Tomas Rivera and Maggie Cory: Tomas scared the bejesus out of Maggie in a classroom by appearing before her while she was enthraled with a song playing on her walkman. (January 1994)
Recast: Tomas was delighted when Maggie walked into the Frame farm kitchen during a family meal. (June 1995)

Shane Roberts and Vicky Hudson
Michael hired Shane to do some carpentry work at Vicky's new house. When he arrived, Vicky fainted when she looked into his eyes for he had Ryan's corneas (August 1996)

Pete Shea and Diana Frame: Steve Frame's stables (December 1981)

Dan Shearer and Susan Matthews Shearer: Reacquaintance: Russ re-introduced Dan and Susan (who had dated in high school) at Fred's house (April 1970)

Gary Sinclair and Josie Watts
They reached for the same book at Wallingford's (April 1995)

Cass Winthrop and Frankie Frame
Frankie walked up to Cass, going over his notes at a desk in the empty courtroom, introduced herself, and discussed her murdered Uncle Jason with him. (April 1989)

Cass Winthrop and Nicole Love: Reacquaintance: Their romance kicked off after a minor tussle in a deserted warehouse. (September 1987). However, for the sticklers who realize that this was actually Rex, the faux Cass, here's the real meeting: Seeing whom she believed to be Cass murder someone on their wedding day, Nicole left the church distraught. In a splendid outdoor scene, Rex pursued his bride-to-be with murderous intentions. Thinking she'd lost him, Nicole dashed through a gate and into the arms of a recently escaped Cass. Unaware of the switch, Nicole proceeded to scream her head off. (October 1987)

Cass Winthrop and Kathleen McKinnon
Cass was very rude to Kathleen when she showed up to apply for a job as Felicia's secretary (September 1984)

Cass Winthrop and Kathleen McKinnon
Reacquaintance: They came face-to-face in a hotel courtyard in New Orleans (February 1991)

Morgan Winthrop and Lorna Devon:
To make Victor jealous, Lorna came on to Morgan at Sassy's (October 1993)

Morgan Winthrop and Brett Gardner
Morgan literally crashed into Brett and knocked her tray of glasses to the floor at Sassy's Bar (October 1993)
