Another World Video Library

July 1992 - November 1992 Highlights

Freeze Frames

Ryan does time

An extremely well-choreographed freeze frame

Carl and his favorite chess piece

Guess who?

Kevin has a secret

Felicia tells Jenna she has a new sister

The death of Lucas

Lucas watches over his family from beyond the grave

Donna goes into seduction mode

The twists and turns of Jake and Paulina

Ryan gets email from the Black King

Dennis gets his butt kicked on the court

Donna, John, and the mysterious Lily Tran

Jamie throws a temper tantrum

Jake, the man
in the mirror

A sexual harassment suit divides
Jamie and Kelsey

"Times like this a boy
needs his father"

Iris and Rachel team
up to nail Jake

Miscellaneous Highlights

Hot AW Commercial:
Who killed
Rick Madsion?

Summer Desire, the primetime episode

Lorna almost drowns trying to save Felicia

Grant and Amanda get caught in the hospital explosion

Sam sings of his love for Amanda

Vicky freaks when Grant proposes

Donna works her charms on Grant

Marley cheers wildly!

The return of
Russ Matthews

Lucas dies in Lorna's arms

Wacky wedding-dress Frankie montage