JULY 1, 1974 (EP. #2520)
Alice looked at Liz with naked hostility and raged that everyone was making sure she never saw
Steve again. Russ and Jim prevented Mary from rushing over to take care of Alice. Liz phoned
Russ to say that Alice might need professional help. John and Sam vowed to find out what Tim
was up to. Sam walked out on Rachel and told her to get another lawyer when she criticized him
for losing her divorce case. Iris recommended Dr. Richard Gavin to Russ and Liz.
JULY 2, 1974 (EP. #2521)
John told Jim Steve's violent outburst in prison may result in an extended sentence. Rachel
complained about the lateness of Steve's alimony checks, then asked John to be her new lawyer.
Robert berated Vic for overworking Lenore, but she was able to reassure Robert things would
soon get back to normal. Tim convinced Alice to sign documents giving her power of attorney.
JULY 3, 1974 (EP. #2522)
Russ tried to calm Gil's fears about Ada's pregnancy. Rachel eavesdropped when Russ filled Linda
in on Alice's troubles. Jim told Pat that John had to fire Joan. Pat was happy to feel useful when
John agreed to let her take over Joan's duties. Mary told Jim that because Liz alienated her own
daughter she's trying to replace Mary in Alice's affections. Gil, Tim, and Rachel were pacing the
waiting room when Linda came in and told them Ada had been delivered of a girl.
Rachel: (About Gil) "I wish I'd had a father like that."
Gil: "How's Ada?"
Linda: "Ada's fine... and so's your new baby daughter."
Gil: "What? Daughter! Tim, you hear that?" [HE HUGS LINDA AND THEN HUGS TIM] A
girl...[Crossed out dialogue: Just what Ada wanted!]
Rachel: [SITTING QUICKLY] "I've got a baby sister now, too." [SHE BEGINS TO CRY. GIL LEAVES TIM AND GOES TO HER]
JULY 4, 1974 (EP. #2523)
Vic didn't care when John said Tim might not like their idea of Pat and Lenore working closely to
renew ties between Frame Enterprise and the Randolph law firm. Gil crowed over his new
daughter, then Sam got sad about his own daughter when Gil and Ada tried to think up a name for
the baby. Mary came by and offered to look after Ada, who was feeling the aftereffects of surgery.
Gil agreed when Mary asked him to speak to the warden on Alice's behalf. Pat got John to agree to
be Rachel's lawyer since it would enable him to protect their family's interest. Vic whistled softly to
himself and Pat laughed softly to herself after Rachel warned Vic nothing better be wrong with
Steve's company as it would endanger her divorce settlement.
Gil: "She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Ada... she smiled at me."
Ada: "Gil, that was gas."
Sam: "Nancy McGowan! Hey, that's a super name."
Note: Crossed out dialogue about Christopher being the choice of name if it were a male baby.
JULY 5, 1974 (EP. #2524)
Mary bust in and demanded to see Alice, but she wouldn't open her bedroom door to her, only to
Liz after Mary left. Alice was happy to hear Janice say Tim was trying to arrange regular visits
with Steve, but Liz told Russ that Alice was becoming so irrational she feared she couldn't cope
with her much longer. Tim visited Steve so he could authorize Alice's power of attorney. Iris
agreed to get Gavin to bump Alice up to the top of his waiting list. Russ was less than enthusiastic
when Iris invited him to a dinner she plans to cook herself. Alice was upset that Steve's letters have
been censored by the warden. Tim phoned her to say he has some papers he needs her to sign.
John and Jim weren't happy to hear that Steve was trusting Tim as his attorney. John angrily
poured himself a drink when Alice then Liz came down on him for having ratted on Steve.
Dialogue crossed out for time: Dennis: (About taking care of her plants) "Louise always talks to them, but I can't think of anything to say."
JULY 8, 1974 (EP. #2525)
John insisted to Pat he needed to drink to help him get through the professional troubles he was
having. Tim snapped his briefcase shut when Janice was curious about the work he was doing for
Steve's company. Mary worried to Jim about Liz's influence over Alice. John felt a failure since he
can't afford to pay Jim and Pat and because Tim has been maligning him to his clients. John
rebuffed Pat's intimate overtures in favor of pouring himself another drink.
JULY 9, 1974 (EP. #2526)
Tim slipped a separate document into the pile he had Alice sign for him. Alice told a suspicious Liz
that she trusts Tim since Steve obviously does. Jim and Sam assured Pat they would fight with her
to get John back on his feet. Iris introduced Russ to Gavin, and they decided to enlist Liz's help in
getting Alice to see Gavin. Robert was irritated but then placated when Lenore said Vic gave her a
lot of work to take home. They discussed all the little Delaneys Robert was eager to have.
Gavin: (About Mac) "He's very fond of you, too."
Iris: "Sometimes I think too much so."
Notes: First appearance of William Roderick as Dr. Richard Gavin.
JULY 10, 1974 (EP. #2527)
Gavin advised Liz to be straight with Alice about who he was and that he ran a private sanitarium
in Ogden. Pat worried when John didn't show up at the office. Gil doted on Ada back at home.
Rachel arrived and said she wants to move back into Steve's house so that Jamie won't have to live
in a cramped apartment. Alice bristled that Lenore had been sent over to babysit for her.
JULY 11, 1974 (EP. #2527)
Pat tried to pull a despondent John out of his depression, but he moaned about being a failure and
a laughing stock before belting down some more alcohol. Warden Eddie Halloway told Gil Steve's
situation wouldn't be settled until there was a hearing into the Berryville incident. Pat told Robert
to be patient when he felt Lenore's work was more important to her than her family. Rachel took
John's advice not to try to take over Steve's house while Alice was unwell, then watched him
reflectively as he fixed himself another drink.
JULY 12, 1974 (EP. #2529)
Gil told Mary about his visit with the warden and Ada told her not to give up on Alice. Tim wasn't
happy to hear that Gil was trying to manage some visits between Steve and Alice. Tim reassured
Steve that everything was all right with Alice. He got irritated when Steve said he wants to keep his
legal affairs separate from his financial ones. Liz had Gavin over to dinner with her and Alice, and
he frustrated her every attempt to pretend to Alice they were just old friends. Alice threw a fit
when Liz admitted she and Russ had asked Gavin to talk to Alice.
JULY 15, 1974 (EP. #2530)
Alice insisted she could not write Steve since other people would read her mail. Liz failed to convince
Alice to have Jim check the stock transfer Tim was having her authorize. Janice and Rachel were
barely civil when they clashed horns over Alice's condition. Gavin speculated that Alice may have
found a new way to run away when Russ told him about her running away to France (in 1970)
and to New York (in 1972). Rachel arrived demanding to see Alice, who ran up the stairs as
Rachel slipped past Liz, who grabbed her arm. Rachel shoved Liz aside, broke away, and ran
upstairs, with Liz following. Alice opened her bedroom door a crack when Rachel said she had
news about Steve, and Rachel entered quickly, then Alice locked Liz out.
JULY 16, 1974 (EP. #2531)
Russ said he would bring Gavin when Liz phoned him in a panic about Rachel. Alice sank down
on the bed when Rachel told her to leave the house because she and Jamie were moving back in
with Steve's permission. Alice and Rachel screamed at each other over Steve. Rachel taunted her
that she gave Steve what he wanted most, a son. Liz restrained Alice when she leapt at Rachel,
who left. Alice began throwing objects around and screaming for Rachel to get out of her house.
Lenore said she'd tell Vic she ran into a snag when she realized Robert was desperate for some
attention. Russ broke down the door to Alice's bedroom (when she'd locked herself in) where he
found her packing her suitcase and maintaining that Steve no longer loved her. Gavin was able to
convince Alice he had a nice place where she could rest.
JULY 17, 1974 (EP. #2532)
Pat told Sam and Jim something snapped in John over his guilt over what's happened to Alice.
Russ arrived and broke the news that Alice was sent to Clarevue Sanitarium last night. Tim told
Lenore he was going to institute some serious changes in the firm, and silenced her objections by
flourishing a paper Alice had signed transferring all authority under her power of attorney to him.
Tim pulled the wool over Janice's eyes when she voiced her concern, then put his feet up on the
desk and smiled to himself. Steve's firm did business with Gordon Construction. Ada was upset to
hear from Liz what Rachel had been up to. Vic vowed to Lenore he won't let Tim force him out of
the firm.
JULY 18, 1974 (EP. #2533)
John was miserable about his impotency with Pat. Liz broke down when she told Vic and Lenore
that Alice had been committed. Vic urge Lenore to talk to Gil about getting them in to see Steve.
The warden allowed Lenore to visit Steve, and revealed Gerald was back at Berryville, fully
recovered from his injuries. Tim freaked when Ada told him about Gil and Lenore's visit to the
warden, and Janice was upset when he yelled at her about it. Lenore broke the news about Alice to
Steve, who was despondent there was no way he could convince Alice he hadn't agreed to give
Rachel back the house. Steve was too upset to listen when Lenore broached the subject of business
JULY 19, 1974 (EP. #2534)
Russ told Mary that Gavin wouldn't allow Alice to have visitors for a while. Worried about the
strain she'd been under, Robert stopped Lenore from trying to see Alice. Liz defended herself
when Mary accused her of various things. Liz criticized Mary for being too possessive of her
children and said she alienated Alice by her constant criticisms of Steve. Sam offered to stand in
for John when Pat told Vic John was unavailable to help him. Liz pitied John when she saw the
state he was in, but still blamed him for Alice's troubles. John stormed out on Pat for not telling
him about Alice's commitment.
JULY 22, 1974 (EP. #2535)
Wally and Robert were both disappointed that Lenore couldn't join them on their fishing
expedition. Tim was looking forward to an evening out with Janice when Vic dropped by to say he
had no intention of giving up his authority to anyone. Dennis was excited when Iris said her father
was making plans to vacation in Bay City that summer rather than in Spain so he could get to see
them. Lenore tried to comfort Pat, who told her about John's slump. John got kicked out of a bar
and just lay there on the street, finally dozing off.
JULY 23, 1974 (EP. #2536)
Rachel commented on how fast Nancy was growing while Gil burped her. Gil didn't think it was a
good idea for Jamie to visit Steve in State Prison, and Ada blasted Rachel for doing things in
Jamie's name when they really benefited her. Gil chased Rachel out, warning her he would keep
her from upsetting Ada. Sam reassured Pat he wouldn't abandon the firm. Iris told Russ she didn't
want her father to dominate her life anymore, because she wanted to make room for a certain
busy, attractive doctor.
JULY 24, 1974 (EP. #2537)
Gil demanded that Rachel promise not to draw her mother into her fights, but Rachel was upset
that Ada doesn't need her anymore. Pat confided in Vic that John hasn't come home yet after
walking out on her. Liz said she would look into it when Robert hoped Gavin would give them a
statement saying Alice had been in no condition to sign legal documents. Rachel found John
slumped over a drink in a bar. He wouldn't say more than a few words to her before lurching out
the door. Rachel paid Rudy, the bartender, to notify her if John got into trouble.
JULY 25, 1974 (EP. #2538)
Gavin told Liz he can't invalidate the paper Alice signed unless she signed them after he made her
acquaintance. Steve begged Gil to ask Russ to talk to Alice. Mary insisted Liz was to blame for
Alice's troubles when Gavin said Alice's mind had run away. Sam put a restraining hand on Liz's
arm when she tried to comfort Pat, then used work to try to get Pat's mind off her troubles.
JULY 26, 1974 (EP. #2539)
Rachel went to the Berryville prison to try to get the charges against Steve dropped for Jamie's
sake. Gerald was resolute that Steve does not get off the hook, and Rachel insisted to the warden that
Gerald had provoked Steve. Janice was sure Tim would take care of all the business arrangements
Lenore was worrying about, and agreed to make her a copy of Tim's power of attorney transfer
papers. Liz was cagey when Dennis inquired about Alice. Iris told Liz her father specifically asked
to be remembered to her. Steve reamed Tim out for not having kept sufficient watch over Alice.
Steve was thrilled that his visiting rights were restored when the new charges against him were
dropped, but marveled at the fact that Rachel was responsible.
Gerald: (Exit Line, 1974) "Someday, Rachel, you're going to run into somebody who'll out-trick you. And I want to be around when that day comes."
Notes: Last appearance of Walter Mathews as Gerald Davis.
JULY 29, 1974 (EP. #2540)
Jamie introduced Dennis to his aunt Nancy. Gil and Ada couldn't figure why Tim wasn't happy
that the charges against Steve were dropped. Pat told Mary she's not sure what to tell the twins
about John when they return from camp. Pat didn't believe Mary's accusations against Liz. Pat
blew Rachel off when she asked about Alice. Rachel told Sam she'd seen John drowning his
sorrows at a bar near the marina. Rachel bared her fangs at Tim when he came down on her for
interfering in Steve's case, then softened when she told him it would be to his advantage to tell her
where Alice's sanitarium was.
JULY 30, 1974: Pre-empted for Coverage of Judicial Hearings on Impeachment of President Richard Nixon.
JULY 31, 1974 (EP. #2541)
Liz didn't want Mary feeling badgered when Jim offered to talk to her about her feelings toward
Liz. Jim gave Vic the statement Gavin signed effectively revoking Tim's power of attorney. Lenore
asked Helen to fill in for her during dinner with Wally and Robert. Russ and Dennis tried to get
Iris interested in swimming. Dennis made Russ's day by revealing that Iris likes him. Sam visited
the bar and bribed Rudy to notify him of John's whereabouts. Robert vowed to see Steve so he
could put an end to Lenore's busy schedule.
AUGUST 1, 1974 (EP. #2542)
Gil told Zack he'd be driving Steve over to visit Alice. Gil was sure Tim only had Steve's best
interests in mind when Vic filled him in on the papers Tim had Alice sign and the document Gavin
signed invalidating them. Sam told Pat that John may have to hit rock bottom before he can begin
to climb up again. Tim managed to deflect Janice's concerns, then told Gil to stay out of it when
Gil suggested he cooperate with Vic. Tim derided Janice for giving Lenore a copy of the papers,
then was regretful for losing his temper.
AUGUST 2, 1974 (EP. #2543)
Iris persuaded Mary to have dinner at her house so she could invite Gavin to inform her about
Alice. Iris told Russ she really wants Mary over so that they could become better friends for his
sake. Robert took a swing at Tim for yelling at Lenore, then Vic came in and broke the two men
up. Tim vowed to settle things when Vic told him about Gavin's statement. He arrived at the prison
and was incensed to learn Gil had just taken Steve on his trip to see Alice. Rachel showed up with
suitcase in hand to reclaim Steve's house but Liz fought her every step of the way. Liz and Rachel
were sitting on the sofa staring at each other when the doorbell rang. Rachel insisted on opening
the door herself and was floored to see Steve and Gil. She vowed no one was going to stop her
from moving back in.
AUGUST 5, 1974 (EP. #2544)
Steve grabbed Rachel's suitcase from her when she started upstairs and threw it violently in the
direction of the front door. It opened, spilling out clothes into the foyer. Rachel left when Gil
threatened to arrest her for trespassing. Ada sent Jamie next door to see Joey Perrini so she could
talk to Rachel, who maintained Gil was just doing what Steve wanted because he was rich and
powerful. Janice refused to let Tim bully her into using her to get information out of people, so he
phoned up Russ and got him to tell him where Alice was. Alice freaked out when Gavin told her
Steve had arrived to see her, and Gavin had to tell Steve Alice adamantly refuses to see him.
Steve: (To Rachel) "One more word out of you, and I'll throw you out the door along with your suitcase."
Jamie: "I wish I had a little sister."
Ada: "Maybe someday you will have."
AUGUST 6, 1974 (EP. #2545)
Gavin told Steve Alice was erecting a wall between herself and others to protect herself from
losing what she wants most. Jamie thought it was a great idea when Rachel told him they might
move into Steve's house now that Alice no longer lives there. After phoning Janice to ask her to
come over, Steve asked Gil about his chances for parole. When Gavin claimed Alice was just
punishing the people who loved her, she said she wanted to live with her memories only not other
AUGUST 7, 1974 (EP. #2546)
Steve wrote Vic a memorandum making it clear everything was in Vic's hands from now on.
Janice insisted Tim was loyal to Steve. Mac showed up earlier than expected on Iris's doorstep. Iris
told him her past experiences with love and marriage didn't make her very confident about her
relationship with Russ. Mac told Gavin his sister Edith had turned down his marriage proposal.
Mac was introduced to Mary and Jim and remembered seeing Mary briefly while visiting Iris in
hospital. Janice assured Tim she was there for him, one loner to another, when he complained that
no one trusted him.
Mac: (Douglass Watson, Introduction Line) (Iris Carrington's house) "Hello, Louise."
Notes: First appearance of Douglass Watson as Mac Cory.
AUGUST 8, 1974 (EP. #2547)
Tim accused Gil of joining the people who were out to destroy him. Robert warned a satisfied Vic
that Tim wouldn't let Steve's memo stand in his way. Robert got angry when Lenore let Vic dump
extra work on her. Russ convinced Pat Alice might see her since they'd always been very close.
Sam's visit with Nancy made him pine for Susannah. Tim arranged to have Steve's assets
converted to negotiable bonds.
AUGUST 9, 1974 (EP. #2548)
Ada confronted Rachel for avoiding her since Nancy was born. Rachel accused her of having stopped
caring for her and Jamie when she married Gil. A miserable Ada left when Rachel cast her out of
her life. Iris encouraged it when Mac invited Liz on the hike he was taking with Dennis and Jamie.
Helen warned Lenore about the effect her work was having on her marriage. Tim wasn't
immediately cooperative when Robert wanted him to get him to see Steve so he could talk to him
about Lenore.
Notes: This synopses is based on the script, which is the most complete source currently available for this episode. Broadcast history sources indicate that it may have been interrupted or partially pre-empted during its original air date.
AUGUST 12, 1974 (EP. #2549)
The warden allowed Robert to see Steve even though it wasn't a visiting day when Robert said it
was a personal matter concerning his wife. Mary was upset she wasn't told Pat went over to try to
see Alice. Tim presented Janice with a ring and insisted he loved her and that she'd changed him
for the better. Janice accepted but wanted to wait until Steve's release before announcing it.
Initially scared, Alice was cheered by Pat's visit, especially when Pat held her and sang softly to
her. Steve told Robert he would have Vic relieve Lenore of her heavy work schedule. Milt
Downing, Tim's broker, told him the cash was deposited in a Swiss bank account.
Alice: "I haven't thought about Bill for years... I didn't know you remembered those things."
Pat: "Oh, yes. I remember all the happy days we had."
AUGUST 13, 1974 (EP. #2550)
Tim complained to Janice about it when Robert told him he'd been to see Steve. Pat visited Russ
to tell him Alice alternates between very dependent and very hostile. Iris arrived for her lunch date
with Russ and tried to convince Pat to come over for dinner. Vic and Lenore were bothered when
Robert said he'd spoken to Steve about the work situation. Tim stepped up his plans when Vic
showed him a copy of Steve's memo.
AUGUST 14, 1974 (EP. #2551)
Pat tried to explain to Mary why Alice had agreed to see Liz only. Pat got emotional when Sam
got a call from Rudy saying John had been around. Steve instructed Vic to give Robert and Lenore
a vacation despite the delays in business it would cause. Robert insisted on accompanying Pat to
John's bar. Vic shooed Lenore out of the office, claiming Tim's actions had blinded him to the
separation of business and personal matters. Pat was upset when Rudy told her Rachel Frame had
been there talking to John once. Steve learned he was being paroled.
AUGUST 15, 1974 (EP. #2552)
Gil dropped Steve at his house and warned him to control that temper of his. Liz tried to explain to
Steve who sick Alice was. Dennis assured Mac he doesn't mind that Iris was seeing Russ. Iris told
Mac she was afraid Russ's feelings for her would turn to contempt the way Eliot's did. Steve
caught Robert and Lenore before they left on vacation and thanked them for the hard work they
put in. Pat warned Rachel to stay out of her life. Alice hung up on him when Steve called her from
Gavin's office.
Pat: "Hello, Jamie."
Jamie: "Do I know you?"
Pat: "You did when you were a baby... I'm Mrs. Randolph."
AUGUST 16, 1974 (EP. #2553)
Pat told Jim she didn't believe Rachel was interested in John's welfare as she claimed she was.
Steve admitted to Pat it may have been a mistake to have dismissed John as his attorney, and was
further distressed to hear Jim say John simply gave up and walked out on everything. Over lunch
at Tallboys, Mac and Liz agreed Iris and Russ were well suited. They realized they themselves
have a lot in common since Liz has close ties to her nieces and nephews and Mac had been much
too close to Iris since her mother died when she was a little girl. Tim received a tongue lashing
from Steve about maligning John and acting improperly as his attorney. Liz convinced Alice to see
Steve by saying he could explain everything that happened.
AUGUST 19, 1974 (EP. #2554)
Pat told Mary she was tired of making excuses to other people about John. Mary was at a loss to
understand either of her daughters. Tim confronted Gil about undermining him with Steve. Ada
tried to hold a summit meeting between them. Steve was not enthused over Janice's engagement news.
Jamie and Rachel were rearranging the furniture in their apartment when Rudy phoned to say John
was in the bar. Steve arrived to see Alice, who announced it would be the last time they ever spoke
AUGUST 20, 1974 (EP. #2555)
Alice told Steve she was freeing him from their marriage so he would be safe from her. Alice said it was
better she'd never had their baby as it would have grown up to compete with Jamie for Steve's
love. Rudy detained John so that he was still there when Rachel arrived. She convinced John to
come to her apartment and talk. While John pestered her for a drink, Rachel phoned Ada to have
Jamie stay with her for a couple of days. Rachel told John to stop blaming himself for what other
people did to themselves.
Alice: "You've always lied to me, Steve... way back, long before we were married, when Rachel had your baby.. then later, when you pretended to be out on business trips to be with her."
AUGUST 21, 1974 (EP. #2556)
Steve dropped by to thank Gil and was thrilled to see Jamie. Ada was worried when Jamie and
Steve left to spend time together without telling Rachel. Rachel told John she would advance him
money to get him set up in a motel room. Tim fended off Janice's questions about the envelope of
receipts Milt had dropped off. Vic rushed out to see Milt when Janice confided in him about her
AUGUST 22, 1974 (EP. #2557)
Vic told Milt Tim had misled him about their entire transaction. Pat told Sam she was giving up on
John when they visited the bar again and were told John had left with Rachel. Mary confronted
Liz about encouraging Alice to see Steve, saying that he's brought her nothing but unhappiness and
humiliation. Russ told Iris she would have to accept his devotion to his family, and warned that
being married to Rachel made him wary of being manipulated into doing things he didn't believe
in. Steve assured Mary that they both wanted Alice to be well and happy again. Tim arranged to
flee to Brazil.
AUGUST 23, 1974 (EP. #2558)
Vic came to see Gil about his suspicions. Janice went to Tim's apartment to tell him Gil was trying
to reach him. While he was on the phone, Janice took his envelope of receipts and slipped it under
her jacket. Pat told Russ she is forced to believe that John and Rachel are living together. Gavin
tried to interest Alice in living with Pat and taking care of her children. Rachel and John insisted that
there was nothing between them when Russ found them in her apartment. Rachel told John that
Steve would pay for the misery he's caused both of them.
AUGUST 26, 1974 (EP. #2559)
Gil and Vic told Steve that evidence indicates Tim sold most of Frame Enterprises stock. Steve
was hesitant to sign the warrant for Tim's arrest but Gil was insistent he do it. Janice phoned Gil
after she got Tim to come over to pick up the envelopes. Pat hurled abuse at Steve for causing
John's downfall when he came by to enlist Sam's professional help. In a meeting with Mary and
Jim, Gavin said Alice needs to resume an outwardly normal life. Janice detained Tim until Steve
and Gil arrived. Gil grabbed Tim's briefcase when Tim tried to bolt. Gil snapped the cuffs on Tim
after he said his men would shoot him if he tried to resist arrest. Tim told Janice to keep his ring as
a souvenir of turning in someone who trusted her.
Tim: "Are you arresting me, Pop?"
Gil: "You think I'm going to let you go?"
Tim: "Most fathers would."
Gil: "Maybe. But then you're not like most sons, are you?"
AUGUST 27, 1974 (EP. #2560)
Steve told Pat he'd like to rehire John. While being booked, Tim complained that Burt was Gil's
favorite and that Gil never paid them any attention after their mother died. Tim stubbornly
professed his innocence and vowed to fight his conviction every step of the way. Janice was
disconsolate about Tim since she loved him and he always made her feel wanted. Steve managed
to talk Janice out of leaving town. Alice agreed to go home with Mary and Jim if they promised
never to talk to her about Steve.
Tim: "Thanks for everything, Pop. I hope you can sleep nights."
Janice: "You've been a loner since you ran away from home, Steve... And I'm used to being alone, too. Maybe that's best for us Frames."
AUGUST 28, 1974 (EP. #2561)
Russ visited Mary and Jim and found Alice happy to be back in safe, comfortable surroundings.
Gil told Ada his talk with Tim yesterday was the worst experience of his life, and she told him she's
experienced the same with Rachel. Rachel visited John in his motel room and tried to get him back
on his feet, but he took a sip of whiskey after she left. Steve began to lose patience when Russ told
him that Alice was getting great security from living in the past.
AUGUST 29, 1974 (EP. #2562)
Vic beat a hasty retreat when Rachel burst in to see Steve. Rachel smiled and warned him he was
only on parole when he threatened to throw her out. Pat stared at her blindly and then rushed from
the room when Rachel taunted her that all John needed was encouragement from someone who
cared about him. Sam told Rachel she'll get her check from Steve when Sam decided to send it.
Gil brought Tim over when he wanted to thank Ada and say goodbye to her. Tim told her she was
the only mother he'd ever had and didn't want Gil to turn her against him. Sam advised Steve to
ask Mac for advice on acquiring a loan to reimburse the buyers of his stock. Gil and Ada realized
Tim had bolted out the front door when he was supposed to be visiting Nancy. Gil phoned the
police with tears streaming down his face as Ada put her arms around him.
Notes: Last appearance of Christopher Allport as Tim McGowan.
AUGUST 30, 1974 (EP. #2563)
Robert and Lenore returned from their trip and learned Tim had embezzled practically all Steve's
stock. Pat visited Alice but couldn't get her to talk about Steve, who has been bombarding Alice
with roses every day. Steve enlisted Lenore's help with Alice. Mac told Iris he would look into it
when she worried Tim may have misappropriated funds from her as well. Robert told Wally not to
be sore at Lenore for having missed their evening out.
SEPTEMBER 2, 1974 (EP. #2564)
Rachel told Ada Tim wasn't worth worrying about and that Janice and Tim deserved each other.
Alice told Lenore she wishes she could wipe out everything that's happened since Lenore was in
love with Bill. Mac and Dennis were playing chess on Iris's patio when Rachel came in to pick
Jamie up from swimming. Mac told her he was having such a good time he may be staying in Bay
City indefinitely. Pat agreed that Sam should follow Rachel so they could learn where John was
when Rachel came over to inform them that Rachel was acting as John's secretary. Rachel advised Mac to
let John be Iris's new lawyer.
Dennis: "Oh, you know my grandfather, don't you?"
Mac: "Didn't we meet when you were in New York with Iris last year?"
Rachel: "That's right... You were very kind to me."
SEPTEMBER 3, 1974 (EP. #2565)
Rachel accused Ada of keeping secrets from her when Jamie admitted he'd spent the day with
Steve when he got out of prison. Steve told Lenore he's worried people would influence Alice
against him. John didn't want to face Steve when Rachel wanted John to speak to him about his
visitation rights. John vowed to prove to Pat that he was worthy of her love and respect. He visited
Iris and agreed to be her lawyer.
Rachel: "I know Steve better than anyone else in the world."
Ada: "You still love him, don't you?"
Rachel: "I've told you before. I've always loved Steve and I always will, and someday he and I and
Jamie will all be together again."
SEPTEMBER 4, 1974 (EP. #2566)
Rachel threatened to have Steve reported for visiting Jamie without her permission. She said he
had an unreasonable hostility toward her, and he thought it was justified since Rachel triggered
Alice's breakdown by lying that Steve agreed she could move back into the house. Sam and Janice
felt they were the wrong people to speak to Rachel on Steve's behalf, so Pat suggested Lenore.
Pat worried that Rachel would poison John's mind against Steve. Liz asked Mac to see if Iris knew
how to reach John. Robert stormed out when Lenore agreed to Steve's request to speak to Rachel.
SEPTEMBER 5, 1974 (EP. #2567)
Rachel wouldn't go for it when Steve suggested Lenore as a disinterested third party during his
visits with Jamie. She refused to tell him where John was. Ada tried to make Gil feel better about
Tim. Ada advised Sam to talk to Pat when Sam admitted he likes her. Mac told Steve and Vic that
his lawyers have retrieved the funds Tim put in the Swiss bank accounts. Steve told Liz Mac
seemed very taken with her, but she didn't feel someone of his experience and stature would be
interested in her.
SEPTEMBER 6, 1974 (EP. #2568)
Jim and Mary failed to interest Alice in outdoor activities. Robert told Lenore he was sick and tired
of her letting Steve draw her into every aspect of his life. He felt she must be unhappy if she was
jumping at every chance to take time away from him. Pat told Sam not to hope for something that
can't happen when he asked her out to dinner. Sam talked Janice out of leaving town when she
said everything around her reminded her of Tim. Alice told Gavin she and Steve only make each
other unhappy.
Pat: "You're a good friend, Sam. But I'm a one-woman man."
SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 (EP. #2569)
Steve dropped by Iris's and she gave him John's address. Robert was relieved when Rachel said
she won't allow Steve to use Lenore as a go-between. She tried to warn him that Steve uses
everyone else to get what he wants. Alice told Lenore that Steve has to learn to live without her.
Lenore told Robert he shouldn't take his irritations about Steve out on Vic. Rachel wasn't pleased
when Steve showed up at John's motel room to apologize and ask him to come back as his
SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 (EP. #2570)
With Rachel filling his ear with dire warnings about Steve, John told him he would never again put
himself in a situation where he could lose his income and his pride. A discouraged Steve told Pat
not to count on John coming back home. John refused to be drawn into Rachel's hostilities toward
Steve and the Matthews family. John poured his drink down the washbasin, held Pat's photo, and
vowed to be back when he could stand on his own two feet again. Steve told Lenore he would try
to delay sending Robert to oversee a project in Florida.
SEPTEMBER 11, 1974 (EP. #2571)
Jim wanted them to stay out of it when Mary wanted to know why John was involving himself
with Rachel. Liz accused Mary of preventing her from seeing Alice. Gil advised Janice to forget
about Tim, then they both regretted not letting Tim know how much they loved him. Alice was
happy when Liz came to visit her, and Mary was smug that Alice now agreed with her about
Gil: "I love my son, Janice... I always will... and I'll always worry about where he is and what he's doing."
SEPTEMBER 12, 1974 (EP. #2572)
Steve wouldn't hear of it when Rachel wanted Jamie to visit his parents while they're together.
Rachel taunted Lenore about spending so much time with Steve and neglecting Robert. Ada
refused Mary's request to talk to Rachel about her relationship with John. Pat invited Janice to
dinner when she sensed how lonely she was. Steve reassured Mary he was certain nothing was
going on between Rachel and John, and agreed to stop that relationship for Pat's sake.
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 (EP. #2573)
Robert accused Steve of taking advantage of Lenore. Steve tried to explain that work meant a great
deal to her because she'd had no independent life with Walter. Mac told Liz he was going to take
her out to dinner so that Russ and Iris would have time alone, and so that he would have time
alone with Liz. Russ and Iris took advantage of their privacy to kiss passionately. Steve told Pat he
would make sure Rachel wasn't around so Pat could visit John in his motel room alone.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 (EP. #2574)
Steve came over to arrange a visit, but a glum Jamie realized Rachel wouldn't allow it. Steve
surprised Rachel by inviting her along on his dinner with Jamie. Steve thought Lenore might be
considering his feelings more than necessary, but she was upset Robert had been dictating her life
and making decisions for her. Lenore insisted she had every right to use her talents and abilities
just like any man, and accused Robert of being possessive and domineering. He delivered an
ultimatum: her career or their marriage. Pat begged John to come home and try to work things
SEPTEMBER 17, 1974 (EP. #2575)
John said he can't return to her until he solves his impotency problems. John said Rachel believed
in him when no one else did, and Pat believed him when he said there was nothing going on
between them. Jamie reminisced about similar happy times during dinner with his parents. They
tried to reassure him they both loved him, and Rachel got encouraged by Steve's attitude. Helen
told Lenore that wives have to make compromises, but Lenore couldn't understand Robert's point
of view. Rachel said Jamie was thinking of becoming an architect when he wanted to show Steve
some drawings. Rachel told Steve she loved him and that he didn't love Alice, just the idea of her.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1974 (EP. #2576)
Pat thanked Steve for getting her to see John alone but told him not to concern himself about it
anymore. Jim convinced Pat to ask Liz to babysit so she wouldn't feel excluded from the family.
Janice told Steve she'd decided to make a clean break and leave town. Liz suggested that Pat have
Russ with her when she tells the twins that John doesn't want to come home. Rachel told Ada John
was the only one who treats her like a human being.
SEPTEMBER 19, 1974 (EP. #2577)
Lenore told Steve she wouldn't let Robert dominate her life the way Walter did, and vowed not to
let Robert influence her decision to help Steve with Alice. Russ and Iris realized their
match-makers were becoming interested in each other. Iris insisted she wasn't jealous of Mac and
Liz, then Mac came in and joked that she and Russ should get married so he wouldn't have to
apologize for intruding on them while they kissed. Gil told Ada Burt called him to say he'd
received a postcard from Tim in Brazil.
Gil: (To Ada) "You and Nancy have given me back the youth I thought I'd lost forever."
SEPTEMBER 20, 1974 (EP. #2578)
Alice told Gavin Steve loved his son more than he loved her, then agreed to ask Pat if she wanted
help with the twins. Mac asked John to handle the transaction since he's thinking of purchasing
some property in Bay City. Janice said goodbye to Lenore, saying she'd given up expecting much
from life anymore. She apologized for the troubles she caused them before Robert and Lenore
were married. Pat was too overcome, so Russ broke it to Michael and Marianne that John wouldn't
be coming home until he'd worked out a business problem.
Marianne: (Tiberia Mitri, Introduction Line) (to Russ about the terrarium she made in school) "Mine was so good, the teacher asked if she could keep it."
Pat: "Oh, Michael, here's your mistake. You didn't carry the two..."
Michael: (Glen Zachar, Introduction Line) "Where?" ([PAT] SHOWS HIM)
Janice: "I'm leaving Bay City."
Notes: First appearance of Glen Zachar and Tiberia Mitri as Michael and Marianne Randolph.
SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 (EP. #2579)
Rachel hugged John and said she was proud of him when he had to arrange to lease office space
with the work Mac was giving him. Janice told Steve she was leaving for New York to look for
work in a law office. Janice regretted she didn't give Tim the love he needed, so Steve told her he
wouldn't press charges if Tim were apprehended. Arranging Steve's visitation schedule with
Lenore, Rachel thought two days a week should be enough. Janice told Gil to get in touch with her
if he heard from Tim. After John filled her in, Rachel wondered why Mac was interested in Bay
City since he seemed to lead an exciting life in New York.
Janice: "I don't really have a home."
Steve: "You'll always have a home with me. Remember that."
Gil: "Goodbye, Janice."
Janice: (Victoria Thompson, Exit Line) "Bye. Give my love to Ada."
Notes: Last appearance of Victoria Thompson as Janice Frame.
SEPTEMBER 24, 1974 (EP. #2580)
Rachel couldn't keep her eyes of them when Steve and Lenore came into the restaurant. Steve
worried he was causing dissension between her and Robert. Pat wouldn't let Russ coax her into
coming to dinner at Iris's. Iris agreed to act as a link between John and his family since it would
make Russ happy. John didn't want to hear Rachel's suspicions of Steve and Lenore's relationship.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1974 (EP. #2581)
Lenore told Helen she shouldn't have told Rachel Robert was out of town when Rachel phoned
last night, then accused her of misconstruing her relationship with Steve. Pat managed to talk Alice
into looking after Michael and Marianne, but Alice confided to Jim that she was afraid being
around children might upset her. Lenore told Steve he'd been too hard on Vic for telling her
Robert might have to extend his stay in Florida. Rachel phoned Robert with a cryptic message
about Lenore making a fool out of herself with another man.
SEPTEMBER 26, 1974 (EP. #2582)
Robert demanded Rachel tell him what she knew, then, upon hearing her account, said Rachel
suffered from a bad case of jealousy. Rachel smiled to herself when she got Robert to think Steve
was after Lenore for the same reason he was after Alice, because of what both women represented
to him. Gavin told Russ he suspects there's some physical condition Alice was hiding. Mac and Liz
stood in for Iris during her lunch date with Pat when Iris had to see her friend Theresa Lamonte
who was rushed to the hospital last night. Mac told Pat (whom he had met in New York when Pat
visited Alice) not to let pride destroy her marriage. Robert complained that other people dominated
his life-- his father, who wouldn't let him become an architect and made him enter the family
business, then his first wife who idolized his father and paid Robert little attention, and he didn't
want Steve to dominate his life by dominating Lenore's.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1974 (EP. #2583)
Russ insisted Alice come to the hospital and let Dr. Gilchrist give her an examination. Lenore felt
for him when Vic said he feels like an outsider. Mac invited John to dinner with him, Liz, and Pat.
Robert handed his resignation to Steve, who sensed Rachel's hand in it. Russ confirmed Alice's
worst fears when he said her tests reveal she'll never be able to have children.
SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 (EP. #2584)
John phoned Pat about visiting Michael and Marianne, but she worried that seeing him would
upset Alice. Lenore accused Rachel of causing trouble for her and Robert and John and Pat, but
Rachel just smiled and said Lenore was adding herself to the long list of people Steve betrayed. Liz
and Mac managed to convince Pat to attend their dinner with John. Michael and Marianne were
thrilled when John came to visit. Alice wouldn't elaborate when she told John she can't give Steve
what he wants.
Marianne: (Tiberia Mitri, Exit Line) (to John) (about bringing work home with him) "Couldn't you do that in your office?"
Alice: "Hey, you two, you said you had some drawings you wanted to show your father..."
Michael: (Glen Zachar, Exit Line) "That's right...Let's go get them, Marianne...Don't go way, Daddy..."
Notes: Last appearance of Glen Zachar and Tiberia Mitri as Michael and Marianne Randolph.
OCTOBER 1, 1974 (EP. #2585)
Pat failed to cheer Alice up by saying she'll feel different when she has children. Alice urged Pat to
fight for John, especially when she learned he's been spending time with Rachel. Ada couldn't
understand why Rachel was devoting so much time to John. Russ couldn't get Alice to tell Steve
about her condition, and covered when Mary wondered why she was so upset. Robert began to
pack his things when Lenore couldn't convince him he meant more to her than her friends.
Robert: (To Lenore) "It's better to cut this off now than to wait until what was love becomes hatred. I've been through that before, and I'll never go through it again."
OCTOBER 2, 1974 (EP. #2586)
Vic worried that Steve was more critical of his work than he used to be. Lenore told Steve Robert
walked out on her and apologized for the damage his quitting will do to the firm until they can hire
a replacement. Rachel wasn't helpful when Robert asked her to persuade Lenore not to be
involved in Steve and Alice's situation. She told him she'd suggest him to Mac since Mac intends to
build in Bay City and Robert is out of a job. Mac phoned Rachel to ask if Dennis could have
dinner with her and Jamie so John and Pat could have dinner alone. Liz was doubtful when Mac
told her Rachel had sounded sincere in her hopes for a John/Pat reconciliation. Robert told Steve that
he was leaving before Steve turned against him like he did to John, Rachel, and Alice.
OCTOBER 3, 1974 (EP. #2587)
Rachel warned Vic he was next on Steve's hit list after Robert. Lenore was a bit put out by
Rachel's rigid visitation schedule for Steve. Lenore came close to the truth when Russ wouldn't tell
her what was wrong with Alice. John agreed when Rachel asked him to recommend Robert to
Mac, but wouldn't join in speculating about Lenore's private life. Lenore was worried she couldn't
reach Rachel to tell her Steve had invited Wally along to dinner with Jamie.
OCTOBER 4, 1974 (EP. #2588)
Sam was concerned for her when Pat said she was dining with John, Mac, and Liz. Sam thought it
might be harder for Steve personally than professionally when Vic told him Robert had resigned.
Mac revealed to John that he's combined with some book and magazine publishers who have been
looking for an ideal site for a combination plant and warehouse (which Mac has found in 100
acres near the Point), and agreed Robert was a good choice for an architect. Mac and Liz made
themselves scarce so that Pat and John would have time alone, during which John told Pat he was
ready to come home. Steve wouldn't budge from her home when Mary insisted he leave.
OCTOBER 7, 1974 (EP. #2589)
Jim prevented Mary from phoning Alice to warn her Steve was on his way over. John tried to
explain his tolerance of Rachel to Pat. They hugged and kissed when Pat accepted him back. Steve
confronted Alice about her refusal to reunite, but she threatened to run away where he'll never find
her if he continues to force himself on her. The arrival of Pat and John provided Alice with the
cover she needed to dash out the door. Mac told Liz he admires Rachel as someone who goes after
what she wants. Jim stroked Alice's hair as she cried about loving Steve.
Pat: (To John) "When the next crisis in our lives comes... will you walk out again because you don't think you can handle it?"
OCTOBER 8-9, 1974: Pre-empted for coverage of the American League Playoffs Games.
OCTOBER 10, 1974 (EP. #2590)
As he moved out of his motel room, John laid Rachel low by telling her Steve and Alice had been
together at his house last night. Alice made Russ promise not to reveal her condition to anyone,
then Linda dragged her to visit the nurses. John asked Sam not tell Steve that Mac decided not to
choose Frame Enterprises. Lenore told Vic Rachel was responsible for her breakup.
OCTOBER 11, 1974 (EP. #2591)
Lenore and Steve tried to find a way to keep Rachel from maneuvering them into a defensive
position. Rachel felt it was a dangerous liberty that threatened to grow unabated when Ada told her
Wally had been included in Steve's dinner with Jamie. Pat and Lenore realized they were different
kinds of women: Pat was a happy homemaker, but Lenore needed more out of life. Steve kindly
told Robert he could use him as a reference.
OCTOBER 14, 1974 (EP. #2592)
Lenore dropped by Rachel's to say she was skeptical that Rachel was trying to do Robert a favor
by lining up a job for him. Lenore apologized for not checking with her before inviting Wally
along, but couldn't understand the fuss Rachel was making about it. After she left, Rachel booked
a flight to London for her and Jamie. Russ dissuaded Mary from quizzing Alice about her
mysterious behavior. Jamie was excited when Rachel told him they were taking a trip to London.
While he phoned Dennis with the news, Robert came by and received Rachel's news about Mac's
job offer. Vic coaxed Lenore into going to dinner.
OCTOBER 15, 1974 (EP. #2593)
Lenore came by Ada's to ask where Rachel was, and Ada suggested she phone Dennis, who
revealed she and Jamie had flown to London. Gil thought it was a good idea if Rachel started a
new life with Jamie somewhere else. Russ wouldn't let Steve bully him into revealing what was
wrong with Alice. Robert assured Mac that using him won't put him in an awkward situation with
Steve. Alice was less than friendly when Lenore came for a visit.
OCTOBER 16, 1974 (EP. #2594)
Russ introduced Steve to Dave Gilchrist, who refused to divulge details of Alice's condition.
Robert told John Mac had suggested Therese's daughter, who has a master's degree in Fine Arts,
as his assistant. Based on their own experiences, Sam and John tried to convince Robert to work
things out with Lenore. Robert filled Ada and Gil in about what Rachel had done for him. Steve
was furious when Lenore told him Rachel took Jamie to London.
Dave: (Introduction line) "Morning, Russ..."
Sam: (About Robert) "He's changed since I was his attorney in Somerset. He used to be a passive man with a dictatorial father and a domineering wife. Now he's a strong, self-confident man. Actually there are times when he reminds me of the worst of old man Delaney himself."
Notes: First appearance of David Ackroyd as Dave Gilchrist.
OCTOBER 17, 1974 (EP. #2595)
Ada didn't believe it when Mary suggested that Rachel had Robert grab Mac's job offer so that
Steve would lose a plum project. John told Pat, who wasn't interested, that she could come back to
work even though he had rehired Joan. Liz enlisted John and Pat's help in arranging a way for
Robert and Lenore to meet. Carol Lamonte helped Robert convert his old apartment into his new
office. Carol listened in when Robert insisted to John that he has no reason to believe Lenore loves
him. Liz got Mac to fill her in on Robert and Lenore's troubles.
Carol: (Introduction Line) (To Robert while helping him convert his apartment into an office) "Where would you like these blueprint holders kept when you're not using them?"
Notes: First appearance of Jeanne Lange as Carol Lamonte.
OCTOBER 18, 1974 (EP. #2596)
Liz advised Steve to ask Mary about Alice's secret. Alice told Russ she'd like to resume her nursing
duties with Dave as her boss. Pat and Mary disagreed about the state of Alice's marriage. Dennis
teased Mac about waiting impatiently for Liz to arrive. Mary denounced Steve for expecting other
people to exist to satisfy him.
OCTOBER 21, 1974 (EP. #2597)
Sam told Steve he had no legal recourse concerning Rachel's recent actions with Jamie. While
picking up some of Robert's things, Carol introduced herself to Lenore so there wouldn't be any
misunderstanding. Vic told Lenore not to worry about Carol. Vic failed, but Pat succeeded, in
inviting Lenore to dinner. Ada was upset Sam was going to speak to Rachel as Steve's attorney.
John admitted it was Rachel's doing when Steve wanted to know why Mac chose Robert as his
Lenore: (To Vic, weakly) "I just wasn't prepared for Miss Lamonte."
OCTOBER 22, 1974 (EP. #2598)
Mary told Alice she was flying to Arizona to look after Ricky while Missy undergoes some minor
surgery. Dave was close-lipped when Mary asked about Alice's health. Ada and Gil were delighted
to get a phone call from Jamie in London. Alice told Dave she won't let Steve sacrifice having
more children. Robert showed John his preliminary sketches for the Cory complex. Robert finally
relented to go to dinner at John's and meet Lenore.
OCTOBER 23, 1974 (EP. #2599)
Steve was hopeful when Liz intended to find out what was going on with Alice. Robert gave Carol
an extra set of keys for the apartment when she wanted to come in some evenings to work. Mac
and Robert complimented Carol on her sketches for the entrance to the main building of the
complex. Sam told Ada Steve was afraid Rachel was turning Jamie against him. Alice rushed from
the room when Liz brought up her having children.
Sam: "How's Nancy?"
Ada: "Fat and sassy, like her old man..."
OCTOBER 24, 1974 (#2600)
Dennis phoned Steve, who got him to read the return address on the postcard he'd received from
Jamie. Pat bubbled over with happiness over her home life to Russ. Steve got angry at Rachel's
machinations and Sam warned him not to antagonize her. A frustrated Steve told Vic he was going
out of town. Pat took Carol on a tour of her house when she and Robert dropped by to talk to
John about business. Gil and Ada tried to talk Steve out of going to London to track Rachel and
Jamie down.
Russ: "Theresa is a rather ?TBA woman"
OCTOBER 25, 1974 (EP. #2601)
John warned that Alice might resent Pat for interfering when Pat thought Alice might confide in
her. Lenore told Steve she would hold down the fort while he went to London. Pat phoned Lenore
to confirm their dinner date. Robert and Lenore stared at each other awkwardly when they saw
each other at Pat and John's, who made excuses to leave them alone together. Lenore agreed to
give up her work when she and Robert admitted how miserable they are apart.
OCTOBER 28, 1974 (EP. #2602)
Robert and Lenore enjoyed being able to have breakfast together. Helen was happy to hear Lenore
was resigning from work, and confided to Liz that she felt responsible since she had taken over
most of Lenore's wifely duties. Carol hesitated before congratulating Robert on reuniting with
Lenore. Mac defended Rachel to Liz. A disappointed Vic told Lenore he'd miss seeing her around
the office.
OCTOBER 29, 1974 (EP. #2603)
Returned from London, Jamie worried about Rachel, who felt under the weather. Ada hurried
over when Jamie called about Rachel's condition. Helen told Robert she was going on a cruise for
several months to remove herself from the household, and may take a small apartment in town
upon her return. Sam arrived at Ada's to find Gil cooking supper for him. Rachel told Ada she was
just depressed, but she made an appointment for Rachel to see Dave.
OCTOBER 30, 1974 (EP. #2604)
Rachel sat down to wait when Linda said Dave would be late. Alice arrived for work and Rachel
taunted her about her mental condition. After Dave came and said he couldn't see Rachel until the
afternoon, Alice filled him in about Rachel. Carol told Liz she doesn't get along well with her
mother. Pat warned Alice that she was setting it up for Rachel to get Steve back. Dave told Rachel
she was suffering from high blood pressure. Dave filed the folder marked "Frame, Rachel" next to
the one marked "Frame, Alice."
OCTOBER 31, 1974 (EP. #2605)
Rachel commented that Lenore finally chose between Robert and Steve when Vic told her the
news. Rachel got angry when Sam told her a lot of people had been checking up on her. Carol
overheard Robert tell John he and Lenore will be able to start a family pretty soon. Steve came
down on Rachel for not telling him she was taking Jamie away, but was concerned when he
noticed she was unwell.
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 (EP. #2606)
Lenore gushed to Pat about how happy she was being a housewife. Sam wasn't responsive when
Jim told him how happy he was Pat and John were back together. Alice said Steve should fall in
love with someone like Lenore. Lenore told Steve she's convinced Alice still loves him.
NOVEMBER 4, 1974 (EP. #2607)
Sam buried his face in his hands after Pat told him no one but John could ever mean anything to her.
John invited him to dinner when he saw how low Sam was. Russ invited Carol to dinner so he
could set Therese's mind at ease as a favor to Iris. Sam hid his feelings from John, but not from
Pat, during dinner.
Memo from Producer Mary Bonner: "On Friday, Oct. 25, 1974, #2607, please cut George Reinholt (Steve) from cast."
NOVEMBER 5, 1974 (EP. #2608)
Rachel told Ada Steve still cares about her and insisted his attitude toward her was changing. Russ
told Alice he wants her to meet Carol. Rachel visited with Mac when she brought Jamie to spend
the night at Dennis's. Mac regretted he'd never shown Rachel his art collection while they were in
New York. Rachel extracted several sheets from Alice's folder while Phyllis Merriam, Dave's
secretary, had her back turned.
NOVEMBER 6, 1974 (EP. #2609)
Russ's suspicions about Rachel were confirmed when Dave noticed some test results missing from
Alice's file. Liz told Mac all about the Steve/Alice/Rachel triangle. Liz was suspicious when Jim
said Mary had taken a little vacation, and Jim complained to Alice about lying to Liz. Rachel
wouldn't budge when Russ threatened to have her arrested if she didn't return Alice's papers.
NOVEMBER 7, 1974 (EP. #2610)
Pat didn't enthuse over John's idea of introducing Sam to Carol. Robert suspected Pat had asked
Carol to dinner to distract her from Robert. Sam confided to John he's been feeling pretty
miserable. Rachel told Ada Steve was certain to come back to her. Robert's advice was to alert
Steve when Russ told him Rachel had stolen Alice's papers.
NOVEMBER 8, 1974 (EP. #2611)
Liz could tell Jim was lying to her about Mary's vacation. Carol wasn't amused by the flip attitude
of Robert's new architect, Neil Johnson. Dennis and Louise were happy by the return of Iris, who
said she'd gotten Therese into a nursing home on the Hudson. Iris smiled mischievously at Liz
about Mac, and Liz admitted she's happier now than she's been in years. Sam was touched when
Pat invited him to dinner but warned that it would take someone very special to make him forget
Neil: (Introduction Line) (In Robert Delaney's office to Carol) "Hi. I'm Neil Johnson the new project architect. Mr. Delaney told me his secretary would be here."
Notes: First appearance of John Getz as Neil Johnson.
NOVEMBER 11, 1974 (EP. #2612)
Ada understood Rachel's enthusiasm about Steve when Russ told her about the theft. She was
afraid for Rachel, but Gil said he'd try to talk her into returning the papers. Robert and Steve had a
preliminary meeting for construction of the Cory site. Iris kissed Russ's troubles away, then Carol
arrived to be filled in about her mother. When Lenore told him what Rachel had done, Steve was
determined to get the papers from her so she wouldn't use them to intimidate Alice.
NOVEMBER 12, 1974 (EP. #2613)
After Robert brushed Rachel off, Carol got her to tell her about Robert's resentment of Steve and
Lenore. Robert said he didn't mind Lenore talking to Steve about the latest problem with Rachel.
Alice hung up on Steve when he tried to warn her about Rachel. Ada tried to give Alice some sage
advice when she dropped by to see Mary. Rachel caved in when Gil said there was enough
circumstantial evidence to convict her. She obediently returned the papers, but gloated over her
photocopy while telephoning Alice.
NOVEMBER 13, 1974 (EP. #2614)
Alice hung up on Rachel and instructed Jim not to answer the phone. Ada and Gil speculated on
the contents of Alice's tests when he wouldn't read them due to their confidential nature. Russ and
Iris decided Dave would be a good escort for Carol during an upcoming dinner party. A concerned
Jim phoned Russ to come over and tend to Alice, but Russ didn't reveal Rachel's theft to her.
NOVEMBER 14, 1974 (EP. #2615)
Gil returned the papers to Russ. Carol visited Rachel and insisted her offer of friendship was
genuine despite the horror stories Rachel was sure Carol was hearing about her. Dennis invited
Jamie to check out the Cory construction site. Iris encouraged a less-than-confident Liz in her
courting of Mac. Rachel insisted to Ada she took Alice's tests by mistake and couldn't understand
them anyway.
NOVEMBER 15, 1974: Pre-empted for the Nelson A. Rockefeller Senate Hearing.
NOVEMBER 18, 1974 (EP. #2616)
Dave blurted out to Alice in front of Liz that she had a message from Mary in Arizona. Rachel
dropped by Robert's office and conveniently overheard a call from Steve to Neil, who later grinned
at Carol and said Rachel was very attractive. Steve escorted Rachel out of his office when she
didn't have the proof with her that something was up with Alice. Rachel had an erotic dream about
NOVEMBER 19, 1974 (EP. #2617)
Sam promised Steve he would see what Rachel wanted. Carol had a meeting with Steve and
sounded him out about Rachel. Liz cried on Mac's shoulder about being kept in the dark. Mac
phoned Russ, who told him Missy feared Liz's emotional presence would upset Ricky. Iris told
Russ she'd always worried about women getting involved with Mac for his money. Ada pleaded
Rachel's case to Sam, claiming there had been no harm done.
NOVEMBER 20, 1974 (EP. #2618)
Steve warned Jim not to let Rachel near Alice. Liz got Pat to tell her about Missy, and Liz
complained that Missy and Susan both treat her as if she doesn't exist. Vic agreed to go to the
Matthews house to try to get Alice to talk to Steve. Sam and Carol discussed Rachel over drinks
with Pat and John. Rachel brushed past Jim demanding to see Alice, who agreed to hear her out.
Sam: "Rachel tends to use people to get what she wants."
Carol: [LIGHTLY] "If you don't use people to get what you want, you're not apt to get it." [SHE
NOVEMBER 21, 1974 (EP. #2619)
Alice traded insults with Rachel, but got the wind knocked out of her when Rachel said she knows
Alice can't have children. Alice protested meekly when Rachel threatened to tell Steve unless Alice
divorces him. Carol lapped up all the info Pat gave her about Lenore. Steve was in a panic when
Vic told him Alice had spoken to Rachel. Iris convinced Mac to take Liz to visit Missy.
Iris: "Whenever there's trouble in the Matthews family, Rachel's always behind it."
NOVEMBER 22, 1974 (EP. #2620)
Russ talked Alice, her suitcase half-full, out of running away again. Lenore remarked that Carol
was a persistent girl after Sam brought her by to see Lenore and Robert. Steve and Liz
commiserated with each other. Rachel gloated to Ada that Alice can't give Steve kids.
NOVEMBER 25, 1974 (EP. #2621)
Rachel chased Liz out then presented the photocopies to Steve. John told Pat not to judge Carol too harshly. Pat said Mac was the first man that Liz fell in love with since Will died years ago. Iris told Mac Russ was responsible for the change in her. Liz agreed to go to California with Mac. A subdued Steve read the papers, thanked Rachel for bringing them over, and listened in a non-committal manner to Rachel's assertions that they belonged together.
NOVEMBER 26, 1974 (EP. #2622)
Rachel beat it when Russ came and threatened her with a lawsuit. He told Steve he's not sure
anyone would be able to change Alice's mind. Pat bridled her disapproval when Rachel called
insisting John come over that night to give her legal advice. Rachel couldn't be less interested when
Carol dropped in to dish about her dinner with Pat and John. Pat told a guilty Steve that Alice had
forgiven him for not being available when she lost her baby. Rachel wept to John about everyone
being against her and thinking the worst of her.
NOVEMBER 27, 1974 (EP. #2623)
Jim suggested taking care of Missy when Alice wanted to leave Bay City. Carol brought Lenore a
present for Wally and commented it was too bad Lenore had to give up her work. Neil was
suspicious when Carol complimented Lenore to Robert. Liz and Jim made up. Steve told Alice
children would be meaningless without her.
Alice: "When we were first married, you talked so much about having children--"
Steve: "I can live without them, but I can't live without you..."
NOVEMBER 28, 1974: Pre-empted for NFL Football Game.
NOVEMBER 29, 1974 (EP. #2624)
Steve convinced Alice to be his wife again. Rachel assured Jamie her health was fine. Steve told
Liz to warn Mary he and Alice were back together for good. A gushing Alice told Russ Rachel
only succeeded in bringing her and Steve together. Vic and Sam assured Steve they would look
after the business while he vacationed in St. Croix with Alice. Jim ushered Alice and Steve out the
door while Rachel stared at her watch waiting for Steve to call her.
DECEMBER 2, 1974 (EP. #2625)
Sam told Pat and John the happy news, and Sam asked him to try to get Russ to drop the charges
against Rachel. Pat advised a depressed Sam to find Lahoma. Robert got Carol and Lenore to
work together when they both wanted to redecorate his office. Dave decided not to press charges
against Rachel since he didn't want to aggravate her condition. Ada dreaded having to tell Rachel
she'd lost Steve.
DECEMBER 3, 1974 (EP. #2626)
Iris told Pat she was hoping Mac would announce his engagement to Liz, and they planned a party
to get Mac in the announcement mood. Dave told Russ Dr. Rogers wanted Russ to fill in for him
at a medical convention in Vienna. Rachel told Dave she won't have to worry about her blood
pressure when Steve comes back to her. Iris said she'd miss not having Russ's moral support during
the party. Steve and Alice enjoyed their stay at his beach house in St. Croix. Rachel fainted, then
threw her out, when Ada told her Steve and Alice were back together.
Note: The Steve/Alice St. Croix scene was shot on 16mm film.
DECEMBER 4, 1974 (EP. #2627)
Robert told a reluctant Lenore she should get to know Carol better as it would improve their
working relationship. Jim was happy to hear Liz (returned from California) say she and Mary had
worked out their differences, and that Mary now approved of Steve. Neil advised Carol not to be
so transparent in her feelings for Robert. Pat filled Lenore in on her surprise party plans for Liz
and Mac. Ada told Sam she's not sure Rachel would ever get over Steve.
DECEMBER 5, 1974 (EP. #2628)
A bitter and tearful Rachel told Ada she'd never love anyone else, when Ada urged her to find
someone new. Carol expressed her skepticism of Mac's feelings for Liz as she, Robert, and Neil
made their way to the surprise party. Dennis wanted he and Jamie to name Louise's new begonia,
but she'd already named it Aphrodite. Pat bade her guests to look casual so Mac and Liz wouldn't
suspect anything. Late to meet Iris at Pat's, Mac was just about to get changed when Rachel
stopped by. He noticed how distressed she was and tried to comfort her when she broke into tears.
Iris seethed when Mac called her at Pat's to cancel their dinner plans.
Louise: (To Dennis and Jamie) [LIGHTLY] "You think it's amusing that I talk to my plants, don't you?"
Dennis: "No, we don't... sometimes when you're not here, I talk to them myself."
Rachel: "I don't want to intrude on you, Mr. Cory..."
Mac: "Please, Rachel... everyone calls me Mac..."
DECEMBER 6, 1974 (EP. #2629)
The Randolphs and Delaneys speculated about Mac's no-show and worried about Liz. Mac took
Rachel out to dinner at Tallboys, listened to her life story, and advised her to give up on Steve and
make new friends. Iris invited Liz to move in with her (and Mac) to help her land Mac. An
irritated Iris confronted Mac when he came home whistling, and after she criticized him for a while
he said she needed to allow him some freedom and privacy.
DECEMBER 9, 1974 (EP. #2630)
Carol told Lenore Iris would love to have Mac settle down with someone (like Liz) she won't feel
threatened by and can dominate. Mary told Pat she changed her mind about Steve after seeing
Missy living alone, still mourning for Bill. Steve and Alice vowed that Rachel wouldn't come
between them. Rachel quizzed Carol about Mac and wasn't put off to learn he likes young girls
and was probably not interested in Liz.
DECEMBER 10, 1974 (EP. #2631)
Dave and Carol asked each other about Rachel, then he asked her out after saying he matched her
description of her ideal man. Sam nixed Ada's offer to move in with Gil and her. Mary graciously
offered to let Liz move in with her and Jim if she turned down Iris's offer. Ada was happy but
mystified to see Rachel happily building a new life for herself.
Ada: "Who's Mac?"
Rachel: "A friend..."
DECEMBER 11, 1974 (EP. #2632)
Vic complained to John about the sloppy work Sam was submitting. Pat revealed Sam's attraction
to her to John, who promised not to make an issue out of it. Ada convinced Dave to drop by
Rachel's apartment to check her out. John offered to help Sam with Steve's account. Iris told
Louise Liz was moving in with them.
DECEMBER 12, 1974 (EP. #2633)
Dennis helped Liz bring her suitcases in when she moved into Iris's. Rachel told Dave her health
was fine and she could handle her personal problems herself. Mary was concerned for Alice when
Pat told her about her condition, but promised not to interfere in her life anymore. Rachel asked
Carol to help her pick out a dress at Bryant's to impress Mac. Carol wouldn't listen to Neil's
reservations about Rachel. Mac was pleased Liz was moving in, but she was close to tears when he
mentioned another date with Rachel.
DECEMBER 13, 1974 (EP. #2634)
Jamie told Ada Rachel was happier than he'd seen her in a long time. Robert told Neil it hadn't
been necessary to warn Carol away from Rachel for Steve's sake. Dave told Gil to reassure Ada he
wasn't going to press charges against Rachel. Alice phoned Mary, who expressed her sympathy
over Alice's condition, then welcomed Steve back to the family and apologized for having created
DECEMBER 16, 1974 (EP. #2635)
Iris assured Liz Mac wasn't really interested in Rachel when a sad Liz wanted to move out. Rachel
told Carol she worried about appearing uninformed when Mac talked about art. Jamie complained
to Sam that he never gets to see Steve. Ellen Grant phoned Sam from Somerset to tell him the
time was right to talk to Lahoma. Mac tried to butter up Ada when he showed up in a tux to pick
Rachel up.
Rachel: "I'm beginning to think I can do better than Steve Frame."
Mac: (Presenting roses to Rachel) "Lovely flowers for a lovely lady."
Rachel: "Thank you, Mac. Oh, this is my mother, Mrs. McGowan."
Mac: "Hello, I'm Mac Cory. I've heard a lot about you from your grandson."
Ada: "Oh. Well, we've heard a lot about you too."
DECEMBER 17, 1974 (EP. #2636)
Ada told Gil she had nothing against Mac personally but he was all wrong for Rachel. Sam told
John if he and Lahoma make up, they won't be living in Bay City. On Sam's urging John agreed to
be Steve's attorney again. Mary felt Mac should be warned about Rachel when Lenore told her
about them. Liz thought Rachel was contemptible for rubbing it in that Mac liked her.
DECEMBER 18, 1974 (EP. #2637)
Home from Vienna, Russ dropped off at his parents' first to welcome Mary home. Robert didn't
want them involved when Lenore wanted to warn Mac about Rachel. Liz started to cry when Alice
phoned and teased her innocently about Mac. Carol and Dave flirted when they ran into each
other in Russ's office. Russ told Iris Mac would resent his interference if he tried to talk to him
about Rachel.
Iris: "I've handled girls who were after Daddy before."
Russ: "I'm sure you have, but I doubt you've ever known one quite like Rachel."
DECEMBER 19, 1974 (EP. #2638)
Carol told Iris she had no intention of dropping Rachel as a friend just on her say-so, and told Iris
to do her own dirty work. Iris's phone call interrupted Mac's business meeting with Robert and
Vic, then she hung up on him when he wouldn't give in about going out every evening. Sam said
goodbye to Pat and apologized for having put her in an awkward situation. Iris warned Rachel to
give up her little charade or she'd tell Mac the sordid details of her past.
DECEMBER 20, 1974 (EP. #2639)
Vic finagled an invitation to Pat's next party. Iris wondered to Pat if John could draw up an
arrangement keeping Mac's money safe from Rachel. Ada was sad to have Sam leave but was
happy he might be reuniting with Lahoma. Pat hounded John into talking to Rachel about backing
off on Mac. Russ warned Iris about being too heavy-handed with Mac.
Sam: "I came to say goodbye to you."
Ada: "You leaving Bay City?"
Sam: "Yeah... I'm sorry."
DECEMBER 23, 1974 (EP. #2640)
Robert agreed when Lenore asked him to warn Carol about encouraging Rachel with Mac. Liz
admitted she loved Mac, so Mary and Jim encouraged her to stick it out at Iris's house until he
came to his senses. Dennis made Jamie show Mac the best athlete award he won, but Mac upset
him by mentioning Steve was with Alice in St. Croix. An uncomfortable Robert tried to lecture
Carol about friendships unintentionally having an adverse effect on business. Mac advised a
receptive Rachel to make it easier for Jamie to see Steve.
DECEMBER 24, 1974 (EP. #2641)
Vic was happy to accept John's invitation to dinner, but came up short when John extended the
invite to a date. John was surprised by the sudden change in Rachel's attitude when she said she
had to accept Steve and Alice were together. Iris was interested to hear Lenore say Rachel dumped
Russ to pursue a vastly richer Steve. Linda introduced Iris and Dave when she came by the
hospital to see Russ. Iris eavesdropped when Rachel came in to talk to Dave about her blood
pressure medication. Rachel complained to Ada that everyone was gossiping about her and Mac.
DECEMBER 25, 1974 (EP. #2642)
Robert felt bad for Carol, who came in to the office to work on Christmas day. Vic joined Carol at
work since he didn't have anyone to spend the day with either. Vic revealed his parents were dead,
and he was once married when he was young and foolish. A slow Vic finally realized Carol was
coming on to him. Sam phoned Ada to say he and Lahoma were settling down in Oklahoma. Gil
felt sad that Tim didn't phone. Liz joined Mary and Jim at Pat and John's, where they got a phone
call from Alice. Iris and Russ entertained Robert and Lenore, then Mac came home and received a
tongue lashing from Iris for spending part of the day with Rachel.
Sam: (Exit Line) "Okay, Lahoma's waiting for me... Merry Christmas, Ada.... and thanks for all you've done."
Notes: Last appearance of Jordan Charney as Sam Lucas.
DECEMBER 26, 1974 (EP. #2643)
Carol dropped by on the Delaneys unwrapping their gifts, and Robert said Carol shouldn't have
given him such an expensive gift as a love letter from Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton. Mac then
came over to present Robert with a piece of bedrock from the site, embedded in crystal, with
Robert's name and the date. Liz was distracted by a call from Missy when Rachel came over to
thank Mac for the necklace and earrings, and to give him polo boots and a mallet. Iris and Russ
dropped in at his parents', where Mary expressed her concern over Rachel and Mac. Gil let Mac
hold Nancy when he and Rachel arrived at Ada's.
DECEMBER 27, 1974 (EP. #2644)
Lenore was a bit peeved Robert defended Carol's use of her skills when he never thought that
about Lenore's work. Vic didn't have much luck getting a second date with Carol. Jamie and
Dennis ran over to see Joey's new puppy. Ada told Gil Rachel was just trying to prove to herself it
didn't matter she's lost Steve. A messenger from Iris returned to Rachel her present to Mac.
DECEMBER 30, 1974 (EP. #2645)
Iris and Rachel argued over the appropriateness of her present to Mac, then Rachel vowed never
to let Jamie go to Iris's house again. Alice phoned Mary to ask what was upsetting Liz. Pat invited
Vic to her New Year's Eve party, but Jim opted for a quiet evening with Mary. Ada and Mary
worried about Jamie's relationship with Steve.
DECEMBER 31, 1974 (EP. #2646)
Lenore convinced Robert to display Carol's gift in his office, not at home. Russ welcomed Richard
Gavin as the new Chief of Psychiatric Service, and Richard had a warm welcome for Liz when he
saw her. Russ advised Liz her presence in the house may keep Mac from taking Rachel too
seriously. Robert told Carol the office was too understaffed for her to accompany him on a
business trip to New York. Dave wondered why Carol had left for Pat's party without him. Carol
was happy to overhear Vic expressing feelings for Lenore. Pat noticed Lenore was upset to
observe Carol ingratiate herself to Robert.