Matthew was raised by his mother, Rachel Cory, and her husband, the late Mac Cory, whom he was brought up to believe was his father.

In 1986, Matt found out for the first time that Mac was not his biological father and was devastated. They had been very close, and aside from a slight awkwardness at first, the two remained close until Mac died in 1989.

Freeze Frame Matt and Rachel enjoyed a close relationship for many years. Their first serious falling-out occurred in 1988, when Matthew discovered the circumstances of his birth. Matthew was very disillusioned with his mother, but eventually came around.

Matthew's hatred for Carl Hutchins, born out of the blue in 1996, took a terrible toll on his relationship with his mother. When she discovered he had been plotting with Carl's enemy Alexander Nikos, their closeness ended and they were estranged for several months. Matt botched his life by impregnating Lila and making her a fixture in the Cory mansion, but it also made Rachel rally to his side.

Freeze Frame

with Uncle Sam, on Matt Crane's first dayMatthew met his father, Mitch Blake, for the first time in 1986. Mitch remained in Bay City for the next four years, and during that time, the two got close. They parted in 1990 on very good terms. In 1997, Matt remarked to Sofia that he had not heard from his father in years.

Amanda and MatthewSiblings
Matthew has four half-siblings on his mother's side.

Jamie Frame. The two brothers have always been close and never had any kind of falling-out. Jamie left town in 1993.

Amanda Cory. Matthew and Amanda have seen each other through a lot and are very close. They united in 1997 to break up their mother's marriage to Carl. Matthew took the fall for Amanda when Rachel discovered the Hadley Prescott plot.

Elizabeth and Cory Hutchins.

Other Relatives
Ada Hobson (RIP), maternal grandmother. Gerald Davis (RIP), maternal grandfather. Wallace Edward Blake (RIP), paternal grandfather. Loretta Fowler, paternal grandmother. Sam Fowler, half-uncle. Pammy Davis, half-aunt. Nancy McGowan, half-aunt. Alli Fowler, half-niece. Steven Frame, half-nephew. Sam Lucas, great-uncle. Susannah Lucas, second cousin.