) "I'm here."

Dave Gilchrist: (to Russ Matthews at the hospital) "Morning, Russ."

Louise Goddard Brooks: (1972, to Alice Matthews Frame) “Good afternoon.”
([Reintro 1981] to Ada Hobson and Rachel Cory about Brooks returning) "Well no, at least not for right now."

Beatrice Gordon: (to Ada in the Cory Mansion) "How do you do, Mrs. McGowan?"

Raymond Gordon (Ted Shackelford): (in his office to Beatrice Gordon) "Mom? You haven't said very much."

Raymond Gordon (Gary Carpenter): (to Alice Matthews Frame about getting home) "Yeah, finally. Hi, darling."

Vivien Gorrow: (1978, to Iris Wheeler in the Bayview suite) "Yes, Ma’am.”
([Reintro 1988] with Matthew to herself about the Cory Mansion living room) "Oh! Whoa, they changed this room all over. I liked it better before."

Lisa Grady: (TOPS garage, to Jamie Frame) "Excuse Me."

Alex Gregory: (to Cora Gregory at her apartment) "Hello, Mom."

Ernest Gregory: (to Pat Randolph about her abortion) "When was this done, Patricia?"

Karen Gregory: (to Cora Gregory at her apartment) "Hello, Mother."

Daphne Grimaldi: (about Cass Winthrop) "What an interesting face."

Jerry Grove (Michael Garfield): (to Blaine Ewing in Bud Parker's apartment) "See how rough we've got it?"

Jerry Grove (Paul Tinder): (to Brian Bancroft) "Well, I decided to come back early."

Kit Halloway Perrini: (to Linda Metcalf at the hospital) "Are those the lab reports you wanted me to deliver?"

Quinn Harding: (to Denny Hobson in his new office) "Mr. Hobson? Hi, I'm Quinn. Welcome to the Blackhawk Project."

Grant Harrison (Dack Rambo): (arriving at the hospital in a wheelchair) "All right, hold it, hold it, hold it. Now, is this it?"

Grant Harrison (Mark Pinter): (stepping off the elevator at TOPS, in an undertone) "Hi, Marley."

Kelsey Harrison: (to the hotel clerk handing her her key) "Thank you."

Ryan Harrison: (to his horse, seeing Vicky Hudson on her runaway steed) "Let's go get her."

Spencer Harrison: (to two reporters accosting him at the hospital) "Just get yer hands off me, awright!"

Vic Hastings: (to Steve in the Frame living room) "Fine, Steve, I'm sorry to make the trip under these circumstance."

Ada Hobson: (to Sam Lucas who greeted her upon her arrival home) "No, it's Princess Grace."

Charley Hobson: (to Ada Hobson upon showing up at Clarice's apartment) “Sorry, I must have the wrong apartment.”

Denny Hobson: (at Larry and Clarice Ewing's house) "Hello, Leigh."

Leigh Hobson: (to Clarice Ewing at her apartment) "Hi, sis. Remember me?"

Clara Hudson (Scotty Bloch): (to Michael Hudson from the staircase of the Hudson household) "Would you stop fussing Michael."

Clara Hudson (Kate Wilkinson): (to Donna Love in the Hudson living room) "Michael ever tell you he used to sit here just like this Saturday nights after the game?"

Clara Hudson (Peg Small): (to John and Gregory Hudson) "Many thanks to both of you capable, young men and all your hard labor."

Gregory Hudson (Morgan Hodgen): (At BCGH to Sharlene Frame while playing with John Hudson) "You wanna play, Mom?"

Gregory Hudson (Alex Bowen): (At Carlino's to John Hudson and Sharlene Frame) "What's wrong?"

John Hudson: (locked in a hut in an Asian jungle, to his captors) "Open the door! Open it up! Now! Open it!"

Marley Hudson (Ellen Wheeler): (1984, to a startled Donna Love in the Love living room) "Is that how you greet your little sister?"
([Reintro 1998] in her hospital bed to Donna Love) "Mother?"

Marley Hudson (Anne Heche): (1987) "Donna?"
([Reintro, 1988] to Michael Hudson and Donna Love) "Mom...Dad."
([Reintro, 1990] in Los Angeles over the phone) "I want this to stop, do you understand me? No more flowers. No more phone calls."

Marley Hudson (Jensen Buchanan, 1991): (to Jamie Frame) "Hi."

Michael Hudson: (1986, to his secretary) "The complaint was made by a woman named Love from Bay City?"
([Reintro, 1995] to John Hudson at the Hudson farm) "And I thought I'd try to save myself the long-distance charge."

Nick Hudson (Justin Chambers): (to a car that's ignored his request for a ride) "Thanks a lot!"

Nick Hudson (Kevin McClatchy): (in a hospital bed to Michael Hudson) "Hey."

Nick Hudson (Mark Mortimer): (Hudson farm living room, after reading over his letter to Sofia Carlino) "She still loves me. There's got to be a way to get her to admit it."

Vicky Hudson (Ellen Wheeler): (to Jake McKinnon after waiting for him in his room) "It's about time."

Vicky Hudson (Rhonda Lewin): (during Jake McKinnon and Marley Hudson's wedding) "Victoria Love in the flesh."

Vicky Hudson (Anne Heche): (over the phone) "Yes, room service. There is something you can do for me."

Vicky Hudson (Jensen Buchanan): ([Preparatory] phoning Ryan's apartment and hearing Frankie answer the phone) "Either you have a really bad cold or this is not Ryan Harrison."
([Stylized] to Ryan Harrison, after surprising him in a motel room) "Who were you expecting? One of America's Most Wanted?"
([Reintro 1994] to Ryan Harrison on the phone in a motel room) "Ryan."

Carl Hutchins: (1983, arriving for Felicia's party in his honor at the Country Club) "Hello, Donna, Perry."
([Reintro 1985] to his lawyer, about the ancient artifact he was looking at) "Very nice. Very nice detail."
([Reintro 1991] to Cass Winthrop's televised threat) "Why Cass, you're just as sweet and as tiresome as ever."
([Reintro May 1992] crashing Cass Winthrop and Frankie Frame's party) "Good evening, everyone. Oh, it's going to be a dreadful night tonight, not fit for man or beast. Might I warm myself with a cup of tea?"
([Reintro November 1992] at Ryan Harrison's apartment, after Ryan has read about Grant and Vicky's engagement) "Times like this a boy needs his father."
([Reintro January 1993] at his apartment) "I'm displeased by the methods by which my agenda is being promulgated. I think it time to exercise my veto, Ito."
([Reintro June 1993] in Canada) "Ah, Canada. So scenic this time of year. Everything the color of money."
([Reintro 1999] to Rachel Cory) "Do you know me?"

Perry Hutchins: (to Donna Love) "Who did you think it was?"

Caroline Johnson: (to Dan Shearer) “Good afternoon, Dr. Shearer.”

Neil Johnson: (to Carol Lamonte) "Hi. I'm Neil Johnson the new project architect. Mr. Delaney told me his secretary would be here."

Ken Jordan: (to Rachel Cory) "Excuse me?"

Sylvie Kosloff: (to Liz Matthews after entering Mac's office) "I was told to come right back."

Marshall Kramer (Randy Brooks): (to Felicia Gallant at the Harbor Club) "Excuse me. I believe you're waiting for me."

Marshall Kramer (Dean Irby): (to Felicia Gallant in her suite) "The hospital administrator...a very foreful character."

Carol Lamonte: (to Robert Delaney in his office) "Where would you like these blueprint holders kept when you're not using them?"

Therese Lamonte: (on Iris's patio) "It's quite all right... I'm enjoying this little contretemps after an unusually dull flight."

Scott LaSalle (to Nancy McGowan on the beach), "Well, I usually play for a full house, but I'm kind of a new sound around here and don't have an audience yet."

June Laverty: (to Rachel Cory at the door of her New York apartment) "I'm June Laverty. Kirk's wife."

Kirk Laverty: (to Sylvie Kosloff at her suite) "I warned you I'd show up and here I am."

Reuben Lawrence: (to Pilara Sanchez at BCGH) "Hey, babe."

Ronnie Lawrence: (to Sam Fowler) "Sam, this is your first class. Don't worry."

Helga Lindeman: (to Rachel Cory) "You'd better call me Helga."

Regine Lindeman: (over the phone to Sven Petersen) "Who's this?"

Zane Lindquist: (over the phone to Peter love) "I'll meet you in half an hour."

Donna Love (Anna Stuart): (1983) "Peter, what a surprise."
([Reintro 1989] in a carnival's hall of mirrors) "Michael...?"

Donna Love (Philece Sampler): (to herself in a castle) "Who's calling me?"

Nicole Love (Kim Morgan Greene): (to Peter Love in his apartment) "Ask me what the secret is for becoming a successful model."

Nicole Love (Laurie Landry): (to Michael Hudson in Mary's Place) "Mr. Hudson?"

Nicole Love (Anne Howard): (to Cass Winthrop in a warehouse) "Cass?"

Peter Love (John Hutton): (to Cass Winthrop about Cory Publishing business) "Yes. I'd like you to take a look at these, too."

Peter Love (Christopher Holder): (to Marley Hudson in the Love Mansion about the secret cellar room) "How do you feel about it?"

Peter Love (Marcus Smythe): (to Donna Love in the Love Mansion) "Donna? What's the matter?"

Reginald Love: (a hotel, with Michael Hudson and Adam Cory) "Don't be sure I'll have all the answers."

Lucas: (to the desk clerk) "I need a room."

Lahoma Vane Lucas: (to Rachel Cory in her hospital room) "How're you?"

Sam Lucas: (1967) “Hello, Barclay Hotel?... Listen, sister, can you give me the number of Danny Fargo’s room?...."

Philip Lyons: (to Iris Wheeler over the phone) "May I speak with Iris Bancroft, please?"

Chris Madison: (in a hospital room to Morgan Winthrop) "Are you the doctor that saved my life?"

Lily Mason: (over the phone to Stacey Winthrop) "Who is it? Oh, it’s you. What do you want?”

Alice Matthews Frame (Susan Harney): (to Emma Frame Ordway in her home) "Now, where did Sally rush off to?"

Alice Matthews Frame (Wesley Ann Pfenning): (to Susan Matthews Shearer in her apartment in Boston) "I'm just so worried about Sally."

Alice Matthews Frame (Vana Tribbey): (to Marianne Randolph in the Matthews house) "Oh, it's so good to see you again."

Alice Matthews Frame (Linda Borgeson): (to Mac Cory in his hospital room) "Mac, I don't know...."

Alice Matthews Frame (Jacqueline Courtney): ([Reintro 1984] to David Thatcher at the Matthews house) "Hello. Where is everybody?"

Bill Matthews: (coming inside Liz's house, to Liz Matthews) "Sorry I'm late."

Granny Matthews: (from her bedroom in the Matthews' house) "Come in, Mary."

Janet Matthews: (in her apartment, to Ken Baxter) "You saw me looking at my watch just a few minutes ago, didn't you?"

Jim Matthews (John Beal): (in the Matthews' living room) "Mary, couldn't you persuade my mother to come in here for a little while?"

Jim Matthews (Leon Janney): (in the Matthews' den, to Alice) "No signs."

Jim Matthews (Shepperd Strudwick): (in the Matthews' living room) "I think I heard what you said, Mary...something about Thanksgiving."

Jim Matthews (Hugh Marlowe): (over the phone to Alice Matthews Frame) "Hello, Alice dear!"

Liz Matthews (Sarah Cunningham): (looking outside her living room window) "Will it ever stop raining."

Liz Matthews (Audra Lindley): (while looking at the double bed she shared with Will Matthews) "That was - Will's."

Liz Matthews (Nancy Wickwire): (over the phone) "Susan darling."

Liz Matthews (Irene Dailey): ([Reintro 1987] The Cory Mansion, to Ada Hobson) "Darling, someone has to help you boss the Corys around."

Mary Matthews: (in the Matthews' living room, about Granny Matthews) "She wouldn't have gone to her room, Jim, unless she wanted to be alone."

Olivia Matthews: (to Russ Matthews on a boat) "Daddy!"

Ricky Matthews (Jason Bernard): (to Mitchell Dru) "Yes sir."

Russ Matthews (Sam Groom): (to Alice Matthews Frame about the chip dip) “What’s the matter – is it against the law to eat this stuff?"

Russ Matthews (Robert Hover): (to Cindy Clark in the hospital cafeteria) "Oh, come on, Cindy. That's nothing to be upset about."

Russ Matthews (David Bailey): (1973, to Gil McGowan) "You want to see me, Lieutenant?"
([Reintro 1979] to Jim Matthews) "How are you, Dad?"
([Reintro 1989] to Iris Wheeler) "Iris, how are you?"

Susan Matthews Shearer (Fran Sharon): (upstairs in Liz Matthews' house) "Yes, Mother?"

Susan Matthews Shearer (Roni Dengel): (Matthews' porch, to Pat) "I haven't been anywhere, Pat, I haven't seen anyone really..."

Susan Matthews Shearer (Lisa Cameron): (over the phone to Bill Matthews) "Hello, Bill?”

Susan Matthews Shearer (Lynn Milgrim): (1978, to Jim Matthews who answered the door) "Hello, Uncle Jim."

Burt McGowan (William Russ): (to Clarice Ewing in Ada's kitchen) "Are you Ada?"

Burt McGowan (Joseph Hindy): (to Vince Frame at the furniture store) "Hi, Vince."

Gil McGowan (Richard Dysart): (to Gerald Davis) "Good morning. I'm looking for Ted Clark."

Gil McGowan (Charles Durning): (to Ted Clark) "Come on, sit down and make yourself comfortable."

Gil McGowan (Dolph Sweet): (to Ada in her kitchen) "I liked it better the first time. Ada, how are you?"

Tim McGowan: (over the phone to Gil McGowan) "Hello?"

Cheryl McKinnon: (reading it on a sign) "Closed. Due to death in the family."

Jake McKinnon: (1985, to Nancy McGowan's "Why don't you watch where you're going?") "Why don't you?"
([Reintro 1988] to Marley at Donna's penthouse) "Surprise."

Kathleen McKinnon: (1984, to Ben McKinnon at Smiley's Diner) "Now."
([Reintro 1991] to Jake McKinnon) "Hi, Jake. How you feeling today?"

Mary McKinnon: (a villa, to a servant) "The beach house?"

M.J. McKinnon (Sally Spencer): (to Cass Winthrop, Kathleen McKinnon, and Vince McKinnon) "Hey cheese it, it's the cops."

Vince McKinnon (Jack Ryland): (after helping himself to coffee and pie at Smiley's Diner, to Maisie Watkins) "Acting out my fancy."

Vince McKinnon (Duke Stroud): (to Cass Winthrop) "What the... Cass Winthrop, Bay City's most prominent jackass."

Vince McKinnon (Robert Hogan): (to Mary McKinnon) "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Gabe McNamara: (to Gary Sinclair at the station house) "I'm nobody."

Linda Metcalf: (while sitting on her living room couch) "Peggy! Your date's here."

Tyrone Montgomery: (to Toni Burrell at the Lucky Lady) "Well, I've been on the road and I'm kind of hungry. I'll just park myself right here and look at you 'cuz you look so good."

Hannah Moore (Jennifer Lien): (to the hotel clerk, about to forge Paulina's signature) "Is this where I sign?"

Helen Moore: (Nancy Douglas) (to Katherine Corning in her bedroom) "You're ready to go?"

Helen Moore: (Murial Williams) (1965, about Katherine joining her and Liz at the Hospital thrift store) "Oh...yes. Of course."
([Reintro 1970] to Lenore Moore over the phone) "Lenore..."

Lenore Moore (Judith Barcroft): (coming downstairs in the Moore living room) “Did I hear somebody down here, Mother?”

Lenore Moore (Susan Sullivan): (In St. Croix over the phone to Walter Curtin) "Hello, Walter."

Flo Murray: (to Danny Fargo) "I'm buying the piano player a beer."

Madge Murray: (In a scummy diner in Chicago to Missy Palmer) "Yeah, honey? Sweetie, I'm ready, you decided what you want?"

Melissa Needham: "Mrs. Fredericks? Excuse me. Mr. Dunlap is here to see you."

Alexander Nikos: (to Felicia Gallant in the first-class compartment of an airplane) "I believe you're looking for me."

Peggy Harris Nolan: (to John Randolph about the books she was carrying) "It's all right, they're balanced."

Jenna Norris: (to the mother superior) "I know who she is. Hello, Ms. Gallant."

Rocky Olsen: (to Rachel Cory in the Cory game room) "Excuse me, Mrs. Cory, but the horses are saddled for the boys."

Molly Ordway Randolph: (to Emma Frame Ordway in the Ordway kitchen) "Why didn't you wake me?"

Ken Palmer (Kelly Monahan): (to Mac Cory) "It's a pleasure meeting you, sir."

Ken Palmer (William Lyman): (to Rachel Cory about her sculpture) "Did you make a sketch of this first?"

Missy Palmer: (1964, to Ann Fuller in her bedroom) "Hm?"
([Reintro 1970] to Liz Matthews about Bill Matthews) "Mother...Bill was...He..."

Angie Perrini (Toni Kalem): (to Gil McGowan in his kitchen) "Hello, Gil."

Angie Perrini (Maeve Kinkead): (Frame Enterprises offices to Evan Webster) "Hi, Evan... You're in early."

Joey Perrini: (in the Perrini living room) "Hey, Angie, have you seen my calculus textbook?"

Rose Perrini: (while entering Ada Hobson's kitchen) “Morning, Ada."

Sven Peterson: (to Rocky Olsen in the Cory Mansion) "Good day, sir."

Ian Rain: (watching Paulina Cory about to undress by the Cory pool) "It's a bit early in the season for skinny-dipping, isn't it?"

John Randolph: (arriving home) "You still up, Lee?"

Lee Randolph (Gaye Huston): (answering the door to Mitchell Dru) "Uncle Mitch. I thought it was Dad."

Lee Randolph (Barbara Rodell): (to Pat Randolph about not registering for fall classes) "I just don't want to talk about it, Pat!"

Marianne Randolph (Tiberia Mitri): (Randolph living room, to Russ Matthews about the terrarium she made) "Mine was so good, the teacher asked if she could keep it."

Marianne Randolph (Ariane Muenker): (interrupting John and Pat Randolph's arguement) "I just came in to get my geometry book."

Marianne Randolph (Adrienne Wallace): (to Pat Randolph) "Hello, Mom."

Marianne Randolph (Beth Collins): (to Pat Randolph over the phone) "What happened, Mom?"

Michael Randolph (Glen Zachar): (to Pat Randolph about finding an error on his math homework) "Where?"

Michael Randolph (Lionel Johnston): (to Marianne Randolph from the other side of her door) "Open up and find out."

Olive Randolph: (over the phone) "Beatrice?"

Pat Randolph (Beverly Penberthy): (to Russ Matthews at the hospital) "This is all very unusual, isn't it Dr. Matthews? A doctor treating his own sister?"

Tomas Rivera: (to Maggie Cory, in a classroom, in response to her "Who are you?") "A fan. I heard you sing at the school dance."

Shane Roberts: (to Claire, a nurse at BCGH, in response to her flirting) "I dunno. What's broke?"

Bernice Robinson: (to Wayne Addison in his apartment) "It’s about time.”

Chad Rollo: (voice only to M.J. McKinnon over the phone at Mary's Place) "Hey...I'm part of your life baby. We oughta get together. What do you say?"
(to M.J. McKinnon in his apartment) "You're still so beautiful, M.J."

Dawn Rollo: (to Scott LaSalle on an airplane) "What are you doing?"

Alma Rudder: (to Cecile DePoulignac in her hotel room) "Any enemy of Blaine Ewing's is a friend of mine!"

Harry Shea: (to Joe Masterson at the Blackhawk dock site) "It might be bad luck for the two front runners to be seen talking together."

Pete Shea: (to Harry Shea about spending time at the stables) "Why don't you go take a look around? Maybe you'll understand why I like it here."

Dan Shearer (John Cunningham): (to Russ Matthews in his Houston hotel room) "Thanks."

Dan Shearer (Brian Murray): (to Liz Matthews in her apartment) "Hello, Liz."

Julia Shearer (Kyra Sedgwick): (to a Hare Krishna insisting she can take his coat) "I wish I could."

Eileen Simpson: (in a coffee shop while smiling at Jamie Frame) "Hi, Dennis."

Gary Sinclair (Timothy Gibbs): (to Josie Watts in Wallingford's after reaching for the same book) "No, no, no, no, no. It's me."

Gary Sinclair (John Littlefield): (BCPD, to Josie Watts) "Hey, where's Grant? You brought him in right?"

Caroline Stafford: (to Evan Frame in Amanda's office) "Evan, darling."

Jordan Stark (Joseph Barbara): (to Zak Wilder over the phone) "Excellent. Now our work can begin."

Jordan Stark (David Andrew MacDonald): (to Zak Wilder, about gaining Lila Roberts' trust) "Keep it up, Zak. You're handling her perfectly."

Jeff Stone: (1976, to Jim Matthews about John Randolph) "They still at the courthouse?"
([Reintro 1979] to Iris Wheeler in front of Kirk Laverty's suite) "Iris..."

Cliff Tanner: (to Willis Frame at his Cory Publishing office) "I'm very glad you called me back for a second interview."

Thomasina Todd (Sheila Spencer): (to Quinn Harding at the Fellowship Hall) "Well, it doesn't matter 'cuz I'm not gonna apply for anything at Blackhawk so what difference does it make what clothes I wear?"

Mark Venable: (to John Randolph, Walter, and Bernice) "The big question was at what rate the stock was exchanged."

Phillip Wainwright: (over the phone to Cynthia Whitefield) "My club has strict instructions not to interrupt me at backgammon."

Courtney Walker: (to Lisa Grady at the station house) "Likewise."

Maisie Watkins: (to a customer at Smiley's Diner) "You want some more coffee?"

Josie Watts (Alexandra Wilson): (voice only to Matthew Cory) "This is Riviera. Operator?"
(to herself in her bedroom about Matthew Cory) "Pretty sure. No, no, there's never any harm in keeping him waiting."

Josie Watts (Amy Carlson): (The New Year's Eve ball, to Matthew Cory) "Hi, Matt. I wanted to surprise you."

Josie Watts (Nadine Stenovitch): (to Gary Sinclair, who was prowling around their apartment wielding a baseball bat) "Gunning for a grand slam, slugger?

Barbara Weaver (Roberta Maxwell): (responding to Jim Matthews' comment about being attractive) "Now, Mr. Matthews, women lawyers try to forget such things."

Barbara Weaver (Kathryn Walker): (to John Randolph about Sally Frame's adoption) "That's one case that's ended without anyone getting hurt."

Dennis Wheeler (Mike Hammett): (to Louise Goddard Brooks about their geography lesson) "Langerhans...It's right here!"

Dennis Wheeler (Jim Poyner): (to Buzz Winslow in a ranch bunkhouse in Wyoming) "Just trying to get my boots on."

Dennis Wheeler (Chris Bruno): (to Iris Wheeler, Jamie Frame, and Paulina Cory in the Cory library) "Surprise."

Iris Wheeler (Beverlee McKinsey): (to Louise Goddard Brooks about Alice Matthews Frame) "Aren't you going to introduce us, Louise?"

Iris Wheeler (Carmen Duncan): (to Rachel Cory, at the front door of the Cory Mansion) "Rachel.... I was hoping Daddy would answer the bell. I wanted to surprise him!"

Buzz Winslow: (1978, to Mitch at the Ranch bunkhouse) “Where did the kids go?”
([Reintro 1982] to Blaine Ewing in a cabin) "You remember me, don't ya?"

Cass Winthrop: (1982, to Elena DePoulignac at the Cory Mansion terrace) "Hi, Elena."
([Reintro 1987] to Vince and Mary McKinnon at Mary's place, explaining the presence of a priest) "He's here because I asked him to come."

Morgan Winthrop: (to Brett Gardner, on bumping into her at Sassy's and knocking her tray of glasses down) "Can I help you with this? I'm... Well, I'm Morgan."

Stacey Winthrop (Terry Davis): (to servant Vincent) "I'm looking for Cass Winthrop. Is he here?"

Stacey Winthrop (Hilary Edson): (walking into Nicole Love's Design House) "Hello? Oh, good, I was worried that there wasn't going to be anyone here."

Remy Woods: (to Nick Hudson) "Ow! Don't slap me anymore, okay?"