Richard solicited Liz's friendship. Mac and Rachel eloped despite Iris's attempts to delay the
ceremony. Carol began renovating the mansion Mac bought for Rachel. Pat battled with a
rebellious Marianne. Philip tried to interest Rachel in his company. Sympathetic Angie Perrini
caught Willis's eye. Carol began investigating Walter Curtin in her plan to get rid of Lenore. Iris
had Philip steal Mac's will for her perusal.
MARCH 1975
Carol began to gaslight Lenore. Louise took it upon herself to return the will that Iris stole. Dave
got fed up with Carol. Rachel attacked Philip after he forced kisses on her. Mac was injured when
his horse threw him during polo practice. Liz had a breakdown after a confrontation with Rachel.
Steve left for Australia on business. Lenore began to unhinge emotionally. Rachel worried that
Mac would never walk again. Philip's lover Clarice Hobson became suspicious of him and Iris.
Mary died peacefully while vacationing with Jim and Liz at Steve's St. Croix beach house.
APRIL 1975
The Matthews family worried about Jim. Lenore's nightmares that Wally would discover the truth
about Walter drove Robert into Carol's waiting arms. Mac recovered the use of his legs, and he
and Rachel hired Beatrice Gordon as their housekeeper. Alice was drawn to young Sally Spencer,
the sole survivor of a car crash that killed her parents. Iris and Russ got engaged. Marianne got a
crush on Willis.
MAY 1975
Russ and Iris made wedding plans. Neil got friendly with Clarice and tried to help her curb her
flashy style. Terrified that Wally would learn the truth about his father, Lenore moved away with
him to Washington. Robert realized how Carol had been sabotaging his marriage. Alice decided to
adopt Sally. Philip tried to get out of his deal with Iris when he discovered some new-found
respect for Rachel, but Iris threatened him into sticking it out to the bitter end. Alice reeled from
the news of Steve's death.
JUNE 1975
Emma Ordway visited Bay City to keep a sisterly eye on Alice. Both Willis and Vic tried to get
Alice on their side as they wrestled for control of Frame Enterprises. Carol offered herself as
Willis's ally in exchange for plum projects. John was less enthusiastic than Pat that Marianne was
dating Chris Pierson. Beatrice agreed to let Gil investigate the disappearance of her daughter,
Jennifer. Richard left BCGH to return to Clarevue. A repentant Philip tried to warn Rachel about
Iris. Robert hit the bottle, reeling from the loss of Lenore. Mac left Rachel when he believed Iris's
lie that Rachel and Philip were having an affair and that she had given him the brooch belonging to
Mac's mother. Willis told Alice that Steve had had to hitchhike 15 miles to get books as a boy.
JULY 1975
Willis fumed when Alice gave Vic official control over the firm, but began subtly boosting his
position. Iris got Clarice fired, but Mac later hired her as his receptionist. Russ left Iris when he
forced the truth out of her. Angie was worried and annoyed by the continuing alliance between
Willis and Carol. Philip left town. Uncomfortable by his attention, Barbara broke off with Dave
and settled for the uninterested companionship of Robert. Iris was devastated when Mac cut her
out of his life when he was convinced of her deception. Louise rallied by Iris's side. Mac
convinced Rachel to take him back. Dave rescued Iris after she attempted suicide. Carol tried to
recruit her lawyer Scott Bradley onto her side. Alice and Sally left for Chadwell so that Alice could
make plans for a library in Steve's name.
Iris took a shine to Dave's kindly doctoring. Beatrice was heartbroken when Gil discovered Jenny
had run off with a married criminal. Alice returned from Chadwell intent on building a
commemorative library in Steve's name. Liz was jealous when Jim courted Helen. Neil romanced
Clarice and was a success when he took over designing the museum. Carol conspired with Scott to
get Vic out of town. Angie fretted that Willis's ambition overrode his love for her. Marianne
worried she was pregnant after improperly using her birth control pills. Rachel wondered if she
should tell Mac that Iris tried to kill herself.
Michael became hostile when he realized Chris had less than honorable intentions toward
Marianne. Carol fumed when Alice awarded the library project to Robert. Mac renewed ties with
Iris when he learned she'd tried to commit suicide. Iris was displeased to learn Mac and Rachel
were expecting a baby. Robert bedded Clarice after turning bitter and cynical. Alice officially
adopted Sally, who became intrigued with Beatrice. Liz patched up her relationships with Jim and
Helen. Russ and Barbara began dating. Sharlene came to town and took a shine to Russ. Willis
was outraged when Angie dumped him and spent time with both Scott and Neil. Marianne was
relieved to learn she wasn't pregnant, but Chris, fed up with being hassled by her family, turned his
attentions toward Pam.
Neil was too interested in Angie to mind when he learned Clarice had taken up with Robert. Dave
became fed up with Iris's continuing obsession with Mac's marriage, but she was becoming
intrigued with Robert. Pam dumped Chris when she found out he had been seeing her behind
Marianne's back. Michael and Glenda tried to convince everyone that Chris was bad news, but Pat
forbade them from telling John. Beatrice learned Sally was Jenny's daughter. Alice's family rallied
around her as Rachel tried to convince Beatrice that Sally belonged with her. Carol bedded Willis
and continued to angle for the library project. Louise succeed in ridding the household of Tic and
Loretta. Barbara was nonplussed when she realized Sharlene was after Russ, especially since she
was finding herself attracted to John.
Beatrice returned to Bay City with son Raymond, who decided to adopt Sally for himself since he
and wife Olive had been planning to adopt a girl. Liz and Iris outraged many by voicing their
opinion that Rachel was deliberately targeting Alice. Clarice balked when Robert devoted his time
to Iris. Carol tried to sabotage Robert's work, but everyone quickly caught on. John and Pat
quarreled about Rachel's intentions. Liz flew to Pat with the news that John had been seen dining
with Barbara. Marianne became pregnant and was oblivious to Chris's two-timing. Michael and
Glenda plotted to turn the tables on Chris. Alice's family rallied around her when she worried
about losing Sally.
Iris fumed when Robert kept her at arm's length to appease Clarice. Michael arranged for an
abortion in New York when Chris skipped out on Marianne. Carol hired Sharlene and attempted
to mend her ways. Liz filled everyone's ear with gossip about John and Barbara. Beatrice decided
not to press for custody of Sally. Helen was pleased when Lenore and Wally spent the holidays in
Bay City. Pat made excuses to John when she and Dave headed to New York. Rachel took up